




Christopher Monk, Duke of Albemarle (Section 1: pp. vii-190)


Estelle Frances Ward

London: John Murray (1915), illus, plates; ports, xii, 385. pp.

Prepared by Michael Steer

Christopher Monk, or Monck, was the son and heir of George Monck, 1st Duke of Albemarle (1608-1670) by his wife Anne Clarges, a daughter of John Clarges, 'Farrier in the Savoy', of Drury Lane, Westminster. At 13, he entered politics, having been elected MP for Devon. In 1670 he was elevated to the peerage and thus entered the House of Lords, following the death of his father, also inheriting his father's peerage titles. He became a Gentleman of the Bedchamber. He was created a Knight of the Garter, a Privy Councillor and in 1675 Lord Lieutenant of Devon, in which role he served for 10 years. From 1682 until his death, Monk was Chancellor of the University of Cambridge. In 1685 he resigned the Lord Lieutenancy of Devon to fight against the Monmouth Rebellion, but was largely unsuccessful as a military leader. In 1686, he was a major investor in a treasure-seeking expedition headed by William Phips, who had located the wreck of the Spanish treasure ship Nuestra Señora de la Concepcion. Phips returned to London with more than £200,000 worth of treasure, of which Monk received a 25% share. After serving in a few more minor positions, in 1687 he was appointed Lieutenant Governor of Jamaica. This rare and much sought-after book was produced digitally by Google from a copy in the University of Michigan Library collection and can be downloaded from HathiTrust. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.


Acland, Sir H, Bt123
Ailesbury, Lord (Aylesbury)163, 172
Albemarle, Duchess ofthroughout, portrait p. 72
Albemarle, Duke ofthroughout, portrait, p. 122
Andrews, Professor Charles Mx
Aragon, Katherine of96-7
Archer, Colonelix
Archer, Mrs63, 160
Argyll, Marquis of13
Arlington, Earl of36, 52-3, 55, 57, 59, 93, 101, 125. 149
Armstrong, Sir Thomas111, 144, 166
Armyne, Lady88
Arran, Lord172
Arthur113, 120
Arundell, Lord163
Ashmole, Elias42, 44-5
Ashton, Colonel E188
Auwerkerck, Monsieur d'151
Bampfylde, Sir Copleston, Bt123
Barwick, Dr Peter161-2, 169-71, 173-4
Bath, John Earl of9, 20, 30, 36, 63-5, 67-8, 70, 76, 79-80, 86, 99, 124-5, 157, 163, 172, 183, 188
Belasyse, Earl of55
Bennet, Bishop182
Benoist, Mark Antony75
Bentinck, Monsieur William de66-7, 102, 151
Berkeley, Lord60, 163
Bertie, Charles129
Best, Mr23
Biggar, Mr H Px
Billers, Mr141
Blagg, Mrs71
Blythe, Dr181
Boteler, Earl Thomas95
Bragg, B6
Bramston, Sir John165, 182-4
Bridgewater, Earl of36
Brown, Mary105
Brown, Mr Philip85, 171
Browne, Sir Thomas109
Bruorton, Mrs159
Bryne, Lieutenant Terence66
Buccleuch, Margaret Countess of11, 27
Buccleuch, Duke of, KG, KTix, 51
Buckingham, Duke of3, 43, 46-7, 56, 96-7, 101, 138, 155
Bullen, Sir Thomas95
Burnet10, 122, 124
Butler, James5
Butler, Mrs71
Campden, Lord163
Canterbury, Archbishop of21, 25, 46, 169
Carew, Sir Thomas Kt123
Carlisle, Earl of36, 55
Carlyle, Thomasvii
Cavendish, Arabella63
Cavendish arms74, 107
Cavendish, Elizabethportrait, p. 72, 74, 88
Cavendish, House of28, 72, 129
Cavendish, Lady Katherine63, 73
Cavendish, Duke William27, 131, 167-8
