


Name Index


A collection of the armes of the gentlemen of Devonshire,
5th January 1579

Devon Notes & Queries, Vol. vol 1, pt. 2. (Jan. 1900 to Oct. 1901) illus. pp. 101-134.


Joseph Holland

(Supplement to: Sir George Carew's Scroll of Arms, Devon Notes & Queries, Vol. 1, pt. 2. (Jan. 1900 to October 1901) 152 pp.

Prepared by Michael Steer

Holland's collection of arms supplements and is linked by entry item number to the item numbers in Sir George Carew's 1588 scroll. The arms in the Holland collection that are not included in the Carew collection are presented here. Information about Holland's life is scanty. He was born at Weare in Devonshire and his family descended from John Holland, fourth son of Robert, Lord Holland. He was a member of the Inner Temple and was acquainted with Thynne, Camden, Cotton and other antiquaries of his time. He as well, contributed to meetings of the Society of Antiquaries. Although the common law courts in Great Britain do not regard coats of arms as either property or as being defensible by legal action, armorial bearings are a form of property nevertheless, generally described as insignia of gentility. Armorial bearings according to the Law of Arms are incorporeal and impartible hereditaments, inalienable, and descendable. This copy of the rare and much sought-after book was produced digitally from a copy held in the New York Public Library collection that can be downloaded from google books, with a search by either author or title, and also from the Internet Archive. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.


