


Extracts relating to Kings Nympton from Trewman's Exeter Flying Post

Provided by Lindsey Withers

Thursday, May 25, 1815; Issue 2594 - Gale Document Number Y3200653941
Kingsnympton Park, Devon Annual Sale of Leicestershire Rams. To be Sold, by Auction, on the premises, on Wednesday the 31st day of May instant, 28 capital Leicestershire Rams, of different ages, the property of Mr John Umbers. Neither care, nor expense, have been spared in their selection; and they will it is presumed on inspection be found worthy the attention of the public. Sale to commence precisely at three o'clock in the afternoon. If they should not be sold, they will be let for the season, on that day. N.B. About 200lbs. of prime Swede Turnip Seed, to be disposed of, transplanted and selected in the blossom, and will be warranted genuine, at two shillings per pound.

Thursday, November 23, 1815; Issue 2620 - Gale Document Number Y3200654197
Marriage - Tuesday the 14th instant was married at Kingsnympton, Mr William Marsh, currier, of Chulmleigh, to Miss Hill, of the former place.

Thursday, February 4, 1819; Issue 2786 - Gale Document Number Y3200656095
Timber - Kingsnympton, Devon. To be Sold at Auction, on Monday the 22nd day of February instant, by two o'clock in the afternoon, at the New Inn, in Kingsnympton, 1089 Oak, and 12 Ash Trees, with Top and Bark, marked with white paint, and now standing on the Barton of New Place, in Kingsnympton, and an Estate called Snydells, adjoining, in the parish of Chittlehampton. Kingsnympton is about 4 miles from Chulmleigh and Southmolton, and about 12 from Barnstaple and Bideford. John Olver, the Bailiff at New Place, will shew the Timber; and any further particulars may be had of Mr Pidsley, solicitor, in Exeter. February 3rd, 1819.

Thursday, October 2, 1823; Issue 3050 - Gale Document Number Y3200659348
On Wednesday last, Mr James Tanner, of Kingsnympton, one of the largest agriculturists in the North of Devon, on the completion of his harvest, and according to his annual custom, gave his labourers, amounting to upwards of 100, on the lawn in front of his residence, a good and plentiful repast of true old English Fare - roast beef and plum pudding, with an abundance of beer and cider. The joyous feast presented a most gratifying sight, particularly so when the customary neck was given, after which the merry dance commenced with a good band of music and glee and merriment prevailed; until night spread her sable mantle, and closed the festive scene; the jovial groups before retiring gave 3 hearty cheers to their benevolent employer and sung 'God Save the King'. A party of gentlemen, friends of Mr Tanner, met on the occasion at his hospitable mansion and with Mr Radford's capital pack of harriers enjoyed a good mornings sport; an excellent dinner welcomed them on their return, which met with a warm reception from the hunters and the remainder of the day was spent in mirth and harmony.

Thursday, June 2, 1825; Issue 3137 - Gale Document Number Y3200660629
Kingsnympton, Devon To be Let, for a Term of 10 Years, from Ladyday next (if the Leasehold Interest therein shall so long continue), all those Messuages and Tenements, called or known by the names of 'Venn' and 'Collacotts', situate in Kingsnympton aforesaid, consisting of a good farm house, with convenient out-buildings, and about 200 acres (more or less) of arable, meadow, pasture and orchard land, now in the occupation of Mr Skinner. For which purpose, a survey will be held at the George Inn, in Southmolton, on Saturday the 25thday of June next, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. For viewing the same apply to the Tenant; other particulars may be obtained on application to Messrs. T. and W. Comins, Witheridge. Dated 23rd May, 1825.

Thursday, May 26, 1836; Issue 3688 - Gale Document Number Y3200668543
Death - May 15, at Kingsnympton, Mrs Mary Tucker, relict of the late Mr John Tucker, yeoman, aged 68.