Champernown, Richard3
Chapman, William85, 104-5, 156, 169, 183
Charles I3, 10, 27, 112
Charles IIvii, 2, 5-6, 10, 13-4, 18-9, 27, 30, 41, 47, 51, 56-60, 66, 92, 97, 100, 102-4, 112-4, 130, 137, 145, 149-51, 159, 178-80
Chatham, Lord35
Churchill, Ensign John36
Clarendon, Lord Chancellor23, 70, 81-2
Clarges, Anne6, 8-9, 19, portrait 22,
Clarges family65
Clarges, Lady125
Clarges, Dr Thomas (later Sir)7-10, 18, 20, 24, 63, 76-80, 86, 111, 159
Clarges, Sir Walter77, 125, 143-4, 159
Cleveland, Duchess of169, 178
Coga, Dr138, 141
Colchester, Lord144
Coldstream, Viscount19
Constable, Robert50
Conway, Lord104, 136-7, 145, 149
Conyers, Lord163
Cooke, Colonel115
Cornbury, Lord48, 82
Coventry, Sir W24, 93-4
Craven, Earl of21, 35, 147, 163
Cromwell, Oliver (Old Noll)11-12, 16, 27, 97
Cromwell, Richard12-3, 15
Crosse, L91, 122
Crowne, John71
Cumberland, Earl of118
Darcy, Sir Thomas183-4
Danby, Thomas Earl of70, 100-2, 107-10, 112, 120, 132, 147, 160, 162, 172
Dartmouth, Baron124, 166
Darwin, Colonel Charles Waringix, 21, 85
Davis, Mrs71
Deincourt, Lord71
Delamer, Lord166
Denbigh, Lord52, 163
Denmark, Prince George of157, 177, 180
Derby, Lord188
Derham, Sir R174
Derrick, Samuel140
Devonshire, Duke of131
Dobson, William68
Doleman, Colonel16
Dorchester, House of28
Drake, Sir Francis3, 5, 97
Dryden, John2, 40, 139-40, 154
Dudley, Earl of56
Dudley, Edmund5
Dudley, Elizabeth5
Dunbarton, Earl of148
Dunblaine, Lord71
Dutton, Sir Ralph115
Edward II95
Edward III3
Edward IV4, 17
Edward V4
Eliot, Mr52
Elizabeth I96
Ely, Bishop of6-7
Emerton, Mr147
Essex, Lord66, 78, 110, 166
Evelyn, Mr41, 46, 52, 60, 71, 81, 83, 97-8, 104, 109, 118, 156, 172-3, 181, 188
Fairfax, General Sir Thomas6
Fairwell, Mr Arthur (also Farwell)14, 63, 69, 73, 79, 157-8, 182m 188
Fairwell family64
Fairwell, Mary69, 160
Fanshawe, Sir Thomas183, 185-6
Faubert, Monsieur68
Fenwick, John50
Feversham, Earl of102, 105, 121, 131, 133, 163
Finch, Daniel128
Finch, Lord147
Foljambe, Rt Hon F J Savile111
Frobisher, Martin3, 5
Gardiner, Sir Samuel169
Gerbier, Sir Balthazar97
Gibbons, Grinling83
Gibbs, Hon Vicary8
Giles, Mr Peter, MAix
Godbid, W3
Godfrey, Sir Edmundbury106
Godfrey, Colonel144
Godolphin55, 187
Goulding, Mr Richard Wix
Gower, W Leveson172, 177
Grafton, Duke of121, 133
Granville, Lord70
Granville, Lady Martha70
Gray, Lord108
Gregory, Madame Frances85
Grenville, Mr Bernard36, 80, 172, 177
Grenville, Sir Bevil5, 13, 80
Grenville family13, 69, 80
Grenville, Sir John13, 17-8, 20, 76
Grey, Edward4
Grey, Elizabeth4
Grey, Lord143-4, 166
Griffen, Edward Esq (also Lt Colonel)50, 187
Gumble, Dr7, 10-12, 14-5, 25, 27, 30, 91-2
Gunton, Mr22
Gwenn, Nelly (also Gwynn)101, 121, 163
Haddu, Hamet ben Hamet ben134, 135
Halifax, Lady Gertrude70
Halifax, Lord70, 110, 112, 117-8, 131, 133-4, 147, 177, 187
Hamilton, Duke of172
Hannis, Mrs169
Harley, Sir Edward (later Earl)101-2, 168
Harrington, William108
Havre, Duc de58
Haynes, Mr93
Henry VII35, 95-6, 180
Henry VIII4, 95-7
Herbert, Lord145
Hodgkins, Mr E M91, 122
Honeywood, Mr108
Howard, Lord166
Howard, Sir Philip36
Hyde, Mrs Bridget147
Hyde, Lord133
Ingoldsby, Sir Henry145
James I44, 46
James II168, 179, 182, 186, 188-9
Jenkins, Sir Leoline137, 145, 166
