Christopher Monk, Duke of Albemarle (Section 1: pp. vii-190)
Estelle Frances Ward
London: John Murray (1915), illus, plates; ports, xii, 385. pp.
Prepared by Michael Steer
Christopher Monk, or Monck, was the son and heir of George Monck, 1st Duke of Albemarle (1608-1670) by his wife Anne Clarges, a daughter of John Clarges, 'Farrier in the Savoy', of Drury Lane, Westminster. At 13, he entered politics, having been elected MP for Devon. In 1670 he was elevated to the peerage and thus entered the House of Lords, following the death of his father, also inheriting his father's peerage titles. He became a Gentleman of the Bedchamber. He was created a Knight of the Garter, a Privy Councillor and in 1675 Lord Lieutenant of Devon, in which role he served for 10 years. From 1682 until his death, Monk was Chancellor of the University of Cambridge. In 1685 he resigned the Lord Lieutenancy of Devon to fight against the Monmouth Rebellion, but was largely unsuccessful as a military leader. In 1686, he was a major investor in a treasure-seeking expedition headed by William Phips, who had located the wreck of the Spanish treasure ship Nuestra Señora de la Concepcion. Phips returned to London with more than £200,000 worth of treasure, of which Monk received a 25% share. After serving in a few more minor positions, in 1687 he was appointed Lieutenant Governor of Jamaica. This rare and much sought-after book was produced digitally by Google from a copy in the University of Michigan Library collection and can be downloaded from HathiTrust. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.
Page | |
A | |
Acland, Sir H, Bt | 123 |
Ailesbury, Lord (Aylesbury) | 163, 172 |
Albemarle, Duchess of | throughout, portrait p. 72 |
Albemarle, Duke of | throughout, portrait, p. 122 |
Andrews, Professor Charles M | x |
Aragon, Katherine of | 96-7 |
Archer, Colonel | ix |
Archer, Mrs | 63, 160 |
Argyll, Marquis of | 13 |
Arlington, Earl of | 36, 52-3, 55, 57, 59, 93, 101, 125. 149 |
Armstrong, Sir Thomas | 111, 144, 166 |
Armyne, Lady | 88 |
Arran, Lord | 172 |
Arthur | 113, 120 |
Arundell, Lord | 163 |
Ashmole, Elias | 42, 44-5 |
Ashton, Colonel E | 188 |
Aubrey | 10 |
Auwerkerck, Monsieur d' | 151 |
B | |
Baard | 97 |
Ball | 55-6 |
Bampfylde, Sir Copleston, Bt | 123 |
Barrington | 97 |
Barwick, Dr Peter | 161-2, 169-71, 173-4 |
Bath, John Earl of | 9, 20, 30, 36, 63-5, 67-8, 70, 76, 79-80, 86, 99, 124-5, 157, 163, 172, 183, 188 |
Beaufort | 105 |
Belasyse, Earl of | 55 |
Bennet, Bishop | 182 |
Bennett | 137 |
Benoist, Mark Antony | 75 |
Bentinck, Monsieur William de | 66-7, 102, 151 |