Abbott, Archbishop, arms113, 132
Adam arms (also Adams)102
Aldam arms102
Alley, Bishop William131
Alwyn arms104
Amadas arms134
Amereditt arms103
Amery, Mr P F S131
Amorye arms115
Appledore arms115
Apulia, Simon de120
Aras arms113
Armsham arms129
Asheley arms125
Ashford arms110
Atvill, John110
Atwell arms109-10
Bagenton, Sir Edward, arms114
Bagh arms106
Bake arms113
Baker arms104
Bamfeild arms (also Bampfield)102, 116, 118
Bassett, Sir Arthur125
Bastard arms110
Bastard, Baldwinus110
Bastard, Robtus110
Battcombe arms118
Battcombs, Josianus Ivianus118
Baunton arms111
Beandin arms123
Beauchamp arms124
Beaudin arms129
Beauford arms106
Beauford, Duke Thomas106
Beaumues arms125
Beaumues, William de125
Beawdin, Robert129
Beckington, Bishop133
Bedford, Earl of (also Duke)120, 122, 130
Bedford, Ralph130
Benbow arms128
Benger arms126
Benolt, Clarence104, 132
Benolt, Thomas132
Bevill arms119
Billett arms108
Bilney, Sir Roger de, arms124
Bishop arms (also Bishoppe)101, 105
Bisett arms108
Blerike arms115
Bloen arms105
Bodlegh arms112
Bodulgatt arms103
Boltesham arms112
Boronghe arms (Torrington)125
Borough arms107
Bosco arms106
Bosco, John de106
Boswell, Mr John (also Bosswell)102, 110, 115, 126, 128, 130
Boterford arms118
Botiller arms122, 128
Botterford, Phillipo de118
Bouchier knot120
Boys arms108
Bracy arms116
Bradbridge arms112
Bragge arms114
Brent arms104, 132
Brett, Eurmenions de la131
Bridges arms111
Brionis arms122, 134
Brionis, Ricardi de122
Brionys, Sir Baldwine de (also Brioniis)122, 128
Bromlegh arms117
Bruerton arms115
Brugesse arms118
Brushford arms129
Buckett arms115
Buckton arms119
Bucton, Joelus de119
Budockshead arms116
Buller arms105
Burell arms133
Burgh arms125
Burgoine arms112
Burill arms134
Burnby arms129
Burton, Mr Clement (Cl B)104-5, 107-12, 115-9, 125, 128, 131-2
Bury arms (also Burie)103, 107, 119
Butside arms127, 129
Callard arms114, 117
Calmady arms113, 132
Camera, Richardus de120
Camvile arms104
Camvile, Galfridus104
Carew, abbot120
Carew arms134
Carew, Eustace de123
Carey arms113
Cariset arms108
Carslake arms133
Carminow arms134
Challeygh, Mr102
Challons arms117
Chambers arms120
Champney arms103
Chapernoun arms (also Champnoon)102, 130, 133
Charles arms103
Chauntrell arms112
Chaworth arms127
Chechester, Sir John (also Chichester)124, 131
Chedder arms134
Chedleygh arms (also Chidlegh; Chidley)101, 103, 122
Cheseldon arms118
Chester, Mr (Herald)106-9, 117, 123, 128-9
Chetwin arms116
Cheverstone arms (also Cheverton)126, 134
Chudleigh, Johannes de103
Clare, Mr103
Clarke arms (also Clerke)128
Clavill arms119
Clifford arms127, 129
Clifford, Rogerus de129
Clinche, Thomas129
Clist, Sir William129
Clopton arms114
Clopton, Richard114
Cobham arms123
Cobham, Johes de123
Cockworthy arms126
Code arms122
Coffen, Sir William116
Coffin arms (also Coffen)101, 116
Colcil arms (also Colshill)115
Collins arms101
Combland, Earl127
Condar arms108
Coolswell arms122
Copleston arms102, 111, 121, 132, 134
Copston, Mr118
Cornewall, John Earl of, arms102
Cornwaill arms105
Cornwall, Earl of108
Correy arms107
Coryton arms134
Cottell arms122
Cottesford arms128
Courtenay arms106, 108, 132, 134
Courtenay, Marquis Henry106, 108
Courtenay, Earl Hugh108
Courtenay, Sir William, arms102, 122, 128
Courtney, Peter de108
Creasy arms132
Cresswell, Mr115
Crewley arms127
Critte arms107
Croker arms132
Croker, Sir John132
Crooke arms106
Crookehorn arms120
Crudge arms114
Culme, Mr Hugh105-6, 129
Cullyton arms (also Coughliton)119
Dalton arms102
Darthmouth arms123
Davent arms (also Danent)127
Dawtrey arms101
Dedscomb, Wads de104
De la bere arms101
Delamare, Peter, arms114
Dennys, Sir Robert105
Devenshire arms105
Digby arms107
Digby, Sir John107
Dillon arms123
Doddington, Philip arms101
Dodscomb arms104
Donnet arms121
Donscombe arms115
Downman, arms101
Drake arms108, 122
Drew arms116
Drokensford, Bishop133
Dukenfeild arms105
Durant arms106
Dymocke arms131
Earle, Mr120
Edward I104-5, 108, 110, 113, 115, 122, 129, 131
Edward II102, 106, 108
Edward III108-9, 111, 117, 129
Edwich arms (also Bedwich)126
Egerton arms134
Ellicott arms121
Elliott arms121
Eryse arms101
Eveleigh, Mr114
Everon, Robert de109
Everye, Radus, arms109\
Excester, William119
Exeter arms119
Exeter, city of121