Thursday, March 23, 1837; Issue 3730 - Gale Document Number Y3200669108
Devon and Exeter Assizes Case of Poisoning: Charlotte Chappell, 13, was charged with having on the 28th of February last, at Kingsnympton, administered poison, - namely, arsenic or some other deleterious substance to Mr Joseph Shapland, and Ann his wife, her master and mistress, with intent to poison them, and by which their lives were endangered. Mr Cockburn was for the prosecution, assisted by Mr Terrell and opened the case to the Jury. The prisoner was undefended. Mr Cockburn called: Ann Shapland: - Am the wife of Joseph Shapland and live at Kingsnympton. Our family in February, consisted of a man servant, 2 apprentices, the prisoner Chappell and Mary Holland, a blind woman. On the morning of the 28thof February when I came down stairs, I saw the tea kettle on the fire, as was usual, and I had expected. My husband and myself breakfasted together. I made the tea. We had friend potatoes, bacon, bread and tea. My husband and I took the tea first. Mary Holland had her breakfast with us, in the kitchen. Immediately after I had taken my breakfast, I felt a pain in my stomach; a shaking coldness; a roughness in the mouth; and smarting in the throat. I was very ill - vomiting - and continued so for eight hours. My husband was affected in a similar manner a few minutes after me. He partook of the potatoes first, before he took the tea. I saw Mary Holland take tea, and bread and bacon. She did not take any of the potatoes; I desired her not to, as I thought it was the potatoes had made us ill. I bought four pennyworth of arsenic about three months before, and parted it with a neighbour. There was a label on it, when I bought it, but she had the paper with the label. I kept it in a private drawer of a table in the parlour. No one in the house but myself, to my knowledge knew what it was. On that morning after I was taken ill, I was sitting before the parlour fire and saw on the stone which projects from the back of the fire place, a white powder. It appeared the colour of arsenic, but I couldn't say it was. When we were taken ill I aid Mary Holland and Charlotte Chappell would both be ill also, for it could not be the potatoes, that had made us so ill. Chappell said, no ma'am, I've not taken any tea. Questioned by the Judge: I looked in the drawer and found the arsenic gone - Qu. How recently had you seen it there? - I had not seen it from the time I put it in the drawer. I think it might be longer than two months. I will not swear I had seen it for three months. I think it might be longer. The prisoner had been living with me from about a month or five weeks before Christmas last, I can't say the day. I had not punished her, nor had my husband; nor had anything arisen as far as I know to give her cause for complaint. I was sick and ill in her presence. I told her it must be something in the potatoes that made us ill, and asked her if she had seen anything. She said, no. I never had sent the girl to that drawer alone. I might have done so when I was in the room. She might have been to this drawer unknowing to me, it was not locked. I never had been looking at this drawer with her. Joseph Shapland - Is husband of the former witness, and was very ill on this occasion. Mr Luxton, surgeon, attended me. I grew white in the face, and then vomited. I was ill several days. John Ireland, a little boy, apprentice to Shapland - I remember Tuesday the 28thof February; I breakfasted on that morning before my master and mistress; I then went out into the court; I came back again into the kitchen; Charlotte Chappell was there; she didn't see me till I came right in - she was standing sideways at the fire-place with a paper in her hand - the kettle was hanging on the fire. When I came in she put the paper back by her side, and I asked her what she had got there. She said, 'nothing'. I went forward to her to see what she had got, and she threw it right in the fire; I didn't seeany more. She then began to cry. I asked her whether she had done anything to the tea-kettle? She said, 'Nothing', and then she put down the cover of the tea-kettle again. - Qu. Was the cover f the tea-kettle then off before this? The cover of the tea-kettle was standing right up when I came in: she began to cry; she said her father owned her sevenpence, and if I'd say nothing about it she'd give me 6d. I thought I saw that paper the day before Christmas, in the table drawer in the little parlour; I didn't know what was in it, it looked like powder; I was in the parlour looking for a piece of cord to tie my hat, which was too big. She (the prisoner) came in and took it out, and tossed the powder to and fro, and tasted it several times, and said it was sour; it looked like flour. She put her tongue to it three or four times, and eat it out of the paper. I asked her whether it was the same paper I saw back to Christmas; and she said nothing, but took the bucket and went out a milking. The string of the paper was turn'd back in her hand when she had it in the kitchen; there was a string round it when I saw it in the parlour. When I had given the cows some meat, she stood up against a post in the shippen: she said, oh! Ireland, Ireland! They're all bad, and began to cry; and said again, if I'd not tell she would give me sixpence. - By the Judge: I don't remember her going out and leaving me in the kitchen; she went out a milking, and I went close after. I am 13 years old last Christmas. The girl and I agreed pretty well latterly; we used to quarrel sometimes and sometimes she threw stones at me; sometimes we should be friends and sometimes shouldn't. I am sure she eat some f the stuff in the paper; I saw no difference in her health afterwards. Rev. John Wrey, Rector of Kingsnympton - I remember on the 28thof February going to Shapland's house: I had heard that the family had been taken very ill, and supposed from poison. I went after making several enquiries; I went up stairs and saw Mr and Mrs Shapland both in bed; Mrs Shapland was very low and very seriously ill. I asked her if they had any poison in the house; she told me she had, and, according to the direction she gave me, I went and searched her private drawer. I found a piece of brown paper, but nothing in it; Mrs Hunt, Mrs Shapland's mother, was with me. After going up again, I went to see Mary Holland and the prisoner, who were both ill in separate beds in an adjoining room. I said to the prisoner, this is a shocking business, you certainly have been putting something in the tea-kettle. She replied, nobody see'd me do it. I told her her answer made that impression on me, that I felt it a duty to say in this she was certainly mistaken, for there was one who saw everything that we did, and would bring everything to light, however we might suppose it hidden. To that she made no answer; she was in bed, but I did not see that she was particularly ill. Elizabeth Hunt - I am the mother of Mrs Shapland, and remember being sent for on the 28thof February to come to my daughter; I found her very ill, but not then in bed. The prisoner came to fetch me; it was between 7 and 8 o'clock in the morning. She returned with me. She said her mistress was taken very ill. I asked what they had had for breakfast, the prisoner said 'tea'. I asked who had drank any tea; she said, she had not taken any. Just after she was taken ill, and I asked her, what should make her ill, when she hadn't taken any tea for breakfast; she said, she had drank some cold tea. I asked her what should make her drink cold tea, when she wouldn't drink it when hot; she said, if she hadn't drank some of it, they'd say she had put something in it. I said, oh! Charlotte, Charlotte, what have you done - what will become of you? She then began to cry, but said nothing. There was no more conversation at that time. I then went to Mrs Shapland and put her to bed. - Question by the Judge: Didn't the prisoner say she hadn't done it? Yes, my Lord, she said she hadn't done it. - Qu. Did she bring you the tea-pot to make fresh tea for your daughter? Yes, my Lord. - Was there any thing in it at that time? Yes, my Lord, the tea leaves of the breakfast were in it. She brought it from the table in the kitchen, and emptied the leaves out into a basin. - Qu. When you came into the house was the tea-pot standing on the table in the kitchen? Yes, my Lord. Qu. Was any one there? No one but Mrs Shapland, my daughter. Richard Hunt - Am a servant to Mr Shapland. I remember the morning of Tuesday, the 28thof February. Between 8 and 9 o'clock that morning the prisoner called me to come into my master's house; she said, she wished me to come in for my mater and mistress were dying. I asked her what was the matter. She said