Berkeley, Lord | 60, 163 |
Bertie, Charles | 129 |
Best, Mr | 23 |
Biggar, Mr H P | x |
Billers, Mr | 141 |
Blagg, Mrs | 71 |
Blythe, Dr | 181 |
Botecourt | 97 |
Boteler, Earl Thomas | 95 |
Bragg, B | 6 |
Bramston, Sir John | 165, 182-4 |
Brandon | 97 |
Bridgewater, Earl of | 36 |
Brown, Mary | 105 |
Brown, Mr Philip | 85, 171 |
Browne, Sir Thomas | 109 |
Bruorton, Mrs | 159 |
Bryne, Lieutenant Terence | 66 |
Buccleuch, Margaret Countess of | 11, 27 |
Buccleuch, Duke of, KG, KT | ix, 51 |
Buckingham, Duke of | 3, 43, 46-7, 56, 96-7, 101, 138, 155 |
Bullen, Sir Thomas | 95 |
Burcell | 97 |
Burnet | 10, 122, 124 |
Busby | 135 |
Butler, James | 5 |
Butler, Mrs | 71 |
C | |
Campden, Lord | 163 |
Canterbury, Archbishop of | 21, 25, 46, 169 |
Carew, Sir Thomas Kt | 123 |
Carlisle, Earl of | 36, 55 |
Carlyle, Thomas | vii |
Cartwright | 132 |
Cavendish, Arabella | 63 |
Cavendish arms | 74, 107 |
Cavendish, Elizabeth | portrait, p. 72, 74, 88 |
Cavendish, House of | 28, 72, 129 |
Cavendish, Lady Katherine | 63, 73 |
Cavendish, Duke William | 27, 131, 167-8 |
Champernown, Richard | 3 |
Chapman, William | 85, 104-5, 156, 169, 183 |
Charles I | 3, 10, 27, 112 |
Charles II | vii, 2, 5-6, 10, 13-4, 18-9, 27, 30, 41, 47, 51, 56-60, 66, 92, 97, 100, 102-4, 112-4, 130, 137, 145, 149-51, 159, 178-80 |
Chatham, Lord | 35 |
Chetwynd | 97 |
Cholmondeley | 66 |
Churchill, Ensign John | 36 |
Clarendon, Lord Chancellor | 23, 70, 81-2 |
Clarges, Anne | 6, 8-9, 19, portrait 22, |
Clarges family | 65 |
Clarges, Lady | 125 |
Clarges, Dr Thomas (later Sir) | 7-10, 18, 20, 24, 63, 76-80, 86, 111, 159 |
Clarges, Sir Walter | 77, 125, 143-4, 159 |
Cleveland, Duchess of | 169, 178 |
Clunfford | 97 |
Coga, Dr | 138, 141 |
Colchester, Lord | 144 |
Coldstream, Viscount | 19 |
Congreve | 2 |
Constable, Robert | 50 |
Conway, Lord | 104, 136-7, 145, 149 |
Conyers, Lord | 163 |
Cooke, Colonel | 115 |
Corbett | 3 |
Cornbury, Lord | 48, 82 |
Cornish | 166 |
Coventry, Sir W | 24, 93-4 |
Craven, Earl of | 21, 35, 147, 163 |
Cromwell, Oliver (Old Noll) | 11-12, 16, 27, 97 |
Cromwell, Richard | 12-3, 15 |
Crosse, L | 91, 122 |
Crowne, John | 71 |
Culcheth | 97 |
Cumberland, Earl of | 118 |
D | |
Darcy, Sir Thomas | 183-4 |
Danby, Thomas Earl of | 70, 100-2, 107-10, 112, 120, 132, 147, 160, 162, 172 |
Dartmouth, Baron | 124, 166 |
Darwin, Colonel Charles Waring | ix, 21, 85 |
Davis, Mrs | 71 |
Deincourt, Lord | 71 |
Delamer, Lord | 166 |
Denbigh, Lord | 52, 163 |
Denmark, Prince George of | 157, 177, 180 |
Derby, Lord | 188 |
Derham, Sir R | 174 |
Derrick, Samuel | 140 |
Devonshire, Duke of | 131 |
Dobson, William | 68 |