Exeter, Duke of (also Exon)103, 112, 124
Exeter, Walter of131
Faray arms101
Fitchett arms112
FitzGerard arms123
Fitzpain, John122
Fitzpaine, Robert122
Fitzpayne, Sir Thomas, arms122
FitzRaffe arms109
FitzRichard arms115
FitzRichard, Thomas115
Fitzsteven arms (also Stevenson)124, 129
FitzWater arms (also FitzWalter)121, 127
FitzWilliams arms125
Floyer arms106
Foliot arms134
Ford arms103
Ford, Sir Adam de la103
Ford, Henricus de la103
Forest arms (also Forster)112
Foresta, Hugo de (also Fauster)112
Forness arms114
Fortescue arms122, 133
Fountain, Mr118
Fownes arms134
Foynes arms125
Foyns, Humfray125
France, King Leuys of108
Francys arms109
Francklyn arms112
Frye arms106
Fulford arms102, 110
Furland arms102
Furlong arms110
Furneaux, Johannes, arms114
Furneaux, Mathew de114
Furneaux, Simon114
Furse, Orbriton102
Furze arms (also Furland)102
Garth arms118
Gay arms (also Gaye)111, 116
Gerardi, Jacobus filius123
Germyn arms110
Gervise arms121
Gibbes arms107
Gifford arms111
Gilbert arms128
Glanvill arms106
Glasse arms117
Glover, Robert131
Godfray arms122
Godlegh arms122
Godwin arms104
Gogis arms118
Goodwin arms104
Goodwyn, Sir John104
Gorges arms (also Gorge)115, 133
Gorges, Radus de115
Gorges, Sir Theobald115, 133
Gorye arms113
Grandin, Sir Robert127
Gray arms114
Gray Wilton, Lord106
Grenefeld, Sir Richard121, 123
Grilles arms114
Grilles, Charles114
Gyll arms131
Hall, Mr113
Hamlyn arms102
Hampton arms112
Handcock arms117
Handley arms133
Hannyng arms133
Hardinge arms114
Harlewyn arms106
Harlyng, Sir Robert106
Harvey, William131
Hatch, de la, arms105
Hatch, Sir Eustace de la105
Hautevill (also De Alla Villa)102
Hayes arms110
Hele arms133
Hele, Mr John115
Helliard, Sir Christopher117
Henry I105, 123
Henry II102, 106, 122
Henry III102, 105, 113, 117, 120
Henry IV108, 114-5, 124, 126
Henry V109, 119, 122
Henry VIII116
Hereward, Sir Robert, arms129
Heut arms (also Hert)121
Hexte arms122
Heydon arms115
Hilion arms126
Hillardon, John arms101
Hilliard arms (also Helliarde)116-7
Hodge arms122
Hodge, William122
Hodys, Philip122
Hoggeshagge arms122
Hoggeshagge, Sir Thomas122
Holand arms (also Holland; Hoyland)102-3, 110-1, 115, 124
Holand, Earl of Huntingdon124
Holecombe arms119
Holland, Andrew102
Holland, Thomas Earl of Kent, arms103
Hollcombe, M de120
Hollinshed (also Hollingshed)102, 104, 108, 111-2, 119, 129
Hollys, Sir William arms101
Hondsmore arms126
Hone arms120
Hooker, Mr John alias Vowell (also Hoker)103, 105-10, 112-8, 121-3, 125, 129-50
Hootchins arms120
Horde arms104
Horton arms126
Huckmore arms115, 134
Hull, Sir Edward Kt112
Hulls arms125
Ilcombe arms103
Inkelton arms121
Inkepenn arms111
Inkepenn, Rogerus111
Isaac arms132
Jaye arms117
Jermyne arms109
Jewers, Mr A J131-2, 133
John, King102, 106, 108, 123, 126-9
Jude arms106
Juell arms122
Juge arms109
Juge, John109
Kaull arms (also Kaill)122
Kelly arms134
Kendall arms134
Killegrewe arms101
King family131
Kirkhiner arms (also Kirkhill)118
Kirkley arms123
Kirton arms110
Knight, Edmund130
Knolls arms106
Knowell arms111
Lampen arms134
Lampray arms122
Laneherne arms110
Langdon arms117
Langdon, Walterus de117
Langham arms108
Lanhengye arms112
Larkbery arms112
Lee, Richard (Richmond & Clarenceux Herald)130
Leigh, Gerard133
Lentall arms114
Ley arms119
Ley, Henry119
Ley, Mr102, 106, 118, 122, 131
Leybourne, John arms103
Leyholm, Sir John (also Leghdin)106
Loveday arms105
Lovell arms102
Lovell, Sir Richard102
Lowar arms107
Lucombe arms117
Luscott arms123, 129
Malacke, Thomas le110
Mallacke arms (also de Malvlacu)110
Mallett arms120-2
Malley arms126
Mandevile arms (Earl of Essex)128
Mannyng arms107
Marshall, Bishop Henry130
Matesford arms110
Mathewe arms118
Mauhant, Roger de123
Merchant Adventurers arms121
Mewye arms111
Milford arms132
Mogun arms134
Moone arms101
Mordant arms110
Morley arms123
Morley, William Lord123
Mounhant arms123
Mounke arms102
Mounthermer-Bilney arms124
Multon, Sir Thomas de133
Murdack arms111
Murdacke, Sir William111
Neuweton, Johannes de113
Newmarsh, Isabel130
Newmarsh, James130
Newton arms113
Newton, Sir William113
Norbury arms106, 119
Norton arms110
Nunnant, Henricus (also Novant)102
Nunnaunt arms (also Nuant)102
Offewell arms122
Orchard arms113, 132
Orendge arms121
Orwey arms113, 122
Pagani, Robert filius122
