


Militia List 1803, Parish of St Stephen, Exeter

Trewmans, Printers, High Street, Exeter

Devon Record Office, Miscellaneous Papers Box 5

The document is the property of Exeter City Council, and its transcript is provided here with their kind permission.

Transcribed by Iris Sutton

Abbreviations to names are as in the original document. The headings were written in full at the top of every column, these have been replaced by letters to save space. Errors in entering the information in columns are as in the original.



Constable's List (Militia List) of the Parish of St Stephen, Exon

Column Headings, originally written in full at top of each column.
A   1st Class, 17 to 30 unmarried and no children under 10 years
B2nd Class, 30 to 50 unmarried, and no children under 10 years
C3rd Class, 17 to 30 married, or two children under 10 years.
D4th Class, Remainder between 17 and 55.


NAMESDescriptionA           B           C           D           REMARKS
Thomas TamlynApprenticeyears 19    
Jno. ParkerGlazier   years 32Volunteer
J.W.AbbottMedical Man   37 
Nathl. ArnollHair Dresser years 33  Willing to Serve
Wm. GaleDo.years 22   Do.
W. GrocourMedical Manyears 24   Serving in London Cavalry
J. SeymourApprentice18    
Saml. SkinnerChaise Driver   52Willing to Drive Cattle
Jno. NewcombeGlover   44Willing to Serve
R.C.CampionAtty at Law24   Will Serve as Volunteer
Jno. MortimoreGuard of Mail Coach   45 
Robt. SparkesCabbinetmaker   43Serving as Volunteer
Zachry. KingdonLacemaker   53 
Francis KingdonDo.21    
Jno. BrownCoachmaker   32Willing to Serve
Wm. JohnsShoemaker  years 28 Infirm
Wm. NashShopman 31  Serving in the Army of Reserve
Wm. WilcocksPorter26   Willing to Serve
Seth Hyde Junr.Shopman20   Do.
Seth Hyde Sen.Draper   40Do.
Jno. ClawOstler   54Has been Drawn
James BurdTurner   36Volunteer
Jno. UpcottStone Cutter   35Do.
Wm. CursonLiberian26   Serving as Volunteer
Wm IsaacAccomptant20   Willing to Serve
C. Woodley 29    
Wm NationTobacconist   41Infirm
Robt. VanstoneFootman  33  
Wm. PiperHair Dresser   34Serving in City Cavalry
Edwin WilliamsSurgeon25    
Edwd. PennyHair Dresser20   Willing to serve as Volunteer
Jno. RoweGrocer 26  Do.
Jno. BustardChandler   33Volunteer
R. BaleStone Cutter    Do.
Jno. TidboaldLinen Draper   40Willing to serve
Jno. LuxtonApprentice    Do.
Jas. LukeGrocer   43Do.
J. AshfordServant20   Do.
Robt. BurnTaylor20   Serving in Volunteers
Joseph CoombeDo.18    
Thomas SpragueShoemaker   40Willing to serve
James ArrandallDealer in Spirits   Years 48Coll. Grangers
Penon L StookeDraper  Years 30 Willing to serve as a volunteer
Chas. StookePainterYears 28   Do.
Jas. GreenLinen Draper Years 49   
Jno. TristShopman 31  Volunteer
Wm HarrodMusical Inst. Maker  26 Do.
Peter GlanvilleLabourer   42Blind in one Eye
Jas ParnallVictualer   37 
Chas. BoutcherBrushmaker  28 Willing to serve
Jno. SymesApprentice17   Do.
Jno. StonemanHair Dresser   41Volunteer
Matthew PilbrowGlazier25   Do.
Elias CarterUpholsterer24   Serving in Yeoman Cavalry
Thos. GrangerWine Merchant   47 
Jno. PaulkJoiner   46Willing to bear Arms
Robt. BowdonChaise Driver   50 
J. JonesCoachman   48Incapable
Fortescue MelhuishShopman   48 
M.J. Fox    40Officer in the navy
W. GlubbAttys Clerk19    
Saml. SoperCabinetmaker  28 Will serve as a volunteer
G. RoweGent  29 Do.
Chas GaleHairdresser   53Complaint in his right arm
Saml. FurseTurner     
R. H. HammiltonWriter   43Past Age
Thos. LoneyChairman   53 
Geo. Loney     Troubled with Fits
Jno. HooperPorter   55Willing to serve
Jno. AdamsSilversmith   47Infirm
Jno. Adams JunrApprentice18    
Edwd. Hewish AdamsDo.17    
Joseph HeadDo.17    
Saml. SoperCabinetmaker  30 Capn. Floud's Artillery
Saml JonesChairman   55 
Joseph TristJeweler   33Willing to serve
Sampson TrehaneWatchmaker    Do.
Richd.WoodmanCoachmaker26   Serving in Volunteers.
Richd. GriffithDo.24   Capn. Flouds Artillery
Thomas MedlandHaberdasher   32 
Richd. MedlandDo.17    
James LottHosier & Hatter   53Willing to serve
Edwd. LottAccomptant17   Do.
Philip PatchApothecary 46   
Richd. PerrymanBaker   39 
Jno. SkinnerWatchmaker26    
James SkinnerDo.20    
Moses MillerCoachman   43 
Jno. Ball JunrHellier23   Volunteer in Coll. Grangers
Sydm. PippinSurgeon   52 
Jno. ChanningJoiner  28  
Geo. DickerDo.28 Single    
John BaselyDo.21    
 Total346840Vol. 16 Infirm 8

W. Wills,     Constable