Doleman, Colonel | 16 |
Dorchester, House of | 28 |
Drake, Sir Francis | 3, 5, 97 |
Dryden, John | 2, 40, 139-40, 154 |
Dudley | 97 |
Dudley, Earl of | 56 |
Dudley, Edmund | 5 |
Dudley, Elizabeth | 5 |
Dunbarton, Earl of | 148 |
Dunblaine, Lord | 71 |
Dutton, Sir Ralph | 115 |
E | |
Eachard | 17 |
Edward II | 95 |
Edward III | 3 |
Edward IV | 4, 17 |
Edward V | 4 |
Eliot, Mr | 52 |
Elizabeth I | 96 |
Ely, Bishop of | 6-7 |
Emerton, Mr | 147 |
Essex, Lord | 66, 78, 110, 166 |
Evelyn, Mr | 41, 46, 52, 60, 71, 81, 83, 97-8, 104, 109, 118, 156, 172-3, 181, 188 |
F | |
Fairfax, General Sir Thomas | 6 |
Fairwell, Mr Arthur (also Farwell) | 14, 63, 69, 73, 79, 157-8, 182m 188 |
Fairwell family | 64 |
Fairwell, Mary | 69, 160 |
Fanshawe, Sir Thomas | 183, 185-6 |
Faubert, Monsieur | 68 |
Fenwick, John | 50 |
Feversham, Earl of | 102, 105, 121, 131, 133, 163 |
Finch, Daniel | 128 |
Finch, Lord | 147 |
Fitzherbert | 108 |
Fitzwalter | 97 |
Foljambe, Rt Hon F J Savile | 111 |
Frobisher, Martin | 3, 5 |
G | |
Gardiner, Sir Samuel | 169 |
Gerbier, Sir Balthazar | 97 |
Gibbons, Grinling | 83 |
Gibbs, Hon Vicary | 8 |
Giles, Mr Peter, MA | ix |
Godbid, W | 3 |
Godfrey, Sir Edmundbury | 106 |
Godfrey, Colonel | 144 |
Godolphin | 55, 187 |
Goulding, Mr Richard W | ix |
Gower, W Leveson | 172, 177 |
Grafton, Duke of | 121, 133 |
Graham | 27 |
Granville, Lord | 70 |
Granville, Lady Martha | 70 |
Gray, Lord | 108 |
Green | 167 |
Gregory, Madame Frances | 85 |
Grenville, Mr Bernard | 36, 80, 172, 177 |
Grenville, Sir Bevil | 5, 13, 80 |
Grenville family | 13, 69, 80 |
Grenville, Sir John | 13, 17-8, 20, 76 |
Grey, Edward | 4 |
Grey, Elizabeth | 4 |
Grey, Lord | 143-4, 166 |
Griffen, Edward Esq (also Lt Colonel) | 50, 187 |
Gumble, Dr | 7, 10-12, 14-5, 25, 27, 30, 91-2 |
Gunton, Mr | 22 |
Gwenn, Nelly (also Gwynn) | 101, 121, 163 |
H | |
Haddu, Hamet ben Hamet ben | 134, 135 |
Halifax, Lady Gertrude | 70 |
Halifax, Lord | 70, 110, 112, 117-8, 131, 133-4, 147, 177, 187 |
Hamilton, Duke of | 172 |
Hannis, Mrs | 169 |
Harley, Sir Edward (later Earl) | 101-2, 168 |
Harrington, William | 108 |
Hatton | 134 |
Havre, Duc de | 58 |
Haynes, Mr | 93 |
Henry VII | 35, 95-6, 180 |
Henry VIII | 4, 95-7 |
Herbert, Lord | 145 |
Hodgkins, Mr E M | 91, 122 |
Honeywood, Mr | 108 |
Howard, Lord | 166 |
Howard, Sir Philip | 36 |
Howell | 5 |
Hyde, Mrs Bridget | 147 |
Hyde, Lord | 133 |
I | |
Ingoldsby, Sir Henry | 145 |
J | |
James I | 44, 46 |
James II | 168, 179, 182, 186, 188-9 |
Jenkins, Sir Leoline | 137, 145, 166 |
Jennings, Mrs | 71 |
John, King | 3 |
Jones, Inigo | 97 |
Jonson, Mrs | 159 |
K | |
