


Militia List 1803, Parish of St David's, Exeter

Trewmans, Printers, High Street, Exeter

Devon Record Office, Miscellaneous Papers Box 5

The document is the property of Exeter City Council, and its transcript is provided here with their kind permission.

Transcribed by Iris Sutton

Abbreviations to names are as in the original document. The headings were written in full at the top of every column, these have been replaced by letters to save space. The entries are handwritten in what appears to be three different hands. There are also variations in the way children are recorded.



Constable's List (Militia List) of the Parish of St David's, Exon

Column Headings, originally written in full at top of each column.
A   1st Class, 17 to 30 unmarried and no children under 10 years
B2nd Class, 30 to 50 unmarried, and no children under 10 years
C3rd Class, 17 to 30 married, or two children under 10 years.
D4th Class, Remainder between 17 and 55.


NAMESDescriptionA           B           C           D           REMARKS
Willm. FordNurseryman28   willing to serve
Wm. SkinnerGardener   30, 1 childDo.
Edwd. BowdenVintner   41, 2 do. under 10serving in the Cavalry
James WoodOstler   53 
John QuickBoots19    
Wm. CullumPrinter  23, 1 ch. enrolled to serve in the Rifle Corps.
Richd. OsborneGardener  26 in the Volunteers
Geo WebbDepty. Receivr. General   31, 3 childn. 
John PierceTaylor   32, 1 do.willing to serve as a Volunteer
James DeaneSurveyor   32Do.
John Smeath 24   Volunteer
Thos. BidgoodLabourer   39willing to serve as a Volunteer
John KempHusbandman   45, 2 chn.Do.
Wm. TaylorWaiter   30, 2 do.Do.
Wm. CutcliffSurgeon   51, 3 do.willing to serve in a Medical Capacity
John Tapley 21   in the Volunteers
Thos. StreetSurgeon  25  
John AventSawyer 42  willing to serve
John KempTaylor18   Apprentice
Richd. MoxhayMusician20   willing to serve
Geo. Gale Snelling    55, 8 childn.Do.
Francis ParsonsSilver Smith   38, 2 do.Volunteer
Chas. StonemanCarpenter   55, 4 do.Infirm
John MorrisMail Guard   30 
John MountstephenDo.   31, 3 do. 
Wm. AdamsVintner   39, 2 do. under 10willing to serve
John EasterwayLabourer   39Do.
Elisha BonnerCarpenter   31, 3 chn. under 10Do.
Willm. Norris 20  47, 2 do. 
Thos. Walters  33   
Chs. KekewichClergyman 34   
John SayrsServant 45  willing to serve
Rich. VinerMail Guard  27, 2 chn. under 10  
John FrostApprentice17    
Saml. FlewellenWool sorter   45, 2 childn.Incapable of serving
Wm. GregoryShopman   35, 4 do.willing to serve
Isaac MadgeJoiner   32, 2 do.do.
Wm. Stephens    45, 3 do. 
Francis SouthGent    Captn. lieut. in the Exeter regiment of Volunteers
Wm. TapleyBrushmaker   31, 3 childn.Constable
[End of 1st page.]-------------------------74424Vol : 6 Infirm 3
Thomas WoodmanBaker  302 Chn.willing to serve
Azel SaveryDo.18   Do. Do.
Geo WinsborrowTaylor   52 2 Childnunwell
John HooperPrinter18    
John ThompsonApothecary 31  willing to serve in a Medical Capacity
Willm. TaylorThatcher   37, 4 Childn under 10 
John Kent   25, 2 Childn under 4  
Robt. BartholomewClerk   46 2 do. 
Hugh RowcliffServant 32  willing to serve
Daniel MillerLieu in the Navy  24 2 Childn.  
George HolmanVintner   55, 5 Childn. 
Thos. BrussettServant   55...(2 Children under 10) 
John CornallLabourer   36 2 do.willing, but incapable
John LeatsBookkeeper30    
Robt. HareChaise driver30    
John PhillipsPorter   35 
Wm MoodyHorsekeeper19    
Wm SilleyDo.28    
John SmaleBoots28    
