


Militia List 1803, Parish of St Mary Steps, Exeter

Trewmans, Printers, High Street, Exeter

Devon Record Office, Miscellaneous Papers Box 5

The document is the property of Exeter City Council, and its transcript is provided here with their kind permission.

Transcribed by Iris Sutton

Abbreviations to names are as in the original document. The headings were written in full at the top of every column, these have been replaced by letters to save space. Errors in entering the information in columns are as in the original.




Constable's List (Militia List) of the Parish of St Stephen, Exon

Column Headings, originally written in full at top of each column.
A   1st Class, 17 to 30 unmarried and no children under 10 years
B2nd Class, 30 to 50 unmarried, and no children under 10 years
C3rd Class, 17 to 30 married, or two children under 10 years.
D4th Class, Remainder between 17 and 55.



NAMESDescriptionA           B           C           D           REMARKS
Rt. NewcombeSmith   1Volunteer
John Beer  1  Will serve if Wanted
Robt RidgwayMasonDeaf1  Do.
Jos. TownshendDyer 1  Do.
John TownshendJoiner1   Do.
Wm. AnnanTraveler 1  Do.
Rt. Hoadgate   1 Do.
Rd. GayDealer in Fish   1Do.
Wm. LandryDyer   1Do
Rt. ShapcottFuller 1  Do.
Wm. AbleChimny Sweep   1Do.
John WoodBaker  1 Do.
Wm. LangworthyMiller   1Volunteer
Danl. MardonJoiner1   Do.
Rd. ElliotTaylor1   Do.
Thos. ClarkMiller  1 Do.
John WillsonGardner1   Willing to serve
Rt. ChudleighHellier 1  Do.
Wm. DoodsLabourer  1 Do.
John DillenGardner1   Do.
Wm. FordDyer1   Do.
Thos. VaughnIvory Worker  1 Volunteer
Henry BartlettBaker 1  Willing to serve
John RickardWatch Maker1   Do.
James RickardEngraver1   Do.
Wm. StevensSmith  1 Volunteer
Edwd. TwigsFelmonger  1 Willing to serve
Wm. UpcottWeaver 1  Do.
John JointLabourer 1  Do.
John BerryWeaver 1  Volunteer
James BerryLabourer1   Willing to serve
Saml. PooleDyer1   Volunteer
Geo. WarrenDo.1   Apprentice
Wm. WannacottHusbandman   1Willing to serve
Wm. EllisDo.   1Do.
John RickardWatch Maker    Infirm
John BarrettLabourer   1Will serve if wanted
Samuel AlfordDo.1   Do.
J. BroomGardner   1Will crisp the wings of the French Frog Eaters
  12879Vol 9 Infirm 1
John Lang   1  
John Dibden 1    
Wm. Haywood    1 
Thos. BedfordBroker   1Lost one Eye
John PaulingCooper   1Infirm
John Pauling Junr 1   Volunteer
John BestSmith   1Give Bonnyparte Mungle Turnes
Roger DenshamLabourer 1  Not Able to Carry Arms
James WrightMarriner   1Great Guns
John JohnsonBrazier1   Willing to serve
Wm. TurnerBuilder   1Artificer to Genl Simcoe
Frans. Turner 1   Willing to Serve
Geo. Turner 1   Do.
Jon. WestLabourer1   Do.
John PearceMason   1Do.
Wm. Addicott    1Infirm
Wm. CraneSmith1   Willing to Serve
Fedrk. CraneDo.1   Do.
John Ayers    1Do.
Wm. DiscombeShopman1   Serve if Required
John Discombe 1   Do.
Josh. Tothell 1   Volunteer
Josh MatthewsDyer1   Will serve if Wanted
Walter DavyLabourer   1Do.
Rt. BartlettJoiner   1Do.
John EllisWeaver   1Do.
Francis EllisWeaver1   Objected twice
Saml. DrewDyer1   Volunteer
Wm. GlareSmith1   Do.
L. W. WilliamsJoiner   1Do.
Henry BoardGlazier  1 Do.
Chrisr. EamesMason   1Willing to serve
Wm. SavageHellier1   Volunteer
Wm. HaddyLabourer 1  Willing to serve
John GodfreyPressman  1 Disabled
Thos. EbblesFuller   1Will serve
Abr. HuxtableLabourer   1Do.
James SmithHellier   1Do.
Josh. BeddleLabourer1   Do.
Henry BeddleDo.1   Do.
John ShapcotDyer1   Carry Arms
Rt. AdamsBrazer   1Volunteers
  31111027Vol 17 Infirm 6
Joseph EllisLabourer   16 children
Johs. Ellis Junr.Do.   1 
John RichardsonMillwright    Lame
Richd. MelluishMillman1   Volunteer
James WestlakeHellier1   Carry Arms
Charles BoucherDyer   1Lieut. in the Volunteers
John PeppernallLabourer 1  Discharged Seaman
Abram. StrangMillman   1 
John CameDo.   1Carry Arms
John HaneLabourer   1Fight sword in hand if the French comes
Rt. Hane     Cripple
Wm. StrongMillman  1 Carry arms
Saml. BradfordDo.1   Apprentice
Andw. MelhuishDo.  1 Volunteer
Wm. StrongMillman   1Ditto
Daniel StrangDo.1   Do.
Nathan BurtDo   1Willing to serve if wanted
John PyneDo.  1 Ditto
John CameDo 1   
George BennettDo.   1Carry Arms
Saml. CoxFuller   1 
Caleb Cox 1   Apprentice
Jos. RichardsonFuller   1 
Robt. GannicliftDitto   1Volunteer
Thos. TarSmith1   Ditto
Isaac ThornDitto1   Do.
John CousinsTaylor  1 Do.
Thos. BurtGlass Cutter1   Do.
Edwd. GoverLabourer   1Willing to serve
Wm. Stuckey 1   Ditto
John SouthcotHusbandman   1If Boneyparte comes will do anything to make him repent.
Richd. WarrenWaggoner   1Unfit for service
John EllworthyHusbandman   1Will mow down Bonny
Thos. Underhill    1 
Wm. GattyMiller   1Lame
John GattyDo.1   Volunteer
Edmond FosterJoiner   1Will serve if Wanted
George BodleyIron Founder   1Ditto
George Bodley Junr.Ditto1   Ditto
Wm BerryCheesemonger   1 
Wm. Ayers    1Ditto
John WarrenPressman   1Artillery
Wm. Vicary   1  
 Total42131550Vol 28 Infirm 10