


Militia List 1803, Parish of St Paul's and Bradninch, Exeter

Trewmans, Printers, High Street, Exeter

Devon Record Office, Miscellaneous Papers Box 5

The document is the property of Exeter City Council, and its transcript is provided here with their kind permission.

Transcribed by Iris Sutton

Abbreviations to names are as in the original document. The headings were written in full at the top of every column, these have been replaced by letters to save space.




Constable's List (Militia List) of the Parish of Saint Paul & Bradninch, Exon

Column Headings, originally written in full at top of each column.
A   1st Class, 17 to 30 unmarried and no children under 10 years
B2nd Class, 30 to 50 unmarried, and no children under 10 years
C3rd Class, 17 to 30 married, or two children under 10 years.
D4th Class, Remainder between 17 and 55.



NAMESDescriptionA           B           C           D           REMARKS
First Class      
Andrew Davy Junr.Smith20 Yrs old    
Andrew BricePrinter29    
Saml. CornishChandler24   Volunteer serving
Edw. TremlettApprentice19   Willing to serve
J.C.DaveyAccomptant18   Do.
Thos. CampionGent23   Serving
Jas. NorringtonStaymaker20    
John DeanSurgeon21    
Rd. BrownPorter30   Volunteer
Wm. PonettCabinet maker30   Do.
Wm. Bartlett 19   Do.
Wm. PetersSmith23   Exeter Artillery
Abm. KingdonJoiner23    
Wm. Stempson 20    
John WilcocksLabr.26   Willing to serve
Ezekl. AbrahamJew22   Do.
Stephen HugginsApprentice19   Do.
John Hole Junr.Baker22   Volunteer
Wm. CannonSilkdyer26   Infirm
Thos. Fowler 26   Willing to serve
Wm. WebberTurner20   Do.
George DownsCarpenter22   Infirm discharged
Fred FoneJoiner21   Volunteer
John FoneJoiner19`   Volunteer
John BrightApprentice17   Willing to Serve
Wm. MelluishLabrer27    
Wm. NapperHairdresser20   Willing to serve
Robt. CartwrightScrivener26    
John Roberts 18    
John SilleyHellier21   Volunteer
Thos. MackApprentice18   Do.
Edwd. TapleyAttys. Clerk25   Do.
John PalmerServant20   Do.
Thos. JefferyApprentice20   Do.
Wm Hicks Junr.Builder22   Serving as Artificer
Rd. N. TurnerArithmetician23   Willing to serve
John HarrisSurgeon23   Do.
Wm. D. TauntonGent20   Serving in London
Thos. A. CauseyGent23   Willing to serve
Jas. S. TaylorPainter24   Do.
John SandersComber21   Do.
Wm. WyattJoiner20   Willing to serve
Jas. MatthewsCooper19   Do.
Isaac LazarusJew27   Do.
Thos. Pinn 20   Volunteer
Chas. GayCordwainer22   Lame
John Davey 22   Do.
Chas. GordenApprentice20    
Wm. CambdenCordwainer18   Volunteer serving
John ManleyHellier21    
Wm. HamiltonMidshipman27    
Edwd. DipstallJoiner    Volunteer
Harry JamesArticled Clerk23    
John LantonyApprentice19   Willing to serve
Danl. TaylorDo.17    
Jas. MarkerJoiner26    
Wm. Portman TrumpCordwainer17   Willing to serve
Thos. BerryGent.19    
Jas. HineDo.21    
Wm GregoryShopman21   Volunteer
John NorrisSurgeon etc.19   Willing to serve
Wm. SarellApprentice20   Volunteer serving
Wm. MugfordServant20    
Wm. SaundersInmate24    
Robt. SaundersDo.22    
Wm HaywardApprentice17    
Second Class      
Henry Tomkins  43  Infirm
Phillip Steer      
Geo. DyerLabrer 39  Willing to serve
John Smith  31  Infirm
Isaac HartJew 37  Willing to serve
John HutchingsBanker 32  Serving
Wm. Downey  31  Willing to serve
Jas. DarkCordwainer 49  Infirm
John Eales  50   
Saml. PierceAtty at Law 44  Incapable
Phil HowellCabn. Maker 41  Willing to serve
        SolomonJew 36  Do.
Chris Melony  40   
Rch. FloydeCordwainer 43  Willing to serve
H. TozerGlazier 50  Infirm
Wm. GrangerCapt in the Navy 34   
Wm. KendallAtty. 34   
  6616  Vol.18 Infirm 8
Third Class      
Thos. Pike   27 Exeter Artillery
John Lambe   27 Serving
James Western   22 Volunteer
John RousePumpmaker  26 Do.
Jas. Baxter   27 In Artillery
Wm. Lane Pocock   22 Volunteer
John SoperLabourer  30 Willing to serve
Wm SoperBrass founder  26 Do.
Wm. TaylorPewterer  25 Do.
Saml. StockerSergemaker  25 Serving
Thos. WoodCordwainer  26 Volunteer
Thos. BodleyServant  30 Willing to serve
Isaac WillsHair Dresser  25 Do.
Danl. Curry   25 Volunteer
Wm. Roberts   29 Willing to serve
Wm. Stoneman   28 Artillery
John Orchard   23 Do.
Danl. Bryne   30 Do.
Wm. Isaac   27 Do.
John ComminsCheesemonger  30 Willing to serve
J.PeperellShopman  24 Do.
David Dawson   26 City Calvary
R. ShapeleyPewterer  25 Vol. Serving