directly, Oh! Richard, they say 'twas me that had done it. She did not say what was the matter. Ann Bowden - I am a neighbour of Mr and Mrs Shapland, but not related to the family. I went in consequence of their illness, on the 28thof February and staid there. On Wednesday morning the 1stof March, I had a conversation with the prisoner about her illness. I went on that morning to ask Mary Holland and the prisoner how they were. In answer to my enquiry, the prisoner told me she was better than I was. I then asked her if she knew what poison was. She said yes, it was a white powder. She then said she knew poison by its being in crooked cakes. - By the Judge: What did you understand the prisoner to mean by that? I did not understand, my Lord, what she meant by it. She was very poorly the first day: I did not see her vomit at all. She complained in her head. I didn't perceive any difference in her colour. Wm. Luxton - Am a surgeon at Chulmleigh. Remember being sent for to Mr Shapland's on the 28thof February: it was in the forenoon, between 9 and 10 o'clock, I think. I went, and found Mr Shapland very ill, but not in bed; he was then down stairs. Soon after I came he was sick and vomited. Mrs Shapland was in bed, and extremely ill. The illness of both presented the same appearances, only that Mrs Shapland's was in an aggravated degree; and Mary Holland, the old blind woman, was till more violently affected than either. These appearances were vomiting, coldness of the extremities and clamminess of the skin. - By the Judge: Where was the prisoner at this time? She was moving about the house at that time; I did not then perceive that she was ill. - Qu. What opinion did you form as to the cause of this illness? The impression on my mind was that they had taken poison; to which I was led from the appearances and their illness being simultaneous. I accordingly made enquiry, and from what I learnt asked if the tea-kettle was empty. It was brought to me, and I examined it to see if I could detect the presence of arsenic or other poisonous substance, but found none. I then enquired whether the matter which had been vomited had been thrown away, and found it had. I then asked for the tea leaves, and those were brought me. There was no appearance of any white powder or poison. I dried off the tea leaves into a small phial and took them to Chulmleigh, and subsequently analysed a portion of it. I subjected it to a fluid test only: the result was the usual appearance of arsenic. I concluded, from my analysis, that the fluid contained arsenic. That was my opinion. - Qu. Will you inform us of the particulars of this experiment? I first took half the quantity of tea leaves and an equal quantity of water. I boiled and filtered this. I then added a solution of potass, and an equal number of drops of solution of sulphate of copper, commonly called blue vitriol. An apple green precipitate was produced, such as I have always found to be produced when arsenic was present. - Question: Were you able to detect any arsenic in substance? - I did not, my Lord. - Q. What quantity of liquid was it in the whole? About three quarters of a fluid ounce, I think: - about a table spoonful and half. - Q. There is an experiment when the presence of any arsenic may be ascertained with certainty? Yes, my Lord. Q. Do you know Mr Herapath's experiments on the subject? - I am not particularly acquainted with them. I had not the necessary apparatus for pursuing this to the extent I wished, and I brought a portion of the preparation to Exeter, and submitted it to Dr Shapter, for his inspection. Q. - Would you undertake to say there was arsenic in the portion upon which you experimented? - I would not undertake to say there was any arsenic in that spoonful and half. The portion I brought to Dr Shapter, was perhaps about a third of the whole. Mr Luxton - Perhaps my lord, I should remark, that I did not see the tea leaves taken from any tea pot myself. The Judge - I thank you, Sir, for that information: we must see how that matter stands. Desire Mrs Hunt to stand forward again. Mrs Hunt: I remember Mr Luxton coming to my son-in-law's house on the 28thFebruary. I remember giving him the tea leaves. I had then from the basin into which they had been emptied from the tea pot. The girl (the prisoner) did it. I saw her do it. It had been in the interim on the side table: within reach of any body. I suppose for about an hour, or an hour and quarter. During this time it was open to any body. I don't recollect what was done with the leaves of the second tea. The Foreman of the jury here suggested that an inquiry should likewise be instituted as to the state of the kettle, and whether it was a copper or an iron vessel. And the Judge, saying this was very proper and he had intended to do so, put the question accordingly. Mrs Hunt - It was an iron kettle: there was some rust inside, but not a great deal. Mrs Shapland re-called - the kettle had been in use many years. - Constantly. - We had used it from day to day, and there was no mischief before. Dr Thomas Shapter: - I am a physician practising at Exeter. I have heard the account Mr Luxton has given of the state of Mr Shapland's family and of the experiment with the preparation he brought from their house. Yesterday, Mr Luxton gave me two bottles one containing a precipitate. He also placed in my hands another bottle. The contents of this I divided, and submitted one portion of it to the action of sulphuretted hydrogen gas. In a few minutes a copious yellow precipitate was the result. I collected and dried this and then mixed it with a small quantity of charcoal and soda, and submitted it t the flame of the lamp, in a small glass tube. There immediately resulted on the sides of the small tube a coating of metallic arsenic. I re-oxidized this and submitted it to the ammoniaco-nitrate of silver. A brownish yellow precipitate was immediately deposited. Another portion of the preparation I submitted to the ammoniaco-nitrate of copper. A light greenprecipitate was immediately thrown down. To the remaining portion of the original fluid given me I added sulphuric acid and immediately a gas was formed, on igniting which a coating of metallic arsenic was deposited. I pursued the experiment no further. Qu. What opinion, Dr Shapter, did you form in the consequence of the results of these experiments? - I have no hesitation in saying, my lord, that without any doubt the fluid placed in my hands by Mr Luxton, did contain arsenic. Qu. I believe from recent experiments the presence of a very minute quantity of arsenic can now with certainty be detected? It can, my lord. By the experiments I first spoke of, the 300th part of a grain can be reduced; but by the last, which is a new and singularly beautiful experiment of a few months application only, I should think about the 1000 and 2000thpart of a grain can be reduced. Qu. I believe the garlic smell, on which formerly so much reliance was placed, is now thought nothing of? It is not my lord. The arsenic of commerce gives no garlic smell. The garlic smell is caused by the metal only. The prisoner being asked if she had anything to say in her defence, said that the day before Christmas day John Ireland went into the parlour to look for powder and shot, and brought some white powder in a paper to her and asked her to taste it. I said taste it yourself. I said, thee hadn't best carry it where thee got'st it from. But said nothing as to the act with which she stood charged. The Judge summed up at considerable length pointing out to the jury the evidence as it bore on the several parts of the case. He remarked strongly on the evidence of the boy Ireland, observing that if what he had said was true, that the prisoner ate of the white powder in the paper, then that powder could not have been arsenic, for if it had been she must have been dead long ago. That poison, however, had been administered to these people and that that poison was arsenic, after the clear and most intelligent evidence of Dr Shapter, it was impossible for any human being to doubt; but then came the question, was the youthful prisoner the person who did it. And further, if they should arrive at the conclusion that her's was the guilty hand that did it, did she intend to poison - that is, gentlemen, did she know the quality of the thing that was administered. With them, however, he left the case, for they were the judges and not he. The Jury consulted for eleven minutes, when the Foreman said, My Lord, we find the prisoner guilty of administering the poison, but not with intent to murder. The Judge - Gentlemen, then you must say not guilty, for that is the gist of the whole charge. The Foreman turned to his brother Jurors, and then said, Not Guilty, my Lord.

