


Extracts relating to Morchard Bishop from Trewman's Exeter Flying Post

Provided by Lindsey Withers

Thursday, November 20, 1806; Issue 2248 - Gale Document Number Y3200649608
Morchard Bishop, Devon To Be Sold by Auction, for the remainder of three several terms of 99 years, determinable on the deaths of one and two lives, all those Two tenements, with gardens, orchards, and several closes of rich meadow and arable land adjoining, containing together about seven acres, situate in Morchard-Bishop, and now in the possession of Mr Leach. For selling the same, a survey will be held on Wednesday, the 3rd day of December next, at the London-inn, in Morchard Bishop, precisely by three o'clock in the afternoon. The premises may be viewed, and other particulars had, on application to Mr Cross, solicitor, Crediton. Dated Nov. 10th, 1806.

Thursday, July 13, 1809; Issue 2358 - Gale Document Number Y3200650965
Exeter - On Friday se'nnight Mr William Maunder, serge-maker, of Morchard Bishop, was convicted before the magistrates, at the Castle of Exon, and paid the penalty and costs according to law, for paying less wages than was fixed by a rate made by his Majesty's Justices of the Peace, at the last East Sessions.

Thursday, August 2, 1810; Issue 2339 - Gale Document Number Y3200651498
Death - Monday last died, after a lingering illness, Elizabeth, wife of the Rev. W. C. Tucker, of Morchard Bishop.

Thursday, October 29, 1812; Issue 2460 - Gale Document Number Y3200652613
Morchard Bishop, Devon To be Sold by public auction, on Tuesday the tenth day of November next, precisely at three o'clock in the afternoon, at the London Inn, Morchard Bishop, the Fee-simple and inheritance of one undivided eighth part of all that Messuage and Tenement, called 'Middlecott', containing 42 Acres (more or less) of rich orchard, meadow, pasture and tillage land, situate in the parish of Morchard Bishop; and now in the possession of Mr Matthew Wreford,; whose term will expire at Lady-day next. For a view of the estate, apply to Mr Richard Leach, at Langland; and for further particulars, to Mr Cross, solicitor, Crediton. Dated 27th October 1812.

Thursday, February 23, 1815; Issue 2581 - Gale Document Number Y3200653820
Morchard Bishop, Devon To be Sold by Auction, at the Ship Inn, in Crediton, on Wednesday the 8th day of March next, precisely at five o'clock, the Fee-simple and Inheritance of all that desirable Estate, called 'Higher Venn', situate in the parish of Morchard Bishop, and adjoining the turnpike road from Chumleigh to Exeter, distant only 5 miles from Crediton and 11 miles from Tiverton; now in the possession of Mr William Pope, the owner; consisting of a good farm-house, with every requisite out-building, about 4 acres of prime orchard in full bearing, 8 acres of rich meadow, and 88 acres of arable and pasture land (more or less), all within a ring fence and in a high state of cultivation. The farm may be viewed, and other particulars known, on application either to Mr Pope, on the premises, or to Mr Cross, solicitor, Crediton. 13th February 1815.

Thursday, March 2, 1815; Issue 2582 - Gale Document Number Y3200653825
Morchard Bishop, Devon To be Leased, for a Term of Ninety-Nine Years, determinable on the deaths of three lives of the purchaser's nomination, all those Tenements and Premises, called 'Northcote's', 'Hartnell's', and 'Wigam', late in the possession of Mr William Pope, deceased and situate in the parish of Morchard Bishop; consisting of a Dwelling-house and 12 acres of orchard, meadow and tillage Land. For which purpose an auction will be held at the London Inn, in Morchard Bishop, on Tuesday the 7th day of March next, precisely at three o'clock in the afternoon. For viewing the same, and for further particulars, apply to Mr Cross, solicitor, Crediton.

Thursday, October 19, 1815; Issue 2615 - Gale Document Number Y3200654139
Whereas a Commission of bankrupt is awarded and issued forth against JOSEPH COLLITON, of the parish of Morchard Bishop in the county of Devon, dealer and chapman; and he being declared a Bankrupt, Is hereby required to surrender himself to the Commissioners in the said Commission named, or the major part of them, on the twentieth and twenty-seventh days of October instant, and twenty-fifth day of November next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon on each day, at the Barnstaple Inn, in the county of the city of Exeter, and make a full discovery and disclosure of his estate and effects; when and where the creditors are to come prepared to prove their debts, and at the second sitting to choose assignees and at the last sitting the said Bankrupt is required to finish his examination; and the creditors are to assent to or dissent from the allowance of his certificate. All persons indebted to the said Bankrupt, or who have any of his effects, are not to pay or deliver the same but to whom the Commissioners shall appoint, but give notice to Mr Thomas Berry, attorney at law, Crediton.

Thursday, October 26, 1815; Issue 2616 - Gale Document Number Y3200654150
Morchard Bishop, Devon To be Sold by Auction, at the Ship Inn, in the town of Crediton, on Monday the 20th day of November next, at five o'clock in the afternoon, all that Messuage, Tenement, Farm and Land, called 'North Hill', situate in the parish of Morchard Bishop, comprising a good farm-house, and all requisite out-buildings, with 3 acres of orchard, 6 acres of watered meadow, and 66 acres of arable and pasture land, (more or less) now in the possession of Mr John Wreford, the owner. For viewing the estate, apply to Mr Wreford; and for further particulars, to Mr Cross, solicitor, Crediton. N.B. One half of the purchase money may remain on security of the premises, if required. 18th October, 1815.

Thursday, February 1, 1816; Issue 2630 - Gale Document Number Y3200654299
Morchard Bishop, Devon To be Let for a Term of fourteen Years, by Private Contract, Two Messuages and Tenements (either together or separate) called 'Broadridge' and 'Highland', situate in the parish of Morchard Bishop, now in the occupation of Mr George Mortimer, whose term will expire at Lady-day, 1817. Broadridge contains about one hundred and nineteen acres; and Highland about sixty acres, more or less, of orchard, meadow, arable and pasture land. The estates may be viewed by applying to the Rev. P. C. Tucker, at Hill, in the said parish, of whom particulars may be learnt. If not previously disposed of by private contract, an auction will be held for Letting the same, at the London Inn, Morchard, on Tuesday, the 13th of February. On the same Day will offered for Sale, about one hundred and fifty good Oak Timber Trees, for which the proprietor will treat for, in the mean time, by private contract, as well as for some lots of Cooper's Ash, both of very good quality. (one concern). Morchard, January 26th, 1816.

Thursday, October 10, 1816; Issue 2666 - Gale Document Number Y3200654665
Marriage - This morning was married at Morchard Bishop, by the Rev. Mr Oxnam, Mr John Kingdon, yeoman, of Coldridge, to Miss Tamsin Maunder, third daughter of Mr William Maunder, of Morchard Bishop.

Thursday, October 15, 1818; Issue 2770 - Gale Document Number Y3200655890
Threshing and Winnowing Machines. To be Sold, an excellent Threshing Machine, in complete Repair, lowest price £21. Also a Winnowing Machine, little used, price £6. Apply to Mr John Mare, Morchard Bishop.

Thursday, July 15, 1819; Issue 2808 - Gale Document Number Y3200656368
Morchard Bishop, Devon. To be Sold by Auction, at the London Inn, in Morchard Bishop, on Monday the 26th day of July instant, at five o'clock in the afternoon, either together or in Lots, One Undivided fifth Part of and in all that Messuage, Tenement and Farm, called or commonly known by the name of 'Ash', otherwise 'Middle Week', 'Pooke's', and 'Flexmoore's Tenements'; comprising a good farm-house, and requisite out-buildings, with sixty five acres (more or less) or orchard, arable, meadow, and pasture land; one moiety whereof is fee-simple, and the other moiety held, by lease, determinable on lives; situate in the parish of Morchard Bishop, and now in the possession of Mr Simon Wreford. Also, One Undivided Fifth Part of and in all those several Fields, called the 'Birch Close, 'Turningway Close', 'Wallett Hay', 'Western Cleaves', and 'Willey', containing together about 13 acres, also situate in Morchard Bishop, and now occupied by Mr William Maunder, and Mr Matthew Wreford. These Closes of Land are likewise Leasehold. The respective Tenants will shew the Premises, and any further information may be had of Mr Cross, Solicitor, Crediton. Dated 9th July 1819.

Thursday, September 30, 1819; Issue 2819 - Gale Document Number Y3200656522
Ran Away on Wednesday last, the 22ndof September, from her Mistress, Mrs Ann Western, of Morchard Bishop, Devon, Ann Heard, her Parish Apprentice. She is about 17 years of age, and carried away her wearing apparel. Whoever harbours or employs the said Apprentice after this public notice, will be prosecuted according to law.

Thursday, February 1, 1821; Issue 2889 - Gale Document Number Y3200657475
Death - On Monday the 22nd inst. aged 80, much regretted by a numerous family and a large circle of acquaintance, Mr Matthew Wreford, formerly of Weeke Barton, but late of Paradise, in the parish of Morchard Bishop.

Thursday, October 4, 1821; Issue 2923 - Gale Document Number Y3200657915
Marriage - On Saturday sennight, at Morchard Bishop, by the Rev. Wm. Oxnam, Mr J. C. Rowe, of St. John-street, in this city, builder, to Jane, the fourth daughter of Mr Thomas Bennett, yeoman, of the former place.

Thursday, May 30, 1822; Issue 2957 - Gale Document Number Y3200
To be Sold, for the Life of the Owner, Mr John Wreford, now aged about 56 years, all that Estate, called 'Lower Shobrooke', situate in Morchard Bishop, in the county of Devon; consisting of a farm-house, and convenient out-houses, with about 60 acres of good land, principally tillage, now let t Mr John Pope, at the yearly rent of 65l. The Estate is charged with, and the life interest of the owner will be sold, subject to the payment of an annuity of 20l. to a person aged 70; and also of an annuity of 10l. to a person aged 30, which latter annuity is to be increased to 20l. in the event of surviving the first annuitant. For sale whereof, an Auction will be held at the Seven Stars Inn, in St Thomas, Devon, on Monday the 3rd day of June next, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon; and in the mean time further particulars may be known on application to Mr Pring, Solicitor, Crediton; or to Mr Chubb, Solicitor, Exeter. Dated 27th May 1822.

Thursday, October 23, 1823; Issue 3053 - Gale Document Number Y3200659381
Morchard Bishop, Devon To be Sold in Fee, by Auction, at the London Inn, in Morchard Bishop, on Thursday the 6th day of November next, an Estate called 'Butcombe'; comprising a Farm House and out-buildings, with 50 Acres of Land (be the same more or less), situate in the parish of Morchard Bishop and now in the possession of Mr John Elston and his Tenants. For viewing the Premises, apply at the Dwelling-House; and for further particulars, to Mr Cross, Crediton. Dated 20th October 1823. Stolen, on Monday Night, or early on Tuesday Morning last, from a Field belonging to Mr John Woolway, of Higher Venn, in the parish of Morchard Bishop, a Black Mare, seven years old, about 14 hands high, long mane, cut tail, with a long white spot in the forehead, short neck and in excellent condition. Whoever will give information of the offender or offenders, so as they may be brought to justice, shall, on conviction, receive Five Pounds Reward. Morchard Bishop, October 22, 1823.

Thursday, March 4, 1824; Issue 3072 - Gale Document Number Y3200659678
Marriage - On Thursday last, at Morchard Bishop, in this county, by the Rev. P. C. Tucker, Mr W. Maunder, woollen manufacturer, to Elizabeth, daughter of William Maunder, Esq. of that place.

Thursday, July 22, 1824; Issue 3092 - Gale Document Number Y3200659989
Morchard Bishop, Devon To be Sold, for 99 Years, if Three Lives of the Purchaser's Nomination shall so long live, All that Tenement, called 'Knighstone'; comprising 3 Cottages, with 16 acres of good land, situate in the parish of Morchard Bishop, late in the occupation of Mr Wm. Challice, and his Undertenants. Also, all that Part of a Tenement, called 'Gollands'; consisting of a dwelling-house and out-buildings, and about two acres and half of land, situate in Morchard Bishop and now in the possession of Mr Wreford. For which purpose a Survey will be held at the London Inn, in Morchard Bishop, on Monday the 2nd day of August next, at five o'clock in the afternoon. For particulars, apply to Mr Cross, Solicitor, Crediton, Dated 5th July, 1824.

Thursday, September 14, 1826; Issue 3197 - Gale Document Number Y3200661706
Morchard Bishop To be Sold, for the Residue of a long absolute Term, of which about 800 Years are unexpired, an undivided moiety of and in all that very Compact and Desirable Estate, called 'Harscombe', consisting of a Farm-House, with convenient Out-buildings, and about 40 Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, situate in the parish of Morchard Bishop, aforesaid and now in the possession of Mr William Page, as tenant from year to year. For which purpose, an Auction will be held at the London Inn, in Morchard Bishop aforesaid, on Tuesday the 10thday of October next, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, unless previously disposed of by Private Contract of which notice will be given. Mr Page, the tenant, will shew the premises; and further particulars may be obtained on application to Messrs. Geare and Mountford, Solicitors, Exeter. Dated 13th September 1826

Thursday, November 1, 1832; Issue 3495 - Gale Document Number Y3200665787
We the undersigned, do mutually pledge ourselves to each other, that we will endeavour to return Sir Thomas Dyke Acland, to Represent the Northern Division of the County of Devon at the next General Election. And we further pledge ourselves to give our Votes on the Day of Election Free of all Expense. We earnestly solicit the support and assistance of our Brother Electors, and trust Sir Thomas Dyke Acland, will, if so returned, long continue to Represent the said Division to the common satisfaction of himself and Constituents. Morchard Bishop Simon Wreford Samuel Wreford Thomas Tucker William White, jun. Thomas Densem George Maunder George Wreford William Mortimer John Wreford John Tucker William White Robert Webber.

Thursday, January 3, 1833; Issue 3504 - Gale Document Number Y3200665904
Death - On Sunday, at Morchard Bishop, aged 36, Grace, the daughter of Mr T. Bennett, of Town Barton; she was a person of a most exemplary character, and bore a long illness with the utmost resignation.

Thursday, December 5, 1833; Issue 3552 - Gale Document Number Y3200666751
Morchard Bishop To be Sold, by Auction, at the London Inn, in Morchard Bishop, on Monday the 9th Day of December next, at Four o'clock in the Afternoon, for the residue of a Term of 99 Years, determinable on the deaths of Two Persons, aged respectively 64 and 48, A Close of Land, called 'Wilson's Piece', Situate in Morchard Bishop, containing about Three Acres, more or less, now in the Occupation of Mr George Maunder, as Tenant thereof. For further Particulars, apply to Mr Pring, Attorney-at-Law, Crediton. Dated November 27th, 1833.

Thursday, May 1, 1834; Issue 3575 - Gale Document Number Y3200667065
Morchard Bishop, Devon The under-mentioned Capital Freehold Messuages and Farms, situate in the Parish of Morchard Bishop, Devon, will be offered for Sale by Public Auction, at the London Inn, Morchard Bishop, on Monday the 19th day of May next, at Two o'clock in the Afternoon precisely, in the following Lots:- Lot 1 - All that Messuage and Farm, called 'Hartscombe', in the occupation of Mr Robert Page, as yearly tenant, containing by estimation 29A. or thereabouts. Lot 2 - All that Messuage and Farm, called 'Lower Knathorn', in the occupation of Mr John Pope, Senr., as yearly tenant, containing by estimation 57A. 1R. or thereabouts. Lot 3 - All that Messuage and Farm, called 'Middle Knathorn', in the occupation of Mr Thomas Tucker, as yearly tenant, containing by estimation 55A. or thereabouts. Lot 4 - All that Messuage and Farm, called 'Mare Farm' in the occupation of Mr James Frost, as yearly tenant, containing by estimation 103A. 2R. or thereabouts. Lot 5 - All those Fields or Closes of Land, with the Cottage thereon, called 'Sharland's Tenement', containing about 4A. 2R. in the occupation of Mr John Kingdon, as yearly tenant. The above Estates are in a fine Sporting Country, well watered, and present a good opportunity for a profitable investment. The respective Tenants will shew the Property and particulars may be had of Mr Edward Osmond, Jun., of Newton Saint Cyres, the Auctioneer; or of Mr Chas. Hy. Turner, Attorney and Proctor, Cathedral-Yard, Exeter. Dated Exeter, 29th April, 1834.

