


Legal Notices regarding Devon-related Absconders

From the London Gazette (18th C) and Exeter Flying Post (19th C).

Transcribed by Lindsey Withers

Surnames mentioned in the notices: Abbott, Adams, Anning, Ash, Atkins, Avery, Avery, Babbage, Back, Baker, Barrell, Barron, Barter, Bast, Becket, Benham, Bidgood, Bidwell, Bolt, Bond, Borne, Boutcher, Bowden, Braddick, Brooks, Brown, Browning, Bussell, Cann, Cannington, Chaffe, Challice, Cheshire, Chudleigh, Clark, Cloak, Coates, Cobley, Cock, Cole, Coleridge, Coles, Collier, Colson, Comer, Cornish, Courtenay, Cox, Crees, Crocker, Curtis, Dart, Dashwood, Davey, Dawe, Dennis, Dennitt, Dickers, Diment, Draper, Drew, Drewe, Eames, Edwards, Ensor, Evans, Facy, Farley, Featherstone, Field, Fish, Flood, Force, Fortescue, Fry, Furlong, Gale, Glanville, Gobb, Godbeer, Godfrey, Goodhind, Gould, Graddon, Grant, Grigg, Hadley, Halfyard, Hall, Hamlin, Hancock, Hannaford, Harding, Harris, Hawkesley, Hayes, Heathfield, Henwood, Hillman, Holberton, Holding, Holman, Hoof, Hooper, Hosgood, Hunt, Hunt, Huxtable, Jenkyns, Jennings, Jewel, Jewell, Keagle, Keal, Kelland, Kennedy, Kingdon, Lake, Langsford, Lawdey, Leach, Leaman, Leigh, Lixford, Lock, Longman, Luxton, Manley, Mann, Mare, Marsh, Marshall, Marting, Mathews, Matthews, Matthewson, May, Mayne, Melhuish, Minifie, Moase, Moore, More, Morris, Mortimer, Moxey, Newton, Neyle, Norman, Olding, Oldridge, Oliver, Pannell, Parish, Parker, Parker, Parsons, Payne, Pearce, Perkins, Phillips, Pittwood, Potter, Pounsford, Pratt, Quick, Rawle, Raymont, Reed, Rendal, Rennels, Roberts, Rogers, Rowe, Rudd, Sampson, Sarell, Searle, Sener, Shapland, ShereShere, Skinner, Sleeman, Smale, Small, Smallridge, Smith, Snell, Snow, Southard, Southcott, Sowdon, Spargo, Spence, Sprague, Stanley, Stewart, Stone, Talley, Tamlin, Tamlyn, Tepper, Thomas, Thompson, Thorne, Tolley, Townsend, Traford, Treffry, Tyte, Wakem, Walter, Ward, Ware, Warren, Waye, Weir, Wellington, West, Westacott, Westcott, Westlake, Whidborne, White, Williams, Wilton, Wood, Woolcott, Wreford, Yeo.

London Gazette, Thursday, May 27, 1708; Issue 4440 - Gale Document Number Z2000713520

Whereas Dorothy the Wife of John Cannington of Tiverton in the County of Devon, Sergemaker, (and Daughter of Thomas Weeks of Trinity Parish in the City of Exon, Sergemaker), hath Elop'd from her said Husband, and carry'd away several of his Goods, and hath likewise privately contracted several Debts, for which her Husband is threaten'd to be sued; the said John Cannington doth hereby forbid all Persons from giving her any Credit, and declares he will not pay it.

London Gazette, Thursday, November 23, 1710; Issue 4774 - Gale Document Number Z2000714310

Whereas Eleanor the Wife of John Yeo, of Newton-Abbot in the County of Devon, Gentleman, hath lately Eloped from her Husband, and to prevent the Clamours and Trouble that might arise or come to the said John Yeo her Husband, he hath secured to her a valuable and competent Maintenance to be duly paid her; therefore all Persons are hereby warned not to Trust or Sell any thing whatsoever to the said Eleanor without ready Payment, for that he the said John Yeo will not, nor is obliged to pay any Debts of her contracting.

London Gazette, Thursday, February 17, 1709; Issue 4516 - Gale Document Number Z2000713692

Whereas Mary Leigh, Daughter of Jonas Watson of Cullompton in the County of Devon, Innkeeper, is departed and gone away from her Husband, Henry Leigh of the same Parish and County, aforesaid, Yeoman, these are to give Notice that all People at their Peril, are hereby forbidden to lodge or entertain her, or in any wise to Credit her for any matter or thing, or on any Account whatsoever.

London Gazette, Tuesday, June 30, 1713; Issue 5134 - Gale Document Number Z2000715418

Whereas Mary, the Wife of Roger Facy of Tavistocke in the County of Devon, Yeoman, hath Eloped from her said Husband, these are to advise all Persons not to Trust the said Mary Facy with Money or Goods on account of her said Husband, for that he will not pay any Debts she shall Contract after the Publication hereof.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, January 30, 1800; Issue 1895 - Gale Document Number Y3200646844

Whereas, Harriot Traford, formerly of the Name of Harriot Thompson, Wife of me, James Traford, Mariner, belonging to the Diamond Frigate, having absconded from and left me without Cause, I hereby caution all people not to trust or credit her in the Name of Harriot Traford, as I shall not be answerable for the same from this Day.
James Traford, Plymouth, January 16th, 1800

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, February 20, 1800; Issue 1898 - Gale Documents Number Y3200646870

Hennock Parish, Devon.
This is to give Notice, that John Loveys Sener, and his wife Mary, are parted, and I have allowed her a good Maintenance; this is to Certify, that I will not Pay any Debts that she may hereafter Contract after this Public Notice, as Witness my Hand this Tenth Day of February 1800.
John Loveys Sener.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, March 27, 1800; Issue 1903 - Gale Document Number Y3200646920

I, Thomas Ash, of Brixham Quay, in the County of Devon, Mariner, being separated and living apart from my Wife, Rosmd Ash, I hereby caution all Persons not to credit the said Rosmd. Ash, as I am determined not to pay any Debts which she may contract after this public Notice. Given under my Hand this 24th Day of March 1800. Thos. Ash.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, April 10, 1800; Issue 1905 - Gale Document Number Y3200646944

Whereas, Thomas Mare, White-smith, of the Borough of Plymouth, in the County of Devon, and Mary Mare, his Wife, are parted by mutual consent, this is to inform the Public in general, that he will not pay any Debts she may contract after this Public Notice.
Plymouth, 4th April 1800.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, May 29, 1800; Issue 1912 - Gale Document Number Y3200647009

Whereas Jane, the Wife of John Matthewson, Mariner, eloped from him about 18 months ago, without any Provocation. These are to desire and caution the Public not to trust her by any means, as he will not pay any Debts she may contract in future.
John Matthewson, Dock, 26th May, 1800.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, June 12, 1800; Issue 1913 - Gale Document Number Y3200647029

Eloped from her husband, Mary Hooper, of Turn Chapple, Cat-Water, Plymouth. This is to give Notice, that I will not be answerable for any Debts she may contract.
John Hooper, Turn Chapple, near Plymouth, June 10, 1800.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, June 26, 1800; Issue 1915 - Gale Document Number Y3200647049

Whereas, Sarah, the wife of me Richard Edwards, of Fremington, in the County of Devon, Joiner, hath lately Eloped from me without any Kind of Provocation on my Part and purloined my Goods and Chattels for the Purpose of converting the same to her own Use. This is therefore to caution any Person or Persons, whatsoever from entrusting her in my Name or on my Account, as I am determined never to pay any Sum or Sums of Money for any Debt or Debts she may contract after this public Notice. Witness my Hand at Barnstaple this 29th Day of May, in the Year of our Lord, 1800.
Richd. Edwards

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, December 11, 1800; Issue 1939 - Gale Document Number Y3200647275

Caution to the Public
Whereas, Mary, the wife of Edward Southcott, of Exmouth, Devon, Mariner, has frequently taken up Goods on his Account, and otherwise run him in Debt, with great Imprudence and without his Knowledge, this is to caution the Public not t trust the said Mary Southcott, after this Notice, as he is resolved not to pay any Debts she may hereafter contract.
As Witness my Hand this 10th December 1800.
Edward Southcott.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, January 1, 1800; Issue 1942 - Gale Document Number Y3200647305

Whereas, Mary Tamlyn, the wife of me, John Tamlyn, of Ley, in the Parish of Northmolton, in the county of Devon, went from me without the least Provocation, about six weeks since: This is therefore to caution the Public from trusting the said Mary Tamlyn on my Account, as I am determined not to pay any Debt she may contract.
Dec. 27th, 1800. John Tamlyn.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, March 26, 1801; Issue 1954 - Gale Document Number Y3200647399

Whereas the Rev. William Grant, Curate of Iddesleigh, in the County of Devon, and his wife Jane, are separated, he gives this public Notice, that he will not pay any Debts she may contract from the Date hereof; and begs the Favor of all that may have any Demands on him to send them in immediately to Mr Turner, Secretary to the Hon. And right Rev. the Bishop of Exeter.
William Grant, Iddesleigh, March 25th, 1801

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, May 14, 1801; Issue 1961 - Gale Document Number Y3200647443

A Caution
This is to caution all Persons not to trust Elizabeth Curtis, Wife of John Curtis, of this City, Brass Founder, as he will not pay any Debts she may contract after this public Notice. J. Curtis is certain there are several people living about Bartholomew's Yard, Pig Market, Ex Island, and other Parts of this City, who harbour and ill-advise his Wife, to the Injury of his Family; he cautions all Persons from harbouring the said Elizabeth Curtis, as he is determined to prosecute them to the utmost Severity of the Law. Witness my Hand this 12th Day of May 1801.
J. Curtis, St Paul's-street, Exeter.
N.B. Wanted a Nurse for three Children, if in the Country the more agreeable; apply as above.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, August 6, 1801; Issue 1973 - Gale Document Number Y3200647533

Caution to the Public
Whereas on the First Day of April last, a Separation took Place, between Ambrose Shere, late of Plymtree, in the County of Devon, but now of Bishop Hatfield, in the County of Herts, and Elizabeth, his Wife, on certain conditions. This is therefore to Caution all Persons not to Credit or Trust her, as no Debts that she may Contract will be paid by me, Ambrose Shere.
N.B. This has been Published in Two of the London Papers, in April last.
Bishop Hatfield, 27th July, 1801.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, August 20, 1801; Issue 1975 - Gale Document Number Y3200647549

Whereas on the First Day of April last, Ambrose Shere, then of Plymtree, in the County of Devon, yeoman, but now of Bishop's Hatfield, in the County of Herts, did, without the least Reason, leave me, Elizabeth Shere, his Wife, and one Child, having made no Provision for me or my said Child's Support (although well able so to do); and the said A. Shere, my Husband, having by an Advertisement, dated the Twenty-seventh July last, cautioned the Public not to credit or trust me, a Separation having taken Place between us, on certain Conditions. And whereas no mutual Separation did ever take Place between us, he having wilfully deserted me and my Child as aforesaid, I am therefore, in Vindication of myself, and in Justice to my own Feelings, induced to take this public Step of informing the World of his Brutality and of the real Truth.
Elizabeth Shere.
N.B. This will be published in the London Papers.
Cullompton, 17th August, 1801.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, September 10, 1801; Issue 1978 - Gale Document Number Y3200647572

I, Cesar Becket, Carpenter, of His Majesty's Ship, the Constance, do hereby give Notice, That I will not, from the Date hereof, be answerable for any Debts which Elizabeth, my Wife, (now Separated from me)may contract with any Person or Persons whomsoever.
Witness my Hand this 5th Day of September 1801.
Cesar Becket.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, October 1, 1801; Issue 1981 - Gale Document Number Y3200647589

Whereas Ann, the Wife of James Longman, of the City of Exeter, dealer in Musical Instruments, has at various times co-habited with other Men, and particularly with a Relation of her said Husband, whom she knew to be a Married Man; and also with a Frenchman, with whom she lived for Four Years, he has been under the Necessity of entirely withdrawing himself from her, and has allowed her, by Deed, a separate Maintenance adequate to his Abilities and Situation.
This is therefore to caution the Public not to trust the said Ann Longman, as he is resolved not to pay any of the Debts she has contracted since the Date of the aforesaid Deed, or which she may hereafter contract from the Date hereof.
James Longman, Dated Exeter, 30th Sept. 1801.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, November 12, 1801; Issue 1986 - Gale Document Number Y3200647631

