


Name Index and Genealogical Charts


The Froudes or Frowdes of Devon.

Trans. Devon. Assoc. vol. XXIV, (1892) pp. 441-457.


Rev. R.E. Hooppell, M.A., LL.D., D.C.L.

Prepared by Michael Steer

The paper was presented at the Association’s July 1892 Plymouth meeting. Its author. Robert Eli Hooppell (30 January 1833 – 23 August 1895) was a cleric and antiquarian, connected through marriage to the celebrated Froude family. A short biography with portrait is available n Wikipedia. His exhaustive research into  Froude family genealogy is an indicator of the highly structured class-based Victorian society’s obsession with its roots in the past. As the Bible, with its collections of genealogies informs us; the ability to trace and draw up large family trees was once mainly the preserve of the upper classes. It was important, therefore, to the social status of many upwardly mobile people in the Upper-Middle and Middle Classes to show their descent from antiquity. Tobias Smollett wrote in the 18th-century newspaper The Critical Review: "From a barren list of names we learn who were the fathers or mothers, or more distant progenitors, of the select few, who are able to trace what is called their descent from antiquity." The article, from a copy of a rare and much sought-after journal can be downloaded from the Internet Archive. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.


Albeney, Hugh de442
Albeney, Isabel de, Lady442
Anne, Queen456
Arundel, Earl of442
Ashburnham, Sir Dennis456
Ashburnham, John, Sir456
Ashburnham, Margaret456
Avant, John447
Avant, Richard (or Avery)447
Averey, George448
Ayshford, Elizabeth, Mrs448
Aysshfford, Roberto444
Basterd. Johe445
Benet, Alice444
Boone, Elizabeth (or Beer)447
Bowden, Elizabeth448
Bradbridge, William442
Brooking, Elizabeth447
Browning, Thomas447
Burly, John444
Byrdwoode, Rogero444
Cary, Barbara446
Charles I456
Charles II456
Clare, John Earl of457
Collings, Phillis, Mrs447
Colman, Grace446
Cotley, Philip446
Craste, Edward447
Crispyn, Johe444
Crooke, Robert, Sir457
Dacre, Lord Thomas442
Dicksone, Janet457
Elizabeth I442, 444
Ellis, Andrew Esq457
Exmouth, Lord443
Fairhair, Harald441
ffred, Andreas (Modbury)450
ffroide, Thomas445
ffrood, Elizabeth (Loddiswell)451
ffrood, Johes (Loddiswell)451
ffrood, Robert, (Ridmore)450
ffroode, Robert (Ridmore)450
ffroode, Sidrache (Bigburie)450
ffroode, Thomas, (Bigbury)450
ffroud, Agnes448-50
ffroud, Amia (Loddiswell)451
ffroud, Andrew (Ringmore)448
ffroud, Ann449
ffroud, Arthur449
ffroud, Benjamin448
ffroud, Christian449
ffroud, Dorothy (Ridmore)448-9
ffroud, Edmond447
ffroud, Elizabeth448-50
ffroud, Francis448-50
ffroud, Grace448
ffroud, Hellen (Loddiswell)451
ffroud, Henry447
ffroud, Honour448
ffroud, Isabel450
ffroud, James448
ffroud, James, Jnr448-9
ffroud, Joan448-9
ffroud, Johe (John) (Langston)445, 447-50
ffroud, John Jnr448
ffroud, Margaret448-50
ffroud, Mary447-50
ffroud, Peter448
ffroud, Richard445
ffroud, Robert, Mr447-50
ffroud, Samuel (Kingston)449, 451
ffroud, Thomas448-9
ffroude, Agnes448-9
ffroude, Arthur, Mr (Modbury)447; 451
ffroude, Christian447, 449
ffroude, Elizabeth447
ffroude, George447
ffroude, Grace448-9
ffroude, Isabella445
ffroude, James447-8
ffroude, Joan447-8
ffroude, John444-5, 447-9
ffroude, John Snr449
ffroude, John Jnr447
ffroude, Margaret448
ffroude, Martin451
ffroude, Mary447-8
ffroude, Mary, Mrs447
ffroude, Nicholas447
ffroude, Robert447, 450
ffroude, Robert, Physician449
ffroude, Samuel448
ffroude, Thomas448-9
ffroude, Thomasine447
ffrouid, Robertus (Loddiswell)451
ffrouid, Thoma (Blackawton)451
ffrooud, Joan447
ffrowd, Agnes (Ringmore)451
ffrowd, Johes (Ringmore)451
ffrowde, Benjaminus (Ringmore)451
ffrowde, Dorothy (Walkspool)443, 449
ffrowde, Elizabeth (Walkspool)443, 449
ffrowde, ffranciscus (Ringmore)451
ffrowde, Gregory441
ffrowde, James (Walkspool)449
ffrowde, Mrs Joan450
ffrowde, Johes (Awton Gifford)451
ffrowde, Johes (Bigbury)451
ffrowde, Johes (Kingston)451
ffrowde, John the elder (Langston)443, 449-50
ffrowde, Osmond (Grantham)457