Jennings, Mrs71
John, King3
Jones, Inigo97
Jonson, Mrs159
Keeling, Josiah166
Keroualle, Louise de (Carwole)41, 58-9
Kenyon, L30, 35, 118, 124
Kenyon, R188
Keynet, Mr J Nix
Killigrew, Sir Peter10
Knight, Mrs71
Köningsmark, Count129
Lamb, Charles87
Lambert, General15
Lansdown, Lady125
Lansdown, Lord70, 80
Lanyon, Philip99
Lascelles, Captain George21, 85
Lassels, Mrs31
Lauderdale, John Duke of100, 118
Leeds, Duke ofix
Legge, Colonel George124, 132
Leicester, Lord5, 70, 97
Lely, Sir Peter28, 72
Levet, Dorothy105
Le Neve, Frances22
Le Neve, John Esq22
Lindsay, Earl of163
Lionberg, Resident172
Lisle, Lady70
Lisle, Viscount4
Littleton, Thomas108
Lloyd, Mr171-2
Louis XIV41, 53, 122, 149
Lucas, Margaret28
Lucie, Elizabeth4
Lumley, Lord163
Luther, Mr184, 186
Luttrell113, 125
Luttrell, Narcissus133
Lymbyry, Mr54, 84
Lysons, Messrs177
Madan, Mr Fix
Manchester, Earl of32
Mancini, Hortensia131, 155
Marlborough, Duchess of71
Marlborough, Duke of36
Marvell, Andrew81, 101-2
Mary I96
Maynard, Lord William163, 183, 185-6
Maynard, Sergeant117
Mazarin, Madame131, 178
Medici, Cosmo d' III25-6, 98
Middlesex, Lord101
Middleton, Sir Thomas119, 179
Mildmay, Colonel (also Mr)108-9, 184-6
Mildmay, Sir E108
Mills, Honour10
Monck arms107
Monck, Baron19, 65
Monck, Christopherthroughout
Monck, Christopher 267-8
Monck, Elizabeth69
Monck family3-5, 26, 51, 65, 69, 155
Monck, Frances7, 22
Monck, George4-5, 7, 11-4, portrait 14, 17-8, 23-4, 28, 46, 50-1, 54, 60, 65-6, 68, 70
Monck, Henry67-8
Monck, Mary12, 14, 69
Monck, Mrs (then Lady)throughout
Monck, Rev Nicholas12-4, 17, 20, 69
Monck, Captain Thomas (later Colonel)64-6, 68, 78
Monck, Sir Thomas4
Monmouth, Duchess of157
Monmouth, James Duke ofvii, 27, 32, 43, 48, 50, 59, 70-1, 101-2, 105, 110-4, 117-8, 123, 133, 135-8, 143, 145-6, 165-6, 177
Montagu, Lord Ralph51-2, 60, 64, 67, 69-70, 77-8, 83, 93, 107, 129-30, 138, 148, 179, 187-8
Mordaunt, Lady Mary71
Morris, Mr William17-8, 23
Mulgrave, Earl of36, 55-6, 105
Murray, Thomas156
Nassau, Prince Frederick Henry5
Neuve, John22
Newcastle, Frances Duchess of24, 31, 72, 76-7, 156, 158, 161-2, 170-1, 176
Newcastle, Margaret Duchess of87, 156
Newcastle, William Duke of19, 27-8, 54, 72, 75, 98, 100, 107, 110, 118, 132, 156, 160, 162, 171, 175-6
Newcastle, Elizabeth28
Newcastle, House of28
Norreys, Lord163
Northumberland, Earl of60
Northumberland, Lady129
Oates, Titus106
Ogle, Lady Frances27-8, 31-2, 72-4, 76-7, 87-8. 128-30
Ogle, Earl of27-8, 55, 70, 72, 74-5, 87, 98, 100, 128
Oldmixon23, 167
Orange, William Prince of53, 102-5, 111, 125-8, 148-51, 168, 179
Orleans, Henrietta, Duchess of41, 48
Ormonde, Duke of (also Earl)5, 32, 36, 43, 46, 95, 115, 147, 187
Osborne, Martha70
Osborne, Earl Thomas70
Ossley, Mr116
Ossory, Thomas Earl of66, 102, 105, 148, 150
Oxford, Earl of32, 42-3, 130, 163, 168
Parker, Sir Philip119, 188
Pembroke, Earl of126
Pennecke, Mr John48-9
Pepys, Mr Samuel21, 24, 181-2, 188
Percy, Lady Elizabeth128
Percy family129-30
Peterborough, Earl of36, 55
Petre, John (also Lord)114, 164, 185
Philip & Mary96
Pierrepont, Lady Elizabeth72, 175-6
Pierrepont family70
Pierrepont, Gertrude70
Pierrepont, House of28
Pierrepont, Hon William27-8, 77