John ClarkeHorsekeeper28    
John WattsWaiter28, 1child    
John ColemanLabourer   33 4 Childnwilling to serve
John TurnerGardener   42 6 doDo.
Wm OsborneDo.   42 3 dounfit for duty
James HamDruggist   22 1 doengaged to serve as a Volunteer
John KeenSchoolmaster   37 3 doCorporal in the Volunteers
Willm. Goss  42  Lame
Ben Goss  43  in the Volunteers
Thos ReynoldsMason   44 7 Childnwilling to serve
John RapjohnsCoachman   45 
Thos. RoddQr. Mastr on _ pay   42 I Child 
James HeganServant   46 4 do 
Edw. ChaveClergyman   33 1 do 
James BrownKeeper of the Goal   48willing to serve
John WilliamsFirst Turnkey26   Do
Henry Gardiner2nd do   40 3 ChildnDo
Wm WoodTraveller   32 2doDo
John CookeLabourer   55 1 do 
J. KendallStone Mason   34 3 do 
[End of 2nd page] 178747Vol. 8 Infirm 7v
John LethbridgePrinter   46 2 childrenwilling to serve as a Volunteer
Richard PierceDo.   35 4 doDo. Do.
Robert FrenchTaylor  25 2 Children in the Exeter Volunteers
John Gale SnellingApothecary23   willing to become a Volunteer
Henry MinchingtonFuller   40Exeter Volunteer
James HamiltonSilver Smith20   Apprentice
Andrew PridhamBaker17   Do.
Willm. BrownVintner   42Infirm
Rich. Bondofficer of Excise   44willing to serve
William IsswellSimple30   Infirm
Robert HoleClergyman    not resident
John ColesServant     
James ColmerDo.    serving in the Volunteers
William HardingInn Keeper  26 2 Children willing to serve
Wm. SummersServant 48  do. do.
Roger LewsmoreDo.23   Exeter Volunteers
Henry HobbsLabourer   55willing to serve
James PleaseDo.   45 2 ChildrenDo.
Wm. WoodwardDo   44 I Chd.Do.
Wm HooperDo   45 I do.Do.
Chs.WestcombBricklayer   33 1 do.Has been at Plymh. for 7 weeks past
John PittsStaymaker   49 6 ChildnInfirm
Richard DarkeButcher   55 7 do 
George Lakedo19   Apprentice
John Garmando19   do.
Thos. FouracresWheelwright   43 3 chn under 9willing to serve
Chs. HarwardWaiter   41 4 Childn.serving in the Cavalry
John JenningsBrushmaker   46 2 do.willing to serve
James JenningsDo.19   Apprentice
John BreyChaise driver   35willing to serve
Elias SalterCordwainer   46 3 Chn.Afflicted with the gout, but willing
Abraham PolockTraveller   48 4 do.willing to serve
Ezekiel Polockdo.23   Do.
Saml. Polock 21   in the volunteers
Wm. LuxtonCoachman   36 2 Childn.Honiton Volunteer
Robt. TrewmanHouse Keeper   36 7 do.in the Devon Cavalry
Joseph ChowneServant22    
Joseph ArscottSupervisor   45 3 Chnwilling to serve
Robt. LockLabourer   33 3 do.unfit for service
[End of 3rd page] 289970Vol 15 Infirm 14
Willm. PaddonBrushmaker   39 2 Childrenin the Exeter Volunteers
Daniel TobyCoach maker   32 2 do under 10willing to serve
Thos. WheelerClerk   32 
Richd. AyshLabourer 40  willing to serve
John BoynesStone mason20   Do.
W. H. Tonkinhousekeeper   49 2 Childn. 
W.H.Tonkin Junr. 20   serving in the army
L. BoltFootman   30 2 Childn.Willing to serve
Nathl. Finch    38 3 do.do.
John EscottLabourer   43 1 do.do.
[End of 4th page] 3010977Vol 17, Infirm 14.
    Age ChildrenAge Children 
John BrinnacombeGardener   43 1 
Robert Osborne Senr    51 2Absent from home
Robert Osborne Junr 21   Volunteer
Edward RoyleBrass founder  28 1 Volunteer
Wm Sewardropemaker   42 1willing to serve in his class
Wm. CaselyCordwainer   32 1Exeter Regiment
Charles TozerBrushmaker18   serve with the Firelock
Alexr. BurrGardener 46  Willing to serve
John JacobsVictualler   30 1Exeter Regt.
Wm Jennings    38 4willing to serve
James Ashford    32 2willing to serve
