Will of John Atwill, Gentleman
Proved 24 May 1617
© Crown Copyright
PROB 11/129/587 Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
Transcribed by John Moore
In the name of God Amen On Frydaye beinge the one and twentieth Daye of Marche Anno D[omi]ni (stilo Anglie) 1616. John Atwill thelder of ye p[ar]ishe of Mamhed within the Countie of Devon gent lyinge sicke of bodie but p[er]fect of memorie in his Dwellinge howse at Mamhed aforesaid (praysed be God) Did utter and Declare his Testament or last will by worde of mouth in effecte followinge, Firste he com[m]ended his soule into the handes of Allmightie God his maker and Redeemer, and his bodie unto Christian Buriall, And he gave and bequeathed unto Elizabeth Atwill his wife for terme of her life all that his lande called by the name of Eastcote and Mille lying in Mamhed aforesaid and then being in his handes and possession, And alsoe the Reversion of one Tenement then in the occupation of one Roberte Downe in Eastcote aforesaide for the terme of her life likewise, And finallie all the rest of his goodes Cattles and Chattles whatsoever w[i]th all howses and other appurten[anc]es to the same belonginge he did freelie give and bequeath unto his foresaid wife Elizabeth Atwill, for the payment and Cleere Discharginge of all his Debts and made her whole Executrix of this his saide last nuncupative will and Testament, witnessess hereunto Mr Roberte Ware Clerke Parson of Mamhed and John Jope. Robert Ware. John Jope.