Thursday, July 24, 1845; Issue 4152 - Gale Document Number Y3200675805
Devon and Exeter Assizes William Page, a little boy of 12 years old, was indicted for having at Kingsnympton, on the 3rdinstant, broken into the dwelling house of Anne Gomer, and stolen therefrom a quantity of copper money. Mr Peard was for the prosecution. At the close of the evidence, the Judge asked Mr Cole, the Governor f the Gaol, how this boy had behaved since he was in gaol? To which Mr C. replied, very bad indeed. It had been necessary to put him in a dark cell. The jury found the prisoner guilty, but recommended him strongly to mercy, on account of his youth. It appeared, however, that he has been a bad boy at home, and the Judge said great blame rested on his parents. The Judge also enquired of the Rev. Mr Hollins, the Chaplain, from whom it was learnt that the prisoner though attending the school in the prison, barely knows his letters now. In answer to questions the Chaplain said, they had no power in the prisons in inflict whipping for bad conduct, or putting a prisoner on short commons. Upon which the Judge observed, he supposed they were fed well and treated well in the gaol, and that it was sometimes much better to keep them out. And as an act of mercy, which it truly appears to be, sentenced the prisoner to be transported ten years, with a view to his being placed in the establishment at Parkhurst.

Thursday, August 17, 1848; Issue 4314 - Gale Document Number Y3200678371
Exeter Markets. - Mr Thomas Greenslade, of Kingsnympton, drove in 121 Lambs, upwards of 50 of which were sold at from 5d to 6 1/4 d. per lb.

Thursday, November 30, 1848; Issue 4329 - Gale Document Number Y3200678868
Marriage - November 21, at Southmolton, by the Rev. T. H. Maitland, Mr James Baker, builder, to Miss Elizabeth Moull, late of Yelmacott, in the parish of Kingsnympton.