Thursday, July 16, 1835; Issue 3643 - Gale document Number Y3200667928
Marriage - July 4, at Morchard Bishop, Wm. Pitt Ware, Esq. surgeon, of Chard, to Charlotte Besley, daughter of Wm. Mortimer, Esq. of Aish House, near the former place.

Thursday, February 25, 1836; Issue 3675 - Gale Document Number Y3200668369
Marriage - This morning at Sandford, Mr Thomas Bennett, of Town Barton, Morchard Bishop, to Miss Mary Ann Cann, of the former place.

Thursday, March 10, 1836; Issue 3677 - Gale Document Number Y3200668397
Death - On Monday the 29th ult. After a long illness, at Rolstone, Morchard Bishop, in the 64th year of his age, Mr John Pullman, a respectable Yeoman of that parish, and formerly of Tedburn St Mary, in this county.

Thursday, December 15, 1836; Issue 3716 - Gale Document Number Y3200668920
Death - On Tuesday morning, at Middlecott, in the parish of Morchard Bishop, in the 68thyear of his age, Mr Roger Densham, yeoman. In him the poor have lost a kind protector and mankind generally a sincere friend. As an upright, honest and consistent character, his death has occasioned a chasm in the parish which will not speedily be filled up.

Thursday, August 31, 1837; Issue 3752 - Gale Document Number Y3200669407
To be Sold, pursuant to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery made in a Cause entitled 'Davis and others v. Chanter and others', with the approbation of William Wingfied, Esq., one of the Masters of the said Court, early in the Month of October, 1837, a Freehold Estate, called 'Langamarsh' and 'Skellands', situate at Morchard Bishop, near Crediton, in the County of Devon; consisting of a Farm House, 2 Barns, Granary, Poundhouse, Stable, Linhays, and other Outbuildings, and of several pieces of Orchard, Garden and Nursery Ground and of Arable, Meadow and Pasture Land, and also of Furze and Underwood, containing in the whole 87 Acres or thereabouts, and now in the occupation of Mr John Burrow. The time and place of Sale will shortly be advertised, when printed particulars and conditions of Sale may be had (gratis) at the said Master's Chambers, in Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London; of Mr John Stable, Solicitor, 18 Lincoln's Inn, Fields; Mr T. M. Cleobury, Solicitor, 12 Montague Street, Russell Square; Mr Bennett, Solicitor, Featherstone Buildings, Holborn; Mr Palmer, Solicitor, Barnstaple; Mr Medland, Solicitor, Crediton; Mr John Loosemore, Solicitor, Tiverton; and at all the principal Inns in Exeter, Crediton and Chulmleigh.

Thursday, June 28, 1838; Issue 3795 - Gale Document Number Y3200670014
Morchard Bishop, Devon To be Sold, for the residue of a Term of Ninety-nine Years, determinable on the death of one Life aged about 30 years, the under-mentioned Property, situate in the Town of Morchard Bishop, either in one or the following Lots:- Lot 1 - All those Two Dwelling-Houses, Blacksmith's Shop, Gardens, Courtlage and Premises, now in the occupation of Mr John Steer. Lot 2 - All that Dwelling-House, Linhay and Premises, now in the occupation of Mrs Mary Pope. Lot 3 - All those Three Dwelling-Houses, Gardens and Premises, now in the occupation of Mrs Sarah Davy and others. For which purpose an Auction will be held at the London Inn, in Morchard Bishop, on Monday the Second day of July next, at five o'clock in the afternoon. For particulars apply to Messrs Medland and Francis, Solicitors, Crediton. Dated June 10th, 1838. Morchard Bishop, near Crediton. A Capital Farm. To be Let by Tender, for a Term of Ten Years, from Lady-day next, all that desirable Estate called 'Rudge Barton', situate in the Parish of Morchard Bishop, consisting of a good Farm House, with all requisite Outhouses and Agricultural Offices and 160 Acres (more or less) of very fertile Orchard, Arable, Meadow and Pasture Land. The Farm les within a Ring Fence, the Dwelling-house and Outbuildings are very convenient, the Land is in a regular course of husbandry and possession of 20 Acres will be given at Midsummer next, to prepare for Tillage. The Tenant will be required to discharge all Rates, Taxes, Tithes and Outgoings, to keep the Premises in repair (except the Walls, Doors and Floors thereof) rough Timber being allowed for the purpose and to cultivate the Land according to the usual rules of good Husbandry. Tenders in writing for renting the Farm are to be left at the Office of Mr Tanner, in Crediton, on or before Friday, the 22nd day of June instant, shortly after which day the Person accepted as Tenant will be apprised of it. To view the Estate apply to Mr Philip Kelland, of Court Barton, in Lapford; and further information may be obtained of him, or of Mr Tanner, Solicitor, Crediton. Dated June 5th, 1838.

Thursday, July 5, 1838; Issue 3796 - Gale Document Number Y3200670027
Death - June 20, at Morchard Bishop, at the advanced age of 81 years, Mr T. Bennett, late of Town Barton.

Thursday, October 18. 1838; Issue 3811 - Gale Document Number Y3200670222
Marriage - At Warkleigh, Southmolton, on Wednesday last, the 10th instant, by the Rev. R. Bowdon, Mr George Wreford, of Week Barton, Morchard Bishop, to Miss Ann Mortimer, of the former place.

Thursday, March 14, 1839; Issue 3832 - Gale Document Number Y3200670499
'Rudge Farm', in the Parish of Morchard Bishop, Devon. To be Sold by Auction, by Mr James Thomas, on Monday, the 18th Day of March instant, all The Farming Stock, Implements in Husbandry, &c., the property of Mr Kelland, who is about to quit the Farm. Comprising 29 Couples of Ewes and Lambs, 12 Wether Hogs, 4 Four-year-old Oxen, 2 Fat Bullocks, 3 Barren Heifers, 2 superior Cart Horses, 6 years old, with their Harness, one Gallaway 5 years old, 1 Hackney Mare in Foal, 4 years old, 1 Hackney Colt 3 years old, 1 two-year-old Colt, 16 Slip Pigs, 70 Seams of Clover and Meadow Hay, Threshing Machine, 50 Bushel Corn Vat, 4 Stand Cribs, with various other articles. Refreshments at 12 o'clock, and the Sale to commence punctually at 1 'clock. Dated, March 8th, 1839.

Thursday, August 1, 1839; Issue 3852 - Gale Document Number Y3200670782
Death - July 24, at Slade, Morchard Bishop, Mrs Elizabeth Tucker, aged 77.

Thursday, December 10, 1840; Issue 3915 - Gale Document Number Y3200671913
Death - December 5, at Morchard Bishop, after a lingering illness, Mr Henry Brutton, surgeon, aged 38.

Thursday, July 22, 1841; Issue 3947 - Gale Document Number Y3200672383
'Week Barton', and Other Lands, in the Parish of Morchard Bishop, Devon. To be Sold by Auction, by Mr Hussey, at the New London Inn, in the City of Exeter, On Thursday, the 25th day of August next, At Twelve for One in the afternoon precisely, either together or in such Lots as may be determined by the Vendor at the time of such Auction, all that Capital Barton, Farm, and Lands called 'Week Barton', Situate in the Parish of Morchard Bishop, aforesaid. Containing 346A. 2R. 24P., or thereabouts, now in the tenure of Mr George Wreford, for a Term which will expire at Michaelmas, 1845. This Estate is in a fine Sporting County, and lies well together. It will be Sold for the residue of a term of 1000 years, of which about 890 are now unexpired. At the same time will be offered, also for the residue of terms of 1000 years, and either together or in Lots, to be determined on as beforementioned, 22 different Tenements, now held by various persons under leases for lives, and comprising about 180 Acres of excellent Land, lying in and about the town of Morchard Bishop aforesaid, the particulars of which, and also of the Barton of Week, will be ready for delivery on or before the 2nd day of August next, at the bar of the New London Inn, Exeter; at the Ship Inn, Crediton; and may then be had of Mr Hussey, the Auctioneer, Waybrook; of Mr Drew, Land Agent, Pasmore Cottage, near Exeter; and of Mr James, in the Close, Exeter; and Mr Drew or Mr James may be referred to for any further information which may be desired. Close, Exeter, July 2, 1841.

Thursday, December 23, 1841; Issue 3969 - Gale Document Number Y3200672714
Notice to Creditors &c. All Persons to whom the late Mr Samuel Wreford, of Morchard Bishop, in the County of Devon, Yeoman, stood indebted at the time of his death, are requested to transmit the particulars of their respective claims to Mr Giles Edwards of Crediton in the said County, Accountant, that the same may be examined and if found correct, discharged. And all Persons who were indebted to the said Samuel Wreford, are desired forthwith to pay the amount of their respective debts to the said Giles Edwards, who is duly authorised by the Legal Personal Representative of the said Deceased to receive such debts and to give proper acquittances for the same. Dated 21st December 1841.

Thursday, February 22, 1844; Issue 4083 - Gale Document Number Y3200674572
Morchard Bishop, Devon. To be Sold at Auction, at the Ship Inn, in Crediton, on Tuesday, the 27th day of February instant, at 3 o'clock in the Afternoon, the Inheritance in Fee-simple of and in all that capital Estate, called 'Higher Venn', in the Parish of Morchard Bishop aforesaid, now in the occupation of Mr James Drew, and the Representatives of the Rev. George Gregory, deceased; - comprising of a good Farm House, and large walled Garden stocked with the choicest Fruit Trees, and all necessary Outbuildings, together with about 100 Acres of prime Arable, Pasture, Meadow and Orchard Land. For viewing the Premises, apply to the respective Tenants and for further particulars, to Mr John Brock, of Great Tree, Drewsteignton, or Mr William White, Solicitor, Moretonhamptstead. Dated 14th February 1844.

Thursday, November 6, 1845; Issue 4167 - Gale Document Number Y3200676025
To be Sold by Auction, by Mr Hussey, at the London Inn, in Morchard Bishop, on Thursday the 11th day of December next, at One for Two o'clock in the Afternoon precisely, in the undermentioned Lots or such others as may be determined on by the Vendor at the time of the Auction, the Fee-Simple of the
hereinafter mentioned, subject to the Leases hereinafter referred to, viz:-

Lot         Particular or DescriptionContentsLessee/OccupierNumber of Lives and
ages on which Leases
are determinable
Rent andHeriot
1.-Part of an Estate, called Stone Ash ....5639Simon Wreford   
2.-Two Fields, other part of the last estate1320Ditto   
Lots 1 and 2 are held at Rack Rent for a Term, expiring at Michaelmas 1847 £ s. d. £ s. d.
3.-Cottage, Garden, Orchard and Lands
called Northcottes and Hartnolls ......
1828Robert Maunder3 Lives, 25, 48, 49060100
4.-Part of a Tenement called Mount Pleasant,
consisting of 3 Cottages and Lands ....
8217Thomas Tucker and Elizabeth White3 Lives, 41, 45, 5011503100
5.-A Field, called Dawlish and an Orchard,
part of last Tenement .............
1029William DenshamThe same....0500100
Lots 4 and 5 are comprised in and subject to the same Lease, and the Rents and Heriots are to be apportioned as above divided
6.-Three fields, called Lodge Parks ......3234William Vicary3 Lives, 24, 31, 540500100
7.-Two Fields, called Wood's Tenement ....3010Simon Wreford3 Lives, 9, 12, 14020100
8.-Two fields, called South Park Meadows4010William Maunder3 Lives, 24, 28, 28050100
9.-Dwelling house, Malthouse, Stable, Cattle-
shed and Garden, and a Cottage called
Higher House
..................Simon Wreford, part
other part
3 Lives, 41, 59, 67
2 Lives, 22, 65, ..
Lot 9 is comprised in Two several Leases, determinable as abovementioned.
10.-Two Cottages and Gardens..................Nathan Mare2 Lives, 27, 35014028
11.-Three Cottages and Workshop..................Henry Drew3 Lives, 24, 45, 73018 
12.-Cottage, late Ann Passmore's..................Ann Perkins1 Life, 650110028
13.-Cottage & Garden, called Turningways..................Robert Page1 Life, 45020040
14.-Three Cottages, with Bakehouse, Stable
and Outbuildings
..................John Hookway3 Lives, 25, 32, 35014050
15.-Four Cottages, Smith's shop, Stable, Skittle
Ground, Garden & appurtenances
..................Robert Page and Robert Wreford1 Life, 36020 
16.-Dwelling House, Ironmongers Shop,
Ware-rooms & outhouses, called
Luxton's Tenement
..................Elizabeth Passmore2 Lives, 18, 33014020
17.-Dwelling House, School-room, Chapel and
..................John Northcott3 Lives, 18, 46, 56020 
18.-Farm-yard, Cattle-shed, and Woodhouse...................Robert MaunderThe same as last  
Lots 17 and 18 are comprised in and subject to the same Lease.

For viewing the respective Lots, application may be made to Mr Mare, Schoolmaster, Morchard Bishop; and for further particulars, apply to Messrs. Drew and Son, Land Agents, Peemore, Near Exeter; the Auctioneer;
Dated 31st October, 1845                                                             or to Mr E. W. Paul, Solicitor, the Close, Exeter.

Thursday, August 27, 1846; Issue 4209 - Gale Document Number Y3200676709
To Blacksmith's Wanted immediately, a steady Man, from 30 to 40 years of age, who thoroughly understands Shoeing and general country work and can bring a good character from his last employer. Apply to Bartholomew Glanfield, Morchard Bishop.

Thursday, September 30, 1847; Issue 4268 - Gale Document Number Y3200677646
Marriage - September 28, at St. David's Church, in this city, by the Rev. W. Carwithen, D.D., the Rev. James Philip Bromridge of Morchard Bishop, in the county of Devon, M.A., to Mary, the eldest daughter of Henry Melhuish Ford, late of this city, Esquire, deceased.

Thursday, February 15, 1849; Issue 4341 - Gale Document Number Y3200679180
Morchard Bishop An Advantageous Opportunity for a Maltster To be Sold in Fee, by Private Contract, or Let for a Term of 10 Years from Michaelmas next, a comfortable, Dwelling House, with an excellent Malthouse (now in full work and in which the Malting Business has been successfully carried on for many years by the present occupier and his Father) and Two Courtlages, convenient Offices, and a Garden, situate in the village of Morchard Bishop, near Crediton, now occupied by Mr Thomas Wreford, Maltster. The present occupier (who has taken a Farm, and is about to relinquish the business of a Maltster) will shew the premises, and for further particulars and to treat for the Purchase or Lease, application is to be made to Mr Simon Wreford, of Well Parks, near Crediton, the owner, or to Mr Tanner, Solicitor, Crediton. Crediton, February 10th, 1849. Ran Away from his Master, Mr William Challice of Morchard Bishop, on Sunday, 11thinstant, Robert Godsland, his Parish Apprentice. He is about five feet eight inches high, about 19 1/2 years old, pale complexion, he wore away a fustian jacket, dark waistcoat and cord trousers. Whoever harbours or employs him will be prosecuted according to the law. The said Master will not be answerable for any Debts he may contract. Morchard Bishop, February 12th, 1849.

Thursday, March 22, 1849; Issue 4346 - Gale Document Number Y3200679358
Notice All Persons having any claim on the late Mr Robert Morris, of Euston Barton, in the parish of Morchard Bishop, are to forward the same to Mr George Morris, at the said Barton, in order that the same may be examined and discharged; and all Persons indebted to the late Mr Robt. Morris, are requested, after this public notice, to pay the same to Mr Geo. Morris, at the place above mentioned. Morchard Bishop, March 21st, 1849.

Thursday, September 27, 1849; Issue 4373 - Gale Document Number Y3200680333
Marriage - September 21, at Crediton, by the Rev. S. Rowe, Mr William Henry Wreford, of Morchard Bishop, yeoman, to Fanny, youngest daughter of the late Mr Thomas Lee, of Kemelford, in the parish of Crediton, yeoman.

