Will of Sampson Hele, Gentleman of Lydford
Proved 15 May 1657
© Crown Copyright
PROB 11/264/448, Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
Transcribed by Kathleen Noye
In the name of God Amen I Sampson Hele of Idford in the Countie of Devon Gent Doo make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following In the first place and aboue all things I commend by [my] Soule into the hands of Almighty God my Creatour humbly acknowledging mine owne miserable Estate and the Condition That I am in by reason of mine Infinite number of Sinns which I haue Committed against Gods Divine Maiestie in thought word and Deed and that I haue noe other way to be redeemed from this Condition but by the sole merritts of my Saviour Jesus Christ and by the weake hand of a saveing faith I lay hold on his merritts to the vtmost of my power Lord I believe helpe my vnbeleife And whereon I haue purchased of Richard Martin of Tuer the reversion of Tenenent wherein I now dwell in Idford aforesaid for the tearme of ninetie nine yeares if Narcissus Hele and John Hele my sonns or either of them shall fortune soe long to liue my desire and will is that the same Narcissus and John shall hold and inioy the said Tenement as soone as they or the Survivour of them shall or may be Capable thereof during all the Estate which I haue herein All my Goods And personall Estate I doe giue and bequeath vnto Sampson Hele and Mary Hele my other two Children or to the Survivour of either of them And if they happen to die either of them before they come to the age of twenty one yeare and att that age to haue the value of my goods to be devided betweene them as it shall be found att a injct value after my death And I doe make and ordaine my said Sonne Sampson Hele sole executor but in respect of the Tendernes of his age I desire that Cicely my Wife and my good freind Lewes Lile the younger of of Batsonbe [?] gent Doe take vpon the Administration of all my goods during the inabilitie of my said Sonne Sampson to administer and dispose thereof and of all my goods and Chattells whatsoever to such vse and in such manner as in and by this my Will as declared and is meant and intended In Witnesse hereunto I sett my name Sampson Hele : In the presence of George Sweetland
The fifteenth Day of May In the Yeare of our Lord God One Thousand six hundred ffiftie Seaven Administration issued fforth to Cicelie Hele the Relict of Sampson Hele late of Idford in the Countie of Devon deceased To administer all and singular the goods Chattells and debts of the said deceased according To the Tenor and effect of the said deceaseds Will and during the minoritie and to the vse and benfit of Sampson Hele the son[n]e & sole Executor, She being first legally sworne by vertue of a Comission truly and faythfully to administer the same