


Index to


Obelisk Publications (2003) - ISBN 1 903585 28 7

Prepared by the author

Arthur French

Adams, Edmund parish clerk184226, 31
Adams, Mary Chas Morgan's ancestor178431
Ager, RichardNorth Viewmetalworker and carrier185918
Amery, Williamold almshousespurchaser189726
Balhatchet (Mr) victim of Thorpe story188928
Balhatchet, Thomas basket-maker, carrier185919
Baskerville, Harry coachman190128-9
Bovey, Fred married Annie Cowling 21
Bovey, MaryChapel Cottage 185918
Bowden, Alice buried age 7189120
Bowden, Charles blowing organ1886/720
Bowden, FrederickSilver Stsexton1858-194020
Bowden, Johnof Park Hillbuys land for Methodists186414-15,18
Brooking, Admiral NicholasDartmouthmarried Holdsworth 13
Brooking, NicholasDartmouthowned Bulleigh179113
Brooking, Revd Nicholas vicar & rector1843-6213,14,18
  helps set up school184020
Childs family shopkeepers 32
Chircheward, Hugh assault147624
Cocks, John Somers"Haytor"suggests site19959
Codner, Elizabeth daughter of Samuel (Jr) 23
  married John Croker171523
Codner, SamuelNewton Abbotdoctor of medicine165923
Codner, Samuel son of Samuel 23
Cooke, Revd R D Vicar1897-19392, 3, 28
Cornysshe, Thomas Vicar149910
Cosens, Revd William Vicar179113
Cowles, MariaModbury 185918
Cowling, Bella girl blacksmith185121
Cowling, Edmund JohnAustraliaemigrant191021
Cowling, FredAustraliaemigrant191321
Cowling, MaryBridge Streetironmonger 22, 32
Cowling, NeilAustraliaBaptist ministerliving21
Cowling, NicholasPlymouthjoined navy185621
 Barn Parkblacksmith1872-19313,21
  90th birthday185621
Cowling, SusieBridge Streetironmonger 22, 32
Cowling, WilliamDawlishborn 21
Croker, JohnIpplepenrent collector for church1720s23
Croker, John (Jr) absentee landowner 23
Croker, John GiffordBovey Traceysurgeon1788-185923
Crout, ElizabethAbbotskerswellmarried J G Croker 23
Davy, HenryTorbryanassaulted147624
Deans of Windsor   4
Doyle, Arthur ConanPark Hillvisitor190128
Drake, George rebuilds Rectory179012
Drake, Johnof Bystocklay rector169212
Easterbrook, SamuelWellington Innpublican1890s26
Elliott, Nancyborn JerseyJ R Langler's wife 18
Eyre, W Lof Bexleyheathhad Langler diary 19
Ferrens (Mrs)Ambrookspoons as souvenirs195031
Fletcher, AlexanderPaigntonMethodist pioneer185715
Ford, Katherine married John Drake 12
Ford, Mrs Elizabeth lay rector 12
Furze, KatherineStavertonmarried S Codner (Jr) 23
Garrick-Steele, RodgerPark Hill living29
Grandisson, Bishop College at Ottery St Mary 4
Hartop (Mr) railwayman? 30
Honeywill, Reginald amateur historian1904-20022, 3
Hooper, George burial189120
Hooper, Mary/GeorgeBridge StJane Langler's great-aunt185918
Hughes, Maria A Hschoolassistant188627
Irish, Tom child buried190320
Jago, R E WSchool 19223, 27
Jeffery, CharityPlymouthmarried N Cowling186521
Lacy, Bishop of Exeter   7
Lambshead, Mary Angel wife of Richard Palk185919
Lambshead, WilliamPaigntonMethodist treasurer186818
Lambshead, Wm/ElizabethRosemountfarmer185918,19
Langbridge, Richard married Mary Adams 31
Langbridge, Sophia married C Morgan's grandfather 31
Langler, Cecilia Jane's sister 18
Langler, JaneRosemountvisit185918
Langler, JohnAshburtonfarmer185919
Langler, John R teacher1826-18
Langler, WilliamWitheridgefarmer185918
Lee, George MortimerWaye Bartonfarmer188620
Luke (Canon)churchmonk1274-4
Maddicott, Robert landowner1827-190523
Maddicott, Robert Croker JP, farmer1874-3, 23
Marriott, Revd Randolph Vicar1814-4312,15
  helped set up school184027
Mayne, JaneRosemountservant185918
Morgan, Charles author; Ipplepen ancestors 31
Mountesland, WilliamIlsingtontrespass1460s24
Nicholas of Leicester, Ktmanor  6
Palk familyAmbrookheld tenementsbefore 166724
Palk, Edward baptisms, C of E/Methodist1814-14
Palk, Mary Grace married George Yeo 19
Palk, Richard baptised181814
Palk, RichardHigher Mead 185919
Palk, RichardIpplepenmarriage178119
Popham, John lay rector159312
Pottus or Peters, Sir Johnmanorbuys and sells off1655-736
Ralph of Fougresmanor 11th cent4, 6
Read, Herbert restores church screen18987
Rider, ThomasChurch Ho (Inn)lease169925
Robinson, Bertram Fletcher friend of Conan Doyle190128
Robinson, Joseph FletcherPark Hilltrader, JP, etc1882-28
Roger of ChesterfieldchurchRector13504
Roope, CharlotteDartmouthmother of Revd N Brooking 13, 14
Sowton family farmersabt 185023
Sowton, John farmer, preacher185918
St Amand familymanor  6, 10
Stephens family shopkeepers 32
Stuart, Revd Douglas vicar's death18977
Taunton, Revd William vicar1723-8311
Thorpe, W G (FRS) writer188928
Uxbridge, Earl of has Ipplepen ancestors 31
Vaughan, Hilda novelist, C Morgan's wife 31
Vickery, Alanschoolheadmaster1970s27
Waye, W burial188820
Webber, John burial188820
Webber, W buried189120
Weevil, Mr Methodist minister181814
White, C Wold almshousesfound metal ball 26
Wright, Ian Adams descendant, NSWliving31
Yelland, WilliamCroker's Farmtenant1842-5123
Yeo, George emigrated to Australia187519
Yeo, PercyQueenslanddescendant of George Yeoliving19
-- snowstorm189120
--BuckfastMethodist preachers plan1867/821

Brian Randell, 29 May 2003