Thursday, November 8, 1849; issue 4379 - Gale Document Number Y3200680552
Crediton County Court George Wreford v. John Dicker. - the plaintiff is a butcher, living at Morchard Bishop; the defendant is a labourer, living at Lapford. This action was brought to recover the sum of 15s. 8d. for goods sold and delivered to the defendant in the year 1846. The Judge considering from the evidence adduced, that the plaintiff was unable to support his claim for the amount, except for 7s. 11d., gave a verdict for that amount, to be paid in a month.

Thursday, December 13, 1849; Issue 4384 - Gale Document Number Y3200680735
Marriage - December 6, at Crediton Church, Mr F. Chanon, of that place, to Mary Ann, daughter of Mr Reed, Morchard Bishop. Death - December 5, at Week Barton, Morchard Bishop, Betty, the beloved wife of Mr Edward Leach, much and deservedly lamented by her numerous family and friends, aged 77.

Thursday, April 4, 1850; Issue 4400 - Gale Document Number Y3200681265
Valuable and most Eligible FREEHOLD ESTATES in the Parish of Morchard Bishop and East Worlington, Devon, about 7 Miles from the Market Town of Crediton and 15 from Exeter.
To be Sold by Auction, by Messrs. Hussey and Son, at the London Inn, in Morchard Bishop, on Monday the 13th day of May next, at Two o'clock in the Afternoon for Three precisely, in 16 Lots.
With the Royalties, Quit Rents and Appurtenances.
  A valuable Estate called 'Broadgate' and 'Tremains' comprising a superior and newly erected Farm House, with an enclosed Yard, Barn, Stables and all necessary Farm Buildings, conveniently arranged and in perfect repair and 140a. 3r. 11p. of Orchard, Arable, Meadow and Pasture Land, in the occupation of Mr William Mortimer.
  A capital Estate called 'Brownstone', comprising a Farm House and all necessary Outbuildings, Labourers' Cottages, and 227a. 3. 18p. of Orchard, Arable, Meadow and Pasture Land, in the occupation of Mr John Page.
   A Messuage and Farm called 'Crookstock' containing about 31 acres, in the occupation of Mr John Wreford.
  A Messuage and Farm called 'Horridge', or 'Woods tenement', containing 69a. 2r. 35p. in the occupation of Mr R. Tucker.
  A Messuage and Farm called 'Hole's Tenement', containing 30a. 3r. 24p. in the occupation of Mr J. Cann.
  The undivided moiety of a Messuage and Farm commonly called 'Middle Ash', containing 68a. 1r. 21p. in the occupation of Mr J. Wreford.
  An Overland Tenement called 'Oxenparks', containing about 19 acres, in the occupation of Mr William Mortimer.
  A Messuage and Tenement called 'Paradise', containing 9a. 3r. 9p., in the occupation of Mrs Coneybeer.
  A Messuage and Tenement called 'Cawte', containing 5a. 2r. 11p. in the occupation of Mr Thomas Brown.
  A set of Water Corn Mills called 'Horridge Mills', and sundry Closes of Land containing about 20 acres, in the occupation of Mr T. Phillips.
  An Inn called 'The Fountain Head', and Seventeen Cottages and Gardens.
  The Estates called Horridge and Holes and the Mills, which are situated in the parish of East Worlington, together with a small portion of the property in Morchard Bishop, are held on old Leases of 99 years, determinable on lives, at conventionary rents amounting to £18 12s. 8d., and the rest is let on Lease to most respectable tenants, at moderate rents.
  The Lots may be viewed by applying to the respective occupiers. Printed particulars may be had of Mr Smith, Solicitor, 109 Guildford Street, London; of the Auctioneers, Waybrook, near Exeter; of Messrs. Croote and Son, Lapford, near Crediton; or of Mr F. E. Smith Solicitor, Crediton.
  Dated 30th March 1850.

Thursday, April 25, 1850; Issue 4403 - Gale Document Number Y3200681408
Death - April 16, at Middlecott Farm, Mrs Conneybeer, aged 63, the wife of Mr J. Conneybeer, late of Moor Farm, Morchard Bishop.

Thursday, August 29, 1850; Issue 4421 - Gale Document Number Y3200681989
Death - August 18, at Morchard Bishop, the beloved wife of J. Kingdon, Esq., of Rudgereede.

Thursday, September 12, 1850; Issue 4423 - Gale Document Number Y3200682047
Crediton County Court John Croote Davey v. William Bazzell - The plaintiff is a surgeon, living at Chulmleigh and the plaintiff sought to recover from the defendant, a tailor, of Morchard Bishop, the sum of £2 17s. 6d., for medical attendance. The defendant having admitted the debt, judgment was given for the same; ordered to be paid in 4s. a month.

Thursday, November 21, 1850; Issue 4433 - Gale Document Number Y3200682349
Ran Away from his Master, John Wreford, Sen., of Morchard Bishop, on Thursday the 14thinstant, Henry Horwell, his Parish Apprentice. This is to give notice, that his said Master will not be answerable for any Debts he may contract. Dated November 16th, 1850.

Thursday, February 6, 1851; Issue 4443 - Gale Document Number Y3200682747
Crediton County Court John Wreford v. John Challice. The plaintiff, a shopkeeper of Morchard Bishop, sought to recover from the defendant, a tailor of Lapford, the sum of £1 9s. 6d. for goods sold and delivered. The defendant having admitted the debt, and pleaded poverty, judgment was given for the amount claimed, and ordered to be paid by instalments of 2s per month. George Wreford v. John Dicker. The plaintiff, a butcher of Morchard Bishop, sought to recover from the defendant, a labourer of Tiverton, the sum of 18s. for meat sold and delivered. The defendant having denied the debt, and the plaintiff being unable to make out his case, judgment was given for the defendant.

Thursday, February 27, 1851; Issue 4446 - Gale Document Number Y3200682816
All Persons indebted to , or having Claims on the Estate of the late Mr Phillip Kelland, of Court Cottage, in Lapford, Devon, are requested by his Executor (Mr Philip Saunders, of Rudge Barton, Morchard Bishop) immediately to pay such Debts, and to send the particulars of such claims to Mr Tanner, Solicitor, Crediton. Crediton, February 24th, 1851.

Thursday, February 27, 1851; Issue 4446 - Gale Document Number Y3200682850
Birth - February 19, at Wood Barton, Morchard Bishop, the wife of Mr Thomas Bennett, of a son - still born. Death - February 23, at Slade Farm, Morchard Bishop, Mr Thomas Tucker, aged 67, deeply lamented by his friends and all who knew him, for his endearing and amiable qualities.

Thursday, September 4, 1851; Issue 4472 - Gale Document Number Y3200683848
Birth - August 28, at Cricket House, Morchard Bishop, the wife of Mr John Mansfield, schoolmaster, of a daughter.

Thursday, September 25, 1851; Issue 4475 - Gale Document Number Y3200683935
Fire at Morchard Bishop - On Saturday last, at about half past one o'clock, the inhabitants of Morchard Bishop were alarmed by the cries of fire and the clashing of the bells; on proceeding to that part of the town called Lower Town, it was ascertained that a stable belonging to Mr John Hookway, adjoining a cottage occupied by Robert Shore, a labourer, was on fire, which burnt very rapidly for two hours, but providentially it was a calm day. By the great exertions of the inhabitants the fire was got under with no other damage than the destruction of the stable and part of the barn. How it originated is a mystery.

Thursday, October 23, 1851; Issue 4479 - Gale Document Number Y3200684069
Death - October 15, at Middleweek, Morchard Bishop, Mr John Wreford, aged 67, after a few days illness.

Thursday, November 13, 1851; Issue 4482 - Gale Document Number Y3200684150
Exeter, On Monday at the Guildhall - John Skinner, of Morchard Bishop, was admonished and discharged, on his paying the expenses, for leaving his cart and horse in the Fore-street, on Friday last, on the complaint of P.C. 11.

Thursday, December 4, 1851; Issue 4485 - Gale Document Number Y3200684250
Crediton - District County Court, Monday Dec. 1 Vicary v. Hooper and Others - This was an action to recover £39 from the defendants, under a lease of the premises known as the Fountain Head, situate at Morchard Bishop. The action stood over from the last court day, in consequence of the plaintiff not being able then to prove the attestation of the deed of one of the defendants, named Pike, of Whitstone, but formerly of Rockbeare. Today, Mr Pile, of Rockbeare, the witness to Pike's attestation, attended and gave evidence of that fact. Since the last hearing the defendant, J. Hooper, had paid the plaintiff £9 reducing the debt to £30, against which he had a set off amounting to near £24, but which he had not pleaded. The books of the respective parties were produced and examined minutely and at some length by his Honour: and as there appeared on the face of the defendant's book to be that sum if not more due, it was, after some time, arranged that the matters at issue should be left to Mr Langdon, the plaintiff's solicitor, to examine into them and report to his Honour at the next Court.

Thursday, January 22, 1852; Issue 4491 - Gale Document Number Y3200684492
Crediton Petty Sessions - Thursday George Andrews, of Morchard Bishop, carter, summoned a man named Thomas, a fish dealer, for an assault and injuring his cart on the public road. Complainant stated that in returning from Exeter Christmas market, he met Thomas on the road with his cart; defendant drove against complaint's cart, breaking nearly all the spokes of the wheel. He strove to get out of the way, on which defendant abused and struck him. He was the right side of the road, and there was plenty of room for defendant's cart to pass; the cart cost seven shillings to repair. Defendant denied striking Andrews, or using abusive language; he said the cart was in the middle of the road, he desired him to pull in, but he did not. Fined 50s. including costs.

Thursday, February 24, 1853; Issue 4547 - Gale Document Number Y3200686630
Death - February 18, at Morchard Bishop, Elizabeth, the widow of Mr William Wreford, of Middlecott, in that Parish, aged 78.

Thursday, March 10, 1853; Issue 4549 - Gale Document Number Y3200686706
Death - March 2, at Morchard Bishop, Mr Simon Wreford, late of Well-parks, Crediton, aged 77.

Thursday, April 14, 1853; Issue 4554 - Gale Document Number Y3200686877
Death - April 3, at Morchard Bishop, Mr John Challice, aged 92.

Thursday, January 12, 1854; Issue 4581 - Gale Document Number Y3200688275
Death - December 28, at Morchard Bishop, Mr John Tucker, of Frost.

Thursday, September 28, 1854; Issue 5615 - Gale Document Number Y3200689683
Death - September 19, after a short illness, at Morchard Bishop, Fanny, relict of Mr John Kelland, of Yeo Farm, Down St Mary, deeply lamented.

Thursday, November 23, 1854; Issue 5623 - Gale Document Number Y3200689947
Apology Whereas, on the 31stday of October last, I was induced to circulate a report that Mr Henry Luxton, of Exeter, Cattle Dealer, had been apprehended on a charge of Cattle Stealing, which report has since spread into various parts of the County of Devon, and Whereas it has been represented to me that the circulation of the report unless publicly contradicted will probably tend to do Mr Luxton a serious injury; and Whereas for such probably injury an action has been commenced against me, which will not be withdrawn unless a Public Apology be made by me to Mr Luxton, and a contradiction of the same given. Now I do hereby express my regret that such a report should have been circulated by me; and declare my decided belief that there was no foundation for the same, and thank Mr Luxton for having withdrawn such legal proceedings, the costs of which I HEREBY AGREE TO PAY, AND I FURTHER EMPOWER Mr Luxton to make what use he pleases of this apology. Dated this 18th day of November 1854. Philip Davy, Morchard Bishop Witness - Scoble Willesford, Solicitor, Exeter.

Thursday, March 15, 1855; Issue 4639 - Gale Document Number Y3200690508
Philip Davy, Deceased All Persons having any claim upon the Estate of Mr Philip Davy, of Southcote, in the parish of Morchard Bishop, in the county of Devon, deceased, are requested to send the particulars of their claims forthwith to Mr Pring, Fordton, Crediton. Dated the 8th of March, 1855.

Thursday, May 3, 1855; Issue 4646 - Gale Document Number Y3200690726
Southcott, Morchard Bishop, Devon Mr Daw will Sell, by Auction, on Wednesday and Thursday, the 9th and 10th of May, 1855, all the Live and Dead
Farm Implements, Threshing and Winnowing Machines, Cider and Cask, Corn in Ricks, Grass &c., &., late the property of Mr Philip Davy, deceased, viz.Y3200690726 Thirty-nine couples of ewes and lambs, 34 ewe and wether hogs, 4 rams, 2 cows and calves, 4 ditto in calf, 1 steer, 4 yearlings, 4 good labour horses and harness, 2 ponies, 1 two-year old colt, and 2 hog ditto, 3 boars, 1 sow and pigs, and 12 slip pigs, a large quantity of dung, reed and straw, threshing and winnowing machines (by Tucker), rick of wood and browse, ditto of wheat, ditto barley, with the straw, 20 corn bags, cider press and engine, with large stone trough, 2 wagons, 4 carts, car, spring cart, gig and harness, iron and other ploughs, stone and wood rollers, drags, harrows, scuffles, horse hoes, 6 pipes of cider, empty pipes and hogsheads, large pound and other kieves, barrels, quantity of elm board, a few pieces of oak timber (by the Union Inn, will be sold at Southcott), hay rack, 1120 hurdles, ladders turnip and other drills, a small quantity of potatoes, hackney and side saddle and bridles, stone and wood pigs' troughs, turnip cutter by Phillips, large stone pump trough, husbandry tools, wheelbarrow, garden roller; also 3 fields of young grass. Particulars will be specified at the time of sale. This closes the first day's sale.
The furniture consists of mahogany 4-post, camp and other bedsteads, goose-feather beds, mattresses and bedding, mahogany chest of drawers, clothes presses, mahogany and other dressing tables, washstands, night commodes, wardrobes, swing glasses, chairs, &c., in five bedrooms, in excellent condition; piano forte, mahogany dining, loo, card, round, kitchen, work, and occasional tables, 18 mahogany hair-seat chairs with arm and easy, and a variety of other chairs, carpets, sofas, poles, curtain and window blinds (several sets), chimney glasses (very handsome), plated goods, set of china, dinner set, tumblers, wine and ale glasses, pair of ottomans, chimney ornaments, large map of Devon, settee, tea urn, travelling trunk, 3 clocks, 2 barometers, secretary and book-case, pictures, drying and saddle horse, summer house table, chairs and lamps, myrtle pans and cucumber frame, trays a variety of culinary articles, cheese press, milk pans, safes, cupboards, tubs, buckets, bacon hutch, with a variety of other articles.
The Stock is excellent, the Furniture in good condition, and very little the worse for use, the Implements very useful and the whole will be sold without the least reserve.
Refreshment at 12, and the Sale to commence at 2 each day to the minute.
Southcott is about a quarter mile from the Morchard Road Station, on the North Devon Line.
Dated West of England Insurance Office, Sandford, April 24, 1855.

Thursday, June 28, 1855; Issue 4654 - Gale Document Number Y3200691031
Morchard Bishop, Devon To be Sold, in Fee, by Private Contract, all that Messuage or Dwelling-House, capacious Malthouse, Garden and Premises, with the Appurtenances, situate by the public road in the village of Morchard Bishop, aforesaid, now in the occupation of Mrs Mary Wreford, the owner thereof. The Premises are very convenient for carrying on an extensive business in the malting trade, having for a great number of years been so used, and are replete with proper store-rooms, a good supply of water and every other necessary accommodation to render them desirable to a person carrying on that business, or any other where room is required. For a view of the premises, application to be made to Mrs Wreford, thereon; and to treat for the same either to her or to Mr Thomas Bennett at Week, in Morchard Bishop aforesaid. N.B. If the premises are not sold, Mrs Wreford or Mr Bennett will treat with any responsible person for a Lease thereof for a Term of Years. Dated Morchard Bishop, June 26th, 1855.

Thursday, December 20, 1855; Issue 4679 - Gale Document Number Y3200691900
Death - December 8, at Rudge Farm, Morchard Bishop, the beloved wife of P. Sanders, Esq., aged 29, deeply regretted.

