Christopher Monk, Duke of Albemarle (Section 2: pp. 190-385)
Estelle Frances Ward
London: John Murray (1915), illus, plates; ports, xii, 385. pp.
Prepared by Michael Steer
This section of Ward's biography of Christopher Monk deals with his later years, with particular focus on his declining influence, the Monmouth Rebellion, the episode of the treasure ship and his years as Governor of Jamaica. A pedigree showing the descent of George Monck from Warin, Lord Lisle is presented at p. 355; with a list of portraits at p. 356. A comprehensive general index is provided from pp. 357-85. This rare and much sought-after book was produced digitally by Google from a copy in the University of Michigan Library collection and can be downloaded from HathiTrust. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.
Monck pedigree, p 355
Monck portraits, p. 356
General Index, p. 357
Page | |
A | |
Addison, Joseph | 353 |
Albemarle, Duchess of | throughout |
Albemarle, Duke of | throughout |
Alford, Gregory | 197 |
Andros, Sir Edmund | 289, 301 |
Angelsey, Lord | 285 |
Anne, Queen | 348-9 |
Argyll, Duke of | 195 |
Arlington, Lord | 285 |
Arran, Lord | 224 |
Arthur | 203 |
Arwaker, Mr | 269 |
Ashley, Lord | 285 |
B | |
Ballard, Colonel | 299 |
Bancks | 215 |
Barnard, Chief Justice | 298 |
Bartley, Lady Arathusa | 306 |
Barwick, Dr Pe | 190, 229-30, 256, 272, 275, 328-9, 339-40, 344 |
Bath, Bevil Earl of | 349 |
Bath, John Earl of | 194, 212, 224-5, 227, 230-2, 255, 271, 274-6, 322-3, 340, 342, 345-8, 352 |
Bath, Lady | 340 |
Bath & Wells, Bishop of | 224 |
Beale, Mary | 228 |
Beaufort, Duke of | 208, 247, 250-1 |
Beckmann, Major | 196 |
Bedford, Lord | 307 |
Beeston | 290 |
Belasys, Lord | 255 |
Bendlos, Mr | 327 |
Berwick, Duke of | 206, 230, 348 |
Blathwayt, Mr William | 219, 234, 301, 327-8 |
Blythe, Dr | 215 |
Boule, Mr | 306 |
Bourdon, Colonel | 298-9 |
Bow, Mr | 328 |
Bowen, George | 252 |
Bowers, Mr | 274 |
Bowles, Mr | 224 |
Braddock, Mr | 263 |
Braganza, Catherine of | 285, 340 |
Bragg, B | 346-7 |
Bramston, Sir John | 197, 215-9, 236-9, 246 |
Breadalbane | 191 |
Brent, Mr | 327 |
Bridges | 280 |
Bridgewater, Earl of | 274 |
Brown, Dr | 272 |
Buccleuch, Duke of | 205, 307-8, 350 |
Buckingham, Duke of | 213, 233, 270, 285 |
Burnaby | 338, 345 |
Burnet | 282 |
Burtanhed, Mr | 228 |
Buyse | 197 |
C | |
Cadmore, Mr | 216-7 |
Carberry, Earl of | 283 |
Carlisle, Lord | 283, 290 |
Carteret, George | 285, 348 |
Cartaret, Grace | 348 |
Castello, St Jaco de | 312-3 |
Cavendish, Lady Arabella | 277, 351 |
Cavendish, Lady Elizabeth | 192 |
Cavendish family | 215, 315, 350-2 |
Cavendish, Lady Frances | 191, 350 |
