


Name Index


Sixth Report of the Committee on Works of Art in Devonshire

Trans. Devon Assoc., Vol. 17, (1885), pp. 132-186.


R. Dymond

Prepared by Michael Steer

The paper, delivered at the Association's 1885 Seaton meeting continues the former work of the Committee and reports on 172 works of art contained in private collections in the south-eastern part of the county. The most important parts of this series are (a) paintings held in Lord Clifford's collection at Ugbrooke Park, (b) paintings held at Poltimore Park near Exeter; (c) at Torre Abbey, (d) at Escot, the seat of Sir John Henry Kennaway Bt.(e) pictures belonging to William Cotton FSA of Exeter, (f) Henry Tozer Esq of Ashburton. Google with the Archive Organization has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. The Internet Archive makes available, in its Community Texts Collection (originally known as Open Source Books), books that have been digitised by Google from a number of libraries. These are books on which copyright has expired, and are available free for educational and research use. This rare book was produced from a copy held by the University of Michigan Library, and is available from the Internet Archive.

Acland, Sir Thomas Dyke Bt156
Agar, J J135
Amyatt, Charlotte179-80
Amyatt, James Esq MP179-80
Anderson, Mr133
Anne, Princess157
Anne, Queen161
Arlington, Henry Bennet Earl of137
Arundell, Eleanor Mary153
Arundell, Lord Henry147
Arundell, James Everard147, 153
Autsin, Peter140
Bacon, John jnr181
Baker, Captain George Esq182-3
Bampfylde, Sir Amias Knt163
Bampfylde arms162
Bampfylde, Lady Caroline164, 167, 168, 172
Bampfylde, Sir Charles Warwick, Bt, MP166-7
Bampfylde, Sir Copleston161, 169-70
Bampfylde, Sir Coplestone Warwick, Bt163, 166, 169
Bampfylde, Edmund Esq170
Bampfylde, Lady Florence Sara Wilhelmine168
Bampfylde, Sir George Warwick, Bt167
Bampfylde, Gertrude Lady165
Bampfylde, Hugh Esq169
Bampfylde, Lewis170
Bampfylde, Lady Jane167-8
Bampfylde, John Esq MP169
Bampfylde, Sir John Bt170
Bampfylde, Mary163-4, 169
Bampfylde, Richard Esq162-4
Bampfylde, Sir Richard Warwick, Bt, MP161, 163-4, 167
Bampfylde, Colonel Warwick171
Bird, Isaac Faulkner180
Bishop, Mr W R186
Blakeney, Rev Mr185
Blount, Edward Esq148, 156
Blount, Elizabeth148, 156
Blount, Mary156
Bohr, Catherine184
Braganza, Queen Catherine of134-5
Bray, Mrs166
Briecklaer, Joachim140-1
Bromley145, 180
Brushfield, Dr T N132
Buccleuch, Anne Duchess of136
Buccleuch, Francis Earl of136
Buckner, Richard168
Buller, Caroline164, 168
Buller, General Frederick William164, 168
Buller, William Esq MP164
Calvin, John184
Carew, Ann170
Carew, Sir Coventry Bt164
Carew, Elizabeth154
Carew, Gertrude165
Carew, Sir John Bt165, 169
Carew, Sir Henry154
Carew, Sir William Bt MP170-1
Cary family174
Cary, George Esq174-5
Cary, Sir George174
Cary, Henry George174-5
Cary, Sir Henry174
Cary, John Esq175
Cary, Robert Shedden Sulyard Esq173, 175
Castel Franco, Giorgione de184
Catherine, Saint134
Champernowne, Mr A132
Champneys, Sir T T Bt184
Charles I142, 157, 173-4
