Insolvent Debtors - 1804
Articles from the London Gazette
Provided by Lindsey Withers
The following Persons being Prisoners for Debt in the respective Gaols or Prisons hereafter mentioned, and not being charged in Custody, on the First Day of January One thousand eight hundred and four, with any Debt or Debts, Damages, Sum or Sums of Money, which did not in the Whole on the said First Day of January One thousand eight hundred and four, or at any Time or Times since amount to a greater Sum than One Thousand Five Hundred Pounds, do hereby give this Public Notice, That they intend to take the Benefit of an Act, passed in the Forty-fourth Year of His present Majesty's Reign, intituled, An Act for the Relief of certain Insolvent Debtors, at the next General Quarter Session, or General Session, or Special Session of the Peace, to be held in and for the County, Riding, Division, City, Town, Liberty, or Place, or any Adjournment of any General Quarter Session, or General Session of the Peace, which shall happen next after TWENTY-ONE Days from the Publication of their FIRST NOTICES in the London Gazette. And they do hereby give Notice that true and perfect Schedules, containing Discoveries of all their Real and Personal Estates, hereafter to be sworn to, are now ready to be delivered to any Creditors applying for the same, in Manner as by the said Act is directed, to the Keepers or Gaolers, or their Deputies, of the said Prisons.
London Gazette - Issue 15728 published on the 14 August 1804
Prisoners in the Sheriff's Ward or Prison in the parish of Saint Thomas the Apostle, in and for the County of DEVON.
First Notice.
Richard Geaves, formerly and late of the Parish of Saint Saviour's, within the Borough of Clifton Dartmouth Hardness, in the County of Devon, Draper and Grocer.
William Tharratt, formerly of Plymouth Dock, in the County of Devon, and late of Portsea, in the County of Hants, Salesman.
John Pince, formerly of the City of Exeter, Brandy Merchant, and late of the Parish of West Teignmouth, in the County of Devon, Innkeeper.
John Buckingham, formerly of the Parish of Twitchen, in the County of Devon, Yeoman, and late of the Parish of Alphington, in the same County, Labourer.
Robert Quick, formerly of the Parish of Southtawton, and late of the Parish of Saint Andrew, within the Borough of Plymouth, both in the County of Devon, Maltster.
James Brown, formerly, and late of the Borough and Parish of Okehampton, in the County of Devon, Victualler.
Hyam Levy, formerly of Newton Bushell, and late of the Parish of Saint Andrew, within the borough of Plymouth, both in the County of Devon, Jeweller.
William Hamlyn, formerly of the Parish of Bovey Tracey, and late of the Parish of Saint Mary Church, both in the County of Devon, Butcher.
Mary Copp, of Marland, in the County of Devon, Farmer.
William Friendship, of Swymbridge, in the County of Devon, Yeoman.
London Gazette - Issue 15730 published on the 21 August 1804
Prisoners in the Sheriff's Ward or Prison in the Parish of Saint Thomas the Apostle, in and for the County of DEVON.
First Notice.
Ann Fisher, of Bampton, in the County of Devon, Widow.
William Pendell, formerly and late of the Parish of Littleham and Exmouth, in the County of Devon, Whitebread-Baker.
London Gazette - Issue 15733 published on the 1 September 1804
Prisoner in the Gaol in HORSEMONGER LANE, in and for the County of Surrey.
First Notice.
Simon Slade, (arrested by the Name of Samuel Slade) lately of Tooley-Street, in the Parish of Saint Olave, Southwark, in the County of Surrey, and formerly of Plymouth Dock, in the County of Devon, Gentleman.