Richard Taylor    30 3Volunteer
Joseph PhilipsVictualler   51 2Carry Arms
John DoddHostler27   Carry arms
Silas WeeksHellier   39 4Exeter Regt.
Edward Weeksdo.20   Exeter Regt.
John Weeks 23   Unfit
Elias Weeks    37 4Sick
Benjamin Barratt   28 1 Volunteer
Robert Clark    55 2Invalid
Thomas Ellicot 18   Carry arms
John Pitts    51Willing to support King & Constitution
Edward ShooterTurner   35 4do. do.
Willm. EllisMason   46 3Incapable
John Hawsey 21   Volunteer
Joseph Roberts 20   for artillery
Timothy Rian    54Incapable
Thomas BellCarpenter   40 4Musquet
Wm. CarylSmith   42 4Yeomanry
Robert CountLabourer   31 3Infirm
Wm Pedrick 26   Able
Henry Pedrick 27   Infirm
Wm Head    46 2Disabled, but willing to assist
Benjn Mills    24 3Exeter Regt.
Wm LoramCordwainer21   Exeter Regt.
Wm MoxhayCordwainer   39 4Musquet
Wm MarksWoolsorter   38 4Musquet
Saml PartridgeHellier   38 1Musquet
Saml Abrahams 20   Exeter Regt.
Willm. Clampitt 25   Exeter Regt.
John Way    31Exeter Regt.
Edward DoneyCarpenter   35 4Incapable
Wm. ScoinsMason   32 3Incapable
Wm TaylorSoapboiler   54 2Bad Leg
George BakerJoyner   33 5ready to fight if the French come
Robert SparkeIronmonger   29 4Exeter Regt.
Thomas Warren    38 4Lame
Edward Battenpapermaker   37 2Volunteer
Benjamin Fulfordweaver   49 4 
Willm. Fulfordweaver17   Infirm, not fit for Service
Thomas Tothill   23 Exeter Regt.
James Sanders 19   Volunteer
Joseph CarterFuller   45 4Cannoneer
John MitchellJoyner   30 4Serve in case of Invasion
Francis VallanceCork cutter27   willing to serve if required
George TrookeCork cutter19   ditto
William CurryWeaver28    
Wm. CoxSergemaker   47 4Driver of Cattle
Wm. GibbonsBaker29   Volunteer
Thomas EyresBricklayer   54Infirm in the feet
[End of 5th page] 491113113Vol. 37 Infirm 26
John Collins 27   Volunteer
Richard Chace    53 1driver of Cattle
Egbert Moon 24   Volunteer
Saml. Wollcot   25 1 Volunteer
Arthur Soper    43 4 
Bartholomew Coombe    33 2Volunteer
John Ford    54 2Cattle Driver
Richard Hamlyn   24  
Thomas Cokerweaver   54 1 
Wm CokerApprentice17    
John Smaleweaver   40 4driver of Cattle
Thomas DillingLabourer   35 4ready to assist the Drill
John FordJoiner  24 willing and able
John TowillLabourer   35 3pioneer
John Roach Senr.    44 3Exeter Regt.
John Roach Junr. 17   Exeter Regt.
James TurnerGardener   32 2willing to take a Gun
Wm. CobleyWheelwright  27 1 attendant on Waggons
Thomas TobyJoiner  30 Pioneer
Philip MounceAccomptant   47 1Infirm, will do his best
Willm. PetersWeaver  28 Exeter Volunteer
Richard CruseSmith   32 2Yeomanry Corps.
John ScottJoiner   38 2Yeomanry Corps
Robert HemerAttorney   40 6Ready and willing to carry Arms in defence of his Country
Thomas DingleBaker21    
James Allenapprentice20    
Wm. HorwoodShopkeeper   46Incapable, sore leg
John Horwood 18   Incapable
Hugh BoltJoiner   28 3Exeter Regt.
John TremlettBrushmaker   46 4willing to serve
Wm. MarshCabinetmaker22   Exeter Regt.
Edward BackClergyman   32 1 
John ShuteGent   53Constable
John ColeridgeHouse keeper  26 2 ready to serve in his class
James ElderGent   41ready for his Class
Jonas DennisClergyman28    
John DennisClergyman26    
Saml. TremlettMerchant   51 
Rd. Henry TremlettApprentice17    
John TremlettDraper  27 1  
John Goodweaver   40 1Volunteer
George BoxCordwainer 50  Volunteer
Wm. TomkinsGent   54Lame and infirm
Robert SheapherdServant2   willing
Hugh BowdenGardener   52 4Rheumatic, but willing to serve