Charles II133-5, 137, 142-3, 145, 173
Charlotte, Queen174
Clack, Richard Augustus183
Clarendon, Edward Earl of135
Clifford, Agnes Catherine Louisa150
Clifford, Lady Anne145, 148
Clifford, Lady Apollonia154
Clifford arms144-5
Clifford, Bertha150
Clifford, Eleanor Mary147
Clifford, Elizabeth148, 154, 156
Clifford family149
Clifford, George KG144
Clifford, Major General Sir Hugh Henry VC, CB, KCMG150-1
Clifford, Rt Hon Lords (Thomas, Hugh, Charles etc)132-8, 141-2, 144, 146, 148, 150-7
Clifford, James Esq169
Clifford, Lucy152
Clifford, Margaret144
Clifford, Mary Lucy150-2
Clifford, Mary169
Clifford, Robert Edward157
Clifford, Hon Thomas152-3
Clifford, Rev Thomas DD139
Clifford, William165
Clifford, Professor W K165
Clifford, Rt Rev William J H, DD150
Codrington, Jane167
Codrington, Colonel John167
Colnaghi & Co159
Cooke, George159
Copley, Lady Gertrude165
Copley, Sir Godfrey165, 177
Cornelius, Jansen139
Cornwallis, Charles Lord136
Cornwallis, Marquis KG177, 179
Cotes, Francis RA147
Cotton, William Esq FSA184
Coventry, Lady Ann170-1
Coventry, Gilbert Earl of170
Cumberland, Earl of144
Dahl, Michael163
Davis, Richard Barrett166
De Cort, Henry159
De Heem, John David185
Devis, Arthur William177
Digby, Lord160
Dorset, Richard Earl of145
Dorset, Sackville Earl of145
Downman, John ARA148, 154
Drogheda, Earl Henry of162
Du Cros, Pierre147
Dymond, R132-3
Dysart, Earl of137
Edwards, Mr W185
Elizabeth, Princess157
Evans, John159
Everard, Christina147
Everard, Eleanor Mary147, 153
Everard, Henry147
Everard, Lord James147, 153
Everard, Mary Christina147
Fortescue, Earl Hugh157
Freeman, J135
Gainsborough, Thomas RA167-8, 176-7
Gentileschi, Orazio142
George III148, 166
Gifford, William184
Gordon, Duke of135
Grammont135, 137
Grant, Sir Francis RA159-60
Guise family155
Hals, Francis142
Hamilton, Mr A H A132
Harris, J165
Hastings, Marquis of178
Highmore, Joseph162
Hilliard, Nicholas162, 171
Holl, W177
Hollins, John ARA164
Hollis, George159
Home, Sir Everard Bt182
Home, Robert182
Hoppner, John RA184
Howard, Emma Agnes155
Howard, Lord Edward156
Howard, Henry Esq155
Howard, Mary156
Hudson, Thomas161, 172
Humphrey, O180
Hussey, Giles149
Hyde, Anne135
Ireland, Rev Dr184
Jackson, William176-7, 183
James II135
Jansen, Cornelius171
Jervas, Charles164-6, 169-71
Jones, George RA152
Kauffman, Angelica RA182
Keenan, J150, 153, 157, 174
Kennaway, Rev Charles Edward MA178
Kennaway, Lady Charlotte179-80
Kennaway, Lady Emily Frances181-2
Kennaway, Sir John Bt179-82
Kennaway, Sir John Henry Bt MP176-7, 181
Kennaway, Mark Esq181
Kennaway, Richard179, 181
Kingscote, Emily Frances181-2
Kingscote, Nigel181
Kingscote, Colonel Robert181
Kingscote, Thomas Henry181
Kneller, Sir Godfrey161, 169
Langdale, Apollonia154
Langdale, Marmaduke Lord154
Lawrence, Major General Stringer178
Lawrence, Sir T172
Leakey, Mr J A177
Leathem, W J183
Lee, Anne148
Lee, Earl George Henry148
Lely, Sir Peter134-9, 143, 153, 169
Leopold II, King181
Lichfield, Earl of148
Lodge135, 139, 145
Luther, Martin184
Luny, Thomas156, 176, 186
Manning, Samuel181
