Name Index
Some Anglo-Saxon Boundaries, Now Deposited at the Albert Museum, Exeter
Trans. Devon Assoc., vol. 8 (1876), pp. 396-419.
J.B. Davidson
Prepared by Michael Steer
Anglo-Saxon boundary clauses are descriptions in Old English (and sometimes Latin) of the boundaries of land-units recorded in charters dating from the seventh to the eleventh centuries. They are typically in written form, and walk the reader clockwise around the perimeter of the estate or territory, citing features that the boundary passes, crosses or follows. This paper, delivered at the Association's July 1876 Ashburton meeting presents and comments on a Devon-boundary-related manuscript from the time of Edward the Confessor (first half of the 11th century). Its Appendix in particular, is a treasure chest of Devon landholder names of the period. Google with the Archive Organization has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. The Internet Archive makes available, in its Community Texts Collection (originally known as Open Source Books), books that have been digitised by Google from a number of libraries. These are books on which copyright has expired, and are available free for educational and research use. This rare book was produced from a copy held by Princeton University Library, and is available from the Internet Archive.
Page | |
A | |
Aeffan | 418 |
Ælfgyth | 418 |
Ælfgyth of Buckland | 418 |
Ælfgyth of Werrington | 418 |
Ælflaed of Clymeston | 418 |
Ælfric the priest | 418 |
Æthelstan, King | 399 |
Amery, Mr P F S | 398 |
B | |
Bate, Mr C Spence | 400, 406 |
Bath, Earl of | 412 |
Birhsie | 418 |
Birhtric | 418 |
Blundell | 410 |
Bow, Edwig | 419 |
Bradstone, Wifman of | 418 |
Brodu | 417 |
Brown | 413 |
Brun | 418-9 |
Buckland, Ælfgyth of | 418 |
Burt, Mr W | 406, 413, 415 |
Byrhflaed of Trematon | 418 |
Byrhtric | 418 |
Byrhstun | 418 |
C | |
Camden, Mr | 412 |
Carrington | 406, 413, 415 |
Churchford, Eadsig of | 418 |
Clymeston, Ælflaed of | 418 |
Cornwall, Edmund Duke of | 415 |
Cornwall, Richard Duke of | 406, 409, 413 |
Cynsie the priest | 417-8 |
Cynstun | 418-9 |
Cytel | 419 |
D | |
Denisc | 419 |
Dodderidge, Sir John | 404-5 |
Dolla, Wine's son | 418 |
E | |
Eadgifu | 418 |
Eadgyfe, Abbess | 419 |
Eadgyfu | 418-9 |
Eadsig of Churchford | 418 |
Edward IV | 413 |
Edwig | 419 |
Elizabeth I | 405-6 |
Exeter, Bishop of | 404-5 |
G | |
Gibson | 412 |
Goda the priest | 418 |
Godwin | 419 |
H | |
Henry I | 406 |
Henry III | 406 |
Hickes | 398, 417 |
Hockmore, Mr Auditor | 415-6 |
Hooker, John alias Vowell | 404-14, 417 |
Hooker, Richard | 404 |
Hunu | 417 |
Hunwin | 419 |
J | |
John, King | 406 |
Jones | 412 |
K | |
Kemble, Mr | 399, 403, 416 |
King, Mr | 399 |
L | |
Lamburn, Godchild of | 417-8 |
Leofric | 398 |
Leofric, Abbot | 419 |
Leofric, Bishop | 417 |
Leofric of Werrington | 418 |
Leofrun | 418 |
Lysons, Messrs | 401, 404, 413 |
M | |
Madden, Sir F | 405 |
O | |
Okehampton, Small of | 418 |
Oliver | 412 |
Oliver, Abbot Thomas | 413 |
Ordgar | 398, 417-8 |
P | |
Padyngton, John | 404 |
Paedinga tribe | 416-7 |
Peadington | 397, 404, 416 |
Peryam, William | 405 |
Pole, Sir William | 400 |
Polwhele | 398, 401-2 |
Prince, John | 404, 412 |
Prude | 418 |
R | |
Raleigh, Sir Walter | 404 |
Ribrost | 418 |
Risdon, Tristram | 407, 413, 417 |
Rowe, Mr | 401, 406, 413, 415 |
S | |
Small of Okehampton | 418 |
Smirke, Mr Edward | 415 |
Stapledon, Bishop | 404 |
Sutton, John | 408-9 |
Swete | 419 |
T | |
Thorpe | 398, 417 |
Tomline | 407 |
Trematon, Byrhflaed | 418 |
Tuckett, Mr John | 405 |
W | |
Wanley, H | 396, 398 |
Werrington, Ælfgyth of | 418 |
Werrington, Leofric of | 418 |
Westcote | 412-3 |
White | 418 |
Wifman, of Bradstone | 418 |
Wine | 418 |
Worthy, Mr | 398 |
Wynstan | 418 |
Wulfnoth | 419 |
Wulfric | 418 |
Wulfsie | 418 |
Wulfsig | 419 |
Wulfwunn | 419 |
Wunchild, Æthelgyfe | 419 |
Wynstan | 418 |