Thursday, April 24, 1856; Issue 4698 - Gale Document Number Y3200692502
Marriage - April 17, at East Worlington, by the Rev. R. S. Bryan, John, son of Mr Richard Hooper of Chawleigh, to Elizabeth, the youngest daughter of Mr R. Leach, of Morchard Bishop. Death - April 10, at Morchard Bishop, after a short illness, Mr John Godbeer, aged 60.

Thursday, October 2, 1856; Issue 4721 - Gale Document Number Y3200693236
Morchard Bishop, Devon To be Let, by Tender, for a Term of Ten Years, from Lady-day next, all that Messuage and Farm, called 'East Ash'; comprising a farm-house and outbuildings and about fifty-two acres of arable, meadow, pasture and orchard land situate in the parish of Morchard Bishop aforesaid, and now in the occupation of Mr George Brownstone, as tenant thereof. For viewing the property apply to Mr Challice, of Farthing Park Farm, in Morchard Bishop. Tenders in writing to be delivered on or before Monday, the 13th day of October next, to Mr James Hill Partridge, of Mill farm, in Witheridge; or to Mr T. Melhuish Comins, Solicitor, Witheridge, of either of them further particulars may be obtained. Dated 29th September, 1856.

Thursday, October 30, 1856; Issue 4725 - Gale Document Number Y3200693372
East Ash Farm, Morchard Bishop, Devon Mr C. Hutchings is directed to Sell, by Public Auction, on Monday, the 3rd of November, 1856, all the choice Live Stock, 21 ricks of corn, Hay, Turnips, Agricultural Implements and other effects, late the property of Mr Roger Brownson, deceased, comprising 31 choice ewes, 21 ewe and wether lambs, four fat ewes, two rams, four prime young dairy cows, well seasoned in calf; one three-year old heifer with calf by her side, two superior three-year-old heifers forward in calf, three two-year-old ditto, one two-year-old steer, four steer yearlings, seven rearing calves, four young active mares, about 15 hands high, from four to seven years old; one bay cob horse, one grey ditto of all work, two store pigs, 13 ricks of wheat, three ditto barley, five ditto oats, (prime samples and sound), three ricks of excellent clover and meadow hay, one ditto of clover seed, about 17 acres of capital swede and common turnips, two acres of rape, 100 seams of wheat and barley straw, two heaps of dung, two wagons, three carts, three fields' and other sulls, drags, harrows, one stone roller, two wood ditto, turnip drill, cider press and apple engine, four kieves, winnowing machine, 100 hurdles, quantity of hogsheads and pipes, breeching and leading harness, plough tackle, ten pieces of oak, and ash timber, with various other lots.
C. H. respectfully solicits the attendance of the public generally on the day of sale and begs to inform them that the Stock, Corn, Hay and turnips will be found well deserving their particular notice. The use of the barns for thrashing may be had if required and the whole can be carried off the premises.
Refreshment at half past eleven o'clock and the sale to commence at one. No reserve.
Shortly after this sale, the Grass on the farm will be sold until Lady-day, 1857, of which due notice will be given.
East Ash Farm is distant about 3 miles from Morchard Road Station, on the N. D. Line.
Dated Auction and Agency Office, No. 1, Exe Bridge, Exeter, October 23rd, 1856.

Thursday, November 19, 1857; Issue 4780 - Gale Document Number Y3200695139
Death - November 11, at Weeke Barton, Morchard Bishop, Mr E. Leech, after a long illness, aged 89.

Thursday, November 19, 1857; Issue 4780 - Gale Document Number Y3200695158
Crediton County Court - Saturday Village Clubs - A very Hard Case Nathan Elston v. William Way, Joseph Leach, John Brewer, John Howard and William Smith. Mr Turner appeared for the plaintiff, an old man of 77 years of age, out of business, and residing at Morchard Bishop, who applied to his Honour, under a recent Act, to order his restoration as member of the 'Morchard United Friendly Society', he having been expelled by the defendants (for whom Mr Fryer appeared), who are the clerk and stewards of the society in question. It appeared that in the spring of the year the plaintiff, who had been a member of this club ever since the year 1818, was affected with asthma, and had been in receipt of 3s. per week, as walking pay, from the club. A member was not entitled to receive more than six months' walking pay at a time; and on the very last day to which the plaintiff was entitled to his pay he went out to his back door for a few turnips as his daughter with whom he lived, was going to put them into some broth for him. One of the rules of the society provided that during the time a member was receiving such pay, he should do no work; and this act of the plaintiff's was construed by the defendants into 'work'. They told the plaintiff that if he did not refund the walking pay he had received, £2 19s. 6d. he would be expelled the society. The plaintiff, rather than be turned out and deprived of the benefit of 2s per week old age pay, to which he was soon entitled, agreed to refund the money; but he was afterwards advised not to do it and the defendants thereupon expelled him from the society. The defendants' case was that plaintiff had fetched a basket of turnips to give to cattle, and that as a rule of their society provided that no member receiving pay should do any work, they had only enforced that which they were bound by their office to do. Moreover, the plaintiff had agreed to refund the money he had received, but afterwards refused to do it, and they had no alternative but to expel him. His Honour (addressing Mr Fryer) - Here is an old man who has been a member of a friendly society for more than 30 years, and on the very last day that he was entitled to receive his pay, he goes out and fetches a few turnips - now, do you really call that work? The Plaintiff was examined, and said that he fetched two or three turnips in a 'colinder', for his daughter to make him a little broth. They were not for cattle. Mr Turner said the clerk and stewards had, of their own motion, expelled the poor old man without calling a meeting of the members of the club as they ought to have done. His Honour ordered the immediate restorationof the plaintiff, and said he should adjourn the case until next court, to see if defendants obeyed. If they did not he should impose a penalty of £20 on the club, which the law enabled himto do. Mr Turner applied for costs, which were granted.

Thursday, February 18, 1858; Issue 4793 - Gale Document Number Y3200695620
Crediton County Court - February 13 The Plea of Dishonesty Discombe v. Bennett - This was an action by the plaintiff for 5s. 6d., a balance of wages, and 11s. in lieu of a month's notice. Mr Sparkes appeared for the defendant, who is a farmer residing at Morchard Bishop. It appeared that the defendant and his family have for some time past missed a quantity of things, but could not find out the thief until Sunday, the 10thJanuary last, when defendant's suspicion fell on the plaintiff. He sent for a constable, who asked plaintiff if she had any objection to his searching her boxes. Plaintiff said no; and, on opening one of her boxes, the constable found several papers of tea, some knobs of sugar, a piece of bacon (which plaintiff said she bought and said it was three-quarters of a pound, but, on weighing it, it was found to be above a pound, and matched a piece in defendant's kitchen). There were also some fancy kettle-holders, lace, a bread cloth, a silver thimble and several other articles, which were identified by defendant's house-keeper as being the property of Mr Bennett and his family. There were also three or four keys which, on trying, were found to open various cupboards and boxes in defendant's house, and one of them would open the cupboard where the money was kept. On discovering these things defendant ordered the plaintiff to leave his house immediately, or he would give her in custody. She did leave, and ultimately brought this action. His Honour said he considered the plaintiff had acted very foolish in bringing the matter before the public. The defendant was quite justified in discharging her without any notice, but perhaps she was entitled to the balance of wages due, which he found to be 2s. 9d., and which he ordered to be paid, without costs. The money was immediately paid.

Thursday, February 25, 1858; Issue 4794 - Gale Document Number Y3200695645
Death - February 14, at Watcombe, Morchard Bishop, Mr George Wreford, aged 84.

Thursday, June 17, 1858; Issue 4810 - Gale Document Number Y3200696133
Crediton Petty Session - Thursday Illicit Stills - Peter Cann, a labourer, of Morchard Bishop, was charged with having in his possession an illicit still on the 16thof March last. Mr Turner prosecuted for the Board of Inland Revenue. The officers of Excise found the still, in complete form for use, in the defendant's house. He admitted having used it for his mistress. Mr Turner said these stills were much used in the country and generally by labourers on behalf of persons in a higher ran, of life, who would not take the responsibility of keeping them on their own premises. The defendant was fined in the lowest penalty allowed by law - £12 10s. - the Bench intimating that they would recommend the Board to mitigate it still further. John Brownson, of Morchard Bishop, was charged with a similar offence, and the same penalty as in the last case was imposed.

Thursday, August 19, 1858; Issue 4819 - Gale Document Number Y3200696415
Crediton County Court - Saturday Snell v. Sharland - This was an action brought to recover the sum of £1 9s. 11 1/2 d. , for bread supplied. Mr Sparkes appeared for the defendant. The parties reside at Morchard Bishop. It appeared that the defendant's wife had been in the habit of selling bread for the plaintiff, and the action was brought to recover the amount for bread supplied. Mr Sparkes denied that any money was due to plaintiff. Neither the defendant nor his wife could read or write and the money taken by the wife for bread was therefore put into a separate drawer, and was handed to plaintiff on his next arrival. The plaintiff's accounts being irregularly kept, his Honour gave judgment for the defendant.

Thursday, November 11, 1858; Issue 4831 - Gale Document Number Y3200696796
Morchard Bishop, Devon Late Mrs Alice Tucker, Agricultural Implement Manufacturer. All Persons having claim or demand on the above Estate are to send particulars thereof, and all persons indebted to the aforesaid estate are requested to pay the amount of their respective debts to Mr W. Tucker, the Administrator, at Morchard Bishop aforesaid; or to Mr James Daw, Auctioneer, of Sandford, near Crediton; who are only authorised to receive the same. Notice - The Above Business will be carried on in future by the aforesaid William Tucker, who will faithfully, and at the shortest notice, execute all orders that he may be favoured with. Dated 5th November 1858

Thursday, November 18, 1858; Issue 4832 - Gale Document Number Y3200696797
Frost, Morchard Bishop, Devon Mr Daw will Sell, by Auction, on Wednesday, the 24th day of November instant, on the premises, all the Live and Dead Farming Stock, Corn, Hay, Stock-in-Trade of the Agriculture Implement Manufactory, Household Furniture &c., &c., the property of the late Mrs Tucker, Machine Maker. Further particulars, see handbills. Refreshments at Twelve and the Sale to commence at One o'clock. Dated Star Inn, Sandford, November 5th, 1858.

Thursday, December 23, 1858; Issue 4837 - Gale Document Number Y3200696968
Crediton Petty Sessions Wm. Cobley, of Morchard Bishop, was summoned to show cause why he refused to contribute towards the maintenance of his parents. An order of 1s. 6d. per week was made.

Thursday, February 3, 1859; Issue 4843 - Gale Document Number Y3200697180
Death - January 20, at Morchard Bishop, after a long illness, Mr Tucker, aged 73.

Thursday, May 19, 1859; Issue 4858 - Gale Document Number Y3200697639
Devon General Sessions - Wednesday (This Day) Elizabeth Hornbrook, the wife of a hawker, was charged with stealing three pounds worth of postage stamps, the property of Mrs Maria Gibbings, of the Post-office, Morchard Bishop. Mr Carter prosecuted and Mr Holdsworth defended the prisoner. The trial was proceeding when we went to press.

Thursday, May 26, 1859; Issue 4859 - Gale Document Number Y3200697663
Devon General Sessions - Wednesday Elizabeth Hornbrook, whose trial was proceeding when we went to press last week, was Acquitted from the charge of stealing postage stamps at Morchard Bishop.

Thursday, September 1, 1859; Issue 4873 - Gale Document Number Y3200698110
Morchard Bishop, Devon To be Let, by Tender, from Michaelmas next, for a Term of Fourteen Years (if the lessor should so long live), al that capital Messuage and Farm called or commonly known by the name of 'Venn', and comprising the several Tenements of Lower Venn, Rose Moor, and Mill Parks, otherwise Milk Parks, all late in the occupation of John Brown, jun., Esq., deceased, together with Three Labourers Cottages on the Farm. The Dwelling-house is a modern building, affording every convenience for a respectable family and the farm comprises about 160a. more or less of arable, pasture, meadow and orchard lands, in convenient and proportionate quantities. Several good market towns are of easy access, including Exeter, Barnstaple and Crediton, and a Railway-station with depots for manures &c., is distant only two miles and a half from the farm yard. The Farm may be reckoned as a first-class farm for the part of the country where it is situate; and to a sportsman agriculturist offers, from its situation, the enjoyment of field sports in addition to that of field culture. Possession of the messuage and entire farm (except the plantations and usual reservations of quarries, &c.), may be had immediately after Michaelmas next, upon the taker's signing a lease to be prepared at his expense and retained by the lessor. The Lessee before taking possession will have to pay a fixed sum for the threshing-machine, apple-engine and cider-press, growing turnips, young clover, hay, straw, and manure on the premises and in the ground; and during the continuance of his term will have to pay all rates, taxes, tithe rent charges and other outgoings (except only the landlord's property tax), and to keep the farm-house and buildings in good repair, being allowed sufficient timber and stone arising from the farm for the purpose. Persons desirous of viewing the farm and obtaining further particulars will find at the farm residence a person appointed to shew the boundaries and at the office of Mr Langdon, Solicitor, Crediton, the conditions for letting. Tenders to be delivered to Mr Langdon, on or before Monday, the 26thof September next. The Lessor will not be bound to accept the highest or any Tender. N.B. The Farm has been cultivated by Proprietors for the last thirty years or more. Dated Crediton, 30th August, 1859.

Thursday, October 6, 1859; Issue 4878 - Gale Document Number Y3200698246
Upcott Farm, Morchard Bishop, Devon 181 Excellent Leicester Sheep, Thirty North Devon Bullocks, Six Horses. Mr Hill has been instructed to Sell, by Auction on Monday the 10th day of October instant, on the Premises, all the valuable Live Stock, the property of Mr G. Reed, who is about to give up the estate; comprising seventy excellent breeding ewes, eighty ewe and weather lambs, thirty-one fat wethers, four superior three year old steers, eight two year old ditto, five three year old heifers in calf, five excellent milch cows, five steer and heifer yearlings, one superior cow and calf, three useful cart horses; one bay horse, five years old, calculated for a buss; one bay cob, five years old, calculated for saddle or harness, one two year old cart colt. The above lot of stock will be found deserving attention. The sheep are of large size, with good constitution and heavy fleeces and the bullocks and horses of the most useful description, the whole of which will be sold without reserve. Refreshments on the table at One and the Auction to commence at Two o'clock precisely. Upcott Farm is situated about one mile from the Morchard Road and Lapford Stations of the North Devon Railway. Dated Bow, October 1st, 1859.

Thursday, November 3, 1859; Issue 4881 - Gale Document Number Y3200698404
For Sale, a Mare Colt, coming four years old, got by an Arab Horse, the property of his Royal Highness Prince Albert, called 'Mustard', out of a through-bred Mare, late the property of the Rev. Comyns Tucker, Morchard Bishop. Also, 4 1/2 acres of ripe Turnips. The aspect of the field is southerly and very dry. For particulars, apply to John Hall, Frostland Farm, Sandford, near Crediton.

Thursday, November 3, 1859; Issue 4881 - Gale Document Number Y3200698387
Marriage - October 29, at St Thomas, by the Rev. W. H. Howard, Mr George Mortimore of Ilsington, miller, to Miss Emily Gun, of Morchard Bishop.

Thursday, March 14, 1860; Issue 4900 - Gale Document Number Y3200698947
To Machine Makers and Others To be Let, by Tender, with Immediate Possession, for such Term as may be agreed on, all that excellent Dwelling-House, three Cottages, Workshops, Smithery, four-stall Stable and Garden, with all necessary Outbuildings, called 'Frost', in the parish of Morchard Bishop, Devon; which now and for many years past have been in the occupation of Mr William Tucker and his ancestors, who declines the above business. The above premises are well situated for carrying on a large manufactory of any description, being only one mile and half from the Morchard-road Station, on the North Devon Line. Tenders must e sent stating the clear yearly rent, with or without the cottages, to Mr James Daw, Auctioneer, Sandford, near Crediton, on or before Saturday, the 24th of March instant, of whom further particulars may be obtained. Sandford, 12th March 1860.

