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Lays and Legends of the West:

A series of original papers on some of the less known of our numerous local traditions with minor poems of a miscellaneous character


Frank Curzon

London: Whittaker & Co; Exeter: Curzon & Son. (1847) x, 226 pp.

Prepared by Michael Steer

Frank Curzon, artist, poet, and orator, was born in Exeter in 1819, where his father was a bookseller. He was educated at private academies in Exeter and was one of the founders of the Exeter Literary Society, established in 1841. This institution has become one of the most important literary centres in the West of England. His comprehensive biography can be found via http://www.genuki.org.uk/big/eng/DEV/Biography/DevonPoets. This rare book was produced from a digital copy held by the Bodleian Library that can be downloaded from Google Books. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.


Aberdein, R H Esq221
Acland A H D Esq221
Acland, Lady221
Acland, Sir T D Bt221
Aldred, T Esq221
Alfred, King21
Angel, T Esq221
Armstrong, Rev J221
Arundel, Cecy57-9
Arundel, Geoffrey53, 56-7, 62, 64-6, 70
Ashford, John Esq221
Ashe, J W L Esq221
Athelstane, King16, 31
Atherley, Rev A221
Atkinson, Mrs221
Baber, J222
Baber, J Esq222
Bacon, J Esq221
Bagnell, Rev W H222
Bampfylde family102
Baring, Miss222
Barton, Mrs221
Bateson, Miss222
Beagues, the Misses221
Bellew, Miss222
Bennett, ___ Esq222
Bennett, Miss221
Bent, Major222
Bidlake, Miss222
Biden, Miss222
Blackall, Dr148, 221
Blatch, John Esq222
Bodley, Thomas17
Bond, Mr222
Bond, Rev W222
Bouchier, Miss222
Bowring, Dr, MP221
Boyce, Rev H221
Bradford, Mr221
Brande, Mrs222
Bray, Mrs76, 101
Brook, Miss222
Brown, Mrs Richard221
Brown, R Esq221
Broadcast, Canon137
Buck, Mrs221
Buckland, Mrs222
Buller, J W Esq221
Buller, Lady Yarde221
Buller, Mrs221
Burne, Mr222
Burne, Rev C221
Burrington, Mr A222
Burrington, Mr Edwin221
Burrington, Mrs F221
Caesar, Julius156
Callaghan, C G O Esq222
Cann, J Esq222
Carew, Bampfylde Moore28, 101-2, 104, 107-9, 111-2
Carew family9, 27, 101, 111
Carew, Sir Gawen62
Carew, Mary102
Carew, Rev Theodore101
Carew, W H Pole Esq222
Carrington, H E Esq222
Carru, de, family27
Cartwright, H Esq222
Cary, G S Esq222
Channon, Mr F222
Charles I140
Chave, Rev E W T222
Churchill, Lady Henrietta222
Clayfield, Captain222
Cobham, T Esq222
Colbihornson, Mrs222
Coleridge17, 187
Coleridge, Bishop222
Coleridge, Francis G Esq222
Collingridge, Mr222
Cooke, Captain James155
Cooke, John162
Corfe, Rev J222
Couche, W Esq222
Coverdale, Miles32, 58, 64
Courtenay family6, 21, 151
Courtenay, Rt Hon Lady222
Courteny, Rt Hon Lord222
Cresswell, J B Esq222
Cromwell, Oliver15, 140, 147
Cross, Dicky178, 220
Crouch, Humphrey136
Cruwys family27
Cumberland, Earl of107
Damarel, Mr C223
Daniell, Mrs T223
Dawson, W Esq223
Deacon, Mr J223
Devon, Earl of (Courtenay)33
Dewdney, J S Esq223
Dickens, Charles98
Divett, E Esq, MP222
Dornford, Rev J223
Doveton, Rev T F223
Drake, Sir Francis188
Duckworth, Sir J T B, Bt, MP222
Duntze, Lady222
Durant, R Esq223
Dyott, Mrs223
Edward II33
Edward IV151
Edward VI58
Elizabeth I136
Elliot, W H Esq, MD, FLS223
Ellis, Mr223
Elton, Sir Edward Marwood, Bt223