Jas. Stook   22 Disabled
A. CongramJoiner  26 Vol. Serving
John WarrenAtty  30 Devon Cavalry
Fourth Class      
Robert BraggCordwainer   43Infirm
Rich. May    50Willing to serve
Jas. MelonyCurrier   46 
Saml. Baddley      
Andrew DavyBlacksmith   50 
Jos. TuckerPainter   42 
Wm. Tuckett    40 
Phil BakerChimney sweep   46 
Thos BricePrinter   54Infirm
Edw. HillLabourer   42A Volunteer
Jonathan HowellJoiner     
John RedHellier   33Infirm
Thomas Morse      
John Hayes    40 
Rich. Peeke      
John Randallaccomptant   52Infirm
  66162612Vol 28 Infirm 13
Col. Maclean      
Thos. HooperBuilder   41Willing to serve
Wm. DaveyNotary public   46Infirm
Wm. ManleyLabourer   43Willing to serve
Saml. HooperDo.   42Do.
Geo. Copp      
Wm. Clements    59Infirm
John Smith    31 
Thos. McNamaraSmith   39Ex. Artillery
Rd. Screetch    46Willing to serve
S. Wills    45Infirm
Jno. GreenAtty   44Willing to serve
Chas. WoolcombeSurgeon   43Infirm
David Glenn    47Serving
Jas. NorringtonStaymaker   45Pensioner
John LaveryPorter   43Infirm
John NealBricklayer   45Willing to serve
Edmd. PyeLinendraper   35Do.
Phil. SteerMaltster   34Do.
John Banfill    46Volunteer
John Bartlett    43Willing to serve
John SetterCarver   54Lame
Wm. SearleFuller   36 
John Towill      
Geo. HutchingsJoiner     
Robt. Saunders      
John SlomanOstler   40 
Thos. CookCordwainer   42Deaf
Robt. Tuckett    36Willing to serve
Jos. NosworthyCurrier   35Deaf
Geo. AventJoiner   43Willing to serve
Chris. Pidler [Pedler?]Servant   46Do.
John CurtisBrassfounder   38Do.
Wm. WebbBrushmaker   31Disabled
John Hole    55Do.
John ChickSergemaker   45Willing to serve
Henry FlashmanCabinet Maker   39Do.
Wm. Westlake    36A Volunteer
Wm Harris    48Willing to serve
Wm. SandersStaffbearer   50 
Wm. EasterbrookDo.   56 
Wm. GandyCordwainer   50Willing to serve
Wm. MorganStaffbearer   53 
  66162650Vol 31 Infirm 23
John HoneCordwainer   50Willing to serve
Joel BrightTinman   45Do.
Richd. JordanVictualler   45City Cavalry
Jas. Merrifield    56Willing to serve
Ben NapperBarber   56Do.
Chas. Buz VigusPainter   47Do
John GullickGardener   44Disabled
Robt. Hutchinson    35 
Jas. May    36Volunteer
John Gandy    37 
Saml. ArthurShopkeeper   38 
Saml. ConibeerTaylor   46Willing to serve
Wm. Elson    50Infirm
Phil. AbbottExcise Officer   34Willing to serve
John RawlingScrivener   38 
John Heas    45 
Wm. RichardsonMariner   42 
Thos. MogridgeCheesemonger   52 
Rd. GlanvilleSmith   34Willing to serve
Jas. Beer    35Do.
Wm. HuttonBaker   44Exeter Volunteers
John DollingLabourer   48Do.
Stephen WentonGlass cutter   32Do.
Wm. SmeathBrushmaker   39Infirm
Jas. MackPapermaker   46Willing to serve
Thos. MayneFishmonger   45Do.
John GibbonsArmy Purveyor   33 
John BruttonAtty.   38Willing to serve
John LaskeyCabinet maker   55 
John CuthbertsonVictualler   48Willing to serve
John WatlingWireworker   41Do.
Saml. Morecombe    31Do.
Jas. HumphreysLinen draper   55Do.
Wm. JenkinsMason   55Do.
Nichs. BicknellJoiner   46Artillery
Jas. SatterlyHellier   48 
Jno. ForceJoiner   40Willing to serve
Edwd. TuckettBuilder   42Do.
Wm. SnowMaltster   47Do.
John Davis    45Infantry
Thos. SandfordVictualler   43City Cavalry
Robt. Morrish    52Willing to serve
Alex. BuzzacottCooper   36Do.
Geo. Addley    35Pensioner infirm
Wm. Gullick    37Willing to serve
Wm. ParsonsSilver Smith   31Do.
Saml. CameCordwainer   36Volunteer
Rd. PiperMaltster   34Do.
Wm. LakeVictualler   37City Cavalry
Henry (Wilmot ?)Wilmot   51 
Jas. ConnettCarter   32City Cavalry
     101Vol 40 infirm 27
Wm. FarleyLathmaker   42Willing to serve
Geo. BoneCordwainer   40Infirm
Wm. HackworthyDo.   50Willing to serve
Mark GriffithsDo.   45Infirm
John SoperOstler   31 
Geo. RobertsCordwainer   46Incapable
Fras. WilliamsClergyman   27 
Wm. JamesGent.   54Infirm
Wm. TaylorPewterer   51 
Wm. HatherlyGardener   36Militia
Jos. Sparrow    40Vol. serving
Amos PotterTaylor   55Willing to serve
Robt. TrumpCordwainer   45Do.
Robt. EbblesMill Carpenter   50Do.
Martin Nowland    33Artillery
Jonathan ReynoldsWoolcomber   55Willing to serve
Wm. East    32 
Thos. FurlongGent.   35Willing to serve
Wm. SwaleHousekeeper   35 
W.C.BanfillDo.   37 
John PidsleyGent.   37Willing to serve
Wm. MugfordThatcher   45City Cavalry
Robt. OliverTaylor   54Incapable
  661626124vol 42 infirm 33
15th August 1803 Thos. Tucker     Constable