From William White's Gazetteer & Directory of Devon 1850
Transcribed by John Bishop
Slightly abridged, indicated by..............., names in inverted commas
after a person's name refer to houses or farms.
This type of bracket {} is a modern note.
This type of bracket () is in the original
18 miles West of Minehead ..............situated on a high hill immediately
above the little seaport, fishing station, and delightfull bathing place of
Lynmouth........The parish of Lynton is subject to the port of Barnstaple
" contains 1027 inhabitants & about 7000 acres of land including
Lynmouth, Ilkerton, many scattered houses and a large tract of high
moorland hills & wastes, .....................
The rivers {East Lyn & West Lyn} produce Salmon & Trout, & there is a
herring fishery in the channel. {Bristol Channel}.
The Rev. Thomas Roe is lord of the manor & owner of a great part of the
parish. The church (St. Mary),has a tower & 3 bells, & was enlarged by the
addition of 2 isles in 1817 & 1833. The perpetual curacy, valued at £120.
is united with that of Countisbury, in the patronage of the Archdeacon of
Barnstaple & incumbency of the Rev. Matthew Mundy M.A.The tithes have been
commuted for £274 per annum & belong with a glebe of 100 a. to the
Archdecon, but are held by a lessee.
The "National School" was established in 1818. & a new building erected for
it in 1844. A handsome "Independent Chapel" was built here in 1850 in the
early English style at a cost of £400.
(Marked * are at Lynmouth, and the rest at Lynton or where specified.)
Barley, Chas .Esq.
* Bale, Eliz. Stocking Knitter.
Collard, Wlm. "Combe Park"
Cowell, Wm. M.D.
Hayes, Rev. H.H.
Herries, Major General Sir Wlm. L., K.C.H
*Hunter, Stephen, Coast Guard
Litson, J. surveyor & co. "Croft House"
Mundy, Rev. Mattw M.A. Incumbent
*O'Neil, Mr. John
Powell Rev. Edw. H. BA. Curate
*Rawdon Col. J. Dawson. MP
Rendle, W. Plumber. ironmonger etc.
Robinson, Mr.
*Roe Rev. Thomas (& Brendon)
LYNTON cont.
Roe, John C. Esq. "Woolhanger" {farm name}
Sanford, Mrs. Mary. "Lynton Cottage"
Slater, John. corn miller
Toone, Mrs & Miss Boarding school {MRS & MISS}
*Trix, Hy. Stationer, & bath & library owner
Westcott, George, Saddler & co.
FARMERS (+ = at Ilkerton)
Baker, James
Bromham, M.C.
Burnell, Wm. "Kibsworthy"
Challacombe, Wlm.
Jones, Rd.
Jones, Wlm.
Latham, Wlm.
Pyle, James. "East Lyn"
+Squire, John
+Squire, Pp.
Turner, Wm. "West Lyn"
+Trapper, Thomas.
Vellaccott, Jas.
Ward, Richard. "West Lyn"
Castle Hotel, Thomas Baker.
Crown Hotel, Wm. Crook
Globe Inn, David Hill
*Lyndale Hotel, Nicholas Jones. (Bathing machine owner)
Litson's Valley of Rocks Hotel. N. Jones
*Rising Sun, John Boyle.
Greer, George.
Heywood, James
Bale, John
Heywood, James (& portr. & co..dir.)
Burnell, John.
Burnell, Wlm.
Allen, John
Hooper, John
Hooper, Wm.
Lord, Joseph
Rawle, Wm.
Crick, John
Jones, Nicholas.
Jones, Robert
LYNTON cont.
Crick, John
Latham, Wm.
Fry, George.
*Heywood, Jas.
Latham, Wm.
Southwood, John.
Ward, Wm.
Arnold, David
*Bevan, Thomas.
*Blackmoore, My
Branch, Edw.
Busby, Chas.
Catlin, Wlm.
Fry, Charles.
*Fry, Charlotte
*Fry, H.
Geen, Thomas. {not gReen}
*Geen, T . jun.
Gill, Mary.
Jones, Mary Ann
Litson, John
*Litson, William "Prospect House"
Richards, Wm.
Shute, Joseph.
Taylor, Mary
*Apley, Fdk. G.
*Bale, Henry.
Blackmore, Wm.
*Corbett, Mary.
Bencraft, Henry.
Clarke, John
Mansell, --------
At Mrs Maria Litson's. Letters via Minehead
Wm. Richards, to Barnstaple, Tuesday & Friday
Brian Randell, 10 Dec 2008