


Name Index


Fifth Report of the Committee on Works of Art in Devonshire

Trans. Devon Assoc., Vol. 16, (1884), pp. 127-171.


R. Dymond

Prepared by Michael Steer

The paper, delivered at the Association's 1884 Newton Abbot meeting, continues the former work of the Committee and reports on works of art preserved in public buildings and places in Exeter. To these are added the complete catalogues of paintings and sculptures at (a) the Bishop's palace, (b) the Devon & Exeter Hospital, (c) the Workhouse and Offices of the Corporation of the Poor, (d) the Albert Memorial Museum, (e) the Castle, (f) the Hall of the Vicars' College and (g) on Northernhay and several other places. Google with the Archive Organization has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. The Internet Archive makes available, in its Community Texts Collection (originally known as Open Source Books), books that have been digitised by Google from a number of libraries. These are books on which copyright has expired, and are available free for educational and research use. This rare book was produced from a copy held by the Princeton University Library, and is available from the Internet Archive.


Abbot, John White149, 171
Abbot, Misses149
Acland, Sir Thomas Dyke, Bt, MP153
Albemarle. William Earl of130
Algar, John149
Allen, Ralph Esq134
Anthony, Mr Gregory157
Baker, Mr John157
Barnes, Samuel137
Beavis, Henry Esq157
Bedford, Duke of KG160-1
Beechey, Sir William Knt, RA147, 165
Behnes, William144
Berry, Mr Samuel157
Bethell, Bishop132
Bird, J149
Birt, Mr151
Blackall, Ofspring128-9
Blackall, Thomas Esq MD128, 136-7
Blackburne, Lancelot129
Boehm, Joseph Edgar ARA160-1
Bolard, F169
Boscawen, Admiral165
Bowyer163, 165
Brentingham, Bishop152
Brockedon, William150
Brushfield, Dr127
Brutton, Charles151
Buller, John Esq166
Buller, Bishop William, DD151, 166
Bury, Canon Arthur DD140
Bury, Canon John DD139-41
Bury, Colonel John140
Bury, Sir Thomas Knt141
Carey, Bishop William132
Champernowne, Mr Arthur127
Chanter, Mr J R128, 160
Chapple, Mr Roger157
Charles I130, 168, 169
Charles II168-9, 171
Chichester, Sir John157
Clack, Miss M A148-9
Clack, Richard Augustus148
Clarke, Alured DD133
Clifford, Right Honourable Lord127-8
Colleton, Sir John Bt170
Colleton, Miss Louisa Caroline170
Cook163, 165
Copley, John Singleton RA162
Cosway, Richard RA163
Cotton, Mr FSA157
Courtenay, Earl William Reginald154
Creswell, John Bowden Esq138
Cross, John145
Crossing, Hugh142
Dahl, Michael128
David, Jacques Louis147
Dean, T A132
Devon, Earl of143
Dicker, Michael Lee MD134
Dinham, John153
Doe, Mr George128
Downman, John ARA167
Drake family128
Drake, Sir Francis160-1
Drake, Mr H157
Drake, Lady161
Duckworth, Rev H165
Duckworth, Admiral Sir John Thomas, Bt, GCB, MP165-7
Duckworth, Sir John Thomas Buller, Bt128, 165-6
Duckworth, Lady166
Durham, Joseph ARA144
Dymond, Mr R127-8
Earle, Augustus150
Eastlake, Sir Charles Lock, RA161-2
Eastlake, Lady162
Edward IV145
Elizabeth I160, 168
Elwill, Sir John Knt Bt141
Exmouth, Viscount147
Ezekiel, E A135-6
Faber, J151
Fisher, Bishop John130
Fisher Son & Co132
Follett, Mr John144
Follett, John Charles Esq BCL145
Follett, Sir William Webb Knt, MP144
Fortescue, Earl143, 160
Fortescue, Earl Hugh KG153
Fortescue, Theophilus Esq157
Fox, James Esq161-2
Foxe, Bishop152
Franck, Constantine171
Franck, Francis the elder171
Frayne, Mr John157
Fulford family168
Fulford, Miss170
Fulford, Mr F D128
Fulford, Colonel Francis MP169
Furlong, Thomas148
Gandy, James141-2, 151-2
Gandy, William134, 142
Gard, Edward Esq144
Gard, Richard Somers Esq144
Gauden, Bishop John129-31
Gay, John158
Gayton, Mr George157
Geare, Mrs John154
Gendall, John146
George I163
George II163
George III162-3, 166
Gill, Mr H S128
Glass, Mr Nicholas157
Glass, Thomas MD135
Goss, James Esq138
Graham, Miss146
Graves, Louisa Caroline170
Graves, Admiral Sir Richard170
Gray, Mr Thomas148-9
Guardi, Francesco170
Gullett, Anne154-5