Keeling, Josiah | 166 |
Keroualle, Louise de (Carwole) | 41, 58-9 |
Kenyon, L | 30, 35, 118, 124 |
Kenyon, R | 188 |
Keynet, Mr J N | ix |
Killigrew, Sir Peter | 10 |
Kneller | 134 |
Knight, Mrs | 71 |
Köningsmark, Count | 129 |
L | |
Lamb, Charles | 87 |
Lambert, General | 15 |
Lansdown, Lady | 125 |
Lansdown, Lord | 70, 80 |
Lanyon, Philip | 99 |
Lascelles, Captain George | 21, 85 |
Lassels, Mrs | 31 |
Lauderdale, John Duke of | 100, 118 |
Leeds, Duke of | ix |
Legge, Colonel George | 124, 132 |
Leicester, Lord | 5, 70, 97 |
Lely, Sir Peter | 28, 72 |
Levet, Dorothy | 105 |
Le Neve, Frances | 22 |
Le Neve, John Esq | 22 |
Lindsay, Earl of | 163 |
Lionberg, Resident | 172 |
Lisle, Lady | 70 |
Lisle, Viscount | 4 |
Littleton, Thomas | 108 |
Lloyd, Mr | 171-2 |
Louis XIV | 41, 53, 122, 149 |
Lucas, Margaret | 28 |
Lucie, Elizabeth | 4 |
Lucy | 97 |
Lumley, Lord | 163 |
Luther, Mr | 184, 186 |
Luttrell | 113, 125 |
Luttrell, Narcissus | 133 |
Lymbyry, Mr | 54, 84 |
Lysons, Messrs | 177 |
M | |
Madan, Mr F | ix |
Magalotti | 25 |
Manchester, Earl of | 32 |
Mancini, Hortensia | 131, 155 |
Mandeville | 97 |
Marlborough, Duchess of | 71 |
Marlborough, Duke of | 36 |
Marvell, Andrew | 81, 101-2 |
Mary I | 96 |
Maynard, Lord William | 163, 183, 185-6 |
Maynard, Sergeant | 117 |
Mazarin, Madame | 131, 178 |
Medici, Cosmo d' III | 25-6, 98 |
Mercy | 97 |
Middlesex, Lord | 101 |
Middleton, Sir Thomas | 119, 179 |
Mildmay, Colonel (also Mr) | 108-9, 184-6 |
Mildmay, Sir E | 108 |
Mills, Honour | 10 |
Monck arms | 107 |
Monck, Baron | 19, 65 |
Monck, Christopher | throughout |
Monck, Christopher 2 | 67-8 |
Monck, Elizabeth | 69 |
Monck family | 3-5, 26, 51, 65, 69, 155 |
Monck, Frances | 7, 22 |
Monck, George | 4-5, 7, 11-4, portrait 14, 17-8, 23-4, 28, 46, 50-1, 54, 60, 65-6, 68, 70 |
Monck, Henry | 67-8 |
Monck, Mary | 12, 14, 69 |
Monck, Mrs (then Lady) | throughout |
Monck, Rev Nicholas | 12-4, 17, 20, 69 |
Monck, Captain Thomas (later Colonel) | 64-6, 68, 78 |
Monck, Sir Thomas | 4 |
Monmouth, Duchess of | 157 |
Monmouth, James Duke of | vii, 27, 32, 43, 48, 50, 59, 70-1, 101-2, 105, 110-4, 117-8, 123, 133, 135-8, 143, 145-6, 165-6, 177 |
Montagu, Lord Ralph | 51-2, 60, 64, 67, 69-70, 77-8, 83, 93, 107, 129-30, 138, 148, 179, 187-8 |
Mordaunt, Lady Mary | 71 |
Morris, Mr William | 17-8, 23 |
Mortimer | 97 |
Mulgrave, Earl of | 36, 55-6, 105 |
Multon | 97 |
Murray, Thomas | 156 |
N | |
Nassau, Prince Frederick Henry | 5 |
Neuve, John | 22 |
Newcastle, Frances Duchess of | 24, 31, 72, 76-7, 156, 158, 161-2, 170-1, 176 |
Newcastle, Margaret Duchess of | 87, 156 |