Eloped from her Husband, on Wednesday the 28th of October last, Ann Bowden, of Chittlehamholt, in the Parish of Chittlehampton, and took with her Property to the Value of about 30l. This is therefore to caution any Person from trusting the said Ann Bowden, as I am determined not to pay any Debt that she may contract, and to prosecute any Person who harbours her or detains any of the aid Property.
John Bowden.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, January 21, 1802; Issue 1996 - Gale Document Number Y3200647708

Whereas, Joanna, the Wife of me, Thomas Leaman, of the Parish of Combintinhead, has, during my Absence at Newfoundland, squandered my Property, contracted many debts without my Knowledge, and been guilty of other great Misbehaviour, which has at Length obliged me to separate from her.
This is to caution all Persons not to trust the said Joanna Leaman on my Account, as I am resolved to pay none of the Debts she may contract after this public Notice.
Witness my Hand this 19th of January, 1802.
Thomas Leaman.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, April 22, 1802; Issue 2009 - Gale Document Number Y3200647801

Whereas Anna, wife of me Robert Halfyard, of the Parish of Rew, near Exeter, has for a long Time co-habited with another Man, and has absconded from me this Day, without the least Provocation whatever; This is therefore to caution all Persons not to trust my said Wife, as I am resolved not to pay any Debts she may contract after this public Notice.
As witness my Hand this Fifteenth Day of April, 1802.
Robert Halfyard.
She is supposed to be now residing at Exmouth.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, April 29, 1802; Issue 2010 - Gale Document Number Y3200647811

Whereas, Ann Cloak, Wife of me, James Cloak, did Elope from me on the Twenty-second of this Instant, without the least Provocation, this is therefore to caution the Public not to credit her on my Account, as I am determined not to pay an Debts she may contract after this public Notice. As Witness my Hand, James Cloak.
Dated at Newtonabbot, 24th April 1802.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, May 20, 1802; Issue 2013 - Gale Document Number Y3200647832

A Caution.
Whereas, Prudence, the Wife of John Tyte, of Barnstaple, County of Devon, has involved her Husband in sundry Debts unknown to him, he hereby gives the Public a Caution not to credit her, as he will not pay any Debts contracted by her after this public Notice.
John Tyte, Barnstaple, 1st May 1802.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, May 27, 1802; Issue 2014 - Gale Document Number Y3200647836

Eloped from her Husband, Ann Small, of Plympton, without any Cause; This is to Caution all Persons not to give Credit or Trust the aid Ann Small, as her Husband will not pay any Debts she may contract after this Notice.
Plympton, 24th May 1802. Wm. Small.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, September 23, 1802; Issue 2031 - Gale Document Number Y3200647958

To the Public, A Caution.
Whereas, Mary Gould, Wife of Mr William Gould, Gunner of His Majesty's Ship, San Josef, has repeatedly ran her Husband in Debt, and otherwise defrauded him; and has now absconded from her aid Husband. Notice is hereby given, That the said Mr William Gould will not, from the Date hereof, pay any Debts that the said Mary Gould may contract; and the public are particularly requested not to credit her in any Manner whatever.
Witness my Hand, William Gould.
Dock, Sept. 20th, 1802.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, November 11, 1802; Issue 2038 - Gale Document Number Y3200648009

Wife Eloped.
Whereas, Mary Keagle, Wife of me, Peter Keagle, of the parish of Bucklandmonachorum, in the County of Devon, Blacksmith, died, on the First Day of this instant, November, Elope from me, her husband, without any Provocation, and carried away with her the Value of Thirty Pounds (or thereabout) of my Property; this is therefore to caution all Persons not to trust the said Mary Keagle, as I am resolved not to pay any Debts she may contract after this Public Notice. Witness my Hand this Fourth Day of November, 1802.
Peter Keagle.
Bucklandmonachorum, 6th Nov. 1802.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, December 9, 1802; Issue 2042 - Gale Document Number Y3200648037

Eloped from her Husband, Grace the Wife of William Wilton, of the Parish of Lanivet, near Bodmin, in Cornwall. All Persons are cautioned not to Trust her, as no Debts she may contract will be paid by me. She is supposed to be gone to Brixham, in Devon, or the Neighbourhood, in company with a Man. Whoever will give an account, so that she may be found and secured, shall receive a Reward of Five Pounds. She is about Thirty Years of age, fair Complexion, black Hair and about five Feet three Inches high.
Dated 6th Dec. 1802.
The Sign of X William Wilton.
Witness, Richard Coom.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, December 9, 1802; Issue 2042 - Gale Document Number Y3200648039

Whereas Mary, the Wife of me, Thos. Warren, of the Parish of Tiverton, has lately contracted several Debts without my Knowledge or Consent: This is to Caution the Public against trusting her in future, as I am determined not to pay any Debts whatever that she may hereafter contract.
Witness my Hand, Thos. Warren.
Tiverton, 6th Dec. 1802.
Eloped from his Family, William Hannam, alias Hatch, Blacksmith, aged 29 Years, about 5 Feet 8 Inches high, brown Complexion, down Look, dark brown straight Hair, stoops a little forward in Walking, hath served in the 12th Regiment of Foot, also in the Mariners' Service many Years. Whoever will apprehend the said William Hannam, alias Hatch, and bring him to the Churchwardens or Overseers of the parish of South Brent, in the County of Devon, shall receive a Reward of Five Guineas, besides all reasonable Charges.
Witness our Hands, Jeffery White, John Andrew, Churchwardens; James Holditch, Rich. Hosking, Overseers.
South Brent, 4th Dec. 1802.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, March 17, 1803; Issue 2056 - Gale Document Number Y3200648144

Notice to the Public.
Whereas Mary Bowden, the Wife of me Jonathan Bowden, of the Parish of Chudleigh, in the County of Devon, has, at various Times, contracted several Debts without my Knowledge. This is therefore to caution the Public not to trust her after this Time, as I will not be answerable for any Debts which she may contract, as I allow her a separate Maintenance.
Witness my Hand - The Mark of X Jon. Bowden.
Chudleigh, 16th March, 1803.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, June 2, 1803; Issue 2067 - Gale Document Number Y3200648221

A Caution
Whereas many unhappy Circumstances have rendered it necessary for me to reside, for Two Years last past, in London, whither my Wife Margery was unwilling to accompany me; and during this Absence my said Wife hath done me irreparable Dishonour, and even proceeded so far as to declare her Resolution to have no Cohabitation with me, which renders a Separation absolutely necessary; I hereby inform the Public, that my said Wife doth now keep a House and Billiard-Table in Exeter, solely on her own Account; wherefore I think it Justice to myself and others, thus to caution the Public not to give her the least Credit on my Account, as I am determined not to pay any Debts which she may hereafter contract.
Emanuel Grigg.
Dated Exeter, May 30th, 1803.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, September 1, 1803; Issue 2080 - Gale Document Number Y3200648311

Eloped from her Husband, Samuel Jewell, Boatswain of his Majesty's Ship, Warrior, Mary Jewell, his Wife:- This is to caution and warn all persons whatever not to give Trust or Credit to the said Mary Jewell, as I am determined not to pay any Debts she may contract after this public Notice.
Witness my Hand, Samuel Jewell, Dock, Aug. 29, 1803.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, March 1, 1804; Issue 2106 - Gale Document Number Y3200648509

A Caution.
Whereas Elizabeth my Wife or reputed Wife, hath clandestinely secreted, conveyed away, and disposed of, a great Part of my Household Goods and Furniture, my Books of Account, and other Papers, which were in my Dwelling-House, situate in East Teignmouth, in the County of Devon; and hath also received divers Debts, which were due and owing to me, without Knowledge, and against my Will; I do therefore hereby forbid all Persons whomsoever, who stand indebted to me, from paying her any such Debts, as I will not allow Payment thereof; and from giving her any Credit on my Account, as I will not pay any Debt which she shall contract.
Witness my Hand, this 27th Day of February, 1804. - John Heathfield.
Witnesses - Ambrose Shere, Thos. Pannell.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, April 19, 1804; Issue 2113 - Gale Document Number Y320064855777

Whereas, Mary West, the Wife of Wm. West, of the Parish of Poltimore, has lately contracted many Debts in his Name; this is therefore to caution the Public not to trust the said Mary West, as he is resolved not to pay any Debts she may contract from the Date hereof.
Poltimore, 18th April, 1804. Wm. West.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, June 21, 1804; Issue 2122 - Gale Document Number Y3200648620

A Caution to the Public
Whereas, Tryphena Hamlin, Wife of me John Hamlin, of the Parish of the Holy Trinity, in the City of Exeter, Baker, has thought proper to abscond and leave my House, without any Provocation or Reason for so doing - this is therefore to caution the Public against trusting her on my Account, as I will not be answerable for any Debts she may contract after this public Notice. As witness my Hand this fifteenth day of June, 1804. John Hamlin.
Witness, Matthew Southard.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, October 25, 1804; Issue 2140 - Gale Document Number Y3200648748

Whereas, Ann my wife has left me without any provocation, this is to caution all persons against truting her on my account, as I am determined not to pay any debt she may contract after this public notice; and whoever shall harbour her, will be prosecuted, by me, William Flood, Powderham-street, Kenton.
October 19th, 1804.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, March 21, 1805; Issue 2161 - Gale Document Number Y3200648919

Whereas, my wife, Sarah Stewart has misconducted herself at various times, by her absence, and other improprieties; This is to caution the public not to trust her in my name, as I will not pay any debts she may contract.
John Steward, Plymouth-Dock, March 18, 1805.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, April 11, 1805; Issue 2164 - Gale Document Number Y3200648939

Whereas Mary Marshall, (wife of Thomas Marshall, a sergeant in the 2nd royal veteran battalion, stationed in Plymouth Citadel) has lately eloped from Tavistock, in the county of Devon, where she resided, without the knowledge and consent of her said husband. This is to give notice, that I, the said Thomas Marshall, am determined not to pay any debts whatever, which she may contract after this public notice. As witness my hand this 5th day of April, 1805. Thos. Marshall.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, October 10, 1805; Issue 2190 - Gale Document Number Y3200649135

Whereas my wife, Eliz. Godbeer, of Moretonhampstead, has contracted a number of debts unknown to me, this is to give Notice, that I will not pay any more after the date hereof.
Abraham Godbeer.
Moretonhampstead, 6th Oct. 1805.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, November 14, 1805; Issue 2195 - Gale Document Number Y3200649174

Whereas Elizabeth Rowe, the wife of John Rowe, of the parish of Alphington, in the county of Devon, did on Friday the eighth instant, elope from her said husband; this is to give notice, that I, the said John Rowe, will not be answerable for any debts, she the said Elizabeth Rowe may contract, from and after this public advertisement. Given under my hand the 12th day of November, 1805.
The mark of X John Rowe.
Witness thereto - William Limebear.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, March 13, 1806; Issue 2212 - Gale Document Number Y3200649315

Notice to Creditors
Whereas Mary Holberton, the wife of me Nicholas Holberton, the younger, of Totnes, in the county of Devon, shopkeeper, has lately eloped from me, this is therefore to caution all persons against giving the said Mary Holberton, my wife, from this time any credit on my account, as I shall not pay any debts she may contract. And I do hereby request all persons, to whom I now stand indebted, to send me forthwith all their accounts, that they may be discharged. As witness my hand, this 11th day of March, 1806.
Nicholas Holberton, jun.
Signed in the presence of Walter Prideaux, attorney, Totnes.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, March 13, 1806; Issue 2212 - Gale Document Number Y3200649311

William Roberts, the younger, cordwainer, and Mary, his wife, having run away from their family, and left the same, consisting of four children, chargeable to the parish of Thorverton. A Reward of five guineas is hereby offered to any person or persons who will secure the said William Roberts and Mary his wife, so as they may be secured in any of his majesty's gaols in ?------, to be dealt with according to Law, to be paid by Mr Thomas Luxmoore, overseer of the said parish. The said William Roberts is a flippant ?------ man, about thirty years old, slight made, about 5 feet 6 inches high, and fair complexion.
Thorverton, March 6th, 1806.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, May 15, 1806; Issue 2221 - Gale Document Number Y3200649386

Whereas Elizabeth Walter, wife of me John Walter, of the parish of Lifton, in the county of Devon, yeoman, has absconded fro me without the least provocation. I therefore caution the public against trusting her on my account, as I will not be answerable for any debts she may contract after this public notice. As witness my hand, this 9th day of May, 1806. John Walter.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, May 29, 1806; Issue 2223 - Gale Document Number Y3200649404