Wednesday, June 6, 1860; Issue 4912 - Gale Document Number Y3200699365
Crediton Petty Sessions The Wire-Worker's Mischance. John Hedgeland, a wire-worker of Morchard Bishop, was summoned for assaulting Elizabeth Ford. The defendant is 'an uncle by marriage' to the complainant. Elizabeth Ford seems to have resided with Hedgeland as a servant for some years previous to the death of his wife. Since that event the defendant and complainant have lived upon more intimate terms. The result of this impropriety has been the birth of a child and Ford was stated to be again enceinte. On the 12thof May they disagreed; and the defendant kicked the complainant and otherwise ill-used her; he then 'marched her out of his house', and after her he 'bundled her clothes'. The defendant entertained the Court with a rambling statement of the wrongs he had suffered at the hands of the complainant. One of her great faults was the selling of a pair of his old trousers for 9 1/4 d.; another that she didn't come down stairs one morning till between the hours of eight and nine; that she had threatened at different time to commit suicide, and he had cut his hands severely in taking the razor from her; that 'when she was in her flirts she'd lie abed like a horse in the staggers; 'that she had tasted his cheese and had sole some of his rhubarb. As an illustration of his own exemplary worth the defendant assured the Magistrates that 'he never sat down to have his meals without taking her child upon his lap, and he loved that child as dearly as he did his own'. The defendant admitted that he put his foot against the complainant as she sat upon a stool; but he denied kicking her, though there was abundant evidence to that fact. Mr Sillifant remarked that it was a very horrible case on all sides; but the defendant was particularly blameable, having seduced the young woman whom he should have protected. The Magistrates inflicted a fine of 40s. with the expenses; or, in default of payment, two months' imprisonment. Hedgeland pulled in his horns a bit after the decision of the Bench; and upon his urgent solicitation he was allowed till the next petty sessions to pay the whole of the amount -having deposited £1 towards it before he left the Court.

Wednesday, December 26, 1860; Issue 4941 - Gale Document Number Y3200700334
Morchard Bishop, Devon Mr Hill, will Sell, by Auction, on Friday, the 28th of December instant, precisely at Three o'clock in the Afternoon, all the neat Household Furniture and other Effects, the property of the late Mrs Ann Maunder; comprising two four-post bedsteads, with furniture, feather beds, bolsters and pillows, quilts, sheets and blankets, dressing table, swing glass, was stand and ware, chest of drawers, bedroom chairs, bedside carpet, mahogany dining table, half dozen of mahogany hair seat chairs, fender and fire irons, china, glass and ware, clock and case, two kitchen tables, ditto chairs, corner cupboards, round table, washing tubs and buckets, saling standards, meat safe, range and serge, water pails and pitchers, chimney crooks, iron pots, candlesticks, a lot of tin ware, with various other articles. No reserve. Dated Bow, December 22nd, 1860.

Wednesday, January 30, 1861; Issue 4946 - Gale Document Number Y3200700511
Marriage - January 16, at Morchard Bishop, Mr W. Morrish, of Easton Barton, to Emma, eldest daughter of Mr Roger Leach, of Southcott, Morchard.

Wednesday, September 25, 1861; Issue 4979 - Gale Document Number Y3200701625
Marriage - September 18, at Morchard Bishop, Bartholomew Francis, son of Mr Lee, Great Leigh Crediton, to Mary, daughter of the late Mr Tucker, of Westacott, Crediton.

Wednesday, December 11, 1861; Issue 4990 - Gale Document Number Y3200702021
Marriage - December 5, at Morchard Bishop, Mr Henry Webber, of Morchard-road, to Miss Caroline Lee, of Morchard Bishop.

Wednesday, December 25, 1861; Issue 4992 - Gale Document Number Y3200702102
Crediton County Court - Dec. 28. James Cann v.John Hedgeland - the Plaintiff, a baker, of Morchard Bishop, sued the defendant, a sieve maker of the same place, for £3 2s. 9d. Mr W. Langdon appeared for the defendant. The case was adjourned to the next court to allow the defendant to plead a set off. James Cann v. John Wreford - The litigants reside at Morchard Bishop. Claim £5 13s. 1 1/2 d. for bread. The plaintiff described the defendant as a 'landed proprietor' and Mr Wreford declared that his property brought him five shillings a week. Judgment was given against 'the landed proprietor', who was directed to pay 6s. a month in liquidation of the debt. John Reed v. William Kelland - These persons live at Morchard Bishop. Mr W. Sparkes for the plaintiff, and Mr Floud for the defendant. It seems that on the 25thof December, 1853, the defendant gave the plaintiff a promissory note for £53, with interest thereon at the rate of five per cent. Upon the note it was alleged that there were not due £62 18s. but as that amount could not be recovered in the County Court the excess was abandoned, and the plaintiff brought an action for £50. The claim was resisted upon the plea of its being barred by the Statute of Limitation; but it was proved that the defendant ineffectually tried to pass through the Insolvency Court in July, 1856, and in his schedule he then stated that he had paid in May 1856, £6 on account of the promissory note and the interest thereon. Seeing the entry in the schedule Mr Floud said he could not further contend against the claim. The defendant's wife protested that no such money had been paid, and the husband seemed to entertain the same opinion; but his Honour gave judgment for the amount claimed, with costs. According to the rules of the Court eh amount should be paid in a fortnight, but Mr Sparkes offered to take it in payments of £5 a year.

Wednesday, June 25, 1862; Issue 5018 - Gale Document Number Y3200702997
Marriage - June 18, at St Thomas, Mr George Reed, late of Upcott Farm, Morchard Bishop, to Jane, youngest daughter of the late Edward Leech, Esq., of Week Barton, in the same parish.

Wednesday, July 2, 1862; Issue 5019 - Gale Document Number Y3200703020
Morchard Bishop, North Devon. Most Eligible Investment. Mr J. Hannaford will Sell, by Public Auction, at the London Inn, in the parish of Morchard Bishop, on Wednesday the 16th day of July next, at Three o'clock in the Afternoon precisely (unless previously disposed of, in which case due notice will be given) in One Lot, and subject to such conditions as will be then and there produced, all those very valuable and desirable Messuages, Tenements, Farms and Lands, called or known by the name of 'The Middlecotts', otherwise 'Wreford's, Middlecott, Comyn's Middlecott, Meare's Middlecott, and Wilson's, or Lane's Middlecott', situate in the parish and adjoining the town of Morchard Bishop, within an easy distance of the railway, now in the occupation of Mr Roger Densham, or his under tenants, whose term therein expires at Lady-day, 1864, and Mr John Hedgeland, as yearly tenant. The property consists of a commodious farmhouse, one other good Dwelling-house, two labourers' Cottages, and all necessary offices and 164a. 8r. 35p. (be the same more or less) of very superior watered meadow, orchard, arable, and pasture land, has mostly a southern aspect, abounds with thriving elm timber and is chiefly of a rich and productive quality. These estate are held and will be sold in fee-simple, except Lane's or Wilson's, 17a. 2r. 88p. (more or less), which is held and will be sold for 783 years, being the unexpired residue of 1000 years' term. The property may be viewed by a map, which can be had of Mr Wm. Delve, Mason, Morchard Bishop, who will direct a person to carry the same. A small modus is paid on several of the meadows, in lieu of all manner of tithes, and they are distinguished on the map as stint meadows. Some of the fences have recently been thrown down and are erased on the map. For further particulars, application may be made to the owner, Mr John Wreford, Currier, Chulmleigh (who will shew the estate if desired) and Mrs G Wreford, of Ford, Chulmleigh; or to Messrs. Pearse and Crosse, Solicitors, Southmolton. Dated June 9th, 1862.

Wednesday, July 2, 1862; Issue 5019 - Gale Document Number Y3200703048
Notice. I, John Morris, of Morchard Bishop, hereby give notice, that I will not be answerable for any Debt or Debts that my Wife, Louisa Morris, may contract after this date. June 25th, 1862.

Wednesday, August 13, 1862; Issue 5025 - Gale Document Number Y3200703241
Birth - August 9, at Venn, Morchard Bishop, the wife of Mr Edward Ellis, a daughter.

Wednesday, March 4, 1863; Issue 5054 - Gale Document Number Y3200704198
Rudge Farm, Morchard Bishop Mr W. Hill, has been favoured with instructions to Sell, by Auction, on the Premises, on Tuesday, the 24th day of March instant, all the valuable and choice Live Stock, first-class Farming Implements &c., the property of Mr Philip Sanders, about to relinquish farming; comprising 145 sheep, twenty bullocks, eight horses, nine pigs, corn and hay in ricks, the particulars of which will appear in future advertisements. Dated Bow, March 3rd, 1863.

Wednesday, March 11, 1863; Issue 5055 - Gale Document Number Y3200704199
Rudge Farm, Morchard Bishop, Devon Important Sale of First Class Live Stock Mr W. Hill has been favoured with instructions to offer for Sale, by Auction, on the Premises, on Tuesday the 24th March instant, all the choice and valuable Live Stock, first-class Farming Implements, Corn and Hay in Ricks, &c., the property of Mr Phillip Saunders, about to relinquish farming, comprising fifty-eight prime couples, fifty-four ewe and wether hogs, twenty-nine fat wethers, one ram, three prime fat heifers, three handsome milch cows in calf, one prime barren heifer, two handsome three year old steers, two two year old steers, one three year old heifer in calf, three two year old heifers in calf, one handsome twelve months old heifer, one twelve months old steer, three rearingcalves, five useful farm horses, from eight to five years ld, a very handsome chestnut hackney mare, seven years old, fifteen hands one inch high, very clever in saddle or harness, two hackney colts, one three and the other four years old, by 'Vernon', two handsome black sow pigs, with their farrows, seen slip pigs, of different sizes, twenty hogsheads of prime cider, empty casks and pound kieves, two wagons and lades, three broad-wheeled carts, one of them quite new, one harvest cart, butt, carts, four iron ploughs by 'Wright and others', three pair of iron harrows, timber harrows and drags, stone and wood rollers, improved hay collector and rake, Gardener and Phillipps' turnip cutters, oil cake bruiser, turnip drills, an excellent chaff cutter by 'Samuelson', nearly new, calculated for horse power, with pulleys &c., all complete, Garret's nine colter corn drill, scuffles, Coleman's cultivator, hay turner, by 'Wright', a pair of chain harrows, winnowing machine, weighing machine and weights, seed machine, manure screen, beam, scales and weights, trucks, bags and sacks, sieves and measures, corn butts, iron drafts, double drafts and chains, a lot of cart harness, in good condition, ropes, sheep troughs, new iron sheep rack, 200 hurdles, twenty bags of potatoes, ladders, bullock stands, a lot of faggot wood, a quantity of husbandry tools of all descriptions, an excellent sheep dipping apparatus, nearly new, cheese press, &c., &c. Also, two large ricks of wheat, two ditto barley, one rick of clover hay, and about three acres of sweed turnips. The purchasers of the corn will be entitled to the reed and straw. The Auctioneer can with confidence draw the especial attention of his friends to the above lot of stock and implements, Mr Saunders having always paid particular attention in breeding from the best flocks and herds in the county, regardless of expense, and those that favour the Auctioneer with their company on the day of sale, will have ocular demonstration, that it is a first-class lot of stock. Refreshment on the table at Twelve, and the sale to commence at Two to the minute. Rudge is situate about a mile and a half from the Lapford and Morchard Stations, on the North Devon Line. Bow, March 5th, 1863.

Wednesday, May 13, 1863; Issue 5064 - Gale Document Number Y3200704456
Exeter Guildhall James Edgeland, higgler, of Morchard Bishop, was summoned for selling carcases to Mr Charles Berry out of the market, thereby cheating the lessee of the market tolls. Defendant pleaded guilty and was fined 10s. and expenses. Mr Toby appeared for the lessee.

Wednesday, July 8, 1863; Issue 5072 - Gale Document Number Y3200704656
Devon Midsummer Sessions Housebreaking - Henry Bowden, 30, labourer, was indicted for stealing a quantity of dredge corn, the property of Robert Pullman, at Morchard Bishop, on the 17th May, 1863. In company with John Cann, who pleaded guilty, the prisoner was further charged with breaking into the Courtlage of the dwellinghouse of Robert Pullman and stealing cider, at Morchard Bishop on the 19thMay 1863. The first charge was withdrawn, but the prisoner was found guilty of the second offence and sentenced to twelve month's imprisonment. Mr Carter defended Bowden and Mr Sparkes appeared for Cann, who was sentenced to be imprisoned for twelve months.

Wednesday, July 29, 1863; Issue 5075 - Gale Document Number Y3200704744
Morchard Bishop Forthcoming Reaping Matches - A Meeting has recently been held at Mr Gibbing's London Inn, and a committee of six gentlemen farmers appointed to collect subscriptions for prizes to be distributed to farm labourers that can make the best sheaf of corn with a reaping machine. There will be upwards of £20 distributed in prizes. The great object of giving the prizes is to encourage the labourer to work the machine in a proper manner. Mr Pullman, of Rolestone Barton, has kindly offered as much corn as will be required for the trial.

Wednesday, August 12, 1863; Issue 5077 - Gale Document Number Y3200704811
Marriage - August 8, at St James's Free Church, St. Sidwell, by the Rev. R. S. Short, Mr Thos. Bennett, of Morchard Bishop, to Phoebe Bennett, daughter of the late Mr John Mogridge, of Poughill, near Crediton.

Wednesday, September 2, 1863; Issue 5080 - Gale Document Number Y3200704904
Mr Philip Saunder, Deceased Pursuant to an Act of Parliament made and passed in the 22nd and 23rd years of the reign of her present Majesty, intituled 'An Act to further amend the law of property and to relieve trustees', notice is hereby given, That all creditors and other persons having any debt, claim, or demand against or upon the estate of Philip Saunder, late of Rudge Barton, in the parish of Morchard Bishop, in the county of Devon, yeoman, who died on the 25th day of May 1863, and whose will was proved in the District Registry of Exeter, attached to Her Majesty's Court of Probate, on the 13th day of July 1863, by John Troake, of West Worlington, in the county of Devon, yeoman, and George Saunder, of Molland, in the same county, yeoman, the executors thereof, are hereby required to send in particulars of their claims to me, the undersigned solicitor to the aid executors, on or before the 5thday of September next, after which day the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said testator amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice and will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so distributed to any person of whose claim they shall not then have had notice. And Notice is hereby further given, That all persons indebted to the said deceased or to his estate are requested forthwith to pay the amount of their respective debts to me on behalf of the said executors. G. Tanner, Solicitor, Crediton. Dated the 28th day of July, 1863.

Wednesday, September 30, 1863; Issue 5084 - Gale Document Number Y3200705002
Crediton County Court - Monday James Cann v. George Wreford - These parties reside at Morchard Bishop. The present action arose out of the case George Wreford v. James Cann, tried at last court. The present plaintiff now claimed £1 7s. 9d. for money lent and goods sold. Defendant proved that he had settled with plaintiff for goods received since the date of the present claim, and nothing was said about this amount then. His Honour therefore gave judgment for the defendant.

Wednesday, October 7, 1863; Issue 5085 - Gale Document Number Y3200705007
Morchard Bishop, Devon To be Let, by Tender, from Michaelmas last, an Overland Tenement and Three Labourers' Cottages thereon, situated in the parish of Morchard Bishop, about two miles from the Morchard Railway Station, containing two acres of productive orchard, seven acres meadow and pasture and seven acres of good arable land (be the same more or less), known as 'Knightstone Tenement', late in the occupation of Mr Wm. Challice, deceased. For a view apply on the premises, and further particulars may be known of Helmore and Son, Surveyors &c., Cowley-hill, Exeter, to whom Tenders are to be delivered on or before Friday, the 9th inst. About four acres are now prepared for wheat and three acres of turnips, which the taker will have to pay for. Cowley-hill, Exeter, October 1st, 1863.

Wednesday, January 27, 1864; Issue 5101 - Gale Document Number Y3200705451
Crediton County Court - Monday Southcott v. Burridge - The litigants reside at Morchard Bishop; the claim was for 7s. 6d. moiety of a quarter's rent for cottage. Defendant stated that the house was not tenantable, and he was obliged to leave it, but his statement was unsupported and plaintiff swore that the house was tenantable. His Honour gave judgment for the amount claimed.