Newcastle, William Duke of | 19, 27-8, 54, 72, 75, 98, 100, 107, 110, 118, 132, 156, 160, 162, 171, 175-6 |
Newcastle, Elizabeth | 28 |
Newcastle, House of | 28 |
Norreys, Lord | 163 |
Northumberland, Earl of | 60 |
Northumberland, Lady | 129 |
O | |
Oates, Titus | 106 |
Ogle, Lady Frances | 27-8, 31-2, 72-4, 76-7, 87-8. 128-30 |
Ogle, Earl of | 27-8, 55, 70, 72, 74-5, 87, 98, 100, 128 |
Oldmixon | 23, 167 |
Orange, William Prince of | 53, 102-5, 111, 125-8, 148-51, 168, 179 |
Orleans, Henrietta, Duchess of | 41, 48 |
Ormonde, Duke of (also Earl) | 5, 32, 36, 43, 46, 95, 115, 147, 187 |
Osborne, Martha | 70 |
Osborne, Earl Thomas | 70 |
Ossley, Mr | 116 |
Ossory, Thomas Earl of | 66, 102, 105, 148, 150 |
Oxford, Earl of | 32, 42-3, 130, 163, 168 |
P | |
Panton | 160 |
Parker, Sir Philip | 119, 188 |
Paulson | 114 |
Pembroke, Earl of | 126 |
Pennecke, Mr John | 48-9 |
Pepys, Mr Samuel | 21, 24, 181-2, 188 |
Percy, Lady Elizabeth | 128 |
Percy family | 129-30 |
Peterborough, Earl of | 36, 55 |
Petre, John (also Lord) | 114, 164, 185 |
Philip & Mary | 96 |
Pierrepont, Lady Elizabeth | 72, 175-6 |
Pierrepont family | 70 |
Pierrepont, Gertrude | 70 |
Pierrepont, House of | 28 |
Pierrepont, Hon William | 27-8, 77 |
Piper. Colonel Hugh | 99 |
Plantagenet, Arthur | 4-5 |
Plantagenet, Elizabeth | 4-5 |
Plantagenet family | 16 |
Plantagenet, Frances | 4 |
Plymouth, Earl of | 105 |
Porter, Mr | 73 |
Portland, Duke of, KG, GCVO (also Earl) | ix, 102 |
Portsmouth, Duchess of | 59, 83, 121, 131, 167, 178 |
Preston, Lord | 142 |
Price, Dr | 10, 13-5, 17, 21, 85 |
Pride, Colonel | 50, 52 |
Pride, cousin | 159 |
Pride, Elizabeth | 50-1, 69 |
Prior, Margaret | 90 |
Pudsay, Elizabeth | 72, 105 |
Q | |
Queensberry, Duke of | 51 |
R | |
Radford, Anne | 6, 31 |
Radford, Thomas | 6-7, 9, 31 |
Ranelagh, Lord | 104 |
Ranke | 177 |
Ratcliffe, Earl Thomas | 96-7 |
Rawlinson, Curwen | 69, 75 |
Rawlinson, Elizabeth | 69 |
Reid, Hon Whitelaw | ix |
Reresby, Sir John | 75, 135 |
Reynardson | 65, 67, 124-5 |
Richmond, Duke of | 32, 36, 44 |
Ringrose, Mr | 23 |
Rochester, Lady | 101 |
Rochester, Lord | 48, 101, 183, 187 |
Rodney | 145 |
Rogers, John | 48 |
Rolfe, John | 119 |
Romans, Richard King of the | 3 |
Roos, Lord | 115 |
Rosse, Mrs | 134 |
Rumsey, Colonel | 166 |
Rupert, Prince | 21, 42, 43, 51, 56-8, 69, 93, 118 |
Russell, Lord William | 166-8 |
Rutland, Countess of | 129, 157 |
Rutland, Earl of | 162-3 |
S | |
Salisbury, Earl of | 101-2 |
Salkeld | 8 |
Sandford | 35, 189 |
Sandwich, Earl of | 21, 32, 36, 42-3 |
Savage, Peter | 50 |
Saxony, Prince Elector of | 33, 42 |
Schomberg, Monsieur | 55-7 |
Scott | 17 |
