


Militia List 1803, Parish of St Lawrence, Exeter

Trewmans, Printers, High Street, Exeter

Devon Record Office, Miscellaneous Papers Box 5

The document is the property of Exeter City Council, and its transcript is provided here with their kind permission.

Transcribed by Iris Sutton

Abbreviations to names are as in the original document. The headings were written in full at the top of every column, these have been replaced by letters to save space. Errors in entering the information in columns are as in the original.




Constable's List (Militia List) of the Parish of St Stephen, Exon

Column Headings, originally written in full at top of each column.
A   1st Class, 17 to 30 unmarried and no children under 10 years
B2nd Class, 30 to 50 unmarried, and no children under 10 years
C3rd Class, 17 to 30 married, or two children under 10 years.
D4th Class, Remainder between 17 and 55.



NAMESDescriptionA           B           C           D           REMARKS
Thomas HillWinemercht.   34In Voluntary Cavalry
Wm. BowritchServant22   Willing to serve as a volr.
Revd. Patch     Absent
Benjn. DryerUmbrella maker   43A Constable
Jacob JefferySadler25   A Volunteer
Edmd. Granger Esqr.    48A Deputy Lieutn.
Edwd. PerryServant   48 
Edwd. RogersHalfpay   47Cavalry
Jno. SellersCoach Driver   33 
Wm.Oxenham Junr.  31   
H. Oxenham 28   In Voluntary Cavalry
G. Oxenham 22   Ditto
Rd. Eales Esq.    44Ditto
Josh. GarlandServant   35Ditto
Edwd. DurhamCabint.maker23   A Volunteer
Jno. KittePewterer   31Willing to Serve as a Volr.
Wm. GammonLodger   39Willing to serve
Jno. RhodesTaylor29   A Volunteer
Wm. HillmanApprentice19    
Jno. HillHousekeeper   35Willing to serve
Thos. CooperLodger22   Willing to serve
James KempeDitto26   Infirm Crippled
Robt. PatchSurgeon   52 
Rd. CapernCoachman   44Infirm
Jno. CapernApprentice19   Willing to Serve
Wm. Salter     In Volr. Cavalry
Francis Twiggs    40A Volunteer
Jno. GliddonPlanemaker   32Willing Volunteer
Thos. Johnson    49Infirm
Henry Stone  35  A Volunteer
Jno. Miller    43A Volunteer
Jno. Miller Junr. 18   Ditto
Geo. Miller 17   Ditto
Jno. HaymanAccompt.29   Willing to Serve
Jno. WebberDitto 33  ditto
Thos. BullMaltster   37 
Wm. BealBaker   48Willing as Army Baker
Arthur PyeSchoolmaster   39Willing to serve
Jno. PrescottAccompt.   44Ditto
Wm. AungerTaylor   34In Volr. Cavalry
Jabez DunsfordCutler23   Willing to serve as Volr.
Danl. MooreUpholsterer  27 Willing to serve
Robt. HuntCarpenter   49 
Saml. Haycraft   30 A Constable
Henry EastlakeTaylor30    
Thos. BowdenSchoolmaster25    
Jno. GillConfectioner   54Army Baker
Jno. GillDruggist21   Willing to serve as a volr.
Robt DeakeVictualler   52Infirm
Wm. DunsfordCutler  25 Willing to serve as a volr. and to furnish 40 swords
Jno. PountryLodger25    
Robt. Taylor junr 25   Willing to Serve
Geo TaylorApprentice21   Ditto
Saml. EndicottServant to Coln. L     
Saml. MooreConfectioner   32Army Baker
J.S.MitchellCaptain    Impress Service
J. TitherlyCabinetmaker19   Volunteer
Thos. AdamsDruggist   35 
James LeakeyArtist26   Willing to serve
Josh. KeithLabourer  30 A Volunteer
Jno. ReedSadler  30 In Vol. Cavalry
Wm. PeakomeApprentice19    
Wm. Roberts     Drawn Man
Robert Pike     Infirm
Edwd. Evans     Ditto
Capt. Evans     24th Reg.
Captn. Tindall     9th Do.
Jas Lucraft     A Volunteer
Edwd. EvansServant19    
Jno. Maunder    44In the Militia
Rd. Winstone    50Infirm
Wm. Mills 18    
Thos. ClawTaylor   45Infirm
Annanias CollinsShoemaker   46Ditto
Wm. DaveySmith   43Volunteer
Geo. Townsend    42In Army of Reserve
Wm ManningBrewer   40A Volunteer
Thos. SmithChair Man   55 
Jno. PleaceSmith   55 
Jno. Pleace Junr.Do.19    
Thos. Bury   28 Willing to serve
Jas. Bury 29   Ditto
Jno. WaltersPrinter   46 
John BowenLabourer   35A Volunteer
Jno. BraggingtonShoemaker   56Willing to serve
Robt. RobertsBaker   35A Volunteer
Thos. TurnerDrawg. Master30   Willing to serve as Volr.
Robt. MaceyHorsekeeper   51Willing to serve
Robt. Macey Junr.Postboy  27 Absent in Wales
Thos. Rowe 30   A Volunteer
Wm. Blackmore    50Infirm
Philip Knot  33  Willing to serve
Jno. ThornsJoiner  26 Drawn in Army of Reserve
Jno. TozerBreeches maker20   Willing to serve
Isaac Thomas    51Ditto
Wm. ThomasApprentice20   Willing to serve
Josh. Acres    34A Volunteer
Wm. Wyatt    38A Pensioner
John Commings    32Willing to serve
Rd. Humphreys    49 
Ro. HumphreysApprentice18    
Phillip NottLabourer   33Willing to serve in Artillery
Henry SylvesterHellier   60Willing to serve
Henry SylvesterDitto30   Infirm
Francs. RumidgeSurgns. Apprentice20    
  334849Vol. 28 Infirm 15


Wm. Picksley                                             

William Wills,     Constables