Thursday, February 8, 1849; Issue 4340 - Gale Document Number Y3200679151
Kingsnympton, Devon To be Sold, by Auction, at the George Inn, in Southmolton, Devon, on Wednesday, the 21st day of February next, by Four O'clock in the Afternoon, the Fee-Simple and Inheritance of all that Messuage, Tenement, Farm and Premises, called 'Yeo', otherwise 'Yeotown', situated in the Parish of Kingsnympton aforesaid; comprising a Farm House, all necessary Outbuildings, and about 75 Acres of excellent Meadow, Arable, Pasture, Orchard and Marsh Land, (be the same more or less) and now in the possession of Mr John Lake, the Owner thereof. The above Estate is eligibly situated for the Markets, being about 4 miles from Southmolton, 6 from Chulmleigh, and 16 from Barnstaple. For viewing the Premises apply to the said Mr John Lake, and for further particulars to Mr Lewis Southcomb, Southmolton. N.B. One half of the Purchase Money may (if required) remain on security of the said premises. Dated January 22nd, 1849.

Thursday, December 2, 1852; Issue 45335 - Gale Document Number Y3200686176
Death - November 19, at Skibbow's Farm, Kingsnympton, after a short illness, Mr Joseph Shapland, aged 55.

Thursday, July 14, 1853; Issue 4567 - Gale Document Number Y3200687325
Birth - July 4, at Torquay, the wife of the Rev. F. A. Savile, rector of Kingsnympton, of a daughter.

Thursday, February 28, 1856; Issue 4690 - Gale Document Number Y3200692240
County Petty Sessions Torrington - On Saturday, at the Town Hall, George Shaddick of Chittlehampton, and William Jewell, of Kingsnympton were summoned for poaching in the Taw. Jewell was discharged - there being no case against him. Shaddick did not appear, but the Bench ordered him to pay a fine of £5, or, in default, to be imprisoned for six months.

Thursday, July 29, 1858; Issue 4816 - Gale Document Number Y3200696316
Marriage - July 22, at Kingsnympton, C. Malcolm Kennedy, Esq., of the Foreign Office, and eldest son of James Kennedy, Esq., late her Majesty's Judge in the mixed court at Havanna, to Mary, only daughter of James Turner, Esq., of Kingsnympton Park.

Wednesday, July 4, 1860; Issue 4916 - Gale Document Number Y3200699484
Death - June 25, At Kingsnympton, Elizabeth, widow of Mr Richard Buckingham, aged 60.

Wednesday, June 11, 1862; Issue 5016 - Gale Document Number Y3200702910
Kingsnympton, Devon To be Let, for a Term of seven or fourteen years, from Ladyday, 1863, a compact and desirable Farm called 'Lightleigh', most conveniently situate about two miles from the Southmolton Road Railway Station, and within five miles of the market town of Southmolton and three miles of Chulmleigh, the turnpike road passing through it. The Estate is about 210 Acres in extent, in fair proportions of arable, meadow, pasture and orchard land, and the farmhouse and buildings are good and convenient.
The present Tenant (Mr John Halse) will show the farm; and the conditions of letting with other particulars may be known on application to Mr H. Crispin, Land Agent and Surveyor, Chulmleigh by whom Tenders will be received up to Saturday the 5th day of July next. Dated Chulmleigh, 9th June, 1862.

Wednesday, June 17, 1863; Issue 5069 - Gale Document Number Y3200704589
Marriage - June 2, at Ilfracombe, Mr Thomas Jones, yeoman, of Lightleigh Barton, Kingsnympton, to Mary Ann, only daughter of Mr H. Watts, yeoman, of Ilfracombe.

Wednesday, September 9, 1863; Issue 5081 - Gale Document Number Y3200704905
Kingsnympton, North Devon To be Let, for a Term of Seven or Fourteen Years, from Ladyday, 1864, the Barton of 'Highridge', comprising the Estates of 'Highridge' and 'Stock', in the parish of Kingsnympton. This Farm is conveniently situated within four miles of the market town of Southmolton, and the like distance from the Southmolton-road Station of the North Devon Railway, and consists (exclusive of the reserved Woods and Plantations) of about 250 acres of Land, of which there is a good proportion of Meadow, Pasture and Orchard. The arable lands are healthy and well adapted to sheep husbandry and a considerable dairy could also be profitably conducted. The building of a new and convenient Farmhouse has been contracted for and commenced. A Plan of the Estate, with reference to the Fields, is left with Mr Adams, the present tenant; and the terms of letting and other particulars may be known of Mr H. Crispin, Land Agent and Surveyor, Chulmleigh, North Devon, to whom Tenders are to be delivered on or before Monday, the 14th day of September instant.