Wm. RoeLabourer   49 5Pioneer
Willm. Matthewsweaver   40Musquet
Anthony GibbsMerchant   48 2Infirm
Henry George Gibbsdo.17   leaves England soon
Willlm. MortimerServant  26 2  
Joseph TerwoodGardener   33 4Exeter Regt.
Mark Knight    40 2Exeter Regt.
John Evans   21 Exeter Regt.
Isaac Warren   29 Exeter Regt.
Thomas WhiteLabourer   47 2 
Nathl. GregoryPewterer  26 1 willing to serve
Wm. Seymour   25 1 Exeter Regt.
Thos Allen Senr.Cork cutter   48 3Serjeant in Exeter Regt.
Thos. Allen Junr. 17   to serve as a Volunteer
John Gubb   28 willing to serve
[End of 6th page.]----------------------631227144Vol 56 Infirm 33
Sampson ReynoldsGardener26    
William EvansFootman19    
R.T.CrossGentn.    At present Extremely ill
I.T.CrossDo.25   Willing to serve in case of Invasion
C.CrossDo.24   Do.
I DewdneyServant19   Do.
Simon FordApprentice19   Volunteer
William LongTinman22   Do.
Thomas PittsMilkman18   Willing to serve
John DawCordwainer20   Volunteer
John RichardsDo.22   Infirm
John HorrellServant17   Lame
William RichardsDo.23   Willing to serve
I. Hermn MerivaleEsqr.24   A visitor from Lincoln's Inn
Bn. Heath DruryDo.21   A visitor from King's College
Wm. ParkerButler29   Willing to serve
Wm. LucasGroom23   Do. Do.
John ClarkeServant 45  Do. Do.
Thomas WoodCordwainer 35  Serving as constable
Samuel ThomasLieut. In the Navy 33   
Samuel RobertsTurnpike Gate keeper   45Volunteer
John EllicombeLabourer   283 children
William TuckerWoolstapler   424 do. Willing to serve
John MerrivaleEsquire   513 Do. Do.
James BovettVictualer   451 Do. Volunteer
William ReedOfficer of Excise   462 Willing to serve
William HillWoolstapler   402 Do.
Abraham HillPapermaker   472 Willing to carry a Pick
John ChilcottTea Dealer   52Infirm
James KnightlyEsquire   53 
James YeendLabourer   453 Children Willing to serve
Isaac LandCork Cutter   554 Do. Infirm
Wm. FordLabourer   536 Do. A Driver
John HutchingsDo.   503Do. Do. Lame [same?]
Edward SouthwardDo.   466 Do. Willing to serve
Richard TremlettMerchant   50 _ 
Thomas CarterCarter   401 Do. Willing to serve
Nathaniel FinchHarness Maker   444 Do. Do.
Richard LangworthyBrewer   345 Do. Do.
George MartinWaggoner   322Do. Do.
John ArcottLabourer   45Do.
Wm PagetMedicine Doctor   604 Do.
Phillip WellingtonHusbandman   552 Do. Serve
John Lecky,,   371 Do. Do
Robt. Fish,,   58Infirm
John EastTaylor   505 Children Do.
Thomas UprightLabourer   303 Do. Do
[End of 7th page] 791527171Vol 61 Infirm 41
August 11th 1803      
    Age ChildrenAge Children 
Willm. Crofts   29 2 Able man
John VargurCabinet maker   47 2Willing to serve
Philip VargurBrushmaker19   Willing to serve
John SmeathTaylor24   Exeter Regt.
John Hopkins    50 3absent
Wm Grear 22   Volunteer
John ChilcotShopkeeper   52Infirm
Robert GoverSmith   35Driver of Cattle
James Webber   28 Exeter Volunteer
James Pullman 18    
George Thomas 18   Musquet
Robert Bryant    31 3Musquet
Wm. Bath 17   Exeter Volunteer
John Towill    38 3Pioneer
John Bidgood    34 1Musquet
Thomas Pulman 18   Exeter Volunteer
Ridhd. Risdon    46 
Geo. Sillifant    43 2Musquet
Rd. Bancroft    53Musquet
Joseph Eyres    51Driver of Cattle
James Stokespensioner   39Infirm
Charles Squire    39 4Musquet
Thomas WoodCordwainer   35 2Constable
John RichardsDo.22   Infirm
John DaweDo.20   Exeter Volunteers
John HookwayHostler   45 3Infirm
Israel StonePedlar   35 1Infirm
[End of 8th page] 881529187Vol. 67 Infirm 47
Wm. Tapley Constable