Will of Elizabeth Thorne, Widow of Kings Nympton
Proved 4 May 1716
© Crown Copyright
PROB 11/552/44, Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
Transcribed by Ros Dunning
In the Name of God Amen I Elizabeth Thorne of King's Nympton in the County of Devon Widow being sick and weak of body but of perfect mind and memory praised be Almighty God for the same do make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following ffirst I give and bequeath my Soul into the hands of Almighty God my maker and my body to Christian buriall Item I give devise and bequeath unto John Thorne my son ffive Pounds a year to be paid to him by my Executor yearly and every year by equall quarterly payments out of my Messuage and Tenement called Higher Huxford in King's Nymptom aforesaid during all my Estate and Right in the same free and clear of all outgoings whatsoever that shall be charged on the said yearly Rent the term to commence and begin at the end of two years next after my death Item I also give and bequeath unto my said son John Thorne one Necessary or Garden which he now hath on my said Tenement of Higher Huxford immediately after my death during all my Estate and Right therein free from all outgoings whatsoever and I also give unto him one Silver Snush box and one Bedstead Item I also give devise and bequeath unto my said Son John Thorne my Daughter Mary Pearse and my Daughter Elizabeth Bartlett joyntly my Western Dwelling house at Huxford (that is to say) one under Room and the Chamber over the same with the outhouse adjoyning to the Western end thereof the little Garden and a little plot of ground in purtatoes therewith enjoyed now in my possession ffree of all outgoings whatsoever (Except reparations) immediately after my death during all my Estate and Right therein And my Will further is that if any or either of them dye before my estate therein is expired the Survivors or Survivors of them to have the whole and to be repaired at their equall charges and to my Daughter Mary I give my best Mantua Gown and Coat (not Silke)Item I give unto my Daughter Amy Collings ffive shillings and to my Daughter Grace Thorne ffive shillings to be paid to each of them by my Executor at the end of two years next after my death and to my Daughter Grace I give my Silk Mantua Gown and Coat Item I give unto my ffive Grandchildren John Bartlett John Collings Thomas Collings Penelope Collings and Margarett Pearse ffive shillings a peice to be paid to each and every one of them at the end of two years next after my death and I also give unto every of them a Silver Spoon a peice and also to my Granddaughter Penelope Collings my New Stuff to make her a Mantua Gown and Coat And all the rest of my Cloaths I give to be equally divided betwixt my Daughters and to my Son in Law John Collings I give my Silver Spoon Item I give devise and bequeath unto Thomas Thorne my Son all the rest and residue of my Messuage and Tenement of Higher Huxford aforesaid (not hereinbefore given) immediately after my death and all my Estate Right and Interest therein he the said Thomas Thorne his Executors and Assigns paying the Yearly Rents charged thereon Reparations and outgoings (except reparations as before) And all the rest and residue of Goods Chattles and Credits not hereinbefore given my Debts and Legacies paid and my ffuneral expences discharged I give devise and bequeath to my said Son Thomas Thorne whom I make ordain and appoint to be my whole and sole Executor of this my present last Will and Testament hereby revoking and making void all other Wills by me made In Witness whereof I the said Elizabeth Thorne to this my present last Will and Testament my hand and Seale have set the Third day of ffebruary in the year of our Lord God One Thousand Seven Hundred and ffourteen 1714 The mark of Elizabeth Thorne
(Attestation Clause)
The mark of Christopher Wilkins _ John Whitfeild _ Henry Hampton
Proved at London 4 May 1716