Scott, Lady Anne | 27 |
Shaftesbury, Lord | 70, 101, 110-2, 117, 166 |
Shephard, Mr Fleetwood | 142 |
Sherwin, Elizabeth | 69 |
Sherwin, William | 9, 51, 69 |
Sidney, Algernon | 150, 166, 168 |
Sidney, Dorothy | 70, 132 |
Sidney family | 70, 97, 130 |
Sidney, Henry | 48, 70, 150-1 |
Sidney, Earl Robert | 5 |
Skelton, Captain Bevil | 124 |
Skinner, Dr | 11, 13, 17-8, 28-9 |
Smith | 116, 120-1 |
Somerset, Duke of | 48, 50, 92, 130, 180 |
Stafford, Lord | 117-8 |
St Albans, Earl of | 36 |
Stanley, Mr | 188 |
Stewkeley, John | 116 |
Stowe | 55, 66 |
Strafford, Earl of | 117 |
Streater | 83 |
Strickland | 180 |
Stringer, Sir Thomas | 188 |
Stuart, Charles | 18 |
Stuart, Lady Elizabeth | 71 |
Stuart family | vii, 10, 13, 23, 51, 72, 79, 167 |
Stuart, Lady Mary | 71, 102 |
Suffolk, Earl of | 36 |
Sunderland, Dorothy, Lady | 130-1, 151 |
Sunderland, Earl of | 110, 131, 147, 187 |
Sussex, Countess of | 71 |
Sussex, Earl of | 96-7, 163 |
Sutton, Anne | 56 |
Sweden, King of | 33, 42 |
Swift, Dean | 130 |
Sydenham, John | 148 |
T | |
Tanner MSS | 169 |
Tate, Mr Nahun | 139 |
Taylor, Silas | 103 |
Temple, Lady | 129 |
Temple, Sir William | 109-10 |
Thanet, Countess of | 73 |
Thanet, Lord | 72, 131, 163 |
Theobald | 80 |
Thynn, Mr Tom | 129 |
Torrington, Earl of | 19-23, 25-6 |
Treby, Lord Chief Justice | 64 |
Turner, Mr | 109 |
Tuscany, Grand Duke of | 25-6 |
V | |
Vane, Colonel | 17, 56 |
Van Tromp | 10 |
Verney, E | 144 |
Verney, John | 80, 144 |
Verney, Sir P | 80 |
Verney, Sir Ralph | 116 |
Verrio, Antonio | 83-4 |
Vertue, George | 96, 134 |
Villiers, George | 3, 96 |
Villiers, George 2 | 96 |
Vincent, Nathaniel | 138 |
Vivian, Mr Thomas | 138, 158 |
W | |
Wales, Arthur Prince of | 96 |
Wales, Prince of | 113 |
Walpole | 68 |
Warcup, Colonel | 114 |
Ward, Mr George Bradley | x |
Ward, Colonel Joseph | viii |
Ward, Sir Seth | 36 |
Wardale, Mr J R, MA | ix |
Warwick, Sir P | 10 |
Washington, General | viii |
Waters, Lucy | 27, 112 |
Webster, Mr Henry Kitchell | x |
Welbeck MSS | 24, 27-9, 31, 35, 54, 74-6, 84-5, 87-8, 102, 105, 107, 132, 146, 148, 156, 161-4, 168 |
Wemyss, Lady Margaret | 27 |
Wemyss, Lord | 27 |
Wentworth, Guicciardini | 124 |
Wentworth, Lady Henrietta | 71 |
Westmorland, Earl of | 130 |
Wharton, Lord | 101-2, 139 |
Wheatley | 24, 81 |
White, R | 134 |
William III | 8 |
Williamson, Sir Joseph | 55, 56, 93-4, 99, 102-3 |
Willis, Sir Richard | 16 |
Wood, Mr Peter Worsley, MA | ix |
Worcester, Marquis of | 105 |
Wright sisters | 86 |
Y | |
Yarmouth, Lord | 163 |
York, James Duke of | 32, 43-4, 55-7, 60, 69, 71, 93-4, 101-2, 106-7, 110-2, 114, 132, 147-9, 165, 168 |