Wednesday, March 9, 1864; Issue 5107 - Gale Document Number Y3200705605
Mr Thomas Webber, who has been elected chairman of the Bridge House Committee, who are entrusted by the Corporation of the city of London with the superintendence of the construction of the new bridge across the Thomas at Blackfriars, is a native of this county, being the eldest son of Mr Richard Webber, of Oxenpark, Morchard Bishop.

Wednesday, March 23, 1864; Issue 5109 - Gale Document Number Y3200705648
Crediton - County Court R. Strong v. T. Burridge. The litigants in this case reside at Morchard Bishop. The claim was for 7s. 6d. moiety of rent due to plaintiff for a house in Morchard at Christmas, 1863. Defendant objected to pay on the ground that the house was not tenantable, and produced evidence to support his objection; and on the other hand plaintiff and his witnesses proved the house was tenantable. (This was a most noisy case, as in spite of all endeavours to prevent them the witnesses on both sides would persist in having their say at the same time). His Honour said he was satisfied that the defence set up was merely to shirk payment of the rent. Judgment for the plaintiff for the amount claimed.

Wednesday, April 13, 1864; Issue 5111 - Gale Document Number Y3200705720
Death - April 1, at Morchard Bishop, after a short illness, Caroline, the youngest daughter of Mr Richard Luxton, aged 19, much respected.

Wednesday, September 14, 1864; Issue 5127 - Gale Document Number Y3200706271
Crediton Petty Session Mr Edward Ellis, of Morchard Bishop, was summoned for refusing to pay a toll of 4 1/2 d. Defendant said that when he passed through the gate in the morning there was no one there to take the toll, and when he returned in the evening the toll-collector refused to take the toll and was impudent besides. This was denied. Ordered to pay the toll and costs - 10s. 4 1/2 d.

Wednesday, October 5, 1864; Issue 5130 - Gale Document Number Y3200706351
Crediton Petty Session William Greenslade was summoned for assaulting Mr Elston, of Morchard Bishop. One day the complainant wanted to pass over a field in the occupation of the defendant, who took the law into his own hands and struck Mr Elston. Fined 10s. with the expenses.

Wednesday, October 19, 1864; Issue 5132 - Gale Document Number Y3200706395
Crediton Petty Session Peter, John and Thomas Tucker, were summoned by the overseers of Morchard Bishop, to show cause why they should not contribute towards the support of their mother - Maria Tucker. Peter Tucker was described as a farmer, renting a farm at £80 a year; but the other brothers were labourers. The magistrates made an order on the defendants for the payment of 2s. 6d. a week, tenpence each. Peter was much displeased with the decision, and he left the court lamenting that he had ever been born.

Wednesday, December 7, 1864; Issue 5139 - Gale Document Number Y3200706573
Rudge Barton, Morchard Bishop, Devon Mr Hill has been favoured with instructions to Sell, by Auction, on Monday, the 12thday of December instant, all the valuable Household Furniture, splendid engravings, pony, phaeton, and harness, two ricks of prime meadow hay, two cows and other effects, the property of the late Mrs Saunders. The above will be found deserving especial attention, the furniture being of first class quality and equal to new. Sale to commence at Eleven for Twelve to the minute, as the lots are numerous. Rudge Barton is situated about one mile from the Morchard Road and the Lapford Stations, on the North Devon Railway. For further particulars, see handbills.

Wednesday, December 14, 1864; Issue 5140 - Gale Document Number Y3200706620
Crediton Petty Session Elizabeth Gaff, widow, was sent to prison for a month for stealing a shirt (valued at 3s.) from Mr George Bennett, of Morchard Bishop.

Wednesday, January 25, 1865; Issue 5149 - Gale Document Number Y3200706777
Woodbury Petty Session Nathan Maers, labourer, of Morchard Bishop, was at Withycombe Raleigh on the 28thof December and he took the liberty of trespassing over the lands occupied by Mr John Hallett, for which he now had to pay 11s. 6d.

Wednesday, August 23, 1865; Issue 5178 - Gale Document Number Y3200707476
Death - August 16, at the London Inn, Morchard Bishop, Mrs Maria Gibbings, aged 86, for more than fifty years the well known and much esteemed hostess of the above inn.

Wednesday, November 1, 1865; Issue 5188 - Gale Document Number Y3200707695
Morchard Bishop, Devon Messrs. Helmore and Son will Sell, by Auction, at the London Inn, in Morchard Bishop, on Monday, the 13th day of November next, at Three o'clock in the Afternoon, the following closes of Land and Cottages:- Lot 1 - All that close of very productive pasture land called 'Fore Field', containing by admeasurement 2a. 1r. 12p. (be the same more or less), in the occupation of Mr W. H. Wreford, together with five cottages and the garden adjoining thereto. Lot 2 - All those two closes of rich meadow land called 'The Meadow' and 'Little Croft Moor', now thrown into one, and containing by admeasurement 2a. 0r. 36p. (more or less), now in the occupation of Mr James Drew as tenant, together with a small spot of land adjoining and containing by admeasurement nine perches. Lot 3 - All that highly productive close of arable land called 'Croft Moor', containing by admeasurement 1a. 1r. 5p. (more or less), now in the occupation of Mr Cann as tenant. Lot 4 - All that close of superior arable land called 'Back Lane Close', containing by admeasurement 1a. 0r. 26p. (more or less), now in the occupation of Mr James Drew as tenant. The above property is held for the residue of a term of 1,000 years, of which 800 are unexpired, and is conveniently situated near the village of Morchard Bishop and about a mile and a half from Morchard-road Station. The lots may be viewed on application to Mr Drew, the tenant of Lot 2; and further particulars obtained at the offices of Messrs. Smith and Son, Solicitors, Crediton. Dated Crediton, 21st October, 1865.

Wednesday, January 17, 1866; Issue 5199 - Gale Document Number Y3200707978
Loss of Life at Morchard Bishop The melancholy death of Mr Charles Basley, surgeon, of Morchard Bishop, has cast a deep gloom over the residents of that neighbourhood. By the kindness of a correspondent we are enabled to give the most reliable particulars of the disaster. Mr Basley left his home on horseback between the hours of two and three on Saturday afternoon for the purpose of paying professional visits to his patients in the district. The unfortunate gentleman had made two or three calls, and was proceeding on his way to Mr Troake's, of Afton Barton, West Worlington. Some quarter of a mile on the Witheridge side of Afton Barton there is a place called Afton Mills, where a bridge crosses the stream, and on the other side the roadway is very low. The flood covered the marshes and the road - to the depth of several feet. Mr Basley got safely over the bridge; but when in the low part of the road the stream was so impetuous that his horse lost its footing, and the animal is supposed to have got its legs entangled in some rails that had been washed down. The rider was unhorsed, and Mr Basley and the animal were washed into an orchard, through which the stream was violently running. The horse's bridle caught in one of the apple trees and the animal was firmly held there for nearly eight hours. Poor Mr Basley was washed through the orchard right into the river and was drowned. The miller at the Afton Mills first saw the horse in the orchard at four o'clock; but he was unable to go and release the animal till twelve, and then he had to ride a horse into the orchard. As soon as the miller had got the animal out he lead it to Mr Troake's, who at once said the horse belonged to Mr Basley, of Morchard Bishop. The miller then rode away to Morchard and disclosed the particulars he had gathered; and at four o'clock on Sunday morning several of the villagers set off in search of the missing gentleman. The search was continued till Sunday afternoon when the body of poor Mr Basley was discovered by Mr Mitchell, druggist, of Chulmleigh. The body was placed in one of Mr Troake's vehicles and conveyed to Morchard. The unfortunate gentleman's face was much bruised and his clothes much torn. He had a very extensive practice, and he was well beloved and highly respected by all who had the slightest acquaintance with him. He was kind hearted and amiable and his loss will be greatly felt at Morchard Bishop and its neighbourhood.

Wednesday, January 24, 1866; Issue 5200 - Gale Document Number Y3200707994
Death - January 14, at Morchard Bishop, Ann, the beloved wife of Mr Robert Pullman, aged 61.

Wednesday, January 31, 1866; Issue 5201 - Gale Document Number Y3200708024
Morchard Bishop The late Mr Basley, surgeon, who unfortunately drowned the other day by the flood, had wisely made a provision for his bereaved widow. He had insured against all accidents in the Railway Passengers' Insurance Company, who now have to pay Mrs Basley £1,000.

Wednesday, March 7, 1866; Issue 5206 - Gale Document Number Y3200708133
Crediton Petty Session James Quicke, tin plate worker of Morchard Bishop, was charged with stabbing himself with a knife on the 13thof February. He was committed for trial. John Brownston, for stealing hay from Mr Thomas Gibbings, of Morchard Bishop, was sent to gaol for fourteen days.

Wednesday, March 28, 1866; Issue 5209 - Gale Document Number Y3200708194
Death - March 18, at Morchard Bishop, Lydia Jane, daughter of George and Jane Webber, aged 18.

Wednesday, April 4, 1866; Issue 5210 - Gale Document Number Y3200708220
Marriage - March 31, at Westminster Chapel, London, by the Rev. S. Martin, Mr Alexander of 74 Maldon-road, to Mary, third daughter of the late Mr Thomas Tucker, formerly of Rudge Barton, Morchard Bishop.

Wednesday, May 23, 1866; Issue 5217 - Gale Document Number Y3200708395
Crediton Petty Session The Rev. J. J. Rowe, of Morchard Bishop, was summoned for allowing a cow and calf to be driven from one division to another without a license. The offence was committed inadvertently; but, notwithstanding, the magistrates were compelled to inflict a fine of £5, including expenses.

Wednesday, March 13, 1867; Issue 5259 - Gale Document Number Y3200709408
Crediton Petty Session John Down, for lacing a snare to catch game on the lands of R. Churchill, Esq., of Morchard Bishop, was fined £2. James Cann, baker, of Morchard Bishop, for having in his possession a one pound weight deficient half-an-ounce, was fined 20s., with the expenses.

Wednesday, June 12, 1867; Issue 5272 - Gale Document Number Y3200709735
Marriage - June 8, at Morchard Bishop, Devon, by the Rev. J. P. Bremridge, Richard Gibbings, of Newbury, Berks, eldest son of Mr Richard Gibbings, of Brenton, Exminster, to Grace, second daughter of Mr Thomas Bennett, of Morchard Bishop.

Wednesday, July 31, 1867; Issue 5279 - Gale Document Number Y3200709917
Marriage - July 25, at Morchard Bishop, John Sutton Attfield, Esq., to Rose Stewart, youngest daughter of the late Captain William Taylor, H.E.I.C.S.

Wednesday, September 4, 1867; Issue 5284 - Gale Document Number Y3200710022
Higher Venn, Morchard Bishop, Devon Mr Daw will Sell, by Auction, on Thursday, the 12th of September 1867, eighty-three Sheep, twelve Bullocks, four Horses, Seven Pigs, Hay, Cider and Cask, ditto Press and Engine, Thrashing and Winnowing Machines, Corn and Turnip Drill, Implements, Furniture, &c., late the property of Mr James Drew, deceased. Refreshment at Eleven and the Sale to commence at 12.30 precisely. Venn is situate about one and a half mile from the Morchard-road Station.

Wednesday, November 27, 1867; Issue 5295 - Gale Document Number Y3200710351
A Monster Turnip - Mr Gibbons, of the London Inn, Morchard Bishop, has a turnip of the common white sort grown in a very plain land, which weights 23 1/2 pounds, and measures in girth three feet four inches.

Wednesday, March 11, 1868; Issue 5310 - Gale Document Number Y3200710735
Crediton Petty Session William and Frederick Mortimer, of Morchard Bishop, were summoned for pursuing a hare on Moor Farm in November lat. The proceedings were taken at the instance of Mr Donohue, excise officer; and Mr Floud defended the accused. Mr Henry Horril, who resides at Moor Farm, stated that he sawthe defendants, who had two dogs and were in possession of guns, following a hare which Frederick took from one of the dogs and carried away. He spoke to them saying it was not exactly right, as Mr Tremlett of Priorton, rented the shooting on these grounds. Mr Floud stated in defence that defendants were going to Crookstock Farm, where they had been invited to shoot rabbits, when the hare started in their road. They were not there on poaching purposes. The Bench imposed the mitigated penalty of £5 and costs.

Wednesday, March 18, 1868; Issue 5311 - Gale Document Number Y3200710747
Marriage - March 11, at Morchard Bishop, by the Rev. J. J. Rewe, John, eldest son of Mr Richard Gibbings, of Thorne, Clannaborough, to Annie Maria, only daughter of Mr Robert Pullman, Rolstone Barton, Morchard Bishop.

Wednesday, April 1, 1868; Issue 5313 - Gale Document Number Y3200710817
Crediton Petty Session Benjamin Tarn of Washford, was summoned by Ellen Shore, of Morchard Bishop. Ellen attributed to Ben a 'little responsibility' from which he shrunk; and, as he did not now appear, an order was made upon him for the payment of 1s. 6d. per week towards the support of Shore's child.

Wednesday, April 29, 1868; Issue 5317 - Gale Document Number Y3200710905
Morchard Bishop, North Devon Very Valuable Freehold Investment. Mr J Hannaford will Sell, by Public Auction, on Thursday, the 4th day of June next, at Three o'clock in the Afternoon precisely, at the London Inn, Morchard Bishop, the undermentioned valuable Properties, situate in the parish of Morchard Bishop, either together or in the following or such other lots as may be determined at the time of sale, viz:- Lot 1 - All that Messuage, Tenement and Farm, called 'Moor Farm', consisting of a farm house, with all necessary outbuildings, and 94a. 1r. 5p. (more or less) of good arable, meadow, pasture and woodland, now in the occupation of Mr John Horrell. Lot 2 - All that Messuage, Tenement and Farm, called 'Hare Street Farm', consisting of a farm house, with all necessary outbuildings, and 157a. 2r. 16;. (more or less) of good arable, meadow, pasture and woodland. This lot is also in the occupation of Mr Horrel. The whole of the buildings are in a fair state of repair. The above-mentioned properties present an excellent opportunity for investment, being at an easy distance from the market towns of Exeter, Crediton and Tiverton, and about two and a half miles from the Morchard-road Station on the North Devon Line of Railway. For viewing the estates apply to the Tenant; and for further particulars, to the Auctioneer, at Chulmleigh; or to Messrs. Pearse and Crosse, Solicitors and Proctors, Southmolton, Devon. Dated 21st April, 1868.

Wednesday, May 27, 1868; Issue 5321 - Gale Document Number Y3200711014
To be Sold, a Light-working Trashing Machine. Apply to Mr M. Wreford, Sidborough, Morchard Bishop, or to Mr James Daw, Auctioneer, Crediton. Price £8.

Wednesday, June 3, 1868; Issue 5322 - Gale Document Number Y3200711059
Crediton Petty Session Robert Tucker, of Morchard Bishop, for allowing two cows to stray on the highway, was fined 10s., with the expenses.

Wednesday, June 10, 1868; issue 5323 - Gale Document Number Y3200711083
Crediton - Francis Ford, in the employ of Mr W. H. Thomas, was lately engaged in painting Barton House, Morchard Bishop, the residence of Henry Churchill, Esq. During the time the painters were in the house a pair of trousers and a waistcoat belonging to Mr Churchill were missed; and the idea entered the head of the butler and valet that Ford had possessed himself of the clothes. On Sunday week the butler made an errand to the house of Ford at Crediton and then discovered his master's clothes adorning the person of the painter. Ford has been committed for trial.

Wednesday, July 8, 1868; Issue 5327 - Gale Document Number Y3200711182
Death - June 11, at Morchard Bishop, Frances, the beloved wife of Mr John Densham, in her 92nd year.

Wednesday, July 22, 1868; Issue 5329 - Gale Document Number Y3200711233
Death - July 16, at Morchard Bishop, of consumption, Fanny Ann Kelland, the eldest and beloved daughter of Mr J. D. Wreford, aged 29.