Cavendish, Lady Katherine | 191, 306, 352 |
Cavendish, Lady Margaret | 229-30, 276-7, 339, 349, 351 |
Cavendish, Lord | 307 |
Chapman, Mr William | 190, 193, 332 |
Charles I | 332 |
Charles II | 204, 256, 286, 301, 306, 340, 342, 348, 353 |
Cheney, William Lord | 256, 274 |
Cheyne, William Jr | 274 |
Christopher | 315 |
Churchill, Arabella | 206, 348 |
Churchill, Father Thomas (also Dr) | 262, 268, 295, 304, 313-4, 322, 327-8 |
Churchill, Lord | 200, 204, 208, 213, 219 |
Clare, Earl of | 230, 339 |
Clare, Margaret Countess of | 339 |
Clarendon, Lord | 203, 334 |
Clarges, Anne | 346 |
Clarges, Sir Thomas | 226, 348 |
Clarges, Sir Walter | 256, 274, 347-8 |
Clayton, Sir Robert | 270-1 |
Cleford, Lord | 306 |
Clifford, Baroness | 351 |
Cobbett | 226 |
Coffin, Richard | 234 |
Collins | 281, 348 |
Columbus, Christopher | 280 |
Compton, Bishop Henry | 269 |
Compton, Earl James | 238 |
Compton, Lady Mary | 238 |
Coppleston, John | 233, 235 |
Cornwallis, Lord | 308 |
Cotton, Rev Sea Born | 301 |
Courtenay, Mr | 323 |
Covell, Mr | 248 |
Cox, Captain | 314, 321 |
Coxen, Captain | 300, 313 |
Crag, M | 306 |
Craven, Earl of | 255, 274, 285, 320 |
Croft, Mr | 308 |
Cromwell, Oliver | 281, 292 |
Crosse. L | 192 |
Crowley, William Ambrose | 314 |
D | |
Danby, Lord | 322 |
Dartmouth, Lord | 196, 225, 235-8, 247, 255, 323, 329 |
Delavel, Sir Francis Blake, KB | 351 |
Delavel, Lady Isabella | 351 |
Denmark, Princess Anne | 235, 353 |
Denmark, Prince George of | 235 |
Dorset, Earl of | 223, 237-9 |
Dorset, Lady | 238 |
Dover, Lord | 252 |
Drake-Elliott | 192 |
Drake, Sir Francis | 192 |
Dryden | 222, 242, 269 |
E | |
Edwards | 331 |
Egerton | 284 |
Elizabeth | 315 |
Elizabeth I | 283, 353 |
Ellerson, Chief Justice | 298-9, 309, 318 |
Elmore, Lieutenant Colonel | 298 |
Essex, Lady | 273 |
Evelyn, Mr | 195, 224, 252, 271, 283 |
Exquemelin | 283 |
F | |
Fairwell, Mr Arthur | 244, 263 |
Falkland, Sir John (later Viscount) | 245, 247, 253, 256 |
Falkland, Vicountess | 256 |
Fergusson | 197 |
Feversham, Louis Duras, Earl of | 207-8, 212-3, 215-9, 224, 235-6 |
Finet, William | 193 |
Fingaull, Lady | 306 |
FitzJames, Henry | 348-9 |
FitzRoy, George | 353 |
Forrest | 288, 292 |
Fortescue | 288 |
Fountaine, Mr John | 193, 213 |
Fox, Sir Stephen | 252 |
Foxcraft, Mr Isaac | 245-7 |
Francis, Alban | 263 |
G | |
Gardiner | 281-2, 290 |
Gibbs | 352 |
Glenorchy, Lord | 191, 350 |
Godolphin, Lord | 252 |
Goodenough | 197 |
Gower, Countess | 351 |
Grafton, Duke of | 210 |
Granger | 344 |
Grenville, Bernard Esq | 275-6, 322-3, 349, 352 |
Grenville, Sir Bevil (later Viscount) | 347 |
