


Summary of Will of William Mallett of Iddesleigh (1586)

[Moger transcripts , West Country Studies Library, Exeter]

Provided by Mike Mallett <mm-lists AT ntlworld.com>

MALLETT, William of Ideslegh, gent.

Date of Will 26 Mar. 1586

Proved 6 May 1586

To be buried in the church.

To Marie my dau. 20 (£ or s. ?) to be delivered to
her at age of 15.
To Susan my dau. £20 at age of 15.
To Oliver my son £6 at age of 15.
To Hugh my son £6 at age of 15.
To John my son £6 at age of 15.

To Nicholas my son £6 at age of 15.

To Nicholas my son half a ten. in Hatherleigh called Seldon for 80 years, reserving to my heir the old accustomed rent.

To Susane my wife all my barton messuages lands and tenements in Ayshe for life, if she keep herself unmarried, but if she marry she shall have one moeity and my son Oliver the other and after her decease, my son and heir then to have the whole.

Said Oliver my son and his heirs upon the death or marriage of my wife shall have all my bedsteads, tablebords, forms, seelings and glass in and upon my barton or tenement of Ayshe.

To Barnabee my brother 40s and to the said Barnabee I give for life a little 'maryshe' or parcel of land of mine by south the river of Okemont containing 2s. of land adjoining the tenement of Mr. Specott in parish of Ideslegh, paying therefor to my heirs 12d during his life.

To Nicholas my son 2 parts of all my lands etc. in Stapleford and Upecott in Hatherleigh and 2 parts of all my land etc. in Waterhouse in parish of Monckeockhampton and two parts of all my lands etc. in Uppecott in parish of Dolland (Dowland), to hold for 7 years after my death.

Residue to Susan my wife executrix.

Overseers: Mr. Justice Periame esquire, Thomas Bartenne ? gent. Hugh Osborne and Richard Forde

Invent. by Michaell Moyse, Thomas Bremacomb and Danyell Ware, 15 Apr. 1586

Comprises farm stock and household goods.

Silver salt and 9 silver spoons and a senett ring of gold £3.

Sum £121.

Bond of Susane Mallett of Idesleigh wid. 5 May 28 Eliz.

[More information on the MALLETT family]