Whereas, my wife, Elizabeth Hannaford, has this day eloped from me, without any just cause or provocation; this is therefore to caution all persons whomsoever, not to trust the said Elizabeth Hannaford, on my account, as I will pay no debts which she may contract. As witness my hand, John Hannaford.
Abbottscarswell, 27th May, 1806.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, July 31, 1806; Issue 2232 - Gale Document Number Y3200649476

Whereas, my wife Jane Dennitt, hath run me in debt and acted otherwise improperly in her conduct towards me. This is therefore to give notice, that after this public advertisement, I caution all and every person not to advance any money to her, or let her the aforesaid Jane Dennitt, my wife, have any goods or money on my account, as I am determined after this public notice not to pay any debts of her contracting. As witness my hand, John Dennitt.
Dated from his majesty's ship, Aigle
June 26, 1806.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, October 2, 1806; Issue 2241 - Gale Document Number Y3200649547

A Caution
Whereas, Mary Godfrey, my wife, has left me without the smallest cause given her on my part; I am under the necessity, in justice to myself and children, thus publicly to caution all persons against trusting her on my account, being determined not to pay any debt whatever, that she may henceforth contract.
As witness my hand, Benjamin Godfrey,
Three Cranes, Exeter, 30th Sept. 1806.
N.B. The business will be continued at the above house, by me B. Godfrey, and where every attention shall be paid to merit a continuance of my customers' favours.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, April 30, 1807; Issue 2271 - Gale Document Number Y3200649810

Whereas, on Monday the 20th instant, Elizabeth Rudd, wife of me, Philip Rudd, of Topsham, did elope from her husband, without any provocation, and carried away with her his property to a valuable amount. This is to caution the public not to trust her, the said Elizabeth Rudd, as I will not pay any debts that she may contract after this public notice.
Witness my hand, Philip Rudd. Topsham, 23rd April, 1807.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, July 16, 1807; Issue 2282 - Gale Document Number Y3200649916

Whereas I, John Clark, of Chittlehamholt, Devon, common Carrier, having reason to suspect my Wife has carried away divers Articles of my property, this is therefore to caution all persons not to give her any credit, as I am determined not to pay any debts she may contract after this public notice.
Given under my hand this 12th day of July, 1807. John Clark.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, August 20,1807; Issue 2289 - Gale Document Number Y3200649961

Whereas, Charlotte Harris, wife of me, Benjamin Harris, of Teignmouth, Devon, has lately left me, without any cause or provocation on my part, and taken with her sundry articles, my property; this is to caution all persons not to trust her on my account, being determined not to pay any debts whatever that she may contract.
The mark of X Benjamin Harris.
Witness, J. Bast, August 15, 1807.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, August 27, 1807; Issue 2290 - Gale Document Number Y3200649971

To the Public.
This is to caution all persons from trusting my wife, Elizabeth Spargo, as I will not be answerable or responsible for any debts she may contract after this notice. Dated at the Royal Oak Inn, adjoining to New Bridge, in the parish of Tavistock, in the county of Devon, this 18th day of August, 1807.
James Spargo.
Witness, James Wakem, of Calstock, Cornwall.
N.B. This will be advertised no more.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, September 3, 1807; Issue 2291 - Gale Document Number Y3200649981

To the Public
This is to caution all persons from trusting my wife, Mary Hoof, as I will not be answerable or responsible for any debts she may contract after this notice. Dated at the Edgecumbe Inn, Stonehouse, in the county of Devon, this 29th day of August, 1807.
John Hoof,
Witness, Daniel May, of Stonehouse, Devon.
N.B. This will be advertised no more.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, September 10, 1807; Issue 2292 - Gale Document Number Y3200649998

Whereas, my husband John Hoof, of the Edgecumbe inn, in East Stonehouse, in the county of Devon, did cause an advertisement, signed by him, and dated the 29th day of August, 1807, to be inserted in Trewman's Exeter Flying Post of Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday last, where in he cautioned all persons from trusting me, as he would not be answerable or responsible for any debts I might contract after the date of the notice.
Now I do hereby solemnly inform the public, that I never gave my said husband any just cause or provocation for such illiberal treatment towards me, but, on the contrary, have borne his ill usage with silence and resignation; nor should I now complain, but with a view to justify my character, which might otherwise be injured.
Mary Hoof, X her mark.
Witness, James Bussell.
Dated at the Edgecumbe inn aforesaid, the 7th day of September 1807.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, January 28, 1808; Issue 2312 - Gale Document Number Y3200650202

Whereas Mary, the wife of me, John Mayne, Fuller, of the parish of St. Leonard, Devon, has of late, in many instances, conducted herself in a highly improper manner and has contracted various debts in my name, without either my knowledge or consent, it becomes indispensably necessary, on my part, thus publicly to caution all persons in the city of Exeter, and elsewhere, not to credit her for any article in future on my account, being determined not to pay any debt that she may henceforth contract.
St. Leonard's, Jan. 27, 1808. John Mayne.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, February 18, 1808; Issue 2315 - Gale Document Number Y3200650242

Whereas, Rebecca, the wife of me, Richard Chaffe, labourer, of the parish of St. Thomas the Apostle, in the county of Devon, hath Absconded:- this is therefore to give notice, that I will not be answerable to pay any Debts she may contract after this public notice. As witness my Hand,
The Mark of X Richard Chaffe.
Witness - Matthew Southard
St. Thomas, Feb. 19, 1808.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, April 7, 1808; Issue 2322 - Gale Document Number Y3200650302

Whereas, Ann, the wife of me, Thomas Lake, Chaise-driver, of Crockernwell, Devon, has left me, without any provocation on my part, this is to caution all persons not to give her credit for any articles on my account, as I am determined not to pay any debts that she may contract after this public notice; as witness my hand, this fifth day of April, 1808.
The mark of X Thomas Lake
Witness, John Bast.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, September 8, 1808; Issue 2314 - Gale Document Number Y3200650522

One Guinea Reward.
Absconded from the parish of Tiverton, leaving his wife and two children a charge on the said parish, James Graddon, chaise-driver, about 30 years of age, 5 feet one or two inches high, of a full complexion, dark coloured hair, and walks a little lame. Whoever will give information to the overseers of the poor of the parish of Tiverton, so as the said James Graddon may be apprehended, shall receive the above reward.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, December 15, 1808; Issue 2327 - Gale Document Number Y3200650658

Whereas, John Parker, of Morchard Bishop, in the county of Devon, labourer, having a warrant against him in a case of bastardy, and being strongly suspected of having been guilty of various misdemeanours, has Absconded; - whoever will discover the said John Parker, so that he may be delivered over to the churchwardens or overseers of the said parish of Morchard Bishop, shall of them receive Five Guineas Reward.
The said John Parker is about 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high, of a dark complexion, black hair; walks rather lame, and generally with a stick in his hand.
Signed, Simon Wreford, Churchwarden; Richard Colliton, Overseer.
Dated, Dec. 12, 1808.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, December 22, 1808; Issue 2328 - Gale Document Number Y3200650671

Whereas Julian Raymont, wife of me, Richard Raymont, of the parish of Whitchurch, in the county of Devon, labourer, did, in the month of March last, Elope from me, and has not since returned: - I do hereby give notice, that I will not be answerable or accountable for any debts that may be contracted by her, and warn all persons from trusting her accordingly. If my said wife will return, she shall be kindly received.
Dated the 19th day of December, 1808.
Signed, Richard Raymont.
Devon - Left his family about six months since, in the parish of Kelly (and who are now become chargeable to the parish of Holsworthy, in the said county), John Brooks, labourer, living for some time before as hind to Arthur Kelly, esq. of Kelly. The said John Brooks is about 5 feet 8 inches high, of a dark complexion, and stoops in his walk, is about fifty years of age. Whoever will give information to the overseers of Holsworthy, where he may be found, shall receive One Guinea reward.
Holsworthy, December 7, 1808.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, January 5, 1809; Issue 2330 - Gale Document Number Y3200650700

Ran Away, and left her family, Sarah Cole: she is full favoured, red complexion, dark hair, fore-eyed, set grown. Whoever will give information to the churchwardens or overseers of the poor of the parish of Sowton, near Exeter, so that she might be had before some justice of the peace, shall receive Three Guineas Reward.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, January 19, 1809; Issue 2332 - Gale Document Number Y3200650715

A Caution
Whereas, Elizabeth Oliver, my wife, and daughter of George Marshall, farmer, of the parish of Cornwood, in the county of Devon, has, without provocation, absconded herself from my house; - This is to caution the public against trusting her on my account; as, after the date of this advertisement, I shall not be answerable for any debt she may contract.
Signed - N. N. Oliver.
Plymouth-Dock, 14th Jan. 1809.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, May 4, 1809: Issue 2348 - Gale Document Number Y3200650863

The public are requested not to trust my wife, Elizabeth Olding, on my account, as I am determined not to pay any debts she may contract after this public notice.
The mark X of James Olding.
Oakhampton, 1st May, 1809.
Witness to the above mark, Joseph Pudner.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, May 4, 1809: Issue 2348 - Gale Document Number Y3200650867

Take Notice, that Anna Maria, wife of me John Minifie, of the parish of Littleham and Exmouth, in the county of Devon, husbandman, has Absented herself from my house without any just cause; this is therefore to caution any person or persons, who would let her have gods or give her credit upon the presumption that I should hereafter pay the same, that I will not pay from thenceforth any debt or debts that may be contracted by her, as witness my hand, this 25th day of April, 1809.
The mark of John X Minifie.
Witness to the said John Minifie making his mark hereto, M. Lee, attorney at law, Exmouth.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, June 15, 1809; Issue 2354 - Gale Document Number Y3200650924

Whereas Agnes Tamlyn, the wife of me, William Tamlyn, of Mockham, in the parish of Charles, in the county of Devon, yeoman, hath left my house, and taken off all her clothes, without having any just cause for so doing: Now I do hereby caution all persons from trusting the said Agnes Tamlyn on my account, as I am resolved not to pay any debts which she may contract. Given under my hand this 1st day of June, 1809.
William Tamlyn.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, July 13, 1809; Issue 2358 - Gale Document Number Y3200650959

Ottery St Mary, 10th July 1809
Whereas, Sarah Drew, the wife of Nicholas Drew, did, on the 9th ult., take and feloniously carry off property of the said Nicholas Drew, to a considerable amount; and for want of natural affection has not thought necessary since to return: - Therefore, as a caution to the public, that whatever debts the said Sarah Drew may contract after this public notice, the said Nicholas Drew will not be answerable for; and as a further caution, whoever shall be found to harbour the said Sarah Drew, after this public notice, shall be prosecuted as far as the law shall direct in such case.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, September 7, 1809; Issue 2366 - Gale Document Number Y3200651045

Absconded from his wife and family, Thomas Atkins, hellier and plasterer. He is about five feet eleven inches high, light complexion, light hair, 24 years of age, a native of Exeter. He was seen on the Bristol road. Whoever will give information, so that he may be apprehended, shall receive Five Guineas Reward; to be paid by Mr William Sarell, inspector of the poor of the said city.
About the 26th of August last, George Hadley, gunsmith, left his wife and three children chargeable to the city of Exeter. Whoever will give information to Mr Wm. Sarell, inspector of the poor of the said city, so that he may be apprehended, shall receive Five Guineas Reward.
Wm. Sarell, inspector of the poor.
He booked himself in the coach for Bristol. The said George Hadley is about 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high, middle size, 41 years of age, light complexion, has been wounded in his left leg and arm, also marked in his left arm. Bengal, 76th regiment of foot, marked on one of his hands. He receives a pension.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, June 22, 1809; Issue 2355 - Gale Document Number Y3200650932

Whereas Agnes Tamlyn, the wife of me William Tamlyn, of Mockham, in the parish of Charles, in the county of Devon, yeoman, hath left my house, and taken off all her clothes, without having any just cause for so doing. Now I do hereby caution all persons from trusting the said Agnes Tamlyn on my account, as I am resolved not to pay any debts which she may contract. Given under my hand this 2st day of June, 1809. William Tamlyn.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, November 2, 1809; Issue 2374 - Gale Document Number Y3200651107

Whereas, Edward Snow, of the parish of Washfield, Devon, labourer, ran away on suspicion of stealing barley, and left his family chargeable to the said parish two years since and upwards. If any person will inform the parish officers of Washfield, where the said Edward Snow may be found and apprehended, he shall receive One Guinea reward. The said Edward Snow is about thirty years of age, about 5 feet 5 inches high, has a cast in his eye, and is supposed to be living near the city of Exeter. If he returned immediately to his parish and family he will be forgiven, if not, he will be prosecuted as the law directs.
Mr Jonathan Talley, churchwarden of Washfield,
Mr John Melhuish, overseer of the poor.
Washfield, 10th October 1809.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, November 30, 1809; Issue 2378 - Gale Document Number Y3200651149