Grenville family | 227, 276, 342, 353 |
Grenville, George | 349, 352 |
Grenville, John Lord | 347 |
Grey, Lord | 197 |
Grosvenor, Fulke | 211 |
Guidot, William | 350 |
H | |
Hack, Captain | 314 |
Haddock, Sir Richard | 250 |
Hadley, Anne | 349 |
Halifax, Marquis of | 345, 353 |
Hamilton | 348 |
Harley, Abigail | 349 |
Harley, Earl Edward | 251, 351 |
Harold, Mary Countess of | 351 |
Harris | 283 |
Hatton | 273 |
Hawthorne | 252 |
Hayes, Sir James | 245, 247, 253 |
Henderson | 288, 292 |
Henrietta Maria, Queen | 285 |
Henry VII | 211, 353 |
Henry VIII | 236 |
Herbert, Admiral | 209 |
Hicks, Sir W | 238 |
Hoare, Benjamin Esq | 351 |
Hoare, Sir Richard | 351 |
Hobbs, Mr | 272 |
Holles, Henrietta Cavendish | 351 |
Holles, John | 230 |
Holles, Margaret | 230 |
Holmes, Sir Robert | 302, 313-4, 326 |
Hooke, General | 191 |
Howard, Sir Philip | 233, 240, 288 |
I | |
Inchiquin, Earl of | 323-4 |
Ivy, Colonel | 309 |
J | |
Jacobs | 300 |
James II | 192-3, 195, 198-200, 202-6, 209, 212, 217, 224-5, 230, 237, 239, 256, 261, 267, 270, 294, 296, 298, 305-6, 310, 322-3, 329, 332, 334-5, 348-9 |
Jeffreys, Lord Chancellor | 251, 265, 270-1 |
Jenkins, Sir Leoline | 256 |
Jesse | 206 |
K | |
Kelly, Smith | 293 |
Kennet | 253 |
King, Gregory | 334 |
Kirk, Colonel | 198, 213 |
Kneller | 238, 263 |
Knight, Major Ralph | 299-300, 321-2 |
L | |
Lamb, Peniston | 351-2 |
Lansdown, Baron | 348-9 |
La Salle | 293 |
Latton, Mr | 269, 321 |
Leicester, Margaret Countess of | 351 |
Leveson-Gower, Jane | 348 |
Leveson-Gower, Sir William | 348 |
Littleton, Captain | 200 |
Long | 290 |
Lucas, Lord | 217 |
Lutterell, Colonel | 200-1 |
Luttrell, Narcissus | 342, 345, 350 |
Lynch, Mr Stephen | 302-4, 313-4, 316. 320-1, 326, 330-2 |
Lynch, Sir Thomas | 249, 260, 284, 288, 298, 310 |
M | |
Macaulay | 209 |
Manchester, Lady | 306 |
Marlborough, Duke of | 200 |
Martial | 193 |
Mary II | 340, 348 |
Mather, Cotton | 243 |
Mather, Increase | 301 |
Melford, Earl of | 255 |
Mell, Mr | 328-9 |
Middleton, Earl of | 255, 327 |
Mildmay family | 236, 243 |
Mills, Honour | 346 |
Minstephens, Mr | 327 |
Modina, Mary of | 306 |
Modyford, Sir Thomas | 281-3, 290 |
Molesworth, Colonel Hender | 244, 268, 270, 288, 293-5, 298, 310, 321, 323, 328 |
Monck, Baron | 342 |
Monck, Captain | 325 |
Monck, Christopher | throughout |
Monck, Elizabeth | 274 |
Monck family | 353 |
Monck, General George (later Duke) | 191, 195, 236, 282, 309, 315, 317, 342, 346-7 |
Monck, Henry | 227, 342, 348 |
Monck, Mrs (then Lady) | throughout |
Monck, Nicholas | 274 |
Monck, Colonel Thomas | 227, 297, 342, 348 |
Monck, William Henry | 348 |
Monmouth, Duchess of | 307-8 |
