Name Index
The Forest of Dartmoor and its Borders:
An Historical Sketch
Richard John King
London: John Russell Smith, 36 Soho Square Plymouth: Roger Lidstone, George Lane South, 1856
Index prepared by Michael Steer
At some time before the Norman Conquest, central Dartmoor became a royal hunting ground. It was known as the Forest of Dartmoor. In medieval times the word 'forest' was associated with a designated area of land in which the king had the right to hunt deer. The Forest was owned from 1239 by the Earls, later Dukes, of Cornwall and was traditionally used by farmers (paying a rent) to graze their animals in the summer. An original copy of the text is held at the Oxford University Library. It was digitised 13 March, 2007 and can be downloaded via the search engine at: https://books.google.com/ Google, in partnership with a number of public libraries has sought to make more widely accessible, old, hard-to-get books on which copyright has expired.
Name | Page |
Aldhelm, Bishop | 35-6 |
Alfred, King | 41, 103 |
Alured, son of Joel (of Totnes) | 133 |
Amphibalus, saint | 35 |
Anjou, Matilda de | 135 |
Archimedes | 27 |
Arragon, Catherine of | x |
Arthur, King | 22, 31, 45, 63 |
Ashmole, Elias | 77 |
Aske | 38 |
Athelmar | 97 |
Athelstane, King | 39-42, 76, 95, 99, 101, 103 |
Baskerville family | 54 |
Bathendon, Robert de | 130 |
Baxter | 80 |
Bayeux, Bishop Odo de | 123 |
Beda | 11, 36 |
Bellenden | 53 |
Birinus (also Beorn) | 35 |
Blesensis, P. | 59 |
Blois, Peter of | 58 |
Borlase, Lwyd ap | 14, 34, 40 |
Borrow, Mr | 64 |
Boswell | 13, 81 |
Bretagne, Earl Eudo of | 110 |
Breton, Guillaume le | 93 |
Brian, son of Earl Eudo | 110-1 |
Brice, Saint | 96 |
Brichtric | 127 |
Brooke, Mr | 39 |
Brutus | 32 |
Burgh, Hubert de | 135 |
Cado, Saint | 13 |
Caesar, Julius | 8, 26, 73 |
Camden | 14, 122 |
Carausius | 30 |
Carew | 26, 70 |
Carew, Gawain | 69 |
Carew, Peter | 69 |
Carrington | 68, 78 |
Centwine, King | 32 |
Cerdic | 29 |
Champernowne family | 124 |
Charlemagne, Emperor | 120 |
Charles I, King | x |
Childe | 65 |
Chlorus, Constantius | 28 |
Claudian | 25 |
Constantine | 30 |
Cook, Captain | 25 |
Coplestone family | 128 |
Cotton, Mr | 133 |
Courtenay, Earl Thomas | 116 |
Courtenay family | 124 |
Courtenay, Robert de | 135 |
Coutances, Geoffery, Bishop of | 111, 123 |
Crocker family | 128 |
Crosbie | 80 |
Cruwys family | 128 |
Cullen, Dr | 80 |
Cynewulf | 33 |
Cynric | 29 |
Davidson, Mr | 26 |
Davies family | 71 |
Deane, Mr | 19 |
Dermot, King of Dublin | 108 |
Devizes, Richard of | 97 |
Dinham family | 124 |
Diodorus | 6 |
Diogenes | 74 |
Dousterswivel, Mr | 76 |
Drake, Sir Francis | 74 |
Drayton, Michael | 2, 26 |
Edmund | 108 |
Ednoth | 108 |
Edric, the wild | 111 |
Edward, King (Confessor) | 42, 98, 107, 125, 128 |
Edward I, King | 44, 65, 69 |
Edward IV, King | 44 |
Edward VI, King | vi |
Egbert, King | 36-7, 39 |
Eger, Sir | 63 |
Elizabeth, Queen | vi, 11, 49, 68 |
Emla | 38 |
Erbin, Geraint ap | 30 |
Erlegh, John de | 121 |
Erman (Siberia) | 54, 72 |
Ethelmar | 96 |
Eumenius | 28 |
Fairfax | xi |
Ferguson, Dr Adam | 80 |
Ferrers family | 124 |
Fitzsimon, Rogo | 61 |
Flambard, Ralph | 61 |
Flanders, Baldwin of | 105, 127 |
Ford, Mr | 12 |
Fortescue family | 124 |
Fuller (Worthies of England) | 17, 42, 50, 53 |
Gaunt, John of | 62 |
Germanus | 28 |
Gerennius, King | 34 |
Geruntius | 30, 36 |
Gialebert, Earl | 106 |