Whereas, Mary, the wife of me, William Dickers, of the parish of Kenton, labourer, has left me without any provocation on my part; this is to caution all persons not to give her credit on my account, as I am determined not to pay any debts that she may hereafter contract.
William Dickers, Dated Nov. 24. 1809.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, January 4, 1810; Issue 2319 - Gale Document Number y3200651213

Absconded, leaving his Wife and Family chargeable to the parish of Ashburton, George Avery, by trade a stocking weaver, about 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high, light hair, upwards of 40 years of age, a native of Exeter, was lately at Tiverton. Whoever will give information, so that he is apprehended, shall receive One Guinea Reward, to be paid by the churchwardens and overseers of this parish.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, January 18, 1810; Issue 2311 - Gale Document Number Y3200651228

Whereas my wife, Charity Keal, of the parish of Linton, in the county of Devon, has absented herself from me, without any just cause; This is to give notice, that I will not pay any debts she may contract, after this public notice, and caution all persons from trusting the said Charity Keal. Witness my hand this 28th day of December 1809.
Gabriel Keal.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, March 22, 1810; Issue 2320 - Gale Document Number Y3200651313

Whereas a suit has been instituted in the Consistory Court of the Lord Bishop of Exeter, by me James Dennis, of Ashburton, in the county of Devon, miner, against Mary Dennis, my wife, now of Venanar-worthal, in the county of Cornwall, for separation from bed, board and mutual cohabitation, by reason of adultery; and a definitive sentence having been given in the said cause, whereby I am divorced from the said Mary Dennis, my wife, by reason of adultery by her committed. This is therefore to caution all persons against trusting the said Mary Dennis, in any manner, on my account, I not being by law answerable or accountable for any debts or engagements she may from this time contract or engage in.
Dated this 20th March, 1810.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, April 19, 1810; Issue 2324 - Gale Document Number Y3200651352

A Caution
Whereas, Mary, the Wife of me the undersigned James Barron, of Pilton, in the county of Devon, cabinet maker, is now living away from me, in a state of separation, and with a separate allowance for her maintenance; I therefore give this public notice, that I will not pay any debt or debts she may hereafter contract, in my name or otherwise; and do caution all persons whatever not to give her credit in my name.
Witnes my Hand, April sixteenth, one thousand eight hundred and ten.
James Barron.
Witness John Hancock.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, May 10, 1810; Issue 2327 - Gale Document Number Y3200651386

To the Public
Whereas, Alice Fish, the wife of me, John Fish, of Sidmouth, Devon, left my house, March 29th 1810, without my knowledge or consent: - This is to give notice, that I will not be answerable for any debts she may contract after this public notice.
John Fish, Sidmouth, May 4th, 1810.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, June 14, 1810; Issue 2332 - Gale Document Number Y3200651437

Whereas, Sarah, wife of me Robert Luxton, of Southmolton, in the county of Devon, innholder, hath absconded herself from me, on the 28th day of May last, without any provocation on my part. I hereby caution all manner of persons, whatsoever, and wheresoever, not to give her any credit, or trust her for any thing on my account, as I will not be answerable for any debts she may contract.
Witness my hand Robert Luxton. Dated Southmolton, 12th June, 1810.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, July 26, 1810; Issue 2338 - Gale Document Number Y3200651487

Whereas Mary, the wife of me, John Manley, of the parish of Sandford, Devon, husbandman, has conducted herself very improperly towards me, and has contracted various debts without my knowledge or consent: this is to give notice, that from the date hereof I will not pay or be answerable for any debts she may contract: - and if any person shall countenance or assist her in the taking away or concealing of any of my property, they shall be prosecuted as the law directs.
As witness my hand this 20th July, 1810.
The Mark of X John Manley.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, September 13, 1810; Issue 2345 - Gale Document Number Y3200651557

Benjamin Langsford, of the city of Exeter, painter, having left his wife and family chargeable to the Corporation of the Poor of the said City; This is to give Notice, that a Reward of Five Guineas will be given to such person or persons who shall inform Mr Sarell, the inspector of the poor of the said city, of the residence of the said Benjamin Langsford, so that he may be apprehended for the said offence.
N.B. The said Benjamin Langsford is about 5 feet 5 inches high, about 50 years of age, pock marked, long visage, large nose, brown hair, bow-legged and speaks snuffling; his hair tied, and by trade a painter.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, October 18, 1810; Issue 2350 - Gale Document Number Y3200651597

Whereas my wife, Betty Shapland, has refused to cohabit with me without any lawful reason or pretence whatsoever: - I do therefore give this public notice, that I will not be answerable for any debts which she may contract from the date hereof. Witness my hand, George Shapland, of George Nympton, yeoman.
Dated 13th October, 1810.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, November 8, 1810; Issue 2353 - Gale Document Number Y3200651633

Five Guineas Reward
About three months since John Hillman left his wife and family chargeable to the city of Exeter. Whoever will give information to Mr Wm. Sarell Inspector of the Poor of the said city, so that he may be apprehended, shall receive the above reward.
Wm. Sarell, Inspector of the Poor.
The aid John Hillman is about 5 feet 2 or 3 inches high, stout made, dark eyes and hair, flat nose, and about 30 years of age, by trade a shoe-maker.
Exeter, Nov. 7th, 1810.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, December 6, 1810; Issue 2357 - Gale Document Number Y3200651674

Whereas Ann, the Wife of me William Skinner, late of the parish of Woodbury, Devon, but now carpenter on board his Majesty's sloop Talbot, has conducted herself towards me in a most improper manner, this is to caution all persons not to trust her on my account, as I am determined not to pay any debts she may henceforth contract.
William Skinner,
Witness James Weir.
1st December 1810.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, January 17, 1811; Issue 2363 - Gale Document Number Y3200651728

Forty Pounds Reward
Absconded with intent to defraud his Creditors, John Wood, late of Plymouth-Dock, in the county of Devon, baker. The said John Wood is about 5 feet 6 inches high, stout made, fair complexion, light brown hair, blue eyes and hook nose; has some relatives living in Dover, and some in the metropolis. He left behind him a wife and one child, who have since quitted Dock, and are supposed to have joined him. Whoever will give such information respecting the said John Wood to either of the undersigned, as may lead to his arrest, shall receive Forty Pounds Reward.
John and William Collier; Abbott and Treffry, Snell and Thomas; Thomas and Henry Marsh; William Crees; Thomas Eames;
Plymouth, January 11, 1811.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, March 28, 1811; Issue 2373 - Gale Document Number Y3200651833

Notice is hereby given, by me, Henry Rogers, of Marytavy, miner, to all persons, not to trust my wife Mary Rogers, as I am determined not to pay any debts she may contract.
Henry Rogers, Tavistock, March 15th, 1811

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, April 11, 1811; Issue 2375 - Gale Document Number Y3200651849

Whereas Mary, the wife of me, the undersigned, Joseph Draper, of Loxhore, in the county of Devon, yeoman, has been guilty of divers improper acts towards me, and absented herself from my dwelling-house: - Now I hereby caution all persons from trusting her on my account, as she has a separate maintenance; and I will not be answerable for any debts she may hereafter contract.
As witness my hand the fifth day of April, 1811.
Joseph Draper.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, May 16, 1811; Issue 2380 - Gale Document Number Y3200651885

Caution - Mildred Sowdon, wife of me the undersigned Richard Sowdon, of Witheridge, in the county of Devon, yeoman, having Absconded from me without any cause, I hereby give this public notice, that I will not answer for, or pay any Debts she may contract.
Richard Sowdon

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, July 4, 1811; Issue 2387 - Gale Document Number Y3200651949

To the Public
On June 29th, 1811, John, the Son of George Moase, Tanner, of the parish of Petrockstow, near Hatherleigh, Devon, went from his father's house, in a state of insanity, the cause of it is supposed to be an intense application to the study of mechanism. He is 19 years of age, about five feet eight inches high, dark hair, thin features and of a pale complexion. He wore off a light nankeen jacket, calf-skin waistcoat an old hat, a red silk handkerchief, dark corduroy breeches, worsted stockings, nailed shoes, and a canvas apron, dyed tan-colour. He is perfectly inoffe3nsive to every one, and during the intervals of reason, remarkably pious and conscientious. It is therefore hoped, that all persons who shall meet with him, will treat him with kindness and compassion, and whoever will conduct him back to his father, or give information where he may be found, shall be handsomely rewarded.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, August 22, 1811; Issue 2394 - Gale Document Number Y3200652023

Whereas Mary, the wife of me John Mare, of Colebrooke, Devon, has parted from me, this is to caution all persons not to give her any credit on my account, as I am determined not to discharge any debts whatever that she may contract.
John Mare, August 20th, 1811

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, October 24, 1811; Issue 2403 - Gale Document Number Y3200652109

Whereas, my wife Sarah Coates, hath lately (under the influence of habit of inebriety) contracted various debts at public houses for ale and other liquors, and thereby brought me to a state of penury and distress. This is to give notice to and, to caution all persons from trusting my said wife in future, as I am determined to pay no more debts of her contracting.
Witness my hand this 21st day of October, 1811,
The Mark X John Coates.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, February 20, 1812; Issue 2420 - Gale Document Number Y3200652272

Stoodleigh, February 17th, 1812
John Parker has Ran Away, and left his Wife and Family chargeable to the above Parish. He is also Charged with being the Father of a Base Child. The Overseers of Stoodleigh will give a reward of Twenty Shillings to any person who will give information, so that he may be apprehended. He was seen in Exeter last week. He is upwards of 30 years old; above five feet seven inches high; dark hair and eyes; and stoops in his walk.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, April 9, 1812; Issue 2427 - Gale document Number Y3200652348

Whereas James Pratt, of the parish of Ottery St Mary, Devon, has absconded, leaving his wife and family chargeable on the said parish, this is to give notice, that whoever will apprehend him, shall receive a reward of Three Pounds, from the Overseers. The said James Pratt is about 5 feet 5 inches high, dark hair and complexion and by trade a shoe-maker.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, June 18, 1812; Issue 2441 - Gale Document Number Y3200652439

Whereas, Joseph Cox, Hellier and Plasterer, of the parish of Kenton, Devon, did, on or about January last, leave his Wife and three Children chargeable to the said parish of Kenton. This is to apprize him, that if he does not immediately return, or send sufficient to maintain his family, he will be apprehended and dealt with according to law.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, July 2, 1812; Issue 2442 - Gale Document Number Y3200652457

Ran Away, from the parish of St. Leonard, in the county of Devon, William Holding, leaving his wife and family chargeable to the said parish. Whoever can give information respecting the aid William Holding shall be handsomely rewarded, by applying to the Overseer of St Leonard aforesaid. The said William Holding is about 50 years of age, five feet eight inches high, light hair, wore away a light colour coat and pantaloons and yellow stripe waistcoat; is by calling a Cotton Weaver.
St Leonard, 25th June, 1812.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, July 16, 1812; Issue 2445 - Gale Document Number Y3200652481

Ran Away from his family, in the parish of Thorverton, William Mare. He is about 40 years of age, very short and thin; and was lately seen at the Jack and Green, on the Honiton Road. Whoever will give such information to the parish officer of Thorverton, as will enable them to apprehend the offender, shall, on such apprehension, be handsomely rewarded.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, August 20, 1812; Issue 2450 - Gale Document Number Y3200652521

Whereas Ann Benham, my wife, has Eloped from me without any just cause or provocation. This is to caution all persons from trusting her on my account, as I am determined not to pay any debts she may contract. As witness my hand,
The Mark X of Wm. Benham, of Braunton, Devon.
Ann Benham is about 5 feet 2 inches high, and on her left hand is the mark of A. L.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, September 3, 1812; Issue 2452 - Gale Document Number Y3200652546

A Caution to the Public
Whereas, Mary Ann, my wife, has been guilty of very improper conduct, and has, in consequence of it, left her home; I give this public notice that I will not pay or be answerable for any debts she may contract.
Charles Lawdey, Exeter, 12 September 1812.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, December 31, 1812: Issue 2469 - Gale Document Number Y3200652715

Whereas, Susannah, the Wife of me, Wm. Hall, of Teignmouth, Devon, has absconded from me her said husband, Notice is hereby given, That I will not be answerable for any debts she may contract after this public notice. As witness my hand this 29th December, 1812. Wm. Hall.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, February 4, 1813: Issue 2474 - Gale Document Number y3200652763

