(Corn Millers and Dealers - Oil and Colourmen)
The figures in the preceding INDEX refer to those attached in parenthesis to the various HEADS OF TRADES AND PROFESSIONS, and shew under which the Address of any Person or Firm may be found
From White's Devonshire Directory of 1850
Blackmore Jph., Powbay New Mill
Buckland George, Cricklepit, and 112 Fore street
Carthew Oliver, Exwick
French John D., St Ann's terrace
French Wm. Kenton Mills, & l Paris st
Hemens Sarah, Round Tree mill
Shore Thomas, Exwick
Strong James & Son, Powhay mills
Upright James, City mills
Woodbridge Wm. 124 Fore street
Branch Thomas, 117 Fore street
Burrington Frederick, 164 Fore st
Davy Wm. and Son, 33 South st
Dyer S., Goldsmith street
Ferris Edw. Bussell, 70 Sidwell st
Hearn Frederick, 32 New Bridge st
Hearn Samuel, 95 North street
Hill Richard (cutter,) 84 Fore st
Hookway Wm. 32 Bridge street
Hutchings Charlotte, Cowick st
Lendon Henry, Waterbeer street
Pridham Wm. 2 Mary Arches st
Rew James, 6 Castle street
Wreford Robert Wm., Coombe st
Dunsford Matw. Lichegary, 165 Fore st
Dunsford Richard, 55 High street
Fouracres Edwin Geo., 2 South st
Nurton David, Alphington street
Allen James, 4 King's alley
Alford E., Okehampton road
Ash Wm., Paris street
Beer R., Catherine street
Butland John, 8 Clifton road
Butland Nicholas, St James street
Canes Sarah, 22 St Sidwell street
Chalice John, Cowley Barton
Connett Jeremiah, Lower North st
Discombe John, Rack street
Eardley Thomas, Heavitree road
East Henry, Mint
Esworthy Wm., Salutary court
Fowler Samuel, 11 Russell street
Good Charles, Smythen street
Gray Frederick, Black Boy road
Hamlyn John, 6 Little Silver terrace
Harris Francis, New Mount Radford
Hill John, Albion place
Hodges James, Commercial road
Hook Thomas, Magdalen street
Honeywill Susan, West street
Kelley John, Okehampton street
Kent Mary, Barrack road
Knight Wm., King street
Luke Richard, Market street
Marley John, 2 Magdalen street
Martin John, North lane, H.
Martin Joseph, Cowick street
Matthews J., Topsham road
Mead Richard, Bartholomew street
Merivale Wm., Stepcote hill
Morgan James, Commercial road
Newberry Wm., Magdalen road
Parker Bartholomew, Cowick street
Perrell Wm., Mary Arches street
Satterley John, 5 Summerland st
Snow Susan, Coombe street
Snow Wm. 17 Longbrook street
Soper Wm., West street
Stamp Joseph, West street
Stoneman Joseph, Black Boy road
Stoneman Thomas, St Sitwell st
Taylor John, Preston street
Taylor Wm., Lower North street
Tothill Robert, North lane, H.
Treble John, Old Tiverton road
Tucker Thomas, Alphington st
Underhill Hugh, Alphington st
Way John, Paul street
Wellington Thomas, Cowick st
Wright James, St David's hill
Cartwright Edward, 23 Dix's field
Farthing John, Upper Southernhay
Fox Robert Were, 7 Southernhay pl
Groves Brothers, 2 East Southernhay
Hele Samuel, Dispensary, Queen st
Huntley Henry Frederick, 11 High st
King Norman, 7 Bedford circus
King Edward John, Cathedral yard
Levander James, 2 Crescent row
Sheffield Thos., Palace gt; h Vic. ter
(45) DRUGGISTS. (Wholesale.)
Cooper George, 101 Fore street
Evans Alfred & Co. 98 Fore street; house 6 Bystock terrace
Froom Wm. Jacobs, 11 North st
Holman and Ham, 187 High st
Husband Mattw. & Co., Waterbeer st
Lang Isaac, 95 Fore street
(46) DYERS, &c.