ffrowde, Pascatius (Blackawton)450
ffrowde, Peter443
ffrowde, Thomas443
ffrowde, William443,
ffroyde, Henry445
ffroyde, John445
ffroyde, Thomas445
Fitzalan, Richard442
Fox, William447
Frode, Adam de441
Frode, Alan de441
Frode, Edward442
Frode, Ivo de441
Frode, John442-3
Frode, John de441
Frode, alias Froude, John (Modbury)451
Frode, Richard de441
Frode, Thomas445
Frood, John (Langston)447
Frood, Mary (Stoke Damerell)451
Froodd, George (Stoke Damerell)451
Froud, Andrew446
Froud, Ann448
Froud, Bartholomew446
Froud, Elizabeth447
Froud, James449-50
Froud, Joan446, 449
Froud, John445-6, 448-9
Froud, Margaret449
Froud, Mary446, 448-9
Froud, Robert, Mr447, 449
Froud, Sarah447
Froud, Thomas gent442, 446, 449
Froud, William (Ermington)447, 451
Froude, Abiathar447
Froude, Alice444
Froude, Annis447
Froude, Arthur449-50
Froude, Mrs Catherine447
Froude, Charles (Modbury)451
Froude, Dorothy444
Froude, Elizabeth447
Froude, Elizabeth, Mrs447
Froude, Joan447, 450
Froude, James (Kingston)450-1
Froude, James (Ringmore)451
Froude, Johan446
Froude, John (Kingston)444, 446-7, 450-1
Froude, John Mr447
Froude, John, Rev Mr447
Froude, Katherine447
Froude, Margaret447
Froude, Mary (Kingston)446-7, 449, 451
Froude, Peter450
Froude, Robert Esq (Kingston)447, 451
Froude, Sarah449
Froude, Thomas442, 444
Frowd, Christian446
Frowd, Edward443
Frowd, George446
Frowd, Johes (Loddiswell)451
Frowd, John Jnr446
Frowd, John Snr446
Frowd, Mary446
Frowd, Osmond446
Frowd, Peter (Kingston)451
Frowde, Agnes445
Frowde, Ashburnham456
Frowde, Avise446
Frowde, Benjamin (Kingston)451
Frowde, Benjamin (Plympton Maurice)451
Frowde, Carolus (Modbury)451
Frowde, Charles456
Frowde, Christian446
Frowde, Corney456
Frowde, Elizabeth (Walkspool)449-50
Frowde, Frederick456
Frowde, Henry445
Frowde, Isabella (Ringmore)451
Frowde, James Esq443
Frowde, Jane (Ringmore)451
Frowde, Joan (Kingston)451
Frowde, John (Kingston; Modbury)451
Frowde, John, Mr (Walkspool; Ringmore)442, 446, 449-51
Frowde, Margaret, Lady457
Frowde, Mary (Walkspool; Ringmore)446, 449-51
Frowde, Michaell456
Frowde, Penelope456-7
Frowde, Peter456
Frowde, Colonel Philip457
Frowde, Philip, Jnr456-7
Frowde, Philip Ashburnham, Sir457
Frowde, Philip, Sir, Kt456-7
Frowde, Robert, Mr (Modbury)445, 450-1
Frowde, Sally (Ringmore)451
Frowde, Shadrach445
Frowde, Susan443
Frowde, Thomas445-6, 451
Frowde, William456
Froyde, Thoma444
Freoode, Mrs Elizabeth450
Fruid, John (Blackshaw)457
Fruid, Thomas457
Gauden, Sir Dennis456
Georges, Kings456
Gibb, Anne447
Gilbert, Willo444
Gillard, Joan447
Griffiths, Sir John457
Guest, Joan448
Guest, John448
Haradon, Willo444
Harwood, William446
Hatch, Thomas447
Henry III441
Henry VIII442, 446
Hingeston-Randolph, Prebendary443
Hingston, Grace, (Thurlestone)448
Honeywood, Peter, Sir456
Hooppell, James (Ringmore)448
Howpyll, Johe445
Hurrell, Richard, Mr447
James II456
Kellye, Christian444
Kellye, John444
King, Margery448
Laurie, Edmond446
Lavers, Arthur447
Lavers, John446
Legassikke, Prestwood Love, Miss447
Leigh, Gregory A.443
London, Bishop of442
Lowther, Elenor456
Lowther, Richard Esq456
Malborough, Mary447-9
Malborough, Simon448-9
Mantel, John442
Midleton, Viscount457
Mogridge, John447
Norys, Willo444
O’Neile, Brian456
O’Neile, Margaret456
Paine, James444
Parsons, Christopher, alias Frowde442
Parsons, John, alias Frowde442
Pelham, Nicholas442
Pellew, Edward443
Petit, Valentine Esq457
Phillips, Margaret446
Phillips, Robert (Modbury)448
Powell, Frances442
Quarme, Alsona (?)444
Quarme, Johanna444
Quarme, Rogero de Wolston444-5
Robins, Elizabeth448
Roche, Edward447
Roche, Joan448
Roydon, George442
Sherrow, Anne446
Soper, John448
Stafford, Bishop443
Stephens, Dorothy447
Tabbe, John444
Taxis, Count de456
Toly, Rico445
Toms, Mary447
Toop, James448
Towson, Pho444
Treeby, John (Modbury)448
Tuckerman, Joan446
Upton, Anna445
Wakeman, Grace447
Walters, Henry448
Warde, Willo444
Whittley, Colonel Robert457
Williams, Jane447
Wynter, Johe445
Yabsley, Honour447



Frood Genealogical Table - 1


Frood Genealogical Table - 2