Monmouth, Duke of | 195, 197-205, 208-9, 211, 213, 230, 245, 263, 308, 312 |
Monson, Sir Henry | 343 |
Montagu, Duchess of | 350 |
Montagu, Earl Edward | 283 |
Montagu family | 350 |
Montagu, Lord | 193, 203, 230-1, 269, 306, 344-7 |
Montagu, Ralph Earl of (later Duke) | 347-50 |
Monthermer, Viscount | 344 |
Moray, Earl of | 205, 255 |
Mordaunt, Lord | 254, 297, 300, 307 |
Morgan, Sir Henry | 281, 283-4, 291, 305, 310, 313, 317-8 |
Morpeth, Frances Lady | 351 |
Mortimer, Earl of | 251 |
Moss, Dr | 269 |
Mozet, Diego | 268 |
N | |
Narborough, Sir John | 245-7, 253, 256, 279, 297, 307 |
Neale, Richard gent | 343 |
Needham, Colonel | 299 |
Nellthorpe | 197 |
Newton, Sir Isaac | 265 |
Newcastle, Frances Duchess of | portrait 228-9, 329, 339-40, 343 |
Newcastle, Henry Duke of | 191-3, 229-30, 274, 322, 339-40, 342-3, 349 |
Newcastle, John Holles Duke of | 349-50 |
Newcastle, Lady Margaret Duchess of | 349, 351 |
Newport, Lord | 224 |
Nicholas | 350 |
Nichols | 269 |
Nicolson, Mr Francis | 245, 247, 256 |
Noel, Bridget | 223, 306 |
Northampton, Earl of | 238 |
Northampton, Lady | 238-9 |
Northumberland, Earl of (also Duke) | 229, 344, 353 |
O | |
O'Brien, William | 324 |
Oglethorp | 208 |
Oldmixon | 200-1 |
Orange, William Prince of | 195, 199, 202, 237, 239, 254, 296, 329, 332, 335, 344 |
Orleans, Duchess of | 285 |
Ormond, Duke of | 255, 265 |
Oxford, Henrietta Countess of | 351-2 |
Oxford, Earl of | 223, 251-2, 269, 351 |
P | |
Paulet, Lady Isabella | 351 |
Paulet, Lord Nasau | 351 |
Peachell, Dr | 263, 265 |
Peek, Major (also Peaks) | 299, 317 |
Pembroke, Earl of | 208 |
Penhallow, Major | 298-9 |
Pepys, Mr | 237, 252-3 |
Percy, Elizabeth | 344 |
Percy, Josceline | 344 |
Peterborow, Earl of | 255 |
Petre, Captain | 308 |
Petre, Jac | 308 |
Petre, Thomas Lord | 308 |
Peyton, Catherine | 348 |
Peyton, Craven | 348 |
Phillips, Sir Edward | 200-1, 306 |
Phips, Captain William (later Sir) | 243-4, 246-51, 253-4, 256, 279, 322 |
Phips, Mrs | 252 |
Pierrepont, Gervase | 274 |
Pierrepont, William | 227 |
Pigot, Mr | 328 |
Pine-Coffin, Mrs | 234 |
Pollexfen, Sir Henry | 231 |
Portland, Earl of | 349 |
Portsmouth, Duchess of | 308 |
Potheridge | 315 |
Povey, John | 234-5 |
Powell, Mr Baron | 271 |
Powys, Marquis of | 255 |
Poynings | 284 |
Pride, Mrs Elizabeth | 346 |
Prior, Matthew | 349 |
Q | |
Queensberry, Marquis of | 205 |
R | |
Radford, Anne | 346 |
Raineval | 348 |
Ranke | 209, 226 |
Rawlinson, Curwin | 255, 274 |
Rawlinson, Elizabeth | 274 |
Reeves, Major | 299 |
Reid, George | 262, 295, 298, 313-4 |
Renwick, Dr | 230 |
Reresby, Sir John | 226 |
Reynardson | 224, 230-1, 271-2, 274-5, 323 |