James Thorne, of the city of Exeter, mason, having left his family chargeable to the Corporation of the Poor of the said city:- this is to give notice, that a reward of 5l. 5s. will be given to any person or persons who shall inform Mr Robert Davey, the Inspector of the Poor of the said city, of the place of residence of the said James Thorne, so that he may be apprehended for the said offence.
By Order of the Corporation, Edward Gattey, clerk.
N.B. The said James Thorne is about 25 years of age, 5 feet 4 inches high, stout made, dark brown hair, supposed to be in London.
Exeter, 3rd February 1813.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, March 25, 1813; Issue 2481 - Gale Document Number Y3200652822

Whereas, Elizabeth Spence, otherwise Elizabeth Roberts, has contracted sundry debts, and drawn bills on me. I now give this public notice, that I will not pay any debt or debts, drafts &c. that the above named E. S. may contract, or cause to be contracted on my account. As witness my hand at Ivy Bridge, this 19th March 1813.
William Spence.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, April 8, 1813; Issue 2483 - Gale Document Number Y3200652848

Joseph Coleridge, of this city, Wheelwright, having left his Wife and Family chargeable to the Corporation of the Poor of the said city. This is to give notice, that a reward of Five Guineas will be given to such person or persons who shall inform Mr Robert Davey, the inspector of the Poor of the said city, of the residence of the said Joseph Coleridge, so as he may be apprehended for the said offence.
N.B. The said Joseph Coleridge is about 31 years of age, five feet five inches high, light complexion, light brown hair, and is supposed to be in or near London.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, June 3, 1813; Issue 2491 - Gale Document Number Y3200652918

Whereas my Wife Mary Courtenay, did on the 26th day of May instant, without any cause or provocation whatever, voluntarily desert and leave me, and carry away divers articles my property, I do hereby caution the public against giving the said Mary Courtenay, any credit or trust on my account, as any debts she may contract I will not discharge, the said Mary Courtenay, having a separate maintenance and support.
John Courtenay, Kidland-Farm, Knowstone, Devon.
Witness, John Bast, Dated 31st May 1813.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, July 1, 1813; Issue 2495 - Gale Document Number Y3200652953

To Constables and Others.
Whereas, Thomas Mathews, cordwainer, and Thomas Bowden, miller and baker, and Francis Harding, cordwainer, all of the borough and parish of Totnes, in the county of Devon, have Run Away, and left their families chargeable to the said borough and parish.
Thomas Mathews, about 25 years of age, about 5 feet 6 inches high, light hair and fair complexion, supposed to be at Bristol.
Thomas Bowden, about 30 years of age, about 5 feet 5 inches high, light hair and fair complexion.
Francis Harding, about 36 years of age, about 5 feet 3 inches high, set made, black hair and very dark complexion: supposed to be in the neighbourhood of Exeter.
If any person will apprehend either of the above men, and lodge him or them in any of his Majesty's gaols, they shall receive Three Guineas, and all reasonable expenses paid, by applying to the Churchwardens, or Overseers of the borough and parish of Totnes.
Walter Holman, Overseer.
Totnes, June 22nd, 1813.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, August 5, 1813; Issue 2500 - Gale Document Number Y3200653002

Whereas, Susannah Huxtable, the wife of Anthony Huxtable, farmer of Instow, in the county of Devon, left her home and family on Wednesday the 14th instant, under the influence of a mental affection, and has not been since been heard of.
The said Susannah Huxtable is about 30 years of age, of a middle stature in height, thin habit; wore away a dark cloth pelisse, trimmed with black velvet and black silk bonnet. Has lately had all her hair cut off. It is hoped that all head borough and parish officers will cause such search to be made as will insure notice of her safety to her afflicted family, who will gladly pay all reasonable expenses attendant on her conveyance to the parish of Instow, or send for her upon receiving any information where she may be found.
Dated Instow, July 30th, 1813.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, September 2, 1813; Issue 2504 - Gale Document Number Y3200653043

A Caution
Whereas, my Wife, Ann Parish, is now separated from me, Richard Parish, of this city, hellier, through her misconduct, this is therefore to caution any person from trusting her, as I am determined not to pay any debts she may contract after this public notice.
Witness my hand this 1st of September 1813.
The mark of X Richard Parish.
Witness E. Penney.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, September 30, 1813; Issue 2508 - Gale Document Number Y3200653074

Ran Away from his Wife, and left her chargeable to the parish of Broadclyst, William Field, of the same parish, labourer. Whoever will inform the Overseers of Broadclist aforesaid, where the said William Field is, so that he may be apprehended, shall be handsomely rewarded for their trouble. The said William Field is upwards of 50 years of age, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, long thin face, sandy hair, of a light complexion.
Broadclyst, 28th Sept. 1813.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, November 25, 1813; Issue 2516 - Gale Document Number Y3200653166

Five Pounds Reward
Whereas a Warrant has been issued, for the apprehension of Elizabeth, the wife of John Chudleigh, of Cheriton Bishop, carpenter, for stealing divers articles from her late master, Mr John Lambert of Lambert, in Cheriton Bishop aforesaid and she having absconded, a reward of Five Pounds is hereby offered by the said Mr Lambert, to such person or persons who shall apprehend the said Elizabeth Chudleigh.
The said Elizabeth Chudleigh is about 23 years old, about 5 feet 6 inches high, and very fat and corpulent, and is now pregnant.
Dated 19th November, 1813.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, September 29, 1814; Issue 2560 - Gale Document Number Y3200653598

Whereas, my Wife eloped from me on the 12th instant, without any provocation whatever, this is to give notice, that I will not be answerable for any debt she may contract after this public notice.
Given under my hand, Jno. Goodhind.
Cullompton, Sept. 27th , 1814.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, September 29, 1814; Issue 2560 - Gale Document Number Y3200653591

Whereas William Pittwood, of the parish of Ringsash, near Chulmleigh, Devon, did on Friday last, the 18th of this instant, September, leave his brother's house without any provocation, and has not since been heard of, this is to give notice, that whoever may have seen the said William Pittwood, or can give any information of him, so as he may be found, shall receive a handsome Reward, from his brother, John Pittwood, of Ringsash aforesaid.
William Pittwood is 49 years of age, light hair, fair complexion, about 5 feet 6 inches high, is lame in his left pinbone and limps in his walk. He wore a nankeen jacket, corduroy breeches and lightish colour waistcoat, laced shoes and worsted stockings. Is supposed by his friends to be a little touched in his mind.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, October 27, 1814; Issue 2564 - Gale Document Number Y3200653635

Whereas, on the first of October instant, my wife, Sally Matthews, of Broadclist, in the county of Devon, eloped from me without the least provocation whatever, - this is to caution the public that I will not pay any debts she may contract after this public notice. As witness my hand, this twenty-first October, 1814.
Wm. Matthews, jun.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, October 27, 1814; issue 2564 - Gale Document Number Y3200653638

An Elopement
Whereas, Mary, the wife of Richard Quick, of Hennock, Devon, did Elope from me the 13th instant, without any provocation:- this is to caution all persons not to trust her on my account, as I will not be answerable for any debts she may contract after this public notice.
Witness my hand, Richard Quick.
Witness, John Cornish
Hennock, Oct. 17th, 1814.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, January 26, 1815; Issue 2577 - Gale Document Number Y3200653772

Whereas my Wife, Harriet Hewett Moore, has eloped from me without any cause, I hereby give notice, that I will not pay any debts she may contract.
Denis Moore
Tavistock, Jan. 20th, 1815.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, March 2, 1815; Issue 2582 - Gale Document Number Y3200653825

Strayed from the parish of Chudleigh, on the 9th instant, Richard Dart, a pauper of the said parish; wore away a dark coloured drab coat, striped waistcoat, and web breeches; is about sixty years of age, thin visage and down cast look. Any communication relative to the above person, by letter or otherwise, will be thankfully received by Mr John Hayes, Overseer of the said parish.
Dated February 24th, 1815.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, June 22, 1815; Issue 2598 - Gale Document Number Y3200653975

Whereas, Ann Searle, of the parish of Whimple, Devon, left the Poor House of the said parish a short time since, and is supposed to be in a deranged state. Whoever will apprehend and bring the said Ann Searle to the Overseers of Whimple, shall be handsomely rewarded for their trouble and all reasonable expenses paid. The said Ann Searle is about 60 years of age, middle statute, pale complexion, and marked with the small pox.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, August 3, 1815; Issue 2604 - Gale Document Number Y3200654036

Eloped, in June last, from the parish of Northtawton, Thomas Farley, leaving a wife and family chargeable to the said parish. He is about 30 years of age, 5 feet 6 inches high, slight made, light hair, and ruddy complexion. Whoever will cause the said Thomas Farley to be apprehended, shall receive One Guinea reward, and all reasonable expenses paid, by applying to the Overseers of the parish.
N.B. He has lately been residing at Topsham.
Northtawton, July 28th, 1815.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, August 17, 1815; Issue 2606 - Gale Document Number Y3200654061

Whereas a separation by mutual consent has taken place between me and my wife, Ann Borne; - This is to caution the Public, that whatever debts she may contract, after this public notice, will not be discharged by me, Richard Borne.
Golden-Ball, St Mary Arches-street, Exeter.
August 14th, 1815.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, May 9, 1816; Issue 2644 - Gale Document Number Y3200654432

Whereas my Wife, Mary Kingdon, of Northmolton, Devon, eloped from me on Friday the 26th of April last, without the least provocation, this is therefore to give notice, that I will not pay any debts that the said Mary Kingdon may contract.
Henry Kingdon
Dated Northmolton, April, 27th, 1816.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, August 29, 1816; Issue 2660 - Gale Document Number Y3200654604

Absconded, leaving his Wife and Child chargeable to the parish, James Challice, aged about thirty-five, five feet six inches high, pale complexion, and slightly marked with the small-pox. Whoever will give information to the Church-wardens of the parish of Tedburn St. Mary, so that the said James Challice may be apprehended, shall receive One Guinea reward.
Dated 20th August 1816.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, October 17, 1816; Issue 2667 - Gale Document Number Y3200654678

Ran Away, from his Parents, about seven weeks since, Thomas Oldridge, aged Ten Years, light hair and complexion, is marked with the small pox; had on a dark brown great coat and dark velveteen trousers. Any information that may lead to a discovery where he may be found, will be thankfully received by his father, James Oldridge.
Waterbeer-street, Exeter, October 13th, 1816.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, October 24, 1816; Issue 2668 - Gale Document Number Y3200654681

Whereas, my Wife, Elizabeth Cock, of Lew Trenchard, in the county of Devon, has, unknown to me and without my consent, lately contracted divers debts, to the amount of several pounds; This is to give Notice, that from and after this time, I will not be answerable for any debts she may contract, either by purchasing or borrowing. As witness my hand this 22nd day of October, 1816.
Wm. Cock.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, March 27, 1817; Issue 2689 - Gale Document Number Y3200654933

Whereas, Patience White, my Wife, having absented herself from me, without any just cause, I hereby caution any person from giving her credit, as I will not pay any debts he may contract, and if any person shall harbor or keep my said Wife after this notice, they will be prosecuted with the utmost rigour of the law; or if any person detains any property of mine, which she may have possessed herself of, they are desired to return the same to me, otherwise a criminal prosecution will be issued against them forthwith.
If my said Wife shall return to me, she will be kindly received.
Frederick White
Witness, Wm. Lixford,
Dated Exeter, March 23, 1817.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, April 17, 1817; Issue 2692 - Gale Document Number Y3200654967

Mrs Avery - Whereas my Wife, Elizabeth Avery, has acted most cruelly and unmercifully. This is to give notice, that I will not be answerable for any debts she may contract from this date.
Exeter, April 14, 1817. John Avery.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, May 15, 1817; Issue 2696 - Gale Document Number Y3200655015

A Caution to the Public
As Sarah Cobley, my Wife, under pretence of visiting her Father, has Abandoned my Habitation, and refused ever to return to it again, having conveyed a part of her Clothes off for some time before she left me. I think proper to inform the Public, that they must not trust her, expecting to be paid by me, as I will not defray any Debts she may contract, either for herself or her Children, who are with her, unless they are again placed in my house, and under my protection.
Thomas Cobley.
Dated Bickleigh, Devon, May 13th, 1817.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, June 19, 1817; Issue 2701 - Gale Document Number Y3200655071

