


Militia List 1803, Parish of St Olave, Exeter

Trewmans, Printers, High Street, Exeter

Devon Record Office, Miscellaneous Papers Box 5

The document is the property of Exeter City Council, and its transcript is provided here with their kind permission.

Transcribed by Iris Sutton

Abbreviations to names are as in the original document. The headings were written in full at the top of every column, these have been replaced by letters to save space. Errors in entering the information in columns are as in the original.




Constable's List (Militia List) of the Parish of Saint Olave, Exon

Column Headings, originally written in full at top of each column.
A   1st Class, 17 to 30 unmarried and no children under 10 years
B2nd Class, 30 to 50 unmarried, and no children under 10 years
C3rd Class, 17 to 30 married, or two children under 10 years.
D4th Class, Remainder between 17 and 55.



NAMESDescriptionA           B           C           D           REMARKS
John CoupeFrench clergyman 1  Foreigner
Robt BrinlyCurrier1   Volunteer
Thomas TothillPainter   1Do.
John HartleyDo.  1 Discharged man
Willm. Cambridge    1 
John SalisburyUpholsterer   1Constable
Chas. SeymourCabinet Maker1   Volunteer
Benj. CampButcher   1 
Willm. EllisDo.1    
Jonas LeyInmate1   Willing to serve
Thomas LeyDo.1   Resident of Exeter College
Thos. B. BurnettApothecary 1   
John BurnettPlumber 1  Willing to serve
James ScottCordwainer   1Volunteer
Willm. LuckeyVictualler 1  Do.
John B CresswellMerchant   1 
Thos. EbblesJoyner   1Volunteer
Rowland NevettLocksmith  1 Do.
John RichardsCabinet Maker  1 Willing to serve
John HiggsJourneyman Hatter   1 
Chas. CunninghamHatter  1 Willing to serve
Willm. BrimleyCurrier  1  
Jas. GoldsworthyMachine makr.1   Volunteer
John BallDo.1   Willing to serve
James BennettCabinet Makr.  1 Do.
John HooperShopkeeper   1 
Willm. King   1  
Willm. HartTaylor   1Willing to serve
John ForceNotary Public   1Do.
Wm. Hy. ForceJoyner1   Apprentice & Do.
John PulmanPaper Stainer  1 Volunteer
James BonnerLabourer   1Infirm
John BussellArticled Clerk1   Willing to serve
  94812Vol 9 Infirm 4
Willm. PearceMason   1 
John Beavis    1Infirm
John Davis    1 
Joseph BakerVictualler   1Willing to serve
Willm. CrossButcher   1Willing to be a Drover
Willm. BartrumDo.   1Do. Do.
Richd. EvansDruggist 1  Willing to serve
John EvansDo.1   Do.
Francis SampsonTaylor   1Constable
Frans. Sampson Junr.Do.1   Volunteer
Saml. HaymanDo.1   Apprentice
Rich. Brooke 1   Willing to serve
James DavisHaymaker   1Do.
Geo. HoughtonDruggist   1Constable
Robt. NorrisCordwainer   1Infirm
Willm. KnapmanButcher  1 Volunteer
John BurnettDo.   1Do. Artillery
Geo. CockramHairdresser   1Do.
John WoodburyCordwainer1   Drawn in ye Army Reserve
Robt. VinnicombePainter1   Infirm
Willm. GermanButcher1   Volunteer
John LukeIronmonger   1Willing to serve
John HiggsHatter   1 
Amos CrossDo.1   Apprentice
Arthur VenstoneShopman  1 Willing to serve
Thos. SteerPorter 1  Do.
James MooreStonecutter  1 Volunteer
John FerrisPewterer   1Willing to serve
Willm. FollandWatchmaker  1 Do.
James StrongBaker  1  
Willm. ReeceDo.1   Apprentice
Robt. WilliamsSadler   1Infirm
John NortonButcher 1  Volunteer
  1871328Vol 14 Infirm 10
Edwd. DarkeButcher   1Volunteer
Thos. GordonTaylor  1 Do.
Willm. WrightButcher1   Do.
James RichardsCooper   1Willing to serve
John WoodDo.1   Do.
James PulmanSawyer  1 Infirm
John WrightCooper1   Apprentice
Cornelius Clark    1Volunteer
Abram James    1 
Saml. MortimerAttorney1    
Robt. BrutonMaltster    Willing to serve
William GeorgeInmate   1Do.
John MiltonMaltman1   Do.
William SouthcombeGardner   1Deaf discharged
Robt. ClampettJoyner   1Volunteer
James SmithCorkcutter   1 
Phillip SextonLabourer   1Volunteer
Isaac ByneTemplate Worker  1 Do.
Edwd. ByneSilversmith  1 Do.
Thos. BearneCordwainer  1 Infirm
Richd BurgoyneWheelwright  1 Willing to serve
Edwd. ClampettPorter   1Infirm
Robt. WollcottCordwainer   1 
Willm. WoolcottDo.1   Apprentice
Chas. CampionParish Clerk   1 
Henry SweetVictualler   1 
John NorthMiner   1Incapable
Moses CohenSilversmith   1Willing to serve
Hayman Cohen      
John SoutheyShopman   1 
Thomas HalseCooper   1 
James RoweDo.1   Willing to serve
William WilliamsDo.1   Do.
Richard NeyleFishhook maker   1 
Barnard Samuel 25    
Solomon Neten 20    
Abraham Jacob 22    
Vol 22 infirm 14


J.C. Wilcocks                    
F. Sampson,     Constables