Exeter, Lord Bishop of223
Exeter, Mayor of223
Falmouth, Earl of223
Follett, Sir William17, 201
Ford, R Esq223
Fowler, ___, Esq223
Fulford, Mrs223
Gant, Mrs223
Gard, Edward Esq223
Garratt, Mrs J223
Garrett, ___ Esq223
Geare, J Jnr Esq223
Gervais17, 147
Gibson, Mrs223
Gibson, W S Esq223
Gordon, C Esq223
Gordon, Mrs223
Gould, Mrs C S223
Gray, Lord62
Grove, G W Esq223
Groves, E Esq223
Gutteres, Rev F223
Hake, Mrs224
Halford, Mrs223
Hallewell, Miss224
Halloran, C F Esq224
Hames, Rev W223
Hamilton, Mrs223
Hannaford, Mr224
Harris, J Esq223
Harvey, G W Esq223
Harvey, Rev W W223
Havill, Mr F224
Henderson, Mr R224
Henrietta, Princess148
Henry VII151
Henry VIII53
Hernaman, Mrs224
Hexter, Mr A Soper224
Hill, T Esq224
Hingeston, Mrs William224
Holman, Captain224
Holmes, Rev J S224
Hoare, C Esq223
Horndon, Miss223
Jennie, Miss224
Jerwood, J Esq, MA, MCPhilS,, FLS224
Jones, Miss224
Kekewich, S T Esq224
Kempe, Mrs Colonel224
Kingdon, Mr F Jnr224
Kingdon, John Esq224
Kingdon, Mrs John224
Lake, Miss224
Lake, Mr224
Lamb, Charles98
Latimer, T Esq224
Le Brun, Mrs224
Lee, Rev Sackville224
Lemon, Sir Charles Bt MP224
Lewis, Captain T Locke, RE, FRS224
Ley, Mrs W224
Ley, W Esq224
Lindon, Annie113
Lister, Miss224
Long, Miss224
Long, Miss Mary224
Lopez, Sir Ralph, Bt224
Lousada, B Esq224
Luther, Martin143
Lyde, Rev George35
Lyon, Mrs224
Mallett, H Esq225
Marker, Mrs224
Martin, Rev G225
Martin, J Esq225
Martin, Rev J W225
Martyn, Miss225
Marwood, J B Esq225
Mary, Queen67
May, Mrs225
Measor, P Esq225
Merson, W H Esq, MD225
Miles, W Esq225
Monk, Duke of Albermarle147, 219
Monteith, A D Esq225
Monteith, Miss224
Moore family102
Morley, Countess of224
Morris, Mr T225
Mortimer, Mr W225
Newbury, Miss225
Newman, Sir R W Bt225
Nutcombe, Miss225
Opie183, 187
Palmerston, Lady225
Palmerston, Lord225
Panter, Mr F225
Parker, M E N Esq225
Parker, Miss Fanny225
Parker, Mrs225
Patch, Clause107
Patch, Mrs225
Penny, M F225
Perry, Mr E225
Philpot, Mrs225
Pierson, J G Esq225
Pilgrim, E P Esq225
Pitman, Miss C225
Pitman, Rev W P225
Plumley, Miss225
Pomeroye, Sir Thomas61-2, 70
Pyle, Rev S225
Quicke, Mrs225
Raleigh, Sir Walter8, 17, 60, 116, 188
Reynolds, Sir Joshua183, 187
Richard III31
Roberts, Mr W T225
Ross, F W L Esq225
Runnet, Grace81-93
Russell, Lord9, 61, 64-5
Ryder, Miss225
Salter, Miss226
Sanders, Mrs J B226
Sawer, T Esq226
Shakespeare31, 79, 86, 157
Shapter, T Esq, MD226
Sharland148, 220
Simonds, George Esq226
Skinner, Mrs226
Smith, Messrs226
Southcott, Johanna162
Spark, Mr208
Spark, Mr W226
Spark, Mrs William226
Staley, W T Esq226
Stead, Mrs226
Stephen, King15
Stevens, Venerable226
Stuart, Charles107
Swete, J B Esq226
Swete, Mrs J B226
Symonds, Mrs General226
Templeton, J Esq, MA226
Thomas, Mrs226
Toms, T A Esq226
Tonkin, Lady226
Tonkin, Sir Warwick Hele226
Townend, Miss226
Traies, W Esq188, 226
Treadwin, Mr J226
Trewman, J R Esq226
Tucker, Mr J T226
Tucker, Mrs Marwood226
Tucker, Rev Marwood226
Tucker, Mrs William226
Tufnell, Hon Mrs S226
Turner, G W Esq226
Wakley, J Esq226
Webber, T Esq226
Wellington, Duke of158
Wesley, Dr208
White, Mrs Admiral226
Wightwick, G Esq226
Williams, Mr T226
Winsor, Mr H226
Wright, Miss226
Yarde, Thomas Esq226
Young, Mrs Clifford226