Wednesday, October 7, 1863; Issue 5085 - Gale Document Number Y3200705007
'Lenton Farm', Kingsnympton, Devon About two miles from Southmolton Road Station. Mr J. Mallett will Sell, by Auction, at 'Lenton Farm' in the parish of Kingsnympton, near Southmolton, on Thursday, the 8th October next, all the Farm Stock, Husbandry Implements and Household Furniture of Mr Thomas Bale; consisting of eleven superior dairy cows, many of them forward in calf, three rearing calves, three working horses, one pony, one colt, rising two years old, one sow and ten young pigs; four acres of wheat, fifteen acres of barley and six acres of oats, in ricks, one rick of flax, twenty-five acres of prime hay, saved without rain; the apples of about one and half acre of orchard, chaff cutter, ploughs, drags, harrows, scuffle, cart, cart harness, pig troughs, &c., &c. The household furniture comprises four-post beds and furniture, feather beds and bedding, chest of drawers, dressing tables and glasses, washstands and ware, clock, barometer, chimney glass in gilt frame, mahogany dining table, six can-seat chairs, Pembroke table, kitchen table and chairs, brass kettle, iron pots and boilers, meat safe, butter tub and churn, milch coolers, and sundry other dairy and culinary articles. The sale to commence punctually at Two o'clock. Dated 25th September 1863.

Wednesday, June 15, 1864; Issue 5119 - Gale Document Number Y3200705916
Farms to Let Kingsnympton, North Devon To be Let, by Tender, for a term of Ten or Fourteen Years, from Ladyday next, the Farms called 'Venn' and 'Collacott', containing more that 200 acres of Arable, Pasture and Orchard Land. For viewing, apply at the House on the Farm of Venn, now in the occupation of Mr John Shapland. All tenders to be in writing, and sent to Mr Tucker, 1, Leonard's-place, Mount Radford, Exeter. The owner will not be bound to accept the highest tender. The tenant to discharge all outgoings except the landlord's property tax. Kingsnympton, Devon To be Let, by Tender, for a Term of Fourteen Years, from Ladyday next, that excellent Farm, called 'New Barn', situated in the abovenamed parish, consisting of a good dwelling house and farm buildings, and about nine acres of thriving orchard, 115 acres of superior arable and seventy acres of rich watered meadow and pasture land, nearly the whole of which is irrigated with excellent water. The whole of the farm has a warm aspect and is situated about one mile from the Southmolton-road railway station. For viewing &c., apply to Mr Tanner, Kingsnympton, Chulmleigh to whom tenders may be sent on or before the 8thday of July. The owners will not be bound to accept any tender. Dated June 3rd, 1864.

Wednesday, July 20, 1864; Issue 5124 - Gale Document Number Y3200706057
Kingsnympton, Devon Mr Blackford will Sell by Auction, at the George Inn, Southmolton, on Thursday, the 4thday of August next, at Four o'clock p.m., in one or more lots, the Inheritance in Fee-Simple of all that very compact and healthy Estate called 'Pixyweek', in the parish of Kingsnympton, now in the occupation of Mr Cooke; and the Reversion in Fee (subject to a lessee now dependant on one life. Aged about sixty-seven, at a rent of 10s. and a heriot of 10s.) of the water Grit Mills and Premises belonging thereto, called 'Pixyweek Mills' now in the occupation of Mr Heywood, and which have an excellent supply of water. The property comprises about eighty-seven acres of good orchard, meadow, pasture, arable and wood land. The timber is exceedingly thriving and will have to be taken by the purchaser at the valuation price to be named at the time of sale. The property may be seen by applying to Mr Cooke, the tenant; and further information may be obtained either from the Auctioneer, at Southmolton; Mr William Ayre, Kingsnympton; or Mr W. Buckingham, Solicitor, Exeter. Exeter, 29th June, 1864.

Wednesday, January 18, 1865; Issue 5148 - Gale Document Number Y3200706743
Chulmleigh Petty Session John Bridgman, fourteen years old, was charged with absenting himself from his employer. Mr J. T. Shapland appeared for the boy. Mr Thomas Jones, of Kingsnympton, agreed in February last to find the defendant in clothes, meat and lodgings for twelvemonths, in consideration of the boy's services. On the morning of the 31stof December the complainant called the boy at six, but as he did not get up, Mr Jones went into the bed room and gave the lad a cut with a whip. Thereupon Bridgman left. The boy's appearance produced a very unfavourable impression against his employer - his clothes were in tatters; and the case was dismissed. Bridgman, however, was likewise summoned for assaulting Margaret Brice, a girl aged sixteen, who lives with Mr Thos. Jones; but whatever was the nature of the assault it became apparent that nothing would have been said about it had it not been for Mr Jones, who enforced the taking out of the summons. The case was, of course, dismissed.

Wednesday, December 27, 1865; Issue 5196 - Gale Document Number Y3200707912
Southmolton District News William Peagam, of Bishop's Mill, has been sent to gaol for three months for stealing barley from Mr Catford, butcher, of Kingsnympton.

Wednesday, November 14, 1866; Issue 5242 - Gale Document Number Y3200709003
Chulmleigh Petty Session James Whitefield, of Kingsnympton, for riding without reins, was fined 10s. 6d., with the expenses.

Wednesday, July 31, 1867; Issue 5279 - Gale Document Number Y3200709917
Death - July 20, at Kingsnympton, aged 74, Mr Peter Lawdy, sexton of the parish for thirty-four years.

Wednesday, July 19, 1871 - Gale Document Number Y3200715446
Marriage - July 12, at Guiseley, Yorkshire, the Rev. J. Vowler Tanner, of Kingsnympton-park, near Chulmleigh, to Eliza, elder daughter of M. W. Thompson, Esq., of Parkgate, Guiseley.

