


Will of Mary Buller of Honiton

Proved 6 September 1775

© Crown Copyright

PROB 11/1011/100, Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury

Transcribed by Elizabeth Kipp

1 I Mary Buller of. 
2 Honiton in the County of Devon do make this my last
3 Will and Testament viz I give and bequeath unto my
4 Executors hereinafter named the Sum of three hundred
5 Pounds on Trust that they place out the same on good
6 Security and pay the Interest thence accruing to my
7 daughter Mary Broadfoot during her life the same to
8 be for her sole and separate use and independant of the
9 debt control or engagements of her present husband or of
10 any person or persons whom she may hereafter marry
11 and her Receipt alone to be their discharge and after her
12 decease the said Sum of three hundred pounds with such
13 Interest as may be due thereon to be equally divided amongst
14 such children as she may leave on their attaining the age
15 of twenty one years respectively but if she should leave no
16 Issue or leaving such they shall die in their minority then
17 the said sum of three hundred pounds with such Interest
18 as may be due thereon to sink into my residuary Estate for
19 the equal use and benefit of my residuary Legatees herein
20 after named I give and bequeath unto my Executors herein
21 after named the further sum of three hundred pounds on
22 Trust that they place out the same on good Security and pay
23 the Interest thereto accruing to my daughter Ann Buller
24 during her life the same to be for her sole and separate
25 use independant of the debts control or Engagements of
26 any person or persons whom she may hereafter marry and
27 her Receipt alone to be their discharge and after her
28 decease the said Sum of three hundred pounds with such
29 Interest as may be due thereon to be equally devided amongst such
30 Children as she may leave on their attaining the age of twenty
31 one Years respectively but if she should leave no Issue or leaving
32 such they should die in their minority then the said Sum of
33 three hundred pounds with such Interest as may be due thereon
34 to sink into my Residuary Estate for the equal use and benefit
35 of my residuary Legatees hereinafter named I give and
36 bequeath unto my Executors herein after named the further
37 sum of two hundred pounds in Trust that they may place out the
38 same on good security and the Interest thence accruing to
39 accumulate and to be added to the principal for the benefit of
40 my Grandaughter Elizabeth Maynard if she shall attain the
41 age of twenty one years after which to pay unto her during
42 her life the Interest arising from the said principal Sum and
43 from its increase by accumulation of Interest during her
44 minority and after her decease the same to be equally divided
45 amongst such children as she may leave on their attaining
46 the age of twenty one years respectively but if she should die
[Page 2]
47 without Issue or leaving such they should die in their
48 Minority then the said Sum of two hundred pounds with
49 its increase by accumulation of Interest to sink unto my
50 residuary Estate for the equal use and benefit of my
51 residuary Legatees hereinafter named and all that residue of
52 my Estate or Effects of what nature or kind soever I give and
53 bequeath unto my Sons William Buller and Richard
54 Buller to be equally divided between them and I hereby
55 constitute and appoint my said Sons William Buller and
56 Richard Buller Executors of this my last Will and Testament
57 whereunto I have set my hand and Seal this seventh day
58 of October in the year of our Lord one thousand seven
59 hundred and seventy two Mary Buller Signed sealed
60 and declared by the testatrix to be her last Will and Testament
61 in presence of us Jno Sexton Elizabeth Sexton
62 This Will was proved at London the sixth day of
63 September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred
64 and seventy five before the Right Worshipfull Sir George
64 Hay Knight doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary
66 of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted
67 by the oaths of William Buller and Richard Buller the Sons
68 of the deceased and Executors named in the said Will to whom
69 Administration of all and singular the Goods Chattells and Credits
70 of the so s[ai]d deceased was granted they having been first sworn by
71 Commission duly to Administer.

Further information.