John Davy, of Milton Abbot - Will 1822
© Crown Copyright
National Archives Catalogue Reference: Estate Duty Office Wills 1078/IRW/D/191
Transcribed by David A. Davy
No. 12
26 April
For the Stamp Office
Copy of the Will
John Davy formerly of
Milton Abbott but late of
Tavistock, Devon
One of the Executors
John Davy of the Parish of
Saint Pancrass, Middlesex
Proved in the Archdeacon's
Court of Totnes 30 Jany 1822
Effects sworn under £800
Walter Prideaux
D Regr
@ | £ | s | d |
4 folia 6d | 0 | 2 | 0 |
No 2 REG CD 1822
In the name of God Amen I John Davy of the Parish of Milton Abbott in the County of of Devon being in health of body and sound of mind and memory thanks be to God for the same doe make my last will and Testament in manner following First I bequeath my Soul into the hands of God that gave it and my body to a decent Criston Burial and as touching such worldly Goods as God hath pleased to bless me with I give and bequeath unto my dear wife Christian fifty pounds in cash to be at her own disposal to give it to whome she thinks proper and as much of the furniture as she thinks proper to use it, as long as She lives and after her death to return to my Executor heare after named Item I give and bequeath to Christian Doidge now Christian Palmer wife of James Palmer of Garmansweek in the County of Devon that Estate called Chilleton or Fulling Mill with all the Pasture belonging thereto Lastly I ordean and nominate John Davy my son and Elizabeth Terrell wife of Henry Terrell my Daughter of the Parish of Tavistock in the County of Devon to be my Executor and Exetrix of this my last will and Testament to discharge all my depts and all my funeral expense and to receive all depts due to my Estate, the remainder of my Estate to be divided equally between both I constitute make and ordean this to be my last will and Testament In witness where of I have hear unto set my hand and Seal this twenteth four day of September One thousand eight hundred and eleven
declared to be my last will } John Davy
presence of us__________}
H. Harness
Elizabeth Davie
The above contains a true copy of the original
will of John Davy late of Milton Abbott_____
deceased the same having been by us______
therewith carefully examined.
Francis Henry Ward { Clerks to Walter Prideaux Dy Reg of the
Nicholas Gidley { Archdeacon's Court of Totnes
FORMS of AFFIDAVITS to be required and received from Persons, applying for Probates of Wills and Letters of Administration, of the Value of the Personal Estate and Effects of the Deceased. No. 1. For EXECUTORS.
John Davy of the Parish of Saint Pancrass in the County of Middlesex carpenter one of the - Executors - named in the last Will and Testament (A) of John Davy formerly of the parish of Milton Abbott but late of Tavistock Devon Fuller - who died on the first - Day of January 1822 (a) maketh Oath and saith that (c) he hath - made diligent search and due enquiry after and in respect of the Personal Estate and Effects of the said Deceased, in order to ascertain the full amount and value thereof; and that to the best of his - knowledge, information and belief, the whole of the Goods, Chattels, and Credits, of which the said Deceased died, possessed within the (D) Archdeaconry of Totnes in the Province of Canterbury, (exclusive of what the Deceased may have been possessed of, or intitled to as a Trustee for any other Person or Persons, and not beneficially, but including the Leasehold Estates for years of the Deceased, whether absolute or determinable on Lives and without deducting any thing on account of the Debts due and owing from the Deceased), are under the Value of Eight hundred - Pounds And this Deponent further (E) saith - that the said Deceased had (F) no Personal Estate and Effects at the time of h decease within the province of York to which this - Deponent (G) need to Administer.
Sworn on the 30th } John Davy
____Day of Janry }
__1822 before me }
S Lane Surr.
Every such Affidavit to be exempt from Stamp Duty, and to be transmitted to the Commissioners of Stamps, together with a Copy of the Will, to which it shall relate under a Penalty of £50.