


Will of Jeffery Bullye or Bulley, Yeoman of Ipplepen

Proved 15 February 1595

© Crown Copyright

PROB 11/85/145, Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury

Transcribed by John Moore

In the name of god Amen. One thowsand five hundred nintie fower, The twentith daye of August in the five and thirtith yeare of the Queenes Maiesties raigne that nowe is &c. I Jeffery Bullye of the parishe of Ippellpenn in the Countie of Devon yeoman beinge of perfecte minde and of good rememberannce thankes be to god doe ordaine and make this my last will and testamente in manner and forme followinge. First I give and committ my soule into the handes of Allmightie god my Creator and Redeemer and my bodye to be buried in the Church of Ipplepenn aforesaid. Item I give and bequeathe to the poore of the parish of Ipplepenn sixe shillinges eight pence. Item I give and beqth to the poore of ye Maudlin howse of Tottenes three shillinges fower pence Item I give and bequeathe to every of the Childerenn of Peeter Bond that be nowe alive fortie ¬¬¬¬¬shillinges a peece, and to Elizabeth Bonde one Ewe sheepe Item I give to Agnes Salter if she serve oute her yeares as apprentice with Richard my sonne fortye shillinges. Item I give unto John wills if he serve out his yeares likewise fortye shillinges and one yewe sheepe. Item I give to Jefferye Bulley the sonne of walt[e]r Bulley fortie shillinges and sixe yewesheepe. Item I give to Agnes the daughter of of the said walter sixe poundes thirteene shillinges fower pence. Item I give to Christian the daughter of the said walter, fortie shillinges. Item I give to Joane the daughter of the said Richarde Bullye fortie shillinges and two yewe sheepe Item I give unto everye of the childeren of Thomas Bremleye fortie shillinges a peece. Item I give to Marye Bremley the wife of Thomas Bremley ten pounds Item I give Christian Bonde the wife of Peter Bonde twentie poundes. Item I give to John Bullye of Bridgbonnde sixe shillinges eight pence. Item I give and bequeathe to John Ausburne sixe shillinges eighte pence. Item I give unto Thomas Pope thre shillinges fower pence. Item I give unto everye of my godchilderenn twelve pence a pece Item I give to the poore of the parishe of Kingscarswill three shilinges fower pence. Item I give and bequeathe to Dewnes Bulley fortie shillinges. Item I give and bequeathe to Richard Bullie my sonne All the howseholde stuffe that I have belonginge to my howses at Casselford and Combefisheker And also the interest and terme that I have in one howse with his appurte[na]nnces in Tottnes adioyninge to the howse of Mr Jeffery Babbe. Item I give and bequeathe to walter Bullye my sonn all the howsehold stuffe that I have at wilburrow. Also my will is that all the legaceys which I have given uppon this my last will and testamente to be payed and discharged at or within the tyme of two yeares next after his decease. The residue of all my goodes and Chattells as well moveabe as unmoveable not before given nor beq[uea]thed I give and bequeathe to Richard Bulley and walter Bullye my sonnes whome I doe ordaine and make my whole executors ioyntlie of this my last will and testam[en]t to paye and discharge my debtes and legaceys and to receive all debtes due unto me. Alsoe I ordaine and appoynnte to be my Overseers Mr Jeffery Babbe of Tottenes, and Peter Parr. In wittnes hereof: Theise bearinges wittnes Peter Bond and Peter Parr with others. Debtes due to the Testator. Thom[a]s Brembly fowertene poundes. 

Probatum fuit Testamentum suprascriptum apud London Coram venerabili viro mag[ist]ro willi[a]mo Lewin legum doctore Curie Prerogative Cant[uarensis] mag[ist]ro custode sive com[m]issario decimo quinto die mensis Februarij Anno d[o]m[ini] (iuxta cursum et computatione[m] Eccl[es]ie Anglicane) Millesimo Quingentesimo Nonagesimo Quarto: Juramento Franncisci Clerke Notarij publici procuratoris Richardi et walteri Bulleye executorum in hu[ius]mo[d]i testamento nominat[orum] Quibus com[m]issa fuit Administracio bonoru[m] iurium et creditorum dicti defuncti de bene et fideliter Administrand[o] Ad sancta[m] dei Evangelia[m] Jurat[is]