


Name Index


Iddesleigh - A Parish in Devon

(published by the Iddesleigh Society, 1983)

Ackland, Scipio 19
Aleuesclef 7
Alwater 7
Anstey 18
Anstey, Susan 23
Arnold 12, 13, 18, 20
Arnold, Marjorie 20
Arnold, Miss 13
Arnold, William 17
Avery, Mrs 16
Ball, Liz & Tony 15
Banbury 15
Bannister, James 19
Bell, Godfrey 21
Bingham, Charles 3
Bremelcumbe 18
Bremelcumbe, Zenobia 20
Brihtric 7
Bristric 7
Brook 18
Brose, Nicholas 18
Brugge, John Atte 7
Budd 15
Budgett, Capt 17
Bullhead, John de 12
Carleton Cowper, Maj G. T. M. 17
Clavil, Walter de 7
Clinton, Lord 10
Cooper 18
Cooper, John 18
Courtney, Henry, Marquess of Exeter 10
Cupper 18
Eadwig 6
Edwig 23
Ellis, Wilfred 24
Forster, William 10
Gill 18
Gobe, Robert 18
Goff 18
Goss 18, 20
Grey, Lemon 17
Grosvenor, Sir Richard 9
Grosvenor, Sir Roger 8
Hammet 18
Heddon, Derek & Pam 15
Hele, Caleb 20
Hele, Samuel 20
Hooper 18
Iddesleigh, Earl of 3, 4, 5, 20
Inch, Sam 12
Kelly 18, 20
Kemp, Shadrack 19, 20
Kentwode, Sir John de 8
Kinsey, Mr 16
Kneebone, John 18
Knight 18
Laing, Tim 23
Lane, Sir Allen 22
Letheren 15
Lisle, Viscount 10
Love, Christopher 19
McEntire, A. L. 24
Mallet 10, 13, 17, 18, 19
Mallet, Anthony 20
Mallet, Richard 17
Mallet, William 17
Marle, Edward 20
Morpurgo, Clare & Michael 23
Moyse 18
Moyse, Richard 18
Moyse, William 20
Neno, John 20
Neno, Simon 20
Nenoe, Ann 20
Nenoe, John & Sussanah 20
Nenoe, Richard 20
Nenowe 18
Nenowe, Hanybaule 20
Nenowe, Henry 20
Norgrove 15
Northcote 13
Northcote, Sir Francis 3, 10
Northcote, Galfridus de 3
Northcote, Henry 4
Northcote, John 3
Northcote, Sir Stafford 3, 4, 10
Paddon 18
Piper 18
Piper, Samuel 16
Poole, Peter 23
Rafferty, Peggy & Sean 15
Rattenbury 18
Rolle, Lord 10
Rosenberg, Michael & Marianna 23
Rosenberg, Mr & Mrs Michael 17
Rothwell, Mr & Mrs 17
Rowle 14
Russell, Rev Jack 19
Scrope, Sir Henry le 8
Scrope, Sir Richard le 8
Scrope, Sir William le 8
Simmons, Tom (Harry S.) 13
Simons, James 20
Smythe-Osbourne 10, 13, 14
Smythe-Osbourne, William 17
Squyer, Robert 3
Stafford, Bridget 4
Stafford, Hugh 4, 10
Stafford, John 4
Stafford, Walter 4
Sully, Henry 13
Sully, Henry de 8
Sully, Sir John de 8, 9, 10, 13, 15
Sully, Raymond de 8
Sully, Reginald 8
Sully, Walter de 8
Tasker 19
Taylor, Mr & Mrs 17
Underhill 18
Veale 18, 19
Viel, Joan 17
Ward 18, 20
Ward, Catherine 24
Ware 18
Weeks 18, 20
Wic, Roger de 7, 12

Indexed Feb 1999 by Richard Williams - happy to do lookups.