Riley, John | 275 |
Rochester, Earl of | 255 |
Rogers, Captain Francis | 247-8 |
Roos, Richard Lord | 345 |
Rupert, Prince | 245, 285, 290 |
Russell, Lord | 214, 307 |
Rutland, Countess of | 223 |
Ruvigny | 348 |
S | |
Sackville, Earl Charles | 223, 238 |
Salisbury, Anne Countess of | 351 |
Salisbury, Lord | 307 |
Sancroft, Archbishop | 218-9 |
Sandwich, Lord | 282-3 |
Savile, George | 353 |
Savile, Henry | 345 |
Scott, James | 204 |
Scott, Walter | 269 |
Shaftesbury, Lord | 285 |
Sharpe, Captain B | 314 |
Sherwin, Mrs Elizabeth | 346-7 |
Sherwin, Mr | 227, 346 |
Shrewsbury, Earl of | 223 |
Shovell, Lady Elizabeth | 256 |
Shovell, Sir Cloudesly | 256 |
Sloane, Dr Hans | 224, 247, 251, 254, 272, 275, 278-9, 292, 316-9, 321-2, 330-3, 339-40, 344 |
Smith, John | 245, 247, 255 |
Somerset, Duke of | 202 |
Southampton, Earl of | 344 |
Southwell, Sir Robert | 219, 234-5, 301 |
Spencer, Lady Arabella | 277, 351 |
Spencer, Lord Charles | 277 |
Spratt, Bishop | 205 |
Spratt, Mrs | 205 |
Stamp, Elizabeth | 343 |
Stamp, Sir Thomas | 343 |
Stanhope, Mr | 263 |
Stanley | 334 |
St Jaco, Signor | 304 |
Strafford, Lord | 307 |
Stratford, Dr | 269 |
Strickland, Mr | 308 |
Strickland, Mrs B | 307 |
Stringer, Sir Thomas | 227, 271-2, 276, 340 |
Stuart, House of | 201, 206, 332, 335, 342, 353 |
Stuart, James Edward (Old Pretender) | 317, 349 |
Sunderland, Charles Earl of | 191, 197-9, 202, 204, 209, 211-3, 216-7, 225, 229, 240, 247, 263, 265, 277, 294, 327, 350 |
Sunderland, Lady | 307 |
Sydenham, John | 207 |
T | |
Talbot, Charles | 223 |
Tendring, Mr | 308 |
Thanet, Lady Katherine | 190-2, 306-7. 343, 345, 352 |
Thanet, Thomas Earl of | 191-2, 306, 343, 345, 350 |
Thornbury | 215 |
Towers, John | 309 |
Traphan, Dr | 318-9 |
Turenne | 207 |
V | |
Vaughan, Lord | 283 |
Vere, Aubrey de | 223 |
Verney, John | 251 |
W | |
Wade | 197 |
Wales, Prince of | 317-9 |
Warbeck, Perkin | 211 |
Ward, Colonel Joseph | 256 |
Watson, Mr Francis (later Sir) | 299, 317, 331 |
Welbeck abbey | 192-3, 219, 227-8, 230, 234-5, 275, 277, 301, 329, 339-40, 343, 347, 350-2 |
White, Mr John | 312-3 |
Whittington | 352 |
Widderington, Lady | 306 |
William & Mary | 269, 339 |
William III | 230, 322-4, 334, 348 |
Williamson, Sir Joseph | 273 |
Wilson, William gent | 339 |
Worcester, Marquis of | 219 |
Wright, Captain Lawrence | 373, 297, 317, 330, 332-4 |
Wright, Mary | 343, 345 |
Wright, Mrs | 329 |
Wright, Richard gent | 339 |
Wright, Sarah | 343, 345 |
Wriothesley, Elizabeth | 344 |
Wriothesley, Thomas | 344 |
Wynne, Luttrell DCL | 256 |
Y | |
Yankee | 300 |
York, James Duke of | 195, 203, 282, 285-6 |