Wednesday, August 12, 1868; Issue 5332 - Gale Document Number Y3200711307
Crediton Magistrates Lewis Elston, William Marchant, Samuel Harrison, and William Flood, shoe makers, of Crediton, werebefore the Magistrates on Thursday charged with stealing a pair of spectacles, valued at 7s. 6d. On the 16thof July the accused were at Morchard bishop, and they took the liberty of calling at the house of Mr R. Grant and asked for some cider. Thereupon Mrs Grant kindly directed her servant to draw some cider for the men, who stood drinking it by the side of a window. Soon after they were gone from the house the spectacles were missed from the window and suspicion pointed at these men. They were followed, and all, save Elston, consented to be searched. They were riding in a wagon when they were overtaken. Getting to Crediton, Elston was searched, but the spectacles were not in his possession - they were then found concealed in the wagon. The magistrates considered it a case of very strong suspicion against the accused, but as there was no direct evidence against them they were discharged.

Wednesday, August 19, 1868; Issue 5333 - Gale Document Number Y3200711331
Crediton - Mr J. H. Buller on Saturday committed a man named Henry Martin for trial on the charge of setting fire to a wheat stack belonging to Mr William H. Wreford, of Lower Middlecott, Morchard Bishop. P. C. Sellers was going his rounds about one o'clock on the morning of the 14th, when he perceived the reflection of a fire, on which he proceeded to Morchard Bishop, when he met the prisoner, who, accosting him, said, pointing in the direction of the flames, 'I have set a corn rick on fire, and I give myself into your custody'. Besides the prisoner's own confession it was proved by several witnesses that he was seen near the spot on the previous evening. Since the prisoner's apprehension he has persistently refused to state anything more than his name and occupation, which he says is that of a labourer, but from his dress and general demeanour this is doubted. Mr Holman, surgeon, was sent to examine him as to his state of mind, but could elicit nothing more from him than an admission that he had not slept for several nights past.

Wednesday, January 13, 1869; Issue 5353 - Gale Document Number Y3200711864
Marriage - January 4, at Charles Church, Plymouth, by the Rev. S. Thelwall, B.A., Mr Zeal, Morchard Bishop, to Catherine, youngest daughter of Mr R. C. Smith, Plymouth.

Wednesday, February 17, 1869: Issue 5358 - Gale Document Number Y3200711996
Birth - February 5, at Venn, Morchard Bishop, Mrs Edward Ellis, a daughter.

Wednesday, March 17, 1869; Issue 5362 - Gale Document Number Y3200712109
Devon Lent Assizes Pleaded Guilty Thomas Martin, 22, labourer, to having on the 14thAugust, 1868, wilfully set fire to a stack of corn belonging to Mr William Henry Wreford, of Morchard Bishop. On being asked if he had anything to say why sentence should not be passed on him, the prisoner, who is evidently a monomaniac, replied, 'All I have to say is that I am a man under a curse; under the worst curse that can possibly happen to a man. I am possessed of the devil, and that is why I have committed this crime for which I now stand here. I knew I should have to do it three years before it happened, and I know also that I shall have to commit murder, and I call on all those who stand here now, that when I do commit some future murder you will bear witness of me that I gave all the warning I could. I have only done this to put off committing the murder for a while'. His Lordship said as the prisoner had pleaded guilty to wilfully setting fire to the corn stacks he must treat him as a man responsible for his actions, and sentenced him to seven years' penal servitude.

Wednesday, November 17. 1869; Issue 5396 - Gale Document Number Y3200713013
Marriage - November 10, at the Independent Chapel, Lapford, Mr Richard Chudleigh, of Morchard Bishop, to Louisa, daughter of Mr William Holdan, of Lapford.

Wednesday, April 6, 1870; Issue 5416 - Gale Document Number Y3200713559
Crediton Petty Session Mr Robert Tucker, senior, of Morchard Bishop, was fined 20s. , including the expenses, for allowing his mare to be worked, when it was suffering from sores. The defendantseemed to justify his conduct 'cos the zore wadden bigger than a varden'; but the magistrates 'couldn't see it' in that light.

Wednesday, May 11, 1870; Issue 5421 - Gale Document Number Y3200713718
Crediton Petty Session William Henry Wreford of Morchard Bishop, was summoned by Mr Cann, surveyor to the Highway Board, for not keeping a part of the roadway in proper repair at Morchard. Defendant said he was not liable, but the Bench ordered that it be done by the 15th June. County Court - George Wreford v. Cox. Both parties reside at Morchard Bishop. Mr Floud appeared for defendant. Plaintiff did not appear; but sent a medical certificate that he was not able to attend; but as defendant resided very near to plaintiff, and the latter had not given defendant notice of his inability to attend his Honour nonsuited plaintiff, with costs.

Wednesday, September 7, 1870; Issue 5438 - Gale Document Number Y3200714161
Crediton Petty Session William Winsley of Morchard Bishop, was fined 1s. with costs, for allowing a pig its freedom on the turnpike road.

Wednesday, January 11, 1871; Issue 5456 - Gale Document Number Y3200714673
Birth - January 5, at Venn, Morchard Bishop, Mrs Edward Ellis, a son.

Wednesday, May 3, 1871; Issue 5472 - Gale Document Number Y3200715140
Marriage - April 25, Mr J. D. Moore, of Chaffcombe, Down St. Mary, to Jane, youngest daughter of Mr K. Leach, Southcott, Morchard Bishop.

Wednesday, September 13, 1871; Issue 5491 - Gale Document Number Y3200715672
Crediton Petty Session George Burridge, of Morchard Bishop, was sent to gaol for one month for assaulting William Passmore.

Wednesday, July 10, 1872; Issue 5615 - Gale Document Number Y3200716827
Crediton Petty Session George Reed of Morchard Bishop, was summoned for allowing fourteen pigs to stray upon the highway; but the policeman was unable to prove that the pigs were Mr Reed's. Consequently Mr Reed came out of the case scot -free.

Wednesday, October 30, 1872; issue 5631 - Gale Document Number Y3200717239
Birth - October 27, at Venn, Morchard Bishop, the wife of Mr Edward Ellis, a son.

Wednesday, January 1, 1873; Issue 5640 - Gale Document Number Y3200717491
Birth - December 26, at the School House, Morchard Bishop, the wife of Mr F. Zeal, a daughter.

Wednesday, February 12, 1873; issue 5646 - Gale Document Number Y3200717641
Crediton Petty Session John Emmett, of Morchard Bishop, was fined 40s., for having illegal possession of a hare and two nets.

Wednesday, July 22, 1874; Issue 5719 - Gale Document Number Y3200719693
Crediton County Court - George Wreford v. Robert T. Grant. Plaintiff is a yeoman, residing at West Sandford Barton, and defendant is a butcher of Morchard Bishop. Mr Loosemore appeared for plaintiff, and Mr Friend for defendant. The claim was for £10 the value of two stone troughs, removed by defendant from Lower Oldaborough Estate. Plaintiff claimed such troughs as part of the 'freehold' of the estate, to which he became entitled on the death of Mrs Mary Pope, widow of Mr John Pope, the former owner of Lower Oldaborough, whilst defendant's wife claimed them as being part of the 'personal estate', given to her by the will of the said Mrs Mary Pope. From the evidence tendered it appeared the troughs were not 'fixtures', and his Honour remarked it was a pity such a dispute between two parties, both objects of the testator's bounty, should have come into court, he was satisfied there was no annexation to the freehold, and the judgment must be for defendant.

Wednesday, December 23, 1874; Issue 5741 - Gale Document Number Y3200720233
Death - At Morchard Bishop, Mr James Southcott, much respected.

Wednesday, September 1, 1875; Issue 5777 - Gale Document Number Y3200721266
Death - August 26, at Ash, Morchard Bishop, Thomasine Maunder, aged 58.

Wednesday, October 27, 1875; Issue 5786 - Gale Document Number Y3200721506
Devon Michaelmas Sessions Pleaded Guilty - William Crossman, 81, labourer, to stealing a shirt, the property of William Nott, at Morchard Bishop, on the 8thOctober last. Several former convictions were proved, and the prisoner was sentenced to nine months' imprisonment.

Wednesday, December 29, 1875; Issue 5785 - Gale Document Number Y3200721810
Death - December 30, at Morchard Bishop, Mr James Jerrett, aged 73.

Wednesday, June 7, 1876; Issue 5808 - Gale Document Number Y3200722550
Death - May 30, at Wood Barton, Morchard Bishop, Mary, wife of Mr Thos. Bennett, junr.

Wednesday, July 12, 1876; Issue 5813 - Gale Document Number Y3200722720
Birth - July 9, at Venn, Morchard Bishop, Mrs Edward Ellis, a son.

Wednesday, September 13, 1876; Issue 5822 - Gale Document Number Y3200723025
Marriage - September 7, at the Parish Church, Morchard Bishop, John Warren, of Silverton Park Farm, Silverton, to Ann Maria Gibbings, only daughter of Robert Pullman, Rolestone Barton, Morchard Bishop.

Wednesday, November 15, 1876; Issue 5831 - Gale Document Number Y3200723337
Marriage - November 8, at Morchard Bishop, Mr S. Hall to Miss Agnes Wreford, of East Ash, Morchard Bishop.

Wednesday, June 6, 1877; Issue 5860 - Gale Document Number Y3200724275
Crediton Petty Sessions Norah Jessie Cooke, daughter of Mr Simon Cooke, farmer, of Morchard Bishop, and Fanny Leach, a somatic servant in his employ, were charged with feloniously stealing from him a sum of about £42. Prosecutor saw the money safe in his box on Sunday morning, and about ten o'clock on the night of the same day he missed his daughter and the servant from the house. P.C. Molland apprehended the prisoners at Sidmouth on Tuesday night. Cooke tried to hand a purse to Leach, but he took possession of it. There was £37 18s. 4d. in the purse, and Cooke said that she had taken the money from her father, and with some of it had purchased dresses, umbrellas and two pipes at Exeter. Police-Sergeant Phillips deposed that on Tuesday night he saw Cooke at Sidmouth. She said she was guilty, but that she was induced to leave home in consequence of her father swearing at her. Mr Friend, who appeared for the prisoners, said that he never before had to conduct such a painful case. Mr Cooke was a most industrious and respectable man, and by his frugality he had saved enough to purchase a freehold estate. He had the misfortune to lose his wife some years since, bout the period when his daughter most required a mother's watchfulness. No doubt the magistrates noticed the pipes produced and wondered what use the girls had for them, but the fact was they were to be presented to two young men who were paying attentions to the girls. One man was in the service of Mr Cooke and other lived near. Miss Cooke formed the design of running off with one, and he induced the servant to do the same with the other. Miss Cooke had confessed to him that she took the money out of her father's box; but though she had committed the robbery, she had the good fortune to escape falling into further sin, which, however, she must have done but for the prompt interference of the police. On leaving home the girls were on foot the whole night, getting to Crediton in the morning, and then going on to Newton St. Cyres, where they had refreshment, and took train for Sidmouth. Cooke had told him that she could not complain of her father, except for his refusing permission for her to be friendly with the young man. The fact was Mr Cooke had observed the intimacy - he did not mean to say an improper one - that was springing up between them, and, for this and another reason, he discharged the young man from his service, and spoke in language of severity, though not with undueharshness to his daughter, as she had asserted. He hoped that in consideration of their age, neither having arrived at sixteen, the magistrates would avail themselves of a clause in the Act, under which they were proceeding (10 and 11 Vic. Juvenile Offenders' Act, section 1, cap. 82) and send the accused back to their friends, rather than to a prison. Mr Cooke was willing to defray all the expenses. The Magistrates, after consulting for about ten minutes in private, discharged the prisoners, and expressed a hope that for the future they would turn over a new course. This announcement was received with much applause.

Wednesday, August 8, 1877; Issue 5869 - Gale Document Number Y3200724559
Birth - August 4, at Venn, Morchard Bishop, Mrs Edmund Ellis, of twin daughters.

Wednesday, July 17, 1878; Issue 5918 - Gale Document Number Y3200726159
Morchard Bishop, North Devon. Messrs. Hooper have been instructed by the representatives of the late Mr T. Bennett, deceased, to Sell, by Auction, at the London Inn, Morchard Bishop, on Thursday, July25th instant, at four o'clock p.m. punctually, a genteel Freehold Cottage Residence, called 'Cricket', containing drawing and dining rooms, five bed rooms, good kitchen, and domestic offices, with an excellent walled garden, carriage house, yard and stable, in a good state of repair, and well supplied with water; pleasantly situated, near the village, church and post office, and about two miles from the Morchard-road Station. For particulars and to view apply to Mr T. Bennett, Wood Barton, Morchard Bishop; to the Auctioneers, Chagford, near Exeter, or to Mr Mogridge Chagford, July 8th, 1878, Solicitor, Moretonhampstead.

Wednesday, October 9, 1878; Issue 5930 - Gale Document Number Y3200726565
Marriage - October 3, at Morchard Bishop, Mr D. Meacock, Boxmoor, to Miss E. Pugsley, Morchard Bishop.

Wednesday, January 1, 1879; issue 5942 - Gale Document Number Y3200726971
Marriage - December 26, at Pinhoe, Mr Wm. John Cann, of Morchard Bishop, to Miss Langdon Isabel Buttbe, of Pinhoe.

Wednesday, February 26, 1879; Issue 5950 - Gale Document Number Y3200727224
Exeter Guildhall. Louis Dadd, shop keeper, Morchard Bishop, was charged with being drunk whilst having the care of a horse and cart; and also with assaulting P.C. Wrey, on the 21stinstant. During the evening the constable saw defendant driving over the Iron-bridge towards St. David's, and, as he was drunk, witness followed him. Shortly after, noticing that he was lying back in the cart and that the reins were tied to the breeching, witness led the horse back as far as the Pack Horse Inn, when defendant jumped out, and after witness had refused to let him go on alone in that state, he kicked the constable several times, with all his force, insomuch that he though his leg was broken. With the assistance of William Pyne and P.C. Yeo, defendant with some difficulty was placed in the cart and taken to the Station-house. On the way, he behaved 'like a madman', trying to bite the constable and using violence towards those who removed him into the cells. Defendant expressed sorrow and three tradesmen of the city voluntarily came forward to give him a good character, one remarking that during the evening he had come to his place of business, and his partner had given him three glasses of sherry, which he was afraid was the real source of defendant's unseemly conduct. The Bench sent him to prison for three weeks, with hard labour, and ordered him to pay the expenses of the court.

Wednesday, March 5, 1879; Issue 5951 - Gale Document Number Y3200727277
George Tapp, alias Godbear, executed on the 17th for the murder of Robert Leach, at Morchard Bishop, by striking him on the head with an axe.

Wednesday, March 10, 1880; Issue 6004 - Gale Document Number Y3200729162
Marriage - March 2, at Morchard Bishop, Mr D. Harvey, to Mary, daughter of the late Mr. J. Morris, Morchard Bishop.

Wednesday, October 19, 1881; Issue 6088 - Gale Document Number Y3200732021
Birth - October 9, at Shores, Morchard Bishop, the wife of George Shaw, artist, a daughter.

Wednesday, December 13, 1882; Issue 6078 - Gale Document Number Y3200734173
Marriage - December 5, at the Parish Church, Morchard Bishop, Mr W. J. Otten, Charmouth, to Miss T. Read, Morchard Bishop.

Wednesday, May 2, 1883; Issue 6025 - Gale Document Number Y3200734952
Death - April 26, at Wood Barton, Morchard Bishop, Maria, wife of Thomas Bennett.

Wednesday, May 9, 1883; Issue 6026 - Gale Document Number Y3200734999
Crediton Petty Session Sylvanus Kingdom, a blind man, of Morchard Bishop, was summoned for keeping a dog without a license. Defendant did not appear, but was represented by his brother, who stated that the dog was employed to guide the defendant. The Bench dismissed the case.

