Name Index
Sir W. Ralegh: A plea for the surname
Trans. Devon Assoc., vol 18, 1886, illus. pp. 450-61.
T.N. Brushfield
Prepared by Michael Steer
This fascinatingly pedantic paper, delivered at the Association's July 1886 St Marychurch meeting addresses the correct mode of spelling Sir Walter Ralegh's patronymic (or surname), a topic on which many authorities have disagreed. The author makes a plea for Sir Walter's name to be spelled Ralegh rather than any of its numerous variations. Google with the Archive Organization has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. The Internet Archive makes available, in its Community Texts Collection (originally known as Open Source Books), books that have been digitised by Google from a number of libraries. These are books on which copyright has expired, and are available free for educational and research use. This rare book was produced from a copy held by the Princeton University Library, and is available from the Internet Archive.
Page | |
A | |
Alfred, King | 451 |
Allen | 452 |
Alleyne | 452 |
Allibone | 457 |
Arber, E | 453-4, 460 |
Aubrey, J | 455, 460 |
B | |
Bacon | 454 |
Bede, Venerable | 451 |
Birch, Dr | 460 |
Brydges, Sir E | 460 |
Burghley, Lord | 454 |
C | |
Caunieres, Daniel | 453 |
Cayley, A | 460 |
Cecil, Sir Robert | 456 |
Charles I | 457 |
Chester, Colonel J L | 451 |
Colby, Mr F T | 454 |
Collier, J Payne | 460 |
Corney, Bolton | 455 |
D | |
Disraeli, I | 453-4, 455-7 |
Duke, Mr R | 458 |
E | |
Eadwine | 451 |
Edwards | 454, 456-7, 460 |
Egbehrt | 451 |
Egerton | 461 |
F | |
Fisher, Jasper | 454 |
G | |
Gardiner, S R | 460 |
Gascoigne, George | 453 |
Gilbert, Sir T | 456 |
Godwin | 453 |
Gosse, Mr Edmund | 454, 460 |
Green, H | 452 |
Green, J R | 451 |
Grosart, Dr | 457 |
H | |
Halliwell-Phillipps, Mr J O | 450, 452 |
Hamilton | 456 |
Hannah, Rev J | 453 |
Harrison, George | 459 |
Hawarde, John | 455 |
Hazlitt, W Carew | 460 |
Henry, Prince | 457 |
Holland, Joseph | 459 |
Howard, J | 459 |
J | |
James I | 455 |
Jeaffreson, Mr | 454 |
K | |
Kingsley | 460 |
L | |
Lawrence, W Lawrence Esq FSA | 461 |
Lennard, Sampson | 454 |
Lower, M A | 453 |
Lysons | 456 |
M | |
Macaulay | 456 |
Mainwaring family | 452 |
Manningham | 455-6 |
Markham, Mr | 451 |
Markland, Mr | 453 |
Meyrick, Dr S R | 452 |
N | |
Napier, Macvey | 460 |
O | |
Oldys | 460, 460 |
Oliver, Dr | 453 |
P | |
Paunsford, Richard | 454 |
Planché | 456 |
Pole, Sir William | 460 |
Polwhele | 460 |
Prince | 460 |
R | |
Ralegh, Anne | 459, 461 |
Ralegh, Carew | 457, 459, 461 |
Ralegh, Lady Elizabeth | 459, 461 |
Ralegh family | 459 |
Ralegh, Philip | 459, 461 |
Ralegh. Philippa | 459, 461 |
Ralegh, Sir Walter | throughout |
Raleigh, Dr Walter | 457 |
Rarleigh, Willelmo de | 456 |
Rawleigh, Carey | 454 |
Rawley, Dr William | 454 |
Rayley, Wimond | 456 |
Ross, Alexander | 452 |
Routh, Dr | 450 |
Rymer | 452 |
S | |
Schombergk | 460 |
Shakespeare, William | 450 |
Shirley | 460 |
Spenser | 457 |
Stephen, King | 454 |
St George, Henry Esq | 454 |
Stowe | 453 |
T | |
Tuckett | 454 |
Tytler | 460 |
W | |
Walcott, Rev M E C | 455, 461 |
Walford | 456 |
Waters, R E C | 453 |
Westcote | 460 |
Wiltshire | 452 |
Wood, Anthony | 457, 460 |
Wright, T | 451 |