


Will of Ann Grant Jillard, Spinster of Littleham

Proved 19 March 1850

© Crown Copyright

PROB 11/2110/101, Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury

Transcribed by Ros Dunning

This is the last Will and Testament of me Ann Grant Jillard of the Parish of Littleham in the County of Devon spinster I give and bequeath unto my dear sister Elizabeth Grant Dennis the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds whom I also appoint my Residuary Legatee To my dear brother George Jillard the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds but in case of his decease before the same may have been received by him the said sum or sums shall be paid to his two daughters share and share alike To my dear sister Catherine Toose to purchase mourning the sum of ten pounds To my dear brother Thomas Jillard the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds but in case of his decease before the same may have been received by him the said sum or sums shall be paid to his widow and child in equal portions I also give to my dear niece Alderson the sum of fifty pounds to my dear niece Eliza Guard the sum of fifty pounds To Ann Grant Jillard daughter of the aforesaid Eliza Grant the sum of ten pounds To my dear niece Ann Dennis the sum of sixty five pounds for her whole and separate use To my dear niece Elizabeth Esther fferris the sum of sixty five pounds To my dear nephew John fferris the sum of twenty pounds To my dear niece Mary Ann Jillard for mourning the sum of five pounds To my dear niece Elizabeth Jillard for mourning the sum of five pounds To my dear cousin Elizabeth Tucker the sum of five pounds To my dear cousin Elizabeth Porring the sum of five pounds To my dear nephew John Martin Dennis the sum of fifteen pounds There is at the Exeter Bank the sum of fifteen pounds which I bequeathed unto my dear sister Elizabeth Grant Dennis but if she should die before the payment be made to her the same shall be paid to my dear nieces Ann Dennis and Elizabeth Esther fferris to be equally divided between them And lastly I hereby appoint Mr George Blackmore Parish Clerk my whole and sole Executor to this my Will who is to be paid all proper charges for his expences and trouble In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this twenty eight day of January 1850 _ Ann Grant Jillard

(Attestation Clause)

Henry Bishop Stark _ John Branscombe

Proved at London 19 March 1850