


Insolvent Debtors - 1809

Articles from the London Gazette

Provided by Lindsey Withers


1. Prisoners charged for Debts under 2000l.

The following Persons being Prisoners for Debt in the respective Gaols or Prisons hereafter mentioned, and having been charged in Custody, on the First Day of February One thousand eight hundred and nine, for the Nonpayment of a Debt or Debts, a Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding in the Whole the Sum of Two thousand Pounds, do hereby respectively give this Public Notice, That they intend to take the Benefit of an Act, passed in the Forty-ninth Year of His present Majesty's Reign, intituled, An Act for the Relief of certain Insolvent Debtors in England. And they do hereby give Notice that true and perfect Schedules, containing Discoveries of all their Real and Personal Estates, hereafter to be sworn to, are now ready to be delivered to any Creditors applying for the same, in Manner as by the said Act is directed, to the Keepers or Gaolers or their Deputies, of the said Prisons.

London Gazette - Issue 16269 published on the 24 June 1809

Prisoners in the Sheriff's Ward for the County of DEVON.
First Notice.
Christian Charles Gottlieb (sued by the Name of Charles Gottlieb) formerly of Wisbaden in the Principality of Nasau Usingen in Germany, since of Bunhill Row, Finsbury Square, London, but late of Plymouth Dock, in the County of Devon, Mathematical Instrument Maker.
Henry Hingston, formerly of Plymouth in the County of Devon, Coal Factor, but late of Stapleton, in the County of Gloucester, Merchant's Clerk.
William King Jones, formerly of London, but late of Plymouth Dock, in the County of Devon, Bolot and Shoemaker.
Thomas Halifax, formerly of Threadneedle Street, in the City of London, Bill Broker, and late a Lieutenant in the First Regiment of the Royal Lancashire Militia.
Habakkuk Hutchings, formerly of Seaton and Beer, in the County of Devon, Victualler, but late of Sidmouth in the same County, Shoemaker.
George Davison, formerly and late of the parish of St. Thomas the Apostle, in the County of Devon, Coal Factor.
William Finch, formerly of Plymouth Dock, in the County of Devon, Joiner, but late of Barnstaple, in the same County, White Bread Baker.
William Wakeham, formerly and late of Modbury in the County of Devon, Tailor and licensed Hawker.

London Gazette - Issue 16270 published on the 27 June 1809

Prisoners in the Sheriff's Ward for the County of DEVON.
First Notice.
George Stoneman, Shoemaker, formerly of Exeter, and late of St. Thomas the Apostle, Devon.
Charles Sstapleton, late of Lieutenant in the 21st West York Militia, formerly of Bristol, and late of Plymouth Dock, Devon.
Shearman Cutler, Salesman, formerly of Portsmouth, and late of Plymouth Dock, Devon.
Thomas Snowden, Bread-Baker, formerly of Stratford, and late of Plymouth Dock, Devon.
Jonathan Watts Clark, Tin-Plate-Worker, formerly of Dartmouth, and late of Plymouth Dock, Devon.
William Wilson, Mariner, formerly of Portsmouth, and late of Plymouth Dock, Devon.
John Smith, Mariner, formerly of Southampton, and late of Plymouth Dock, Devon.
Ann Vears, otherwise Ann Clarke, Widow, formerly of London, and late of Plymouth Dock, Devon.
Ann Nile, widow, formerly of Plymouth, and late of East Stonehouse, Devon.
William Bridgman, Wheelwright, formerly of Marldon, and late of Chudleigh, Devon.
Elizabeth Parkin, otherwise, Perkins, Spinster, formerly of Tavistock, and late of Barnstaple, Devon.
John Witheridge, Yeoman, formerly of Berrynarbor, and late of Combmartin, Devon.
Edward Sibley, Salesman, formerly of Plymouth Dock, and late of Kingsland, Devon.
Joshua Hole, Clerk, formerly of Barnstaple, and late of Langtree, Devon.
William Paul, late Purser of His Majesty's Ship Scorpion, formerly of St. Andrew, London, and late of Plymouth Dock, Devon.
James Brown, formerly of Tavistock, in the County of Devon, but late of Plymouth, in the said County, Builder.

London Gazette - Issue 16277 published on the 18 July 1809

Prisoner in the Gaol of, for, and within the Borough of PLYMOUTH, in the County of Devon.
Third Notice.
Mary McGuire, Widow, late of Plymouth Dock, in the County of Devon.

London Gazette - Issue 16307 published on the 17 October 1809

Prisoners in the KING's BENCH Prison, in the County of Surrey.
First Notice.
William Brooke, formerly and late of Fore-Street, in the City of Exeter, Shoemaker, who was on the 1st Day of February last past a Prisoner in the Custody of the Sheriff of the said City of Exeter, and am now a Prisoner in the Custody of the Marshal of the King's-Bench Prison.
Second Notice.
William Tucker, junior, formerly and late of Exeter, in the County of Devon, trading in London, under the Firm of Tucker and Co. No. 74, Cornhill, London, Serge-Manufacturer.