Absconded from Bishopsteignton, James Back, labourer, leaving a Wife and four Children, chargeable to the parish of Dawlish. He is about 28 years of age, 5 feet 8 inches high, of fair complexion, and light hair. He wore away a light-colour fustian jacket and waistcoat, light corduroy breeches, and light blue stockings. Whoever will apprehend him, or cause him to be apprehended, and bring him to the Overseers of Dawlish, shall receive a reward to Two Guineas, with all reasonable expenses discharged. He is supposed to be near the neighbourhood.
N.B. And also charged for Burglary.
Dated Dawlish, May 8th, 1817.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, June 26, 1817; Issue 2702 - Gale Document Number Y3200655081

Whereas, William Cann, Carpenter, lately living in the parish of Drewsteignton, being accused of Felony, has left his Family: This is to give Notice, that whoever will apprehend him, shall receive Five Pounds Reward. Apply to John Smith, Constable, of Drewsteignton.
W.C. is about 5 feet 4 inches in height, has very dark hair, fresh complexion, very full dark eyes, generally bloodshot, is about 37 years old, and plays on the fife and violin.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, September 11, 1817; Issue 2713 - Gale Document Number Y3200655202

Whereas, Elizabeth, wife of John Cheshire, now living as Housekeeper with John Dashwood, Esq. of Sidmouth, Devonshire, hath left her said Husband without any just cause; this is to caution all persons from trusting the said Elizabeth Cheshire on my account, as I will not be answerable for any debts she may contract.
John Cheshire,
Witness - Thos. Howell.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, December 4, 1817; Issue 2726 - Gale Document Number Y3200655364

Whereas the several Persons under-mentioned, have Absconded, and left their Wives and Families chargeable to the Parish of Ashburton, in the county of Devon:- This is to give notice, that any one who will apprehend either of such persons, or give such information to the Overseers of the Poor of the said parish, as may cause him or them to be apprehended, shall be handsomely Rewarded.
Robert Dawe, Saddler,
William Mann, Currier,
John Neyle, Wheelwright.
Dated December 1st, 1817.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, December 11, 1817; Issue 2727 - Gale Document Number Y3200655378

Five Guineas Reward
Whereas, William Wellington, of the Parish of Broadclist, Absconded from his place of Residence, on Wednesday the 16th November last, under suspicion of stealing Wheat, from the Corn Loft of Mr John Boutcher, of Broadclist aforesaid; He is about 25 years of age, 5 feet 9 inches high, thin face, pale complexion, dark hair, his right knee turns in very much; wore away a velveret waistcoat with brown Holland sleeves, smock frock and grey small clothes. Whoever will cause the said William Wellington to be apprehended, shall on conviction, receive Five Guineas Reward, by applying to Mr John Boutcher, or John Fortescue, Esq. Treasurer of the Prosecution Society, Broadclist.
Broadclist, December 9th, 1817.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, January 22, 1818; Issue 2733 - Gale Document Number Y3200655451

A Caution
Whereas my Wife, Elizabeth Hosgood, has left me without the least provocation:- I hereby caution all persons not to trust her, as I will not be answerable for any debts she may contract after this public notice. As witness my hand this 16th day of January, 1818.
Wm. Hosgood.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, February 26, 1818; Issue 2738 - Gale Document Number Y3200655509

Whereas Joanna, the Wife of me, Samuel Tamlin, of Mary Church, Mariner, has parted from me without the least provocation on my part: - This is to caution the public against trusting her on my account, as I am determined not to pay any debts that she may contract.
Samuel Tamlin
Witness - Wm. Smallridge
Mary Church, Feb 22, 1818.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, March 5, 1818; Issue 2739 - Gale Document Number Y3200655518

A Caution.
Whereas, Elizabeth, the Wife of Ambrose Shere, of Bradninch, did, on the evening of Friday last, the 27th ult. throw a large massy Stone at the Head of her said Husband, which Stone penetrated his Hat, and wounded him in his Temple, and she immediately eloped, without any provocation or abuse whatsoever: - This is therefore to Caution all persons not to trust her on my account, after this public notice, as any debts that she may contract will not be paid by me. Ambrose Shere.
N.B. These are Facts.
Bradninch, March 2nd, 1818.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, May 7, 1818; Issue 2748 - Gale Document Number Y3200655626

Five Guineas Reward
Whereas William Crocker, late of Yetson, in the parish of Ashprington, in the county of Devon, has for two Years past Absented Himself, leaving his Wife chargeable to the said parish. The above William Crocker is about 5 feet 7 inches high, fair complexion, very bald, hair white. Whoever will give information to the Overseers of the said parish, so that he may be apprehended, shall receive the above reward, and all necessary expenses paid.
Ashprington, May 4, 1818.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, July 23, 1818; Issue 2759 - Gale Document Number Y3200655749

Whereas my Wife, Mary Leach, hath repeatedly Eloped from me and her Infant Family in a most disgraceful manner, without any cause and did again Elope, in like manner the 9th day of June last, and hath not since returned: - I therefore deem it necessary to inform the public, that I will not be answerable for any debts she may contract, or hath contracted. It is with extreme reluctance I act thus; but my duty to four infant children leaves me no other alternative.
Robert Leach, Jun.
Morchard Bishop, July 22, 1818.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, October 1, 1818; Issue 2768 - Gale Document Number Y3200655863

Whereas Mary Newton, my Wife, has lately Eloped from me without the least provocation. This is therefore to caution all persons against trusting her, as I will not be answerable for any debts she may contract after this public notice.
As witness my hand, The Mark X of John Newton.
Witness, John Marsh, Whitstone, Sept. 29th, 1818.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, November 19, 1818; Isue 2775 - Gale Document Number Y3200655942

Two Guineas Reward
Whereas John Jenkyns, Labourer, has left his Wife and Child chargeable to the parish of Clyst St. Lawrence, Devon: - Whoever will give information to the Overseers of the said parish, so that the said John Jenkyns may be apprehended, shall, on his apprehension, receive the above reward.
The said John Jenkyns is a strong-made, muscular man, about six feet in height, dark complexion, black hair and eyes, long whiskers, of slovenly appearance; has with him a level and staff, and professes to drain land.
Dated Clyst St. Lawrence, Nov. 12, 1818.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, February 18, 1819; Issue 2788 - Gale Document Number Y3200656127

Ten Guineas Reward
Whereas Andrew Davey, the younger, of the City of Exeter, Blacksmith, and Michael Sprague, of the same City, Mariner, have left their Wives and Families chargeable to the Corporation of the Poor of the said City. This is to give Notice that a Reward of Five Guineas will be given to such person or persons who shall give information to Mr Davey, the Inspector of the Poor of the said City, of the residence of each or either of them the said Andrew Davey and Michael Sprague, so that they may be apprehended, or lodged in any of his Majesty's gaols for the said offence.
N.B. The said Andrew Davey is about five feet eight inches high, thirty years of age, light hair, fair complexion, of a middle size, and by trade a blacksmith.
Michael Sprague is about five feet six inches high, twenty eight years of age, brown hair, fair complexion, and has been several years in the navy.
Dated February 12, 1819.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, August 26, 1819; Issue 2814 - Gale Document Number Y3200656459

Three Guineas Reward
Whereas, Francis Moxey, did, on Friday last, the 20th of August inst. Abscond from his Family at Tiverton, leaving them chargeable to the parish of St. Thomas the Apostle, near Exeter: - This is to give Notice, that a Reward of Three Guineas will be given to any person who will give information to the Overseers of the Parish of St. Thomas the Apostle, of the residence of the said Francis Moxey, so that he is apprehended, or lodged in any of his Majesty's Gaols for the said offence.
N.B. The said Francis Moxey is about 36 years of age, middle size, dark complexion, and by trade a smith, formerly a serjeant in the 38th regiment of foot, and armourer of that regiment. He wore away a black jacket, black trousers and a coloured waistcoat.
Dated St. Thomas, 25th August, 1819.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, April 20, 1820; Issue 2849 - Gale Document Number Y3200656923

Whereas Elizabeth, the Wife of Ambrose Shere, of Cullompton, Devon, did this day Elope from her said Husband, being the Nineteenth Time, without the least provocation, and she took a quantity of Clothes with her: - This is therefore to caution all persons not to trust her, as I will not be accountable for any debt or debts that she may contract after this day.
As witness my hand, Ambrose Shere.
Cullompton, April 16th, 1820.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, November 30, 1820; Issue 2881 - Gale Document Number Y3200657332

Eloped on the 28th September last, from the parish of Shobrooke, Abraham Norman, and left his Wife and Family chargeable to the said parish. Whosoever will give information to John Hooper, one of the Overseers of the Poor of the aid Parish of Shobrooke, so as he shall be brought to justice, shall receive a Reward of Two Guineas. He either works at husbandry or basket-making.
Dated Shobrooke, November 29th, 1820.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, January 11, 1821; Issue 2886 - Gale Document Number Y3200657421

Fraud on the Parish of Cruwys Morchard, Devon
Whereas, James Bidgood, now or late of the parish of Witheridge, in the said county, has Absconded or Secreted Himself, for the purpose of evading the Execution of a Warrant regularly issued against him for a contempt, and for the disobedience to the Magistrate's Order in Bastardy, duly made and served on him, by which means he has left His Bastard Child a charge on the said parish of Cruwys Morchard. If, therefore any Person or Persons will inform the Parish Officers of the said parish of Cruwys Morchard, where he may be found and apprehended, he or they shall receive Two Guineas Reward.
Note, The said James Bidgood is about 5 feet 9 inches high, of a dark complexion, with dark hazel eyes and black hair.
Dated 5th January, 1821.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, March 8, 1821; Issue 2894 - Gale Document Number Y3200657534

Caution (To all whom it may Concern)
Whereas Joanna, the Wife of me the undersigned Geo. Rennels, of Barnstaple, in the County of Devon, Accomptant, has voluntarily, and without any provocation whatever, Eloped from my Dwelling House without my consent. Now I do hereby Caution all Persons, not to Trust my said Wife on my Credit, as I shall not consider myself liable for any Goods which may be furnished for her use, nor for any Debt or Debts whatsoever, which may be contracted by my said Wife after this public notice.
Dated at Barnstaple, this Sixth Day of March, 1821.
G. Rennels.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, October 11, 1821; Issue 2924 - Gale Document Number Y3200657923

Caution (To all whom it may Concern)
Whereas, Mary, the Wife of me, the undersigned Henry Pearce, of Great Torrington, in the county of Devon, Bread-baker, has voluntarily and without any provocation whatever Eloped from my Dwelling-house without my consent: - Now I do hereby caution all persons not to trust my said Wife on my credit, as I shall not consider myself liable for any Goods which may be furnished for her use, nor for any debt or debts whatsoever which may be contracted by my said Wife after this Public Notice.
Dated at Great Torrington, this 9th day of October, 1821 - Henry Pearce.
Whereas, Elizabeth, the Wife of Ambrose Shere, of Cullompton, Devon, did on the 29th day of August last, (being the Twentieth time), Elope from her said Husband without any other provocation than her own procuring, and that she thought her said Husband was too old to supply her desires (being 78) and she being lost to duty and virtue, and also insensible to shame and brutality, and her adviser hath occasioned her disgrace and ruin:- This is to caution all persons not to trust her on my account, as all such debt or debts will not be paid by me. And the said Elizabeth Shere may assume some other Name, it is therefore proper to observe that she is about 34 years of age, short in stature, thin in face, flattish nose, watery eyes, bad teeth, squints a little and cannot read or sew without spectacles; she continued about Cullompton until the 14th September, and then left the Town.
Witness my hand, Ambrose Shere.
Cullompton, 9th October, 1821.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, March 21, 1822; Issue 2947 - Gale Document Number Y3200658236

Whereas Robert Evans, of the parish of Tormoham, in the county of Devon, Mason, Absconded from his Wife and Family about Christmas last, leaving them chargeable to the said parish. Whoever will give information of the said Robert Evans to Mr John Mudge, the Overseer, so as he may be brought to justice, shall receive One Pound Reward, and all reasonable expenses paid. The said Robert Evans is about 5 feet 9 inches high, dark complexion, black hair, dark whiskers, and marked with R. E. on one of his hands.
Tormoham March 19, 1822.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, August 1, 1822; Issue 2985 - Gale Document Number Y3200658464