Martyn, Elizabeth134, 136
Martyn, William Esq136
Mary, Princess173
Mary, Queen of Scots144
Maynard, Lord137
Mazel, Peter145
Monmouth, Anne Scott, Duchess of136-7
Monmouth, James Duke of135-6
Moore, Lady Catherine162, 167
Moore, Rt Hon Earl Henry162
Moore, Hon Rev Henry DD162
Moore, Admiral Sir John Bt, KB162, 167
Morely, Dowager Lady142
Mytens, Daniel145
Nichols, John149, 184
Nicholson, Francis146-7
Northcote, James RA166
Northcote, Sir Stafford H165
Oliver, Rev Dr133-4, 136, 141, 148, 154, 159
Orange, Princess Mary of157-8
Owen, William RA179
Ozias, Humphrey RA179
Pardoe, John Esq180
Pardoe, Mrs180
Palk, Sir Robert179, 182
Pardoe, Mr & Mrs179
Payne, William155
Pembroke, Anne Countess of145
Pembroke arms145
Pembroke, Philip Earl of145
Petre, Agnes Louisa Catherine150, 155
Petre, Emma Agnes155
Petre, Lord William Henry Francis155
Phillip, John RA178
Phillips, Henry Wyndham180
Phillips, Thomas RA180
Picart, C144
Pickersgill, Henry William RA150, 157
Pius IX, Pope151
Podesti, Cavalier Giulio150-1
Poltimore, Lady168, 172
Poltimore, Rt Hon Lord159, 161-2, 164-6, 168, 172
Pope, Alexander164
Preston, Anne148
Preston, Sir Thomas148
Prout, Samuel147
Pycroft, Mr G132
Ramsay, James151-2, 156, 175
Read, Miss Catherine (Reid)148
Redgrave, Mr149, 155, 174, 176, 182, 186
Reni, Guido141
Reynolds, Sir Joshua, PRA148-9, 155, 167, 169, 178
Richardson, Jonathan149, 161, 169
Richmond, George RA182
Roestraten, Peter142-4
Romney, George153
Rubens, Peter Paul140, 157
Rugendas, George Philip146
Russell arms144
Russell, Rev Jack165
Russell, Margaret144
Sackville arms145
Schenck, P137
Scriven, Edward145
Searle, Miss184
Severn, Joseph154
Shedden, Arthur Esq175
Shee, Sir Martin Arthur PRA174, 180
Shelly, Mr J132
Sheridan, Florence Sara Wilhelmine168
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, Esq MP168
Siberichs, John138
Slingsby, Sir Henry Bt171
Smythe, Mr185
Sneyders, Franz134, 157
Sparrow, Dr159
Stothard, T, RA166
Strange, Robert173
Taylor, Major General Thomas William CB157
Thompson, Henry RA175
Thorvaldsen, Bertel161
Tigh, Robert S Esq184
Titian134, 139-40
Tomkins, William, ARA152
Towne, Francis155
Townsend, Mr George177
Tozer, Henry Esq184
Traies, William183
Tucker, Miss Fraser181
Tuscany, Cosmo III, Grand Duke of133
Tuscany, Ferdinand, Grand Duke of133
Van der Maes, Conrad138
Vandyke, Sir Anthony140-1, 157-8, 173-4, 176
Van Lint, Peter140
Van Schooten, George138
Varley, John146, 175-6
Verelst, Herman153
Verulam, Earl of144
Villiers, George, Duke of Buckingham142
Vipont arms145
Wales, Charles Prince of157-8, 173
Walters, Lucy135-6
Watson, J180
Watson, Thomas167
Watson & Dickinson167
Watts, George Frederick RA172, 181
Weld, Lucy152
Weld, Mary Lucy151
Weld, Cardinal Thomas149, 151-2
Wellington, Duke of166
West, William185-6
White, John Nicholas154
White, R145
Whiteford, Mr Sidney D132-3
Widgery, William165
William III157
Williamson, Sir Joseph145
Windeatt, Mr Edward133
Woolnoth, Thomas A155
Worth, Mr R N132
Wright, Joseph172
Yonge, Sir George Bt177
York, James Duke of135, 157-8, 173
Zuccarelli, Francesco160