


Name Index


Annals of the Family of Floyer

Trans. Devon. Assoc. vol. XXX, (1898) pp. 505-524.


Rev. J. Kestell Floyer, M.A., F.S.A.

Prepared by Michael Steer

The paper was read at the Association’s July 1898 Honiton meeting. The surname Floyer is thought to denote an arrow-maker, and is distinct from the Norman name for the same occupation, 'Flechier,' which afterwards passed into 'Fletcher. ' The earliest spelling of the name as found in the Domesday Survey, A.D. 1086, is "Floher," or in the Latin form, "Floherus”. By the time of Henry III the middle “h" begins to be omitted, and it is written “Floer”, or "le Floer." Towards the beginning of the 14th century the spelling "Floyer" or "le Floyer" becomes constant, except for a period during the 16th and 17th centuries, when in some places it shared the fate of many other names in having the middle "y" made into an "i", but there is no trace of family members ever having signed themselves " Floier." The article, from a copy of a rare and much sought-after journal can be downloaded from the Internet Archive. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.


Aiulf 506
Albreda 506
Alkebarwe, John 507
Ashton 513
Avenal 506
Ayscoghe, Edward 516
Ayscoghe, Frances 513
Ayscough, Sir Ed. 513
Ayscough, Thomas 513
Bankes, Rt Hon George 521
Bankes, Georgina Frances Charlotte 521
Bartlett, Rev R.G. 510
Batt 519
Brabins, Elizabeth 515
Braun 506
Brion, Baldwin de 506
Brune, Elizabeth 512
Brune, Grace 512
Brune, Henry 512
Butcher, Rev Charles Henry DD 518
Butcher, Edith Louisa 518
Carew 508
Carewe, Henry 510
Champenaux, Monsieur de 513
Charles I 519
Chaucer, Geoffrey 505
Clarence, George Duke of 507-8, 513
Clarke, Dr & Mrs 516
Cocks, Thomas 519
Coker 510
Cornish, James 513
Cornish, Margaret 513
Courtenay, Earls of Devon 506, 509
Courtenay, John 505-6
Cummins 506
Danseville, Monsieur 514-5
Dashwood 516
d’Avranches 506
Edward I 505
Edward IV 507-8
Elizabeth I 505
Erskine, Frances 522
Erskine, John Francis 522
Fitz-Roy, Robert 506
Floher (Floherus) 505-6, 523
Floher, Richard son of 507, 523
Floyer, Alice Maude 518
Floyer, Anna Maria 522
Floyer, Anne 513
Floyer, Anne Gould 514, 516-7
Floyer, Anthony 510, 519, 523
Floyer, Anthony Jnr 510-12, 514, 517
Floyer, Augustus, KCB 522
Floyer, Rev Ayscoghe 514, 516-7, 524
Floyer, Benedict 519
Floyer, Blanch 520
Floyer, Caleb 513
Floyer, Catherine 520
Floyer, Charles 519-21
Floyer, Charles jnr 521-2
Floyer, David Stephens 520
Floyer, Edith Louisa 518
Floyer, Elinor 512
Floyer, Elizabeth 514, 517
Floyer, Eric Randolph 517
Floyer, Ernest Ayscoghe 518
Floyer, Frances 522
Floyer, Frances Gould 516
Floyer, Frederick Anthony 518
Floyer, George Wadham 518
Floyer, George William 521
Floyer, Georgina Frances Charlotte 521
Floyer, Helen Frances 518
Floyer, Jane 517, 521
Floyer, John 507, 512, 517, 519-20
Floyer, John jnr 519-21
Floyer, Captain John 511
Floyer, John Gould 516-7
Floyer, Rev John Gould 512-5, 524
Floyer, Rev John Kestell 514, 518
Floyer, John Wadham 516-7
Floyer, Louisa 518
Floyer, Lt Colonel 521-2
Floyer, Mabel Frances 518
Floyer, Margaret 513-6
Floyer, Margaret Gould 514
Foyer, Margaret Sarah 518
Floyer, Martin 519
Floyer, Mary Louisa 518
Floyer, Philip 520
Floyer, Richard Ayscoghe Martin 517, 524
Floyer, Richard Gould 516-7
Floyer, Sarah 517
Floyer, William (Floier) 507-10, 512, 514, 516, 519-20, 524
Floyer, William the younger 519-21
Floyer, Captain William 514, 516
Floyer, Lieutenant William 514
Floyer, Rev William 512-3
Flyer 511
Foster 524
Gould 510
Gould, Henry 511
Goulding 517
Green, Mrs J.R. 509
Greenly, Mr William 512, 520
Grey 521
Haliburton, Mr 515
Hall, Frances 516
Hall, John 516
Halliwell 505
Hayes, John 508
Henry I 523
Henry II 523
Henry III 505-6
Hill, Rev George 518
Hill, Helen Frances 518
Hockin, Edward, JP 518
Hockin, Margaret Sarah 518
Hodgkin 521
Holland 507
Hutchins 505, 510, 520
Jewers 522
Jones 506
Jones, Alice Maude 518
Jones, Rev Thomas Roberts 518
Keith, Dr Alexander 513
Kingwell 509
Kirkwood, Margaret Sarah 518
Kirkwood, Townsend 518
Lawrence, Sir Edward 512
Lawrence, Grace 512
Lawrence, Margaret 512
Lawson, Mrs 514, 516
Lecky 513
Lyaker, Robert als Fitz-Roy 506
Marlborough, Duke of 521
Martin, Anne 512
Martin, Elizabeth 512
Martin Margaret 512
Martin, Nicholas 508, 510, 512, 519
Masterson, Miss 513
Meules, Baldwin de 506
Monmouth, Duke of 511
Napoleon 515
Newcastle, Duke of 512
Nicholas fil Ricardi 523
Nicholls, Jane 521
Nicholls, Norton 521
Nicholls, Norton, jnr 521
Oliver 506
Okehampton, Baron of 523
Parke, Colonel 521
Parker, Mr James, FSA 507
Pellew, Capt. the Hon Fleetwood 520
Pigot, Lord 522
Pole 508
Pole, Sir William 523-4
Portland, Duke of 514
Prince, John 507-8, 524
Raleigh, Sir Walter 511
Reichel, Rev O.J. 506
Risdon, Tristram 510
Robinson, C.G. 520
Rothes, Earl of 513
Russell, John Lord 509
Sap, Baldwin de 506, 523
Sarum, Earl of 507
Saunders, Mr Reginald Floyer 522
Shaftesbury, Lord 511
Shaw 511
Shore, Hon Mrs F J 518
Shore, Sir John 516
Shore, Louisa 518
Slick, Sam 514
Somers, Sir George 510-1
Stafford, Bishop 507
Stebbing 511
Sydenham, Catherine 520
Sydenham, Floyer 520
Sydenham, Humphrey 520
Sympson, Peter 513
Teignmouth, Lord 516
Templar, Thomas 510
Tennyson 517
Turner, Jane 521
Turner, Nathanial 521
Turner, William 522
Vivian 510-1
Wadham, Margaret 512
Wadham, Nicholas 508, 512
Waite, Mr John 515, 517
Warwick, Earl of 507
Watson, Mary Louisa 518
Watson, Rev W.R 518
Watts 512
Welsh, John 509
Wentworth, Governor Sir John 514-5
William I 506, 523
William III 521
Williams, Glynne Barrington Leared 518
Wilson, Rev John Parkinson 517
Worthy, Mr Charles 506, 509
Wright, Richard 517
Wright, Sarah 517
Wright, T 520