City of Exeter - July 25th, 1822
Whereas the under-mentioned Persons have Absconded and Left their Wives and Families chargeable to the Corporation of the Poor of the said City, - this is to give Notice, that a Reward of Five Guineas will be given to any person or persons who shall give information to Mr J. Furlong, the Assistant to the Treasurer, at his Office, in St. Sidwell's, so that either of them may be apprehended, and lodged in any of his Majesty's gaols, for the said offence, viz:-
1. John Parker (Blacksmith), aged 46, of the parish of the Holy Trinity, about five feet five inches high, pale complextion, black hair, dark blue eyes, with a large swelling on the nose, - supposed to be in Bristol.
2. John Colson, (Glass-cutter), aged 40, of the parish of St. Martin's, about five feet five inches high, large nose, pale complexion, light hair and eyes;- supposed to be in Bristol, or its neighbourhood.
3. William Bond (Stone-mason), aged 40, of the parish of St. Olave's, tall, rather slight, dark hair and eyes; - supposed to be in the neighbourhood of Bath or Devizes, selling pamphlets.
4. William Kennedy (Blacksmith), aged 40, of the parish of St. Mary's Steps, about five feet four inches high, rather stout, light complexion, dark hair and eyes, very bald in the forehead; - supposed to be in Bristol.
5. James Bowden (An Itinerant Preacher), aged 63, of the parish of St. Lawrence, tall, very slight, dark complexion, hair and eyes; - supposed to be in London.
6. John Thomas Stanley, (Shoemaker), 22, of the parish of St. Sidwell's, short, rather stout, fair face, dark hair and eyes; - supposed to be in the neighbourhood of Bristol.
7. Joseph Perkins (Brewer), about 44, of the parish of Allhallows, Goldsmith-street; short, very stout, fair complexion, dark hair and eyes; - supposed to be in the neighbourhood of Bath or Bristol.
8. John Glanville (Cabinet-maker), 24, of the parish of St. Sidwell's, middle size, fair complexion, and light hair; - supposed to be in London.
9. James Jennings (Brushmaker), aged 33, of the parish of St. Mary Major, about five feet five inches high, ruddy complexion, dark hair and eyes, rather inclined to be lusty, and is much marked with the small pox; - was last seen in Blackburn, in Lancashire, in the neighbourhood of which he is supposed to be residing.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, September 19, 1822; Issue 2998 - Gale Document Number Y3200658560

Whereas, Robert Barrell, of Newton St. Cyres, absconded from his father, Mr Robert Barrell, about three weeks since, and has been borrowing money under various pretences in his Father's name. - this is to give notice, that Mr Robt. Barrell, will not be answerable for any debts the said R. Barrell may contract.
Dated Newton St. Cyres, September 17th, 1822.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, October 10, 1822; Issue 3001 - Gale Document Number Y3200658605

City of Exeter, October 1st, 1822
Whereas, Samuel Woolcott, of the Parish of St. Kerrian, (Brush-maker), aged about 45, rather inclined to tippling, about five feet seven inches high, middle size, pale complexion, grey eyes, dark brown hair, walks rather uprightly (and worked lately for Mr John Gobb, Brushmaker, Paul-street), has Absconded, and Left his Wife and Family Chargeable to the Corporation of the Poor of the said city.
This is to Give Notice, that a Reward of Five Guineas will be given to any person or persons who shall give Information to Mr J. Furlong, the Assistant to the Treasurer, at his Office in St. Sidwell's, so that he may be apprehended and lodged in any of his Majesty's Gaols for the said offence.
Five Guineas Reward.
Whereas, Richard Pounsford, Labourer, of the Parish of Clist Honiton, in the County of Devon, has Absconded on the 24th of September last, leaving his Wife and Family chargeable to the said Parish. And the said Richard Pounsford stands charged with committing a Burglary, for which a Warrant has been issued against him. A Reward of Five Guineas is hereby offered in addition to the Expenses allowed by the County, to any one who will apprehend the said Richard Pounsford and lodge him in any of his Majesty's Gaols.
Henry Dart, Overseer, Clist Honiton, Oct. 2nd, 1822
The Above Richard Pounsford is stout built, about 5 feet 7 inches high, 26 years of age, sallow complexion, dark hair, hazel eyes, small whiskers, took with him a blue jacket with gilt buttons, and a green coat, yellow striped waistcoat and patent cord breeches.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, July 31, 1823; Issue 3042 - Gale Document Number Y3200659216

Whereas, George Hawkesley has lately Absconded from the town of Bideford, in the county of Devon, leaving his Wife and Family chargeable to the parish of Bideford. Notice is hereby given, that a Reward of Three Guineas will be paid to any Person or Persons who shall give information to the Overseers of the Poor of the said parish, that the said George Hawkesley may be apprehended and punished according to law. The said George Hawkesley is about 5 feet 8 inches high, a fair complexion, light brown hair, has a squeaking voice, generally wears a long coat and gaiters. He has lately travelled on foot, taking orders for periodical publications.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, September 25, 1823; Issue 3049 - Gale Document Number Y3200659328

Eloped from the parish of Sandford, in the county of Devon, in the month of May last, Simon Hunt, leaving his Wife and Child chargeable to the said parish of Sandford. Whoever will apprehend the said Simon Hunt, and lodge him in either of his Majesty's Gaols, shall receive Two Guineas Reward, by applying to Mr Daniel Henwood, or Mr George Field, Overseers of the said parish. The said Simon Hunt is about 23 years old, 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high, fair complexion, round face, light hair, and hazel eyes, and turns in one knee. He is supposed to be near Tiverton or Taunton.
Sandford, Sept. 23rd, 1823.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, February 19, 1824; Issue 3070 - Gale Document Number Y3200659635

Whereas, John Jewel, of Cullompton, Devon, having lately left his Wife and Child chargeable to the Parish - is about 23 years of age, 5 feet 6 inches high, middle size, dark hair, dark eyes, and good complexion; travels as a Hawker of Staffordshire Ware, in the employ of a Mr Featherstone. Whoever will give such information to the Overseers of the Poor of Cullompton, so as he may be apprehended, shall receive Two Guineas Reward, to be paid by the said Overseer.
Cullompton, 17th Feb. 1824.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, November 25, 1824: Issue 3110 - Gale Document Number Y3200660241

I, John Williams, do hereby give notice to the Public in General, that I will not, from and after this Day, be Answerable for any Debt or Debts, that may be contracted by my wife, Avis Williams, now residing at Dawlish.
Signed this 16th day of November, 1824, Hastings.
John Williams.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, December 2, 1824; Issue 3111 - Gale Document Number Y3200660256

I William Snell, of Ide, Labourer, do hereby give Notice, to the Public in general, that I will not, from and after this day, be answerable for any Debt or Debts that may be contracted by me Wife, Elizabeth Snell.
William Snell, Dated this 29th day of November, 1824.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, March 3, 1825; Issue 3124 - Gale Document Number Y3200660448

Whereas, Harriet Tepper, my Wife, did, about Twelve Months since, Sell, Pawn, or otherwise dispose of the principal part of my Clothes, Furniture and other Property, without my consent, and during my absence, Eloped without any provocation, and has not since been heard of, leaving a Family of Three children. This is to give Notice, that I am not answerable for any Debt or Debts she may have contracted. As witness my hand, this 28th day of February, 1825, Henry Tepper.
Southmolton, Feb. 28, 1825.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, July 21, 1825; Issue 3144 - Gale Document Number Y3200660729

Whereas, William Gale, of the Parish of Tedburn St. Mary, lately Absconded, leaving his Wife and Family chargeable to the said Parish; whoever will cause him to be apprehended, shall receive a Reward of One Guinea, and all reasonable Expenses paid, by applying to the Overseer of that Parish. The said William Gale is about 30 years of age, dark complexion, and 5 feet 5 inches in height; he has been accustomed to work on the roads as a labourer, and occasionally has worked in the flax business.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, November 9, 1826; Issue 3203 - Gale Document Number Y3200661829

Ilsington, Devon.
Whereas, James Potter, hath deserted his Wife and Family and left them chargeable on this Parish, ever since the 7th day of October last past. This is to give Notice, that a Reward of Two Guineas will be paid by the Overseers to any one who will cause the aforenamed person to be apprehended, so that he may be duly punished according to law. The said James Potter is aged about 30 years, 5 ft. 5 in. high, of slender form, pale complexion, brown hair, light grey eyes, and has a slight halt in walking.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, November 22, 1827; Issue 3250 - Gale Document Number Y3200662769

Ran Away from his Wife and Family, laving them chargeable to the Parish, George Waye, Husbandman, of Colebrook, in the county of Devon, about 5 feet 7 inches in height, slightly grown, light hair, very rough featured, and has a downcast look. Whoever will give information respecting him to James Stone, or Richard Kelland, Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of Colebrook, shall on his apprehension, receive Two Pounds Reward.
Dated Colebrook, Nov. 16th. 1827

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, July 31, 1828; Issue 3285 - Gale Document Number Y3200663411

Three Pounds Reward
Ran Away, and left his Wife and Family chargeable to the parish of Newton St. Cyres, James Parsons, about 35 years of age, 5 feet 5 inches high, sallow complexion, black hair and bald on the top part of his head, and by trade a blacksmith. Whoever will apprehend the aforesaid James Parsons and bring him to the Overseer of the aforesaid Parish of Newton St. Cyres, shall receive the above Reward.
John Comer, Overseer.
Newton St. Cyres, July 22nd, 1828.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, July 10, 1828; Issue 3282 - Gale Document Number Y32006633732

William Smale, about Twelve Months since, Left His Wife and Child, chargeable to the parish of Okehampton. He is about 5 feet 5 inches high, fair complexion, light hair, and squints a little in his left eye; is about 30 years of age, supposed to be working as Under Gardener, or driving a Waggon, in the neighbourhood of Exeter. Any Person securing him, and lodging him in one of his Majesty's gaols, will receive 1 Guinea Reward, and all reasonable Expenses paid, by application, to Mr Robert Sampson, Assistant Overseer, Okehampton.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, January 1, 1829; Issue 3301 - Gale Document Number Y3200663731

Whereas my Wife, Elizabeth Rawle, Bishop's Clist, in the Parish of Sowton, has Absconded from Me, without any Provocation, I hereby Caution any Person giving her Credit on my account, after this Public Notice.
Michael Rawle.
Sowton, 26th December, 1828.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, March 4, 1830; Issue 3359 - Gale Document Number Y3200664621

Whereas my Wife, Susanna Bolt, who now lives at Lower Shillingford, in the parish of Exminster, near Exeter, and to whom I make a liberal weekly allowance, is in the habit of incurring Debts which she has no occasion to do. I hereby give public Notice, that from this time I will not pay any Debts she may so contract.
John Bolt.
Dated Withycombe Rawleigh, Exmouth, Feb. 26, 1830.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, August 5, 1830; Issue 3380 - Gale Document Number Y3200664905

Notice - To Constables and other Parish Officers. - Eloped from her Husband, on Sunday the 18th instant, Thomazin, the Wife of John Ware, of the Parish of Winkleigh, Confectioner, who carried away with her a large quantity of Clothes, and a considerable sum in Cash. A young man, about 18, is supposed to have gone with her. This is to give Notice, that John Ware, the Husband, will not be answerable for any Debts that she may contract, and hereby offers One Pound Reward to any person who will give such information as the said Thomazin Ware may be found. She is about 30 years of age, of a sallow complexion, with dark eyes, and has a Seton in her back.
Dated the 31st July, 1830.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, January 26, 1832; Issue 3455 - Gale Document Number Y3200665535

Whereas my Wife, Susanna Marting, of Newton St. Cyres, has left me without any just cause; this is to caution the Public Not To Trust Her, as I will not be answerable for any Debts she may contract from this time. Hugh Marting.
Witness, Reginand Force.
Exeter, Jan. 25th, 1832.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, June 20, 1833; Issue 3528 - Gale Document Number Y3200666299

I hereby Give Notice, to all Tradesmen and Shopkeepers, with whom I have had, or from the date hereof, may have Business Transactions, that I will not be answerable, or consider myself liable for any Debts which henceforth may be contracted by my Wife, Mary Braddick, of Silverton, in the County of Devon, or by my Children, either in my name, or in their own; and, I also caution all Persons against Purchasing any Goods or Property of my said Wife or Children, in Silverton aforesaid, over which I have any control or right, they having no right or authority to sell or dispose of the same.
Nicholas Braddick
Silverton, 10th June, 1833.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, December 26, 1833; Issue 3555 - Gale Document Number Y3200666801

Whereas Sarah Sleeman, Wife of me, Thomas Sleeman, of the Parish of Tetcott, in the County of Devon, Yeoman, hath contracted Debts to a considerable amount, without my knowledge, or consent; I hereby give Notice, That I will not be answerable for any Debt or Debts that may be contracted by her after the publication hereof.
Thomas Sleeman, Dated Tetcott, 21st December, 1833.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, February 27, 1834; Issue 3564 - Gale Document Number Y3200666939