Parke arms117
Parrett arms119
Paslewe, John109
Patishull arms116
Pauncefoot arms104, 132
Payne arms109
Pedderton arms118
Pembroke, Earl of, arms126
Pengeley arms103
Percy, Earl of Northumberland102
Perret, Thomae119
Peverell arms105
Peverell, Sir Robert105
Peyton arms109
Peyton, Sir John109
Philipp arms112
Phillips, Mr103, 107-8, 117-8, 126-7, 132
Pipound arms123
Pole, Mr108, 131
Pole, Sir William130, 133
Pollard arms104
Poltesmore arms105
Poltesmore, Sir Richard105
Poltimore, Bartholomew de105
Poltimore, Richard105
Poole de la, arms115
Poole, Mr (also Pooley)102-3, 105, 107-15, 117-20, 122, 125-6, 130-1
Poysyd, Thomas117
Preston arms107, 115
Pridice arms120
Pridieux arms122
Prince, Rev John130
Prodhome arms122
Prouse arms (also Prowse)107, 113
Punchardon arms108-9
Punchardon, John de108
Punchardon, Sir Richard108
Purye arms117
Pyke arms109
Pym arms118
Pyne arms103, 126, 131
Radi, Thomas filius109
Radley (also Rathley) arms101
Radwey arms117
Ralegh arms113, 119
Rawleigh, Sir Walter (also Raleygh; Raleigh)104, 113, 115
Raymond arms120
Rede arms115
Redman arms120
Redverijs, Hauisia de109
Redvers, William de102
Redverys arms (also Redvers)102
Redverys, Sir Baldwin de, arms102
Richard II103, 108-9, 111, 128
Richmond, Mr (Herald)114, 126-7, 129
Rider arms116
Rivers arms102
Rivers, Earl of Devon126
Rivers, Earl John102
Rivers, Earl Richard102
Rochford arms123
Roe arms101
Roll arms131
Rousawell arms108, 122
Rowane, Rogerus117
Rowne arms117
Rupe arms (also Riche)117
Russell arms108, 130
Russell, Radus108
Sapcott arms106
Scrope arms134
Segar, William131
Salle arms (also Sale)131
Seint Georg arms110
Seint More arms110
Senthill arms120
Sent Leger arms110-1
Sent Leger, Rauff110
Sentlowe arms113
Servington arms125, 128
Seymor arms111
Shalons arms102
Smyth arms122, 133
Snedall arms108
Somerset, Mr (Herald)103-15, 118-9, 123, 126, 128-9, 131
Sotherley arms109
Southcott arms102, 110
Sowthowse arms114
Speccott arms112
Spencer, Johes122
Spiller arms106
Spreat arms129
Spunways arms (also Spurways)113
Stafford, Bishop127
Stamford arms115
Staplehill arms110
Stephen, King128
St George, Sir William de, arms102
St Maure arms102
Stoleford arms104
Stonner arms111
Stopham, Sir William de126
Storkey arms118
Stormer, Radus111
Stowell, Sir John105
Strangman, Mr129
Stratton arms105
Strech arms117
Streck arms112
Strelly arms109
Strelly, John109
Strode arms129, 133-4
Stukeley arms (also Stuckley)106-7, 113
Sture arms131
Sturguley, Sir John113
Sturguley, Sir Nicholas113
Sulbye arms129
Sylley arms127
Tapeley arms111
Thomard arms102
Thomas arms119
Thorn arms (also Torne)126-7
Thornbury, Thomas de102
Tilly arms101, 132
Titherley arms112
Toker arms106
Tollett arms104
Toritoria, John de110
Tottnesse, Borough of129
Tottell, Alice of104
Towre, de la, arms120
Towre, Johannes de la120
Tracy arms113, 125
Tracy, Henry de113
Trauers arms118
Trelawny arms110
Tremaile arms119
Tremayne arms118
Tremenet arms123, 129
Tremenet, Sir William123
Tremill arms106
Trenane arms113
Trenbuke arms127
Trencreke arms127
Treryse arms110
Treswell, Mr (also Cresswell) (Herald)102, 104, 106, 109-10, 112, 114, 117-9, 121, 124, 126-7, 130
Trill arms112
Triminell, Sir Nicholas106
Trull arms121
Trushford arms119
Tychett arms109
Tychett, John109
Tyll arms122
Underdon arms122
Upton arms115, 126
Upton, Mr123, 125, 128-30
Ver (also Per) arms113
Vere arms128
Vere, Robert de128
Vicarye arms107
Viccarye, Mr Leonard107
Vorysey arms124
Vowell arms125
Vowell, John125
Vyell arms108
Wadecotte arms107
Wadham arms122, 132
Walcot arms122
Wallis arms (also Walleys)107, 128
Wanton arms110
Warre arms101-2
Warre, Lord de la102
Warwick arms120, 124
Warwick, Henry de120
Warwick, Nicholas de120
Waterman arms119
Watervil, Sir Roger de127
Weare arms132
Wekes arms (also Wyke)117
Welsh arms116
West arms108
West, Thomas108, 132
Weston, arms108, 118
Weston, Justice118
Whitelock arms114
Whitlock, William arms101
Wibbery arms102, 109
Wibbery, Gilbertus109
Wilington arms130
William I (WC)102, 108, 123, 125
William II (Rufus)129
Winsor, Mr (also Windsor)113, 128
Winter-Wood, Mr133
Wolfe arms129
Wolfe, Walter le129
Wood arms132-3
Woodland arms119, 133
Worstan arms108
Worstan, William108
Worth arms (also Worthe)129, 134
Wrokeshall arms113
Wyot, Philip131
Yeorke arms116