Gullett, Caroline154-5
Gullett, Charlotte154-5
Gullett, Christopher154-5
Gullett, Eliza154-5
Gullett, Georgiana154
Gullett, John154-5
Gullett, Mary154-5
Hakewell arms157
Hakewell, George DD157
Halford, Mrs Mary138
Hals, Frank148, 171
Hamilton, Rev Mr A H A127, 145
Harris, Mr Thomas157
Harrowby, Earl of162, 164
Hart, F150
Hart, Thomas149
Haskoll, W134
Hawker, Rev Treasurer127
Heathcote, Charles Esq, MP163
Hilliard, Nicholas168
Hingston, Joseph Esq162
Hole, Francis Esq, MP163
Horn, Count169
Howe, Lord165
Hudson, Thomas129, 133-4, 148, 157-9
Incledon family158
Incledon, Robert Esq157-8
James I168-9
James II131, 169
James, John Haddy FRCP138
Jansen, Cornelius159
Johnson, Cyrus166
Juxon, Bishop168
Keenan, J136, 166
Kendall, Mr151
Keppel, The Hon Frederick130, 132
King, Lady167
King, Admiral Sir Richard, Bt GCB167
King, Sir Richard Duckworth Bt168
King, Mr Robert157
Kitson, William MP164
Kneller, Sir Godfrey Knt169-70
Knight, John Prescott RA137
Knight, Mr Richard157
Lacy, Bishop152
Lamoral, Egmont Count of169
Langdon, Tobias151
Lantrow, William Esq157
Lavington, Bishop George LLD130
Lawrence, Sir Thomas, Knt PRA132, 170
Leakey, James138
Le Brun, Charles146
Lefevre, Dr147
Lefevre, Mrs H Belfield148
Lely. Sir Peter Knt170
Long, Edwin RA166
Lewis, Richard Esq146
Luck, Rev Robert157-8
Luny, Thomas162, 164, 167, 170
Marshall, Bishop152
Marshall, Mr Charles157
Massey, Rt Hon William N, MP163
Mercier, Charles163
Mervyn, Richard Esq157-8
Mervyn, Rev William158
Micheau, Paul141
Miller, Patrick MD137
Miller, Rev Thomas137
Milton, John149
Mitchell, Ralph140
Mogford, Thomas137, 152
Monmouth, James Fitzroy, Duke of169
Morrish, Sydney S164
Murat, King of Naples147
Murat, Madame147
Mytens, Daniel the elder169
Napoleon I147, 162
Newell, Mr Richard157
Oldham, Bishop152
Opie, John RA135, 146, 154-6
Ouless, W W, RA166
Paige, Gilbert159
Palmerston, Rt Hon Viscount163
Patch, John jnr135-6
Patch, John snr134-5
Pears, Anna Adriana148
Peel, Sir Robert144
Pellew, Rt Hon Edward, GCB147
Pengelly, Mr164
Penrose, John159
Phillips, Mr F H148
Phillips, Henry Cranmer Marsh Esq JP165
Phillpotts, Bishop132
Pieroni, S C145
Pole, Sir W T, Bt150
Poulett, John Second Baron169
Pourbus, Francis the elder169
Pourbus, Peter169
Poussin, Nicolas146
Prince, John155
Purchas, Harry149
Pycroft, Mr G127-8, 151, 153
Queensberry, Duke of158
Reinagle, Ramsay Richard RA136
Reynolds, S W snr132
Reynolds, Sir Joshua PRA134, 148, 158
Reynolds, Samuel William132
Richardson, W131
Roberts, Mr159
Rock, Mr Matthew157-8
Rock, W F Esq160
Roestraton, Peter171
Rogers, Mr John Jope146, 154-5
Rolle, Henry Esq158
Rolle, Lord163
Ross, F W L Esq144, 150
Ross, John FRS132
Salter, Philip152
Scharf, Mr136
Score, Mr George157
Seaward, Sir Edward Knt142
Shapter, Dr Lewis137
Shapter, Dr Thomas, MD, FRCP, LLD136-7
Sharland, W151
Sheldon, John FRS136, 138
Shelley, Mr John127
Slee, Mr Mark157
Smith, Sir Sidney167
Sparrow arms131
Sparrow, Bishop Anthony131
Speke, Captain John Hanning145
Staforde, Bishop152
Steed, Rev James157
Stephens, Edward Bowring, ARA138, 142-4, 153-4
Strathnairn, Lord146
Studd, Major General149
St Vincent, Lord163, 165
Swayne, Mr John157
Swayne, Mr Marshall157
Thompson, Rev Samuel159
Trelawny, Sir John131
Tucker, Mr Paul157
Tuckfield, John Esq MP133-4
Turner, Rev Fisher147
Turner, Frank147
Turner, J M W, RA161
Turner, Mrs147
Vandyke, Sir Anthony141, 168-9
Vanhaaken133, 157
Velly, Mr Charles157
Vertue, G129
Victoria, Queen144
Von Heussen, Anna148
Walker, W132
Ward arms131
Ward, Bishop Seth131
Warmond, William147
Webber, Mr Alexander157
West, Benjamin PRA167
Weston, Stephen129
Whitaker, George149
Whiteford, Mr Sidney T128
Wickey, Mr George157
Wickey, Mr H157
Wilcocks, Mr James C147, 149
William III139, 169-70
Williams, J Edgar145, 160
Williams, William149
Wills, James133
Wissing, William170
Wolcot, Dr130
Woolnoth, A J132
Worth, Mr R N127-8
Wright, Mr Charles157
Wright, Joseph, AEA159
Zeeman, Enoch129
Zeeman, Isaac129