Wednesday, April 12, 1876 - Gale Document Number Y3200722286
Marriage - April 4, at Southmolton, Mr R. Smith of Southmolton, to Miss Emma Hancock, Kingsnympton.

Wednesday, January 26, 1881; Issue 6050
Devon Winter Assizes Manslaughter in North Devon John Hulland, 20, mason; Walter Leach, 24, labourer, and William Symons, 245, smith were indicted for the manslaughter of Richard Buckingham, at Kingsnympton, on the 27thDecember. Mr Molesworth St. Aubyn, M.P., and the Hon. Bernard Coleridge prosecuted; Mr Carter defended Hulland and Symons and Mr Mathews represented Leach. Mr St. Aubyn, in his opening address, said that on boxing night the prisoners and several other men were at the New Inn, Kingsnympton, when five young men came over from Romansleigh, (which was the neighbouring parish) for the purpose of singing negro songs. The party had blackened their faces for the occasion. One of the five men was called Buckingham, son of the deceased. The Kingsnympton men became the worse for liquor, and used threatening language to the Romansleigh men. Their conduct was of such a disorderly character that the services of a policeman had to be called into requisition. The Kingsnympton men were cleared out, and subsequently the Romansleigh men left. As the latter were going along the road the former followed and shouted to them in a threatening manner. In consequence of that Buckingham told his father to hide in a hedge, and subsequently the latter's dead body was found in the roadway by a police-constable. Certain statements were made, and the prisoners were apprehended. It was for the jury to say whether the men in the dock were the persons who gave the blow, or either one of them. If the jury thought the latter to be the case, and that the others were present, then it would be for them to say that all the prisoners were guilty of the offence with which they were charged. Mr Timothy Daly, surgeon, Chulmleigh, stated that on December 29thhe assisted in making a post mortem examination of the body of Richard Buckingham, at the New Inn, Kingsnympton. They found a large oval swelling at the back of the right ear which they opened into and found that it contained dark coagulated blood with the muscle beaten into a pulp. And on the opposite side of the head a slight scar over the eye, which might have been caused by a fall. On opening the skull they found blood effused on the left side of the brain, opposite the seat of injury behind the ear. The cause of death was the extravasation of blood on the brain caused by the blow received behind the right ear. The swelling was two and a half inches long and one and a half inches broad. The deceased must have received a very severe blow from some blunt instrument, such as a stick. Lucy Bowden, landlady of the New Inn, Kingsnympton, stated that the premises were cleared at ten o'clock (closing time) by P.C. Blackmore, with the exception of the five Romansleigh men. A good deal of bad language was used outside and she obtained the assistance of a policeman to see the Romansleigh men out of the house. The prisoners had previously been in the house. She heard nothing more until Buckingham's dead body was brought in. P.C. Blackmore, of the Devon County Constabulary, stated that he cleared the New Inn, as stated by the last witness. There was a disturbance outside the house and all the prisoners were the worse for liquor, but not drunk. Symons threatened those inside and Leach said that he was prepared for anything that might happen. The prisoners went away after the Romansleigh men. Subsequently he found the deceased lying in the road dead, and he brought the body back to the Inn. On the following day the prisoners denied having gone so far as the spot where the body was found. Leach had on a pair of corduroy trousers, covered with earth, which corresponded with the marks in the field where some persons had scrambled through the hedge on their hands and knees. When apprehended Hulland said that Leach never touched the deceased. Richard Buckingham, son of the deceased, said his father went to Kingsnympton to pay a bill. His age was 72. His father left when the house cleared, but witness and his friends remained behind and the policeman saw them out of the house. When outside witness heard Leach and Symons use threatening language. He overtook his father on the roadway and walked some distance with him, his four companions going some distance ahead. There was a great noise behind, and in consequence of what was said witness told his father to conceal himself in the hedge whilst he ran on. The men behind gained upon them, and when witness turned round he saw three men running towards his father. One was in front of the other two and had something in his hand. His father called out 'murder, murder'. He saw the foremost man strike a blow on the right side of his father's head and one of the other men came up closer. He heard the blow, and saw his father fall to the ground. Witness than ran further on, and upon turning round again saw the men going through a hedge. In cross-examination by Mr Carter: witness said he did not recognise any of the three men. He did not go back to his father's assistance because he was afraid. P.S. Nott, Devon County Constabulary, stationed at Chulmleigh, deposed that he had examined the spot where the body of the deceased was found, and discovered there certain marks in the hedge and field. When he was taking the prisoners to the inquest, Leach said, 'I have not told all yet'. At the inquest, Hulland said, 'I did not hit him with anything; it was just like this,' he then raised his hand and touched witness under the ear. Leach also said that Hulland told him that he knocked a man down, but he did not know who it was. Symons also stated that Hulland had admitted to him that he had struck a man, adding' 'We then all got over the hedge'. Before the magistrates Hulland stated that he gave a man a push and then got through the hedge. Thomas Lake, residing at Kingsnympton, stated that on the night of December 27th the prisoner Leach called at his house and asked to lend him a hat. P.C. Howard, Devon County Constabulary, Lapford, deposed that Hulland made the following statement to him: 'There are two pretty fellows (pointing to the other two prisoners). They have opened their mouths and told all about this job, but I am blunt and keep my mouth shut, and I shan't open it until the proper time. I did shove the old man down, and when he was down he said, 'Oh don't', and repeated it two or three times. That was when he was down. Then Leach and Symons came up and then I ran away, but what they done to him after I ran away, I don't know. Other statements made by the prisoners were also put in. Mr Carter, in defence of Hulland and Symons, submitted that beyond the alleged statements of the prisoners themselves there was no evidence against them upon which they could possibly get convicted. There was very little to implicate Symons in the assault, in fact the evidence showed that he stood furthest off and had nothing to do with it. No one could prove that either of the men used any stick or weapon, and it was not for the jury to speculate as to what it was. He held that there was no evidence of intent, of knowledge, or concert on the part of Symons which could make him responsible for their act. There was no external evidence against any one of the three prisoners. Mr Matthews made an able address to the jury on behalf of Leach. He asked them not to consider the evidence as affecting the whole of the prisoners, but to take it individually. Leach did not know of the existence of the deceased, and he therefore asked how they could find that he was one of the men connected with his death. It was not even shown that Leach used threatening language and it would be a torture of the evidence to connect him in any way with the death of the old man. Leach's statement showed most conclusively that he was innocent of the charge which he was called upon to answer. He was not near the spot when the fatal blow was struck, and did not know that anyone had received a blow until acquainted of the fact by Hulland. Up to the present time he had borne the character of being a well-conducted and orderly young man, and he (Mr Matthews) submitted that the prosecution had entirely failed to make out any case against him. His Lordship, in summing up, explained to the jury the legal definition of manslaughter and said the question which they had to consider was whether death was caused by either one or all of the prisoners. If they acted together they were equally responsible, although the fatal blow might only have been given by one man. The case against Hulland was totally different from that of Leach and Symons. Hulland appeared to be the man who absolutely struck the blow and it would be for the jury to say whether or not the other prisoners were acting in concert with him. The jury almost immediately found Hulland guilty, and acquitted the other two. His Lordship, in passing sentence, said the assault was a most unprovoked one, still, taking everything into consideration, he should only pass a sentence of twelve calendar months' imprisonment, with hard labour. The other prisoners were discharged.

