


Name Index


Twentieth Report of the Committee on Devonshire Verbal Provincialisms

Trans. Devon Assoc., vol. XXXVII, (1905), pp. 122-140.


F.T. Elworthy

Prepared by Michael Steer


TThe Committee’s Report was read at the Association’s August 1905 Princetown meeting. The Committee’s purpose was to note and record current and past use of any Verbal Provincialisms in Devonshire, in either written or spoken language, that had not been included in the lists published in the Transactions. The Committee conveyed with regret the loss of valued foundation members Firth and Karkeek. The Report continues with the inclusion of a rich selection of Devonian local words and expressions, some related to county history, as well as to trade relations with foreign countries, all extracted from Dr Brushfield’s paper "The Diary of an Exeter Citizen”, presented at the Association’s 1901 Exeter meeting. Additionally, material has been included from Kilmington’s Parish Register.
The present Report, from a copy of a rare journal can be downloaded from the Internet Archive. Google has sponsored the digitization of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.

Committee Members - Mr. J. S. Amery, Dr. T.N. Brushfield, Mr. F.T. Elworthy, (Secretary), Miss Helen Saunders, and Mrs. J. Rose Troup.


Arscott, John127
Barlye, William133
Britten, James129
Brushfield, Dr. Thomas Nadauld122-3
Chambers, Robert128
Chate, Richard127
Chaucer, Geoffrey131, 135
Cole, Elisha134
Cornish, Mr. Robert123
Cotgrave, Randle124, 127, 131, 136
Craudon, Thomas133
Croft, Sir Alfred W.123
Davidson, James128
Delyn, Robard135-6, 138
Ducange, Charles du Fresne124
Elizabeth I133
Ferumbras, Sir131
Firth, Mr.F.H.122
Gawayne, Sir124
Grose, Francis134
Halliwell, James Orchard129, 138
Hampole, Richard Rolle de131
Hayman, John127
Higden, Ranulf139
Hood, Robin127
Howard, Colonel Phillip134
Jago, Frederick W.P.137, 139
Jones, Mrs.138
Junius, Franciscus124
Karkeek, Mr. P.Q.122
Lethbridge, Sir Roper123
Loveryng, John127
Lovering, Roger128
Melhuish, Rev. G.D.124
Mugford, W.E.124
Murray, Dr. James Augustus Henry129
Newton, John130
Newton, Roart127
Palsgrave, John124, 126, 131
Piers Plowman130
Pollard. Messrs. William & Co.123
Poole, Master140
Puddicombe, Rev. Alfred124
Saunders, Miss H.124
Shave, Michael138
Squiers, Mr. Hugh134
St. Antony132
Touchyng, (Tochyn) John129, 132, 136
Tredwyne, John136
Trevisa, John of139
Woodhouse, H.B.S.124