Ford John, 73 South street
Heathcote John H. 69 St Sidwell st
Poole Samuel, Exe island
Powning Ambrose T., Paul street
Salter Charles, 28 New Bridge st
Shapcott John, 25 Holloway street
Tibbs Eliz. 29 New Bridge street
Warren John, West street
Alford Robert Wm., Goldsmith st
Avent E., Fish market
Bennett Wm. 74 St Sidwell skeet
Blacking Priscilla, 1 South street
Bowcher Wm. D. 2 Castle street
Brooks Thomas, 93 North street
Brown Elizabeth, Upper West st
Canes Sarah, 22 St Sidwell street
Cox John, Mary Arches street
Dymond Wm., Elmfield place
Fagan Charles, Coombe street
Fletcher Richard, 2 South street
Grant John, 35 St Sidwell street
Hurst John, Paul street
Ireland John, 66 St Sidwell street
Jenkins James, Cowick street
Johns Richard, Goldsmith street
Lake Mary, Higher Market
Mackenzie John, 3 Milk street
Maunder John, 4 Milk street
Pear George, 103 St Sidwell street
Risdon Sarah, 3 Milk street
Skinner Sarah, 21 North street
Skinner Samuel, 121 St Sidwell st
Snell Matilda, 91 South street
Stoneman Wm., Exe Bridge
Spratt Elizabeth, 34 South street
Western Thomas, Lower North st
Wood Wm., Sun street
(See Ironfounders and Surveyors.)
Cruickshank John W., Cowick st
Dawson Wm. 7 Northernhay place
Dymond Robert, 10 Bedford Circus
Grant John, 12 Castle street
Taperell Nichs. & Son, 5 Queen st. and 15 Albion place
Webb Henry, 9 Longbrook terrace
Whitehead Arthur, 136 Fore street
(49) ENGRAVERS, &c.
Angel Owen, 94 Fore street
Frise and Marker, 3 Palace gate
Jenkins Wm. 129 St Sidwell street
Lewis and Eveleigh, 18 Magdalen st
Pim Wm. Deanery place
Southard Mathw. (printer,) Bear st
Walker John, Upper Paul street
Willis Wm. 3 Waterbeer street
Worton James P., James street
Clarke Samuel, 228 High street
Howe Thos. (Bazaar,) 207 High st
Levi Joseph, 179 Fore street
Spalding John, 32 High street
Branch Thomas, Commercial road
Tanner James Jones, (and leather dresser,) Westgate yard
Agricultural Cattle and Atlas, C. Richards, 8 Bedford circus
Alfred Life, G. F. Truscott, Bedford st
Alliance, E. A. Copleston, Queen st
Anchor Life, S. B. Hodgson, Gandy st
Argus Life, T. W. Gray, North bdg
Architects', Builders', &c. J. Mason, Qy
Australasia and Colonial Life, A. Holden, High street
Britannia, G. H. Drake, Paul street
British, G. Bigwood, New Bridge st
British Guarantee, E. A. Copleston, 10 Queen street
Church of Engd. R. Dewdney, 82 Fore st
Clerical and Medical, T. E. Drake, jun. New buildings
Commercial and Legal, J. Bannehr, Bedford street
County and Provident, J. Gendall, Cathedral yard
Defender, G. A. Moore, 71 Paris st
Eagle, C. Brutton, Northernhay
Economic Life, T. Higgins, Coombe st
Engineers', Masonic, &c. Life, A. and W. Tucker, 9 Bridge street
English and Scottish Law Life, M. Fryer, Cowick street
Equity and Law Life, M. Kennaway, 12 Southernhay place
Etonian Life, C. F. Williams, Palace st
European Life, H. M. and J. B. Ellicombe, Upper Southernhay
Experience Life, S. H. Sanders, Dury. pl
Family Endowment, R. Hake, Brthw. pl
Farmers' & General, Ths. Hussey, