Sir Julian Stafford Corbett
London: Macmillan & Co, (1889), portrait, vi, 221. pp.
Prepared by Michael Steer
This is one of a large number of books in the publisher's 'English Men of Action' series. George Monk, (also Monck), 1st Duke of Albemarle, KG (1608 - 1670) was a soldier, politician and a key figure in the restoration of Charles II. He was born at Great Potheridge House in Merton, second son of Sir Thomas Monk, a squire of a good Devon family but in straitened financial circumstances. Having assaulted the undersheriff of the county in revenge for a wrong done to his father, he was forced to become a soldier and go abroad. On his return he became one of Oliver Cromwell's most effective generals and his deputy in Scotland. He served Cromwell and his son Richard with unwavering loyalty. By 1660, he had become the most powerful man in England, securing the return of Parliamentary government and the restoration of the Stuart dynasty. This rare and much sought-after book was produced digitally by Google from a copy in the University of California at Los Angeles Library collection and can be downloaded from HathiTrust. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.
Page | |
A | |
Albemarle, Duke of | 200, 204, 209, 218, 220 |
Alured, Colonel | 78-9 |
Argyle, Earl of | 97, 99, 197-9 |
Astley, Sir Jacob | 22, 41 |
Atkins, Colonel | 120, 124 |
Arlington, Lord | 208 |
B | |
Baillie | 197 |
Barrow, Dr | 120, 165 |
Bath, Marquis of (& Earl) | 25, 216 |
Blake | 84-7, 89, 93, 214 |
Bobadil, Captain | 147 |
Booth, Sir George | 119, 123-4, 126-7, 141 |
Borough, Sir John | 5, 7-8 |
Brayne, Colonel | 98, 100-1, 106 |
Bright | 69-70 |
Broderick | 197 |
Buccleuch, Countess of | 108 |
Buckingham, Duke of | 1, 8-9, 153, 192, 194, 206 |
Burnet | 197 |
Butler, Edward | 54 |
Byron, Lord | 37-40, 56-7 |
C | |
Cameron | 106 |
Carlisle, Countess of | 19 |
Castlehaven, Lord | 32, 59 |
Castlemaine, Lady | 217 |
Cavendish, Lady Elizabeth | 217 |
Champernown, Richard | 2 |
Charles, Archduke | 96 |
Charles I | 1, 21-2, 27, 35, 41-3, 52-4, 57, 78, 158 |
Charles II | 106, 108, 118, 151, 154, 162, 195, 197, 199-200, 208, 215 |
Churchill, Ensign John | 219 |
Clanrickarde | 52, 59 |
Clarendon | 42, 65, 192-3 |
Clarges, Dr | 112, 120, 122, 128-32, 137-8, 146, 149, 155, 157, 164-5, 172-3 |
Clarges, Nan | 45 |
Clarke | 197, 199 |
Cobbett, Colonel | 135 |
Conway | 9 |
Conyers | 22 |
Cooper, Ashley | 155, 163, 172-3, 184, 193 |
Coote, Sir Charles | 24, 28, 49, 53-5, 58, 141, 165 |
Cornwall, Richard Earl of | 2 |
Crawford, Colonel Lawrence | 34 |
Cromwell, Henry | 114, 116 |
Cromwell, Oliver | 34, 37, 41, 45, 49, 53-4, 57, 59-61, 63, 65-7, 69-71, 73-4, 76-7, 80, 83-4, 86, 93-6, 107, 109-14, 116, 121, 132, 141, 172, 180, 185-6, 196, 201, 213-4, 218, 221 |
Cromwell, Richard | 112-4, 116 |
D | |
Dalziell | 16 |
Davenant, Sir William | 18-9, 178 |
Deane, Major General | 75, 84-8, 99, 198 |
De Haro | 190 |
De Ruyter | 87, 204, 206-7, 209 |
Desborough | 131, 137, 185 |
De Witt | 89-90 |
Digby, Lord | 35-7 |
Digby, Sir Kenelm | 56-7 |
Douglas family | 75 |
Drake, Sir Francis | 1, 3, 181 |
E | |
Egerton | 197 |
Essex, Earl of | 1 |
Evan Dhu | 106 |
Evelyn | 203 |
Eversen, Vice Admiral | 92 |
Exeter, Bishop of | 200, 221 |
F | |
Fagg | 155 |
Fairfax, Sir Thomas (also Lord) | 37-40, 120, 124, 141, 146, 150-4 |
Fenwick, Colonel | 70 |
Fleetwood | 113, 119, 129-31, 136-7, 139, 146, 149, 155, 158, 168, 196 |
Fox, Captain | 22 |
G | |
Garden, Lord | 198 |
Gilbert | 68 |
Glamorgan, Earl of | 57, 64 |
Glencairn, Lord | 95, 99, 108-9, 197 |
Gloucester, Duke of | 193 |
Goodson | 87 |
Goodwin | 29-30 |
Goring, George | 10, 12-3, 21 |
Grenville, Barnard | 187 |
Grenville, Sir Bevil | 3, 5, 68, 112 |
Grenville family | 68 |
Grenville, Grace | 3 |
Grenville, Sir John | 112, 117-9, 122-3, 127, 179, 182-6, 188-9, 216 |
Grenville, Sir Richard | 4-5, 7-9, 23-5, 112, 181, 215 |
Gumble, Dr | 93, 124-5, 145, 153-5, 173, 205, 218 |
H | |
Hale, Sir Matthew | 189 |
Hampden | 15 |
Harrison, Major General | 77, 196 |
Haslerig, Sir Arthur | 70, 129, 131, 141-2, 150, 164-5, 169, 171-3, 175, 185, 196 |
Hawkins, Sir John | 181 |
Hawley, Sir Francis | 35-6 |
Heath | 74 |
Hein, Peter | 9 |
Henry III | 2 |
Henry VII | 219 |
Hexham, Henry | 11, 13, 43 |
Hodgson | 71, 74 |
Hoste | 93 |
Hotham, Sir John | 35 |
Howard, Charles | 184 |
Howard, Colonel | 99, 185-6 |
Howard family | 4 |
Hubblethorne, Major | 132-4 |
Hughes | 133 |
Hutchinson, Mrs | 196 |
Hyde | 197 |
I | |
Inchiquin, Lord | 31, 46, 49, 52-3, 59, 61-2 |
Ingoldsby, Daring Dick | 186-7 |
J | |
John, King | 2 |
Johnson | 133, 135 |
Jones, Colonel Michael | 49-50, 53, 55, 58-9, 66-7, 141 |
Jordan, Vice Admiral | 87, 93, 205, 207 |
K | |
Kennett | 151 |
Kerr | 126 |
Keir | 198 |
Kingsley, Rev Charles | 4 |
Knight, Colonel | 152 |
L | |
Lambert, Lord | 28, 70-5, 77, 81, 113, 116, 119, 121, 126-9, 131-2, 136-9, 141, 146-54, 165, 169, 184-7, 196 |
Lawson, Vice Admiral | 87, 150 |
Leicester, Lord | 19, 22-4, 26-8, 120 |
Lenthal | 183, 196 |
Leslie | 71, 73, 76, 79 |
Lilburne, Colonel | 84, 87, 95, 97, 105, 138, 151, 198 |
Lisle, Viscount | 2, 23, 26, 29, 33, 35, 40-1, 45, 47-8, 66 |
Lucas | 24 |
Ludlow | 131, 165 |
Luttrell, Elizabeth | 4 |
Luttrell family | 4 |
M | |
Manchester, Earl of | 178, 199 |
Maurice, Prince | 5 |
Mazarin | 181, 190 |
Middleton, General Lord | 95-6, 98-103, 209-10 |
Milton | 64, 107, 169, 196 |
Monk, Arthur | 3 |
Monk, Arthur snr | 3 |
Monk, Baron | 200 |
Monk, Christopher (Kit) | 117, 128, 217, 219 |
Monk, Cornet | 114, 141 |
Monk, Elizabeth | 4, 17, 112 |
Monk family | 2 |
Monk, Frances | 4 |
Monk, Captain Francis | 3 |
Monk, George | throughout; portrait |
Monk, George jnr | 117 |
Monk, Grace | 3 |
Monk, Mary | 117, 123, 130 |
Monk, Mrs | 109, 117, 122, 124, 127-8, 162-3 |
Monk, Nicholas | 3, 111, 118-20, 122-4, 127-8, 130-1, 173, 182 |
Monk, Richard | 3 |
Monk, Sir Thomas jnr | 3, 37 |
Monk, Sir Thomas | 2-6, 31, 68 |
Montague | 171, 203 |
Montrose | 126 |
Moore, Lord (Colonel) | 32, 68 |
Mordaunt, Lord | 112, 117-8, 162, 184, 190 |
Morgan, Colonel | 78-80, 82, 95, 97-103, 140-1, 148, 152-4, 186 |
Morgan, Ethelbert | 132-4 |
Morice, Mr William | 68, 123, 173, 179-80, 182, 188-9, 193, 201, 204 |
Morley | 131, 150, 155, 164 |
Mort, 'Sir' Ralph | 158 |
Munroe | 35, 52-3 |
Myers, Colonel | 135 |
N | |
Newcastle, Lord | 40, 217 |
Newport, Lord | 20-1 |
Nicholas, Secretary | 56, 195 |
Norris | 3 |
Northumberland, Earl of | 19, 178 |
Norwich, Lord | 10 |
O | |
O'Neill, Daniel | 31-2, 42 |
O'Neill, Owen | 47, 49, 51-2, 54-5, 57-62, 64, 67 |
Orange, Frederick Henry, Prince of | 9 |
Orange, William of | 218 |
Ormonde | 23-4, 26-36, 46-9, 52-3, 55, 57, 59-61, 64, 66-8 |
Overton, Colonel | 107, 131 |
Oxford, Earl of | 9-10, 209 |
P | |
Pauzirolo, Cardinal | 68 |
Penn, Vice Admiral | 87, 93, 205 |
Pennington | 22 |
Pepys, Samuel | 203, 205, 220 |
Pett | 209-12 |
Plantagenet, Viscount Arthur | 2 |
Plantagenet, Frances | 2 |
Pocahontas | 4 |
Porter, Endymion | 18 |
Preston, General | 28, 30-2, 47, 49 |
Price, Dr | 109, 120, 122-7, 150-1 |
Pride | 58, 170 |
Pym | 19, 21, 35, 176 |
R | |
Raleigh, Sir Walter | 1, 4-5, 18, 181 |
Ratsford, Ann | 45 |
Ratsford, Mr | 68, 93 |
Reynolds | 29-30 |
Richelieu, Cardinal | 9 |
Rinuccini | 68 |
Robinson | 155, 167 |
Roe | 17 |
Rohan, Duc de | 96 |
Rolfe, Tom | 4 |
Romans, Richard King of the | 2 |
Rowe, Owen | 66 |
Rupert, Prince | 12, 17-8, 54, 204-7 |
Russell, Father | 180 |
S | |
Sandwich, Lord | 203-4 |
Saville, Mr | 206 |
Scot | 155, 158, 160-1, 163, 167, 172-3 |
Sheldon, Gilbert | 216 |
Sidney, Algernon | 23, 33 |
Sidney family | 28 |
Sidney, Earl Robert | 19 |
Skinner | 216 |
Skippon | 37 |
Smith, Sir George | 2, 4 |
Smith, Captain Jonathan | 125-6, 132 |
Smith, Sir Nicholas | 4 |
Southampton, Earl of | 193 |
Spinola | 9 |
Spragg, Admiral Sir Edward | 211 |
Stanley | 172 |
Stewart, Captain | 68 |
Stirling | 198 |
Strafford | 19, 21-2, 24 |
Stuart, Charles | 110-1, 117, 154, 180-2, 185, 188-94 |
Stuart family | 96, 151, 171, 218 |
Stukeley, Frances | 4, 123 |
Stukeley, Sir Lewis | 4-5 |
Suckling | 18-9 |
T | |
Talbot, Colonel | 132-3, 137 |
Temple, Sir John | 31 |
Temple, Sir William | 31 |
Thurloe | 110 |
Torrington, Earl of | 200 |
Tromp, Admiral | 85, 87-92, 94 |
Tudor family | 172 |
Turenne | 140 |
Turner | 16 |
V | |
Vane | 142, 185 |
Vere family | 7, 16, 210 |
Vere, Sir Francis (also Lord) | 3, 5, 9-11, 43 |
W | |
Walker | 68 |
Waller | 19 |
Walton | 131, 150 |
Warburton | 19 |
Warren, Henry | 22-3, 34, 37, 39-40 |
Warwick, Sir Philip | 151 |
Watson, Scoutmaster-general | 56 |
Watts | 216 |
Wilkes | 133 |
William I | 195 |
Williamson | 216 |
Willis, Sir Richard | 118 |
Winstad, Dr | 56 |
Y | |
York, Duke of | 193, 201, 204, 209 |
Z | |
Zankey, Colonel | 146-7 |