Piper. Colonel Hugh99
Plantagenet, Arthur4-5
Plantagenet, Elizabeth4-5
Plantagenet family16
Plantagenet, Frances4
Plymouth, Earl of105
Porter, Mr73
Portland, Duke of, KG, GCVO (also Earl)ix, 102
Portsmouth, Duchess of59, 83, 121, 131, 167, 178
Preston, Lord142
Price, Dr10, 13-5, 17, 21, 85
Pride, Colonel50, 52
Pride, cousin159
Pride, Elizabeth50-1, 69
Prior, Margaret90
Pudsay, Elizabeth72, 105
Queensberry, Duke of51
Radford, Anne6, 31
Radford, Thomas6-7, 9, 31
Ranelagh, Lord104
Ratcliffe, Earl Thomas96-7
Rawlinson, Curwen69, 75
Rawlinson, Elizabeth69
Reid, Hon Whitelawix
Reresby, Sir John75, 135
Reynardson65, 67, 124-5
Richmond, Duke of32, 36, 44
Ringrose, Mr23
Rochester, Lady101
Rochester, Lord48, 101, 183, 187
Rogers, John48
Rolfe, John119
Romans, Richard King of the3
Roos, Lord115
Rosse, Mrs134
Rumsey, Colonel166
Rupert, Prince21, 42, 43, 51, 56-8, 69, 93, 118
Russell, Lord William166-8
Rutland, Countess of129, 157
Rutland, Earl of162-3
Salisbury, Earl of101-2
Sandford35, 189
Sandwich, Earl of21, 32, 36, 42-3
Savage, Peter50
Saxony, Prince Elector of33, 42
Schomberg, Monsieur55-7
Scott, Lady Anne27
Shaftesbury, Lord70, 101, 110-2, 117, 166
Shephard, Mr Fleetwood142
Sherwin, Elizabeth69
Sherwin, William9, 51, 69
Sidney, Algernon150, 166, 168
Sidney, Dorothy70, 132
Sidney family70, 97, 130
Sidney, Henry48, 70, 150-1
Sidney, Earl Robert5
Skelton, Captain Bevil124
Skinner, Dr11, 13, 17-8, 28-9
Smith116, 120-1
Somerset, Duke of48, 50, 92, 130, 180
Stafford, Lord117-8
St Albans, Earl of36
Stanley, Mr188
Stewkeley, John116
Stowe55, 66
Strafford, Earl of117
Stringer, Sir Thomas188
Stuart, Charles18
Stuart, Lady Elizabeth71
Stuart familyvii, 10, 13, 23, 51, 72, 79, 167
Stuart, Lady Mary71, 102
Suffolk, Earl of36
Sunderland, Dorothy, Lady130-1, 151
Sunderland, Earl of110, 131, 147, 187
Sussex, Countess of71
Sussex, Earl of96-7, 163
Sutton, Anne56
Sweden, King of33, 42
Swift, Dean130
Sydenham, John148
Tanner MSS169
Tate, Mr Nahun139
Taylor, Silas103
Temple, Lady129
Temple, Sir William109-10
Thanet, Countess of73
Thanet, Lord72, 131, 163
Thynn, Mr Tom129
Torrington, Earl of19-23, 25-6
Treby, Lord Chief Justice64
Turner, Mr109
Tuscany, Grand Duke of25-6
Vane, Colonel17, 56
Van Tromp10
Verney, E144
Verney, John80, 144
Verney, Sir P80
Verney, Sir Ralph116
Verrio, Antonio83-4
Vertue, George96, 134
Villiers, George3, 96
Villiers, George 296
Vincent, Nathaniel138
Vivian, Mr Thomas138, 158
Wales, Arthur Prince of96
Wales, Prince of113
Warcup, Colonel114
Ward, Mr George Bradleyx
Ward, Colonel Josephviii
Ward, Sir Seth36
Wardale, Mr J R, MAix
Warwick, Sir P10
Washington, Generalviii
Waters, Lucy27, 112
Webster, Mr Henry Kitchellx
Welbeck MSS24, 27-9, 31, 35, 54, 74-6, 84-5, 87-8, 102, 105, 107, 132, 146, 148, 156, 161-4, 168
Wemyss, Lady Margaret27
Wemyss, Lord27
Wentworth, Guicciardini124
Wentworth, Lady Henrietta71
Westmorland, Earl of130
Wharton, Lord101-2, 139
Wheatley24, 81
White, R134
William III8
Williamson, Sir Joseph55, 56, 93-4, 99, 102-3
Willis, Sir Richard16
Wood, Mr Peter Worsley, MAix
Worcester, Marquis of105
Wright sisters86
Yarmouth, Lord163
York, James Duke of32, 43-4, 55-7, 60, 69, 71, 93-4, 101-2, 106-7, 110-2, 114, 132, 147-9, 165, 168