Five Pounds Reward
Whereas, William Hunt, alias Drewe, aged 36 years, 5 feet 10 inches high, long favoured, fair complexion, with full eyes, Absconded from the Parish of Dunsford, on or about September last, leaving his Wife and Children chargeable thereunto: any Person or Persons bringing him to the Churchwardens or Overseers of the aforesaid Parish, shall receive the above Reward.
Dated Dunsford, Feb. 24, 1834.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, May 15, 1834; Issue 3577 - Gale Document Number Y3200667089

£3 Reward
Absconded, about Two Months since, from Exminster, James Payne, alias Snell, about 30 years of age, short set grown, with sore eyes, and light coloured hair; leaving chargeable to the Parish of Exminster a Wife and 4 Children. He was accompanied by a Woman who is marked with the small pox, about 23 years of age; they are supposed to be in the neighbourhood of Barnstaple. Whoever will give such information so that he might be taken into Custody, shall receive the above Reward, by applying to the Overseer of the Parish of Exminster.
Dated May 15, 1834.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, June 12, 1834; Issue 3581 - Gale Document Number Y3200667142

Caution - I hereby give Notice, that I will not be answerable for any Debts which may be contracted by my Wife, Jane Melhuish, after this Public Notice.
Thomas Melhuish
Cruwys Morchard, June 6, 1834.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, June 12, 1834; Issue 3581 - Gale Document Number Y3200667144

Absconded lately from the Parish of Coldridge in the County of Devon, where he left a wife and family subject to become chargeable, William Westcott, husbandman, about 29 years of age, 5 feet, 5 or 6 inches high, rather fresh complexion, dark brown hair, rather long and sharp nose, and walks upright; wore when he left his home, a grey frock coat, black waistcoat, dark corduroy breeches, light coloured gaiters, and carried a bundle; supposed to have a woman with him about 25 years of age, full favoured, and of fresh complexion, and thought to be in the neighbourhood of Torquay.
Any person who will give information to Mr John Reed, Overseer of Coldridge, of the said William Westcott, shall on his apprehension receive the reward of Two Guineas.
Coldridge, June 10th, 1834.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, October 2, 1834; Issue 3600 - Gale Document Number Y3200667370

Whereas my Wife, Nancy Babbage, (before her Marriage called Nancy Westacott), who is now residing at Southmolton, has of her own will separated herself from me, now I do hereby give public Notice, that I will not pay or be answerable for any Debts which she may contract after this day. Dated at Burrington, Devon, the 29th day of September, 1834.
John Babbage.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, March 5, 1835; Issue 3622 - Gale Document Number Y3200667679

I Hereby Give Public Notice, that I will not pay or be answerable for any Debts which my Wife, Mary Barter, may contract.
Elias Barter, Dated Exeter, 2nd March 1835.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, April 9, 1835; Issue 3629 - Gale Document Number Y3200667731

Two Guineas Reward.
Absconded, and left his Family chargeable to the Parish of Huxham, John Manley, who is about 5 feet 10 inches in height, black hair and eyes, generally has worn in his work a fustian jacket and corduroy trousers, and otherwise wears a blue coat and supposed to be in the South of Devon.
Whoever will apprehend and cause the said John Manley to be lodged in any of His Majesty's Gaols, or give Information so that he may be brought to Justice, shall receive a Reward of Two Guineas, from the Overseer of the Parish of Huxham.
Signed, Richard Matthews, Overseer.
Dated Huxham, Devon, 7th April, 1835.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, June 4, 1835; Issue 3637 - Gale Document Number Y3200667846

Whereas My Wife, Parthenia Whidborne, through the instigations of improper persons, hath, without just cause or provocation, withdrawn herself from my house; I therefore by this Public Notice caution all Persons from allowing her to become indebted to them in any way whatever, a I will not pay any Charge or Debt that she may contract from the date hereof.
Witness my hand, Richard Whidborne,
Olchard Village, near Chudleigh, Friday, 29th May, 1835.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, June 16, 1836; Issue 3691 - Gale Document Number Y3200668586

Public Notice
Whereas, Mary Ann Dart, wife of John Dart, Blacksmith, Coldridge, Devon, has absconded from him without case, this is to give Notice that the said John Dart will not be answerable for any Debts his said Wife may contract.
June 13th, 1836

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, June 23, 1836; Issue 3692 - Gale Document Number Y3200668601

Caution - Whereas My Wife, Johanna Ward, has eloped from me - this is to caution all persons against giving any Credit to the said Johanna Ward, as I will not be answerable for any Debt she may contract.
Robert Ward, Blacksmith, at Halberton, Devon.
Dated June 21st, 1836.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, July 14, 1836; Issue 3695 - Gale Document Number Y3200668635

Whereas my Wife, Elizabeth Rendal, of the Parish of Chudleigh, absconded from me on Saturday last, This is to give Notice, that I will not be answerable for any Debts she may contract from this date.
Dated Harcombe, near Cudleigh, 11th July, 1836.
The Mark X of William Arscott Rendal.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, September 8, 1836; Issue 3702 - Gale Document Number Y3200668734

Public Notice
Whereas my Wife, Sarah Diment, did leave my house on Tuesday the 16th day of August last, without my will or consent: Notice is therefore hereby given to whoever my trust the said Sarah Diment, or let her contract any debt or debts in any manner whatsoever in my name or on my account, that from and after this public notice, I will not consent to pay or discharge any debt or debts she may so contract, or be in any manner whatsoever responsible.
William Diment
Dated Colaton Rawleigh, September 1st, 1836.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, September 15, 1836; Issue 3703 - Gale Document Number Y3200668750

Public Notice
Whereas my Wife, Mary Smith, hath for sometime past contracted many Debts unknown to me, now I hereby give Notice to all Tradesmen and others, that I will not be answerable or responsible for the Payment of any Goods she may be instructed with, or shall obtain in my Name, nor will I pay or discharge any Debt or Debts she may contract after this Public Notice.
William Smith, Dated Cullompton, 13th September, 1836.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, December 5, 1839; Issue 3863 - Gale Document Number Y3200671047

Notice - One Pound Reward
Whereas on the 23rd November last, William Fry ran away from Farringdon, leaving his wife and family of three young children chargeable to the parish. Whoever will give such information to the Overseers of Farringdon as may lead to his detection shall receive One Pound Reward. He is about 35 years of age, 5 feet 8 inches in height, light complexion, sandy hair and has the mark of a cut in his fact.
Dated Farringdon, near Exeter, Dec. 3rd, 1830

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, October 6, 1842; Issue 4009 - Gale Document Number Y3200673359

Notice - I, John Tolley the younger, of the City of Exeter, Tailor, do hereby give Notice that I will not be answerable for, or hold myself liable to pay any Debts which my Wife, Maria Tolley, shall, or may incur, after this Public Notice.
John Tolley, the Younger
Dated Northernhay Place, Exeter, Sept. 29, 1842.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, November 10, 1842; Issue 4014 - Gale Document Number Y3200673440

I, Thomas Brown, hereby give Notice that I will not be answerable for any Debts which my Wife, Mary Ann Brown, may contract after this public notice, she having now left me.
Brownstone, Morchard Bishop, Nov. 4th, 1842.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, March 2, 1843; Issue 4030 - Gale Document Number Y3200673706

I Alfred Baker, heretofore of Hayne, near Silverton in the County of Devon, Hereby Give Notice that I will not be answerable for any Debts, which my Wife, Mrs Harriett Maria Baker, now residing apart from me, at No. 9 Salutary Place, Exeter, may contract in my name, nor for any articles which may be supplied to her on Credit. Dated the 15th day of February, 1843.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, June 27, 1844; Issue 4103 - Gale Document Number Y3200674870

I, Thomas Kerswell Anning, of the Parish of Kenton, in this County, Yeoman, hereby give Notice, that I will not be answerable for any Debts contracted by my Wife, Anne Anning, after this Date.
All Persons with whom she has already contracted Debts, must send their Bills immediately to Thomas K Anning, Vanbridge.
Signed, Thomas Anning
Dated 19th June, 1844.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, October 24, 1844; Issue 4120 - Gale Document Number Y3200675188

£2 Reward.
The Guardians of the St. Thomas Union, will give the above Reward to any Person who will give information of the present residence of Ann Smith, aged about 30 Years, who some time since left her Two Bastard Children chargeable to the Parish of Ide, in the said Union. She is supposed to be in some part of Cornwall.
By Order of the Guardians
J. G. Bidwell, Clerk, St Thomas Union, October 19, 1844.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, November 28, 1844; Issue 4125 - Gale Document Number Y3200675266

I, John Abbot Ensor, lately residing at Exeter, Gentleman, do hereby caution all Persons, from Trusting or giving Credit to my Wife, Eliza Jane Ensor, residing at the House of her Father, Richard Hill, at No. 84, Fore Street, Exeter, as I will not pay any Debt contracted by her after this Public Notice.
Dated this Twenty Fifth Day of November 1844.
John Abbot Ensor.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, July 10, 1845; Issue 4150 - Gale Document Number Y3200675794

Whereas, I, John Phillips, of the Parish of Chulmleigh, Devon, and Mary Ann, my Wife, have parted by mutual consent, This is to Certify, that I shall not be answerable or accountable for any Debts she may contract after this Public Notice.
Given under my hand this 7th day of July, 1845.
The Mark of X John Phillips.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, October 22, 1846; Issue 4217 - Gale Document Number Y3200676856

John Mortimer, of No. 14, Bartholomew Street, Exeter, is under the painful necessity of publicly intimating, that in consequence of the Mental Derangement of his Wife, which renders her incapable of exercising discretion in pecuniary matters, he cannot be answerable for any Debts she may hereafter contract in his Name, and he hereby requests that no Person will on any representation allow her to have Goods or Money on his Account.
Parties who may now have Claims on him are requested to furnish particulars of the same immediately.
Dated 21st October 1846.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, February 18, 1847; Issue 4234 - Gale Document Number Y3200677139

Whereas, William Adams has absconded and left his Wife and Four children Chargeable to the Parish of Dunsford, - whoever will apprehend the said William Adams, and deliver him to the Overseers of Dunsford, shall receive the above reward. He is about 27 years old, of light complexion, stands about 5 feet 6 inches high; and wore away a fustian jacket, light waistcoat and cloth trousers.
Dunsford, February 16th, 1847.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, June 1, 1848; Issue 4303 - Gale Document Number Y3200678201

Honiton - Police, On Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday last a man by the name of Lock was apprehended at Chepstow, Monmouthshire, for having left his family, five children, chargeable to the parish in October last. He was on Saturday taken before the Mayor, J. H. Townsend, Esq., and was sentenced to six months hard labour in the house of correction.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Thursday, February 23, 1854; Issue 4587 - Gale Document Number Y3200688485

Whereas, my Wife, Catherine Coles, has absconded and left me without any provocation of mine, I hereby give Notice that I will not be answerable for any debt that she may contract against me after this notice. Given under my hand this 21st day of February, 1854.
William Coles, Labourer of Dunsford, Devon.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Wednesday, March 27, 1861; Issue 4954 - Gale Document Number Y3200700803

I, Henry Browning, Grocer and General Dealer, of St. David's-hill, Exeter, hereby give notice that my wife, Ann Browning, has absconded from my house, and that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her after this date.
(Signed) H. Browning.
Dated March 26th, 1861.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Wednesday, July 2, 1862; Issue 5019 - Gale Document Number Y3200703048

I, John Morris, of Morchard Bishop, hereby give notice, that I will not be answerable for any Debt or Debts that my Wife, Louisa Morris, may contract after this date.
June 25th, 1862.

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Wednesday, September 4, 1867; Issue 5284 - Gale Document Number Y3200710031

I Hereby give notice that I, John Cornish, of Holcombe Burnell, will not be answerable for any Debts that my Wife, Merian Cornish, may contract.
Dated August 30th, 1867

Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, Wednesday, April 17, 1872; Issue 5603 - Gale Document Number Y3200716490

Exeter Guildhall
Charles Westlake, brass finisher, Quay-lane, was summoned for neglecting to maintain his wife and family who had become chargeable to the parish. It appeared that the officers of the Corporation of the Poor had had a deal of trouble with the defendant, and he has been before the Magistrates more than once on charges of assaulting his wife, &c. the defendant had gone to Bristol, where he had been about a fortnight when apprehended. He informed the Magistrates that he had intended to send his wife money, but his employers had kept one week's wages in hand and he had only received three shillings from them when taken into custody. He now expressed his willingness to find a home for his wife, but that lady jumped into the witness box and declared her wish to be separated from him. She only desired something a week from him wherewith to maintain the child. The Magistrates, on consideration of the defendant paying 4s. 6d. relief, granted his wife, discharged him.