Friday, November 1, 1889; Issue 7001 - Gale Document Number Y3200747122
Marriage - October 28, at the Congregational Chapel, Southmolton, Mr Henry Bird to Ann Mogford, both of Kingsnympton.

Saturday, October 1, 1892; Issue 7868 - Gale Document Number Y3200753355
South Molton Petty Session William Kingdon, of Georgenympton, and Thomas Harris, of Kingsnympton, were respectively fined 10s. and costs and £1 and costs for trespassing in pursuit of game at Mill Farm on the 7th, there being previous convictions against both men.

Saturday, March 14, 1896; Issue 8954 - Gale Document Number Y3200759982
Birth - March 6, at Collacott Farm, Kingsnympton, the wife of Mr R. Luxton, a son.

Saturday, August 15, 1896; Issue 9084 - Gale Document Number Y3200760875
Marriage - August 11, at Kingsnympton, C. Tall of Southmolton, to Nellie Baker, of Kingsnympton.

Thursday, December 16, 1897; Issue 9498 - Gale Document Number Y3200770018
Death from Lockjaw at Exeter John Kingdon, aged 60, of Kingsnympton, who was admitted into the Devon and Exeter Hospital on the 6th instant having had two of his fingers crushed in an apple mill, and had one of his fingers amputated, died of lockjaw at that institution early this morning, and an inquest will probably be held tomorrow.

Friday, December 17, 1897; Issue 9499 - Gale Document Number Y3200770036
Death from Lockjaw at Exeter Inquest Today The City Coroner (Mr H. W. Hooper) held an inquiry at the Devon and Exeter Hospital this afternoon in to the circumstances attending the death of John Bowden, aged 64, blacksmith of Powhill, formerly of Kingsnympton. Charles Edward Bowden, farmer, of Powhill, identified the body as that of his father, who was a blacksmith. On the 6th December deceased was at work grinding apples for witness. The machine was worked by horse-power. Deceased's middle finger of his left hand was torn open, and other fingers were injured in the machine. Deceased said he was clearing the machine free ofthe crushed apples when the tumblers, two rollers that reverse to crush the apples, caught his fingers. Witness then drove his father to the Devon and Exeter Hospital, where he died on Thursday last. Frank Mordant Bowden, aged fourteen, son of the deceased, gave corroborative evidence. Mr Andrew, house-surgeon at the Hospital, said deceased was admitted to that institution on the 6th December. He had the fore and middle fingers crushed and the middle finger was at once amputated. Deceased went on very well until about midday of the 14th when symptoms of lockjaw set in, from which he died on the 16th. The first witness stated that deceased never ought to have put his hand there, there being a shovel to clear the machine. Deceased's hand was caught between the frame of the machine and tumblers. A verdict of 'Accidental Death' was returned.