Wednesday, May 23, 1883; Issue 6028 - Gale Document Number Y3200735047
Morchard Bishop, Devon Desirable Freehold Farm and Lands for Sale. To be Sold, by Auction, by Messrs. Hussey and Son, at the Half Moon Hotel, Exeter, on Friday the 25th of May next, at Three for Four o'clock in the Afternoon, the Fee-simple of and in all that Messuage, Barton and Farm, called 'Upcott', and all that Overland Tenement called 'Cote' situate in the parish of Morchard Bishop, in the following Lots, or in one Lot, as may be determined on the day of Sale, viz:- Lot 1 - All that Messuage, Barton and Farm, called 'Upcott', containing by the tithe apportionment 130a. 2r. 21p. of good Arable, Meadow, Pasture and Orchard Land, with good Farm House and Farm Buildings in thorough repair, now in the occupation of Mr Kingdon for a term of fifteen years, from Michaelmas 1881 at a nett rental of £155. Lot 2 - All that Overland Tenement, called 'Cote', which adjoins Lot 1, containing by the tithe apportionment 28a. 0r. 20p. of Arable, Meadow and Pasture Land, with a Cottage thereon, also in the occupation of Mr Kingdon, as yearly tenant, at a rental of £30. The above Properties form together a very compact Estate, with good Farm House and convenient Homestead. Healthy for sheep, with a southern aspect and distant half a mile from the village of Morchard Bishop and about two miles from the Morchard-road and Lapford Stations on the North Devon Railway. To view apply to Mr Thomas Reed, Teatworthy, Chawleigh; and for further particulars to the Auctioneers, Queen-street, Exeter; to Mr Edward Ellis, Land Agent, Exeter; to Mr Searle, Solicitor, Crediton; or to Messrs Fulford and Son, Solicitors, Northtawton and Okehampton. 26th April 1883 Morchard Bishop, North Devon Messrs. Ayre Bros and Crocker will Offer for Sale, by Public Auction, at the Half Moon Hotel, Exeter, on Friday, the 25th day of May, 1883, at 4 for 4.30 o'clock in the Afternoon, the undermentioned Valuable Freehold Estate called 'Chillingford', situate in the parish of Morchard Bishop, consisting of superior meadow and arable land, containing together about 59a. 3r. 19p. now in the occupation of Mr Elston, of which early possession may be obtained. And in another lot and at the same time will be offered for sale all that Rich Meadow, Pasture, Field called 'Heckmoor Hams', in Morchard Bishop, containing about four acres, now in the occupation of Mr G. Reed, of which immediate possession may be had. To view and for further particulars, apply to the Auctioneers, Tiverton and Crediton; Robert Fulford, Esq., Solicitor, North Tawton; or Mr Searle, Solicitor, Crediton. Dated Crediton, May 14th, 1883.

Wednesday, June 27, 1883; Issue 6033 - Gale Document Number Y3200735255
Death - June 19, at Lower Oldaberg Cottage, Morchard Bishop, Sarah Jane, wife of Mr J. Brewer, aged 42.

Wednesday, July 25, 1883; Issue 6037 - Gale Document Number Y3200735419
Action for Breach of Covenant. At the Crediton County Court on Wednesday, before Mr Giffard, Judge, and a jury, composed mainly of tenant farmers, Mr Philip Leach of Morchard Bishop, sued Mr Henry Webber, late of Crediton, but now of Halberton, to recover £50 for not farming according to the conditions of a covenant. Mr Friend appeared for plaintiff; Mr Fryer defended. It appeared that plaintiff was a nephew of the late Mr Philip Davy, of Morchard Bishop, who, dying in 1853, left his wife a life interest in two estates at Morchard Bishop with power to lease the same. After her decease the estates came to Mr Leach. In 1876 Mr and Mrs Leach granted defendant a lease of the estates for seven years. The covenant did not contain the usual restrictions, but merely bound the lease to farm according to the rules of good husbandry and the custom of the country. This engagement, however, he should shew had been widely departed from, for defendant had in some instances taken two corn crops in succession, and in others even three; he had not planted young apple trees in the orchard to replace those that had died; gates, bars and fences were allowed to go to ruin; and in other respects defendant had not performed his contract. The damages were estimated by Mr F. Helmore, Mr Osmond and others at a total of £109, but to bring the matter within the jurisdiction of the County Court plaintiff only claimed £50. Defendant admitted his liability in some degree by paying £19 14s. 6d. into Court. Mr Fryer for defendant, said that but for the ill-feeling between Helmore and his client the action, probably, would never have been brought. He would prove by his client and another witness that Helmore once praised the condition in which the estate was kept. He admitted, however, that the plaintiff was entitled to something for a few breaches of covenant; hence the money paid into Court. Defendant stated that when he first took possession the land was in a very poor condition; but by very great labour with horses, by extra ploughing and manuring, he soon got it to produce good crops. He never took a crop without having previously manured the ground. George Partridge, a labourer, proved that defendant well manured the land, which was now in a better state than when defendant entered on it. He heard Mr Helmore once say that he never sae a farm more improved. Mr George Ayre, land surveyor, of Crediton, and Mr Ellis, of Morebath, gave evidence in favour of defendant. They estimated the injury to bars and fences at £4 12s. 6d. They allowed for apple trees more than plaintiff's surveyor, and for exhaustive cropping £6 10s on 6 1/2 acres of land. These witnesses admitted to the Judge that extra manure would not entirely compensate for over-cropping. They knew nothing about twenty-one acres that had been cropped twice and twenty-one more from which three crops in succession had been taken; these had not been pointed out to them. They thought that £16 10s. more must be allowed for such land, if treated as stated. Mr Andrew Snell, of Clayhanger, spoke to the excellent farming of defendant and the capital crops which he grew. The jury, at the close of a long hearing, retired, and when they returned, after an absence of half an hour, they found for the defendant. The Judge: 'Do you mean defendant?' The Foreman replied they did as they considered that a sufficient sum had been paid into Court.

Wednesday, August 22, 1883; Issue 6041 - Gale Document Number Y3200735555
Morchard Bishop, Devon Valuable Freehold Property Messrs. Ayre Bros. and Crocker will offer, by Auction, at the London Inn, Morchard Bishop, on Thursday, the 6thday of September, 1883, at Two fro Three o'clock in the Afternoon, Lot 1 - All that newly-erected Dwellinghouse, called 'Laurel Cottage', in Morchard Bishop, with convenient and commodious outhouses and productive garden, lately occupied by Mr Horrell, deceased. Lot 2 - All that very rich pasture field called 'Thazy', close to Morchard Bishop, containing about 1a. 1r. 0p. now in the occupation of James Longman. Immediate possession of each Lot may be had. To view apply to Mr Tolley, Post Office, Morchard Bishop and for further particulars to the Auctioneers, Tiverton and Crediton; or to Mr Searle, Solicitor, Crediton. Dated Crediton, 15th August 1883.

Wednesday, April 16, 1884; Issue 6075 - Gale Document Number Y3200736970
Morchard Bishop: Alleged Robbery by Father and Son. John Howard and Francis Howard, father and son, were indicted for stealing a quantity of hay, the property of James Searle, at Morchard Bishop, on the 17thDecember lat. The hon. Bernard Coleridge prosecuted, Mr J. A. Thorne defended. The prosecutor, a solicitor at Crediton, was the owner of a farm at Morchard Bishop. Francis Howard was at that time in his employ, and was engaged in carting some hay to the farm. John Howard and his wife, Catherine, as well as a younger member of the Howard family, had formerly been employed by Mr Searle. Having at different times lost some hay and oats, he determined to set a trap for the thief, and he marked the bundles of hay on this particular occasion by placing pieces of paper inside of them. A police-constable secreted himself near the prisoner's house; whilst there he sae the wagon draw up and two bundles were thrown off. The constable said, 'This is the way you rob Mr Searle'. To which Mrs Howard replied, 'It fell off'. Witness said, 'Oh, nonsense; I saw Frank throw it off'. Mrs Howard replied, 'That is a lie, Frank is in-doors'. Witness then discovered that it was the prisoner John who had thrown it off. For the defence, it was urged that the bundles of hay fell from the wagon while the elder prisoner was getting a basket from the top of it, the wagon having been stopped to enable Francis Howard to get a cup of tea. Both prisoners were acquitted.

Wednesday, May 21, 1884; Issue 6080 - Gale Document Number Y3200737173
Death - May 15, at the Rectory House, Morchard Bishop, North Devon, the Rev. James John Rowe, M.A., for more than eighteen years Rector of this parish, aged 83 years and 6 months.

Wednesday, July 2, 1884; Issue 6086 - Gale Document Number Y3200737440
Crediton Petty Sessions Emma Wensley, of Morchard Bishop, who failed to put in an appearance, was fined 5s. and costs for an assault upon Rhoda Pugsley, on the 13thMay by throwing a bucket of water over her.

Wednesday, January 21, 1885; Issue 6114 - Gale Document Number Y3200738646
Marriage - January 12, at Morchard Bishop Church, Frederick George, eldest son of George Cudlipp, Berry Pomeroy, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Charles Salter, Morchard Bishop.

Wednesday, April 29, 1885; Issue 6128 - Gale Document Number Y3200739237
Death - On the 25th, at Morchard Bishop, Henry, the surviving son of the late Rev. John Comyns and Lady Henrietta Dorothea Churchill, aged 66.

Wednesday, October 28, 1885; Issue 6153 - Gale Document Number Y3200740380
Crediton On Friday evening, Robert Conibear, a carrier going weekly from Morchard Bishop to Exeter, left the Crediton Inn, Crediton, about ten at night for his home at Morchard. His horse arrived home a couple of hours later, but there was no sign of Mr Conibear. His friends started in search, and foundhim about four next morning near Creedy Park, Crediton. He was lying along the road, the cart having run over him. Assistance having been procured, the unfortunate man - who found to have received serious injuries - was removed to the Exeter Hospital.

Wednesday, December 23, 1885; Issue 6161 - Gale Document Number Y3200740662
Death - December 20, at Morchard Bishop, John Wreford, grocer and draper, aged 77.

Wednesday, December 4, 1889; Issue 7028 - Gale Document Number Y3200747821
Marriage - November 30, at the Registry Office, Plymouth, William Blaithwaite Robinson, Royal Engineers, to Bessie Dilling, of Morchard Bishop.

Saturday, May 3, 1890; Issue 7149 - Gale Document Number Y3200748996
Marriage - April 30, at Morchard Bishop Church, Mr R. Browne, of Sandford, to Bertha Mary, eldest daughter of Mr T. Bennett, Morchard Bishop. Death - April 27, at the London Inn, Morchard Bishop, Frederic R. G. Leach, aged 1 year.

Saturday, April 9, 1892; Issue 7720 - Gale Document Number Y3200752478
The Bankruptcy of Mr James Searle. List of Creditors. According to the accounts filed in this bankruptcy the contingent and other liabilities amount to £102,618, unsecured creditors £19,942, fully secured creditors £6,369. The net assets are returned at £8,750. The following are scheduled as creditors: (included these names from Morchard Bishop) T. Bennett, Morchard Bishop S. Maunder, Morchard Bishop Ann Cann, Morchard Bishop J. Skinner, Morchard Bishop W. J. Cole, Morchard Bishop W. Tucker, Morchard Bishop R. T. Grant, Morchard Bishop F. Maunder, Morchard Bishop

Saturday, November 5, 1892; Issue 7898 - Gale Document Number Y3200753524
Alleged Incendiarism at Morchard Bishop At the Crediton Police Court on Thursday - before Mr B. C. Cleave - William Henry Edwards, 13, was charged with setting fire to a reed loft on his master's premises at Brownstone Farm. The occupier (Mr Phillips) gave evidence to the effect that on Wednesday morning he found his reed loft in flames. The loft was destroyed, together with a stable granary, and other outbuildings. In the night he, in company with P.C. Curtis, went to the boy's room and asked him if he had been in the loft. The boy said he might as well tell the truth. He went to the loft for a bind, and lost his knife. He lit a match and let it fall on the floor, but he saw no flames when he left the loft. The case was dismissed.

Saturday, January 14, 1893; Issue 7957 - Gale Document Number Y3200753881
Death - January 8, at Venn, Morchard Bishop, Annie Bennett, third daughter of Edward and Mary Elizabeth Ellis, aged 18.

Saturday, December 2, 1893; Issue 8231 - Gale Document Number Y3200755678
Crediton Petty Sessions Drunk at Morchard. Daniel Smith, labourer, was fined 5s. and costs for being drunk at Morchard Bishop, on the 18thinst. P.C. Roger proved the case. Charge Against a Landlord John C. Kingdon, landlord of the Fountain Inn, Morchard Bishop, summoned for permitting drunkenness on his premises on the 18th November, was given the benefit of a doubt with existed.

Saturday, April 21, 1894; Issue 8348 - Gale Document Number Y3200756474
By Order of the Representatives of the Late Henry Churchill, Esq. 'Barton House', Morchard Bishop Three miles from Morchard Road and Lapford Railway Stations. Important totally unreserved sale of the superior, old-fashioned appointments of eleven bed and four reception rooms, hall and domestic offices, and outdoor effects, in consequence of the Mansion having been let on lease to Frank H. Bussey, Esq., who intends refurnishing. Thompson, Rippon and Co. Are favoured with instructions to Sell by Auction at Barton House, on Thursday, April 26th and following day, commencing at 11.30 o'clock precisely, the whole of the genuine and superior Household Furniture and Effects of the residence. The lots will be on view the day previous and mornings of Sale, and catalogues may be had at the principal inns in the neighbourhood and post free from the Auctioneers, Exeter.

Saturday, November 10, 1894; Issue 8540 - Gale Document Number Y3200757446
A fire broke out on Wednesday morning at Morchard Bishop and destroyed the farm buildings belonging to Mr Mortimer, of the New Inn. Mr Mortimer is stated to be insured. The fire was prevented from spreading by the efforts of the Crediton Fire Brigade, under Captain Parry-Jones.

Saturday, May 4, 1895; Issue 8687 - Gale Document Number Y3200758332
Theft by a Groom At Crediton on Monday - before Messrs. W. B. Berry and L. B. Gamlen - George Northcote, groom, 20, pleaded guilty to a charge of stealing on the 24th or 25thinst. a sovereign, belonging to his employer, Mr G. A. Barton, surgeon, of Morchard Bishop. Mr Palmer (Crediton) defended. Prosecutor said on Thursday he opened a drawer in his study, and on looking into his pocket-book, which he kept in that compartment, he discovered that a sovereign which he had placed there was missing. He communicated with the police, and taxed prisoner with the theft. He at first denied it, but subsequently admitted it and returned the sovereign. P.C. Rogers proved apprehending prisoner, who had on him a bunch of keys, one of which fitted prosecutor's drawer. A farmer, named Symons, of Bow, gave evidence as to prisoner's good character. A fine of 20s, and 14s. costs, or fourteen days' hard-labour. The money was paid.

Saturday, February 29, 1896; Issue 8942 - Gale Document Number Y3200759890
Death - February 23, at the London Inn, Morchard Bishop, Ellen Burrow, aged 12.

Saturday, July 2, 1898; Issue 9665 - Gale Document Number Y3200771405
Assault at Morchard Bishop Alfred Chudley, a lad of 17 years, was brought up charged with indecently assaulting and ill-treating Eliza Tucker, of Morchard Bishop, on the 20th May 1898. Prisoner pleaded not guilty; and Mr F. Bodilly prosecuted. Eliza Tucker, aged 33, stated that on the afternoon of May 20thwhile she was making her way home from Morchard Bishop to Lee Farm, where she lived, prisoner came after her and caught her round the waist and committed the assault complained of. She struggled violently and in consequence her clothes were torn and dirty and her hair pulled down. Immediately she got home she informed her parents. She was in bed for two days owing to the shock on her nerves from the struggle with the prisoner. Laura Luke deposed to the previous witness coming to her house frightened and crying on the day in question, and her clothes all disarranged and dirty. Maria and Robert Tucker, parents of the prosecutrix, gave evidence as to the shock to their daughter's nerves and the state of her clothing. P.C. William Harby proved the service of the summons on the prisoner the next day. In answer to the charge prisoner said 'I did go over Teetypath Fields after her; how much do you think I shall have to pay'. The jury found prisoner guilty, and recommended him to mercy on account of his youth. A sentence of six months' hard labour was pronounced.

Saturday, May 12, 1900; Issue 10241 - Gale Document Number Y3200775814
Marriage - May 9, at Morchard Bishop, Edward H. Ellis, of Wandsworth, to Margaret, youngest daughter of the late T. Bennett, Wood Barton, Morchard Bishop.

Saturday, May 26, 1900; Issue 10253 - Gale Document Number Y3200775932
George Hervid and Frederick Edwards, labourers, of Morchard Bishop, and George Elston of Crediton, were fined 2s. 6d. and costs each for being drunk.