Gilbert, Mr Davies | 71 |
Gildas | 30 |
Githa | 101, 105, 128 |
Godwin | 109 |
Grenville, Sir Beville | 68 |
Grim | 76 |
Hall, Bishop Joseph | 80 |
Hallam, Mr | 58 |
Hambly, Peter | vii |
Hamilton Smith, Colonel | v |
Hardy | 61, 70 |
Harold, King | 95, 105, 107, 109, 126, 128 |
Heeren | 72 |
Hen, Llywarch | 12 |
Hengist | 39 |
Henrietta, Queen | x |
Henry I, King (Beauclerc) | 57, 121, 129, 137-8 |
Henry II, King | 57, 59 |
Henry III, King | 59, 61-2, 70, 119 |
Hereford, William of | 107 |
Hereward (the Wake) | 112 |
Herodian | 25 |
Hill, Richard | 85 |
Hoel, King, the Good | 40, 60 |
Honorius, Pope | 35 |
Hopton | xi |
Hoveden, Roger de | 61, 93, 97, 105, 121 |
Howel, John | vii |
Huntingdon, Henry of | 32, 97 |
Irving, Washington | 14 |
James I, King | 47, 67-8, 74 |
John, King | 56, 61, 69, 119, 121 |
Johnson, Dr | 13, 81 |
Kemble, Mr | 19, 33, 56, 65, 99 |
Keyne, Saint | 13 |
King, Richard John | xii |
Kirkness, William | 62 |
Kodran | 18 |
Lamb, Charles | 84 |
Lappenberg | 27 |
Lega, Philip de | 61 |
Leland | 34, 37 |
Llydau, Emir | 28 |
Lukis, Mr | 21 |
Lupus | 28 |
Lyde, Mr George | 82-3, 85 |
Lyson | 85 |
Malcolm | 13 |
Malmesbury, William of | 35-7, 41, 91, 99, 104, 107-8, 111-2 |
Manwood | 56-7 |
Mark, King | 22, 63 |
Martin | 9-10 |
Mary, Queen | 69 |
Matilda, Queen | 91, 113, 126, 129 |
Mead, Mr | 82 |
Meyrick, Sir Samuel | 25 |
Mohun family | 124 |
Molines, Baldwin de | 106 |
Montfort, Simon de | 122 |
Moreton, Robert de | 125-6 |
Nonant family | 124 |
Norton | 77 |
Ordericus | 97-9, 102-3, 112 |
Osbern | 107 |
Osborn, Bishop | 94 |
Owen | 12 |
Palgrave, Sir Francis | 30, 40, 42-4 |
Paris, Matthew | 95 |
Petrie, Mr | 11 |
Piran, Saint | 34 |
Plantagenet, Edward (Black Prince) | x |
Pliny | 14-15, 72-3 |
Polwhele | 14, 66 |
Pomerai, Henry de | 119, 121-3 |
Pomerai, Ralph de | 118, 120 |
Pomeroy family | 119-20, 124 |
Pomeroy, Sir Thomas | 119 |
Prince (Worthies of Devon) | 80-1, 83 |
Raleigh, Sir Walter | 68, 75 |
Redvers, Baldwin de | 91, 106, 108, 111, 113, 116-9, 129-35 |
Redvers family | 128, 135 |
Redvers, Joan de | 135 |
Redvers, Mary de | 135 |
Redvers, Richard de | 129 |
Rees | 28-9, 31 |
Richard I, King | 121, 135 |
Ripariis, Baldwin de | 113 |
Risdon | 39, 65, 85 |
Rishanger, William de | 122 |
Rollo, Duke of Normandy | 137-8 |
Rowe, Mr | 7-8, 19, 45 |
Ruskin | 55 |
Salisbury, John of | 59 |
Samson, Saint | 34 |
Scathelock, Will | ix |
Scott, Sir Walter | 53 |
Selgrave, Agnes de | 122 |
Seymour, Lord of Sudely | 119 |
Sithric, Abbot of Tavistock | 111 |
Skallagrimson, Egil | 76 |
Southey | viii, 88 |
Spelman, Sir Henry | 58 |
Stapleton, Mr | 120 |
Stephen, King (of Blois) | 121, 128-30, 132-4, 138 |
Stevenson | 30 |
Strabo | 9, 27, 74 |
Suetonius | 26, 28 |
Sweyn, King | 96-7 |
Theliau, Saint (St Telio) | 34-5 |
Thordisa | 76 |
Thorpe, Mr | 44 |
Totnais, Judhael de | 118, 133 |
Tytler | 75 |
Ussher, Archbishop | 34-5 |
Valentine, Basil | 77 |
Vallemont | 75 |
Vaughan | 77 |
Vespasian | 28, 73, 103 |
Villemarqué, Count de la | 20 |
Vortigern | 39 |
Wace, Master | 113, 118 |
Waller family | 78 |
Walpole, Horace | 135 |
Westcote (View of Devonshire) | 22-4, 67, 74-5 |
Westminster, Matthew of | 33, 35 |
Whitaker | 29, 34 |
William I, King | 57, 60, 100-113, 120, 127, 129-30 |
William II, King (Rufus) | 60-1 |
Worcester, Florence of | 39 |
Worcester, William of | 116 |
Wordsworth | 84 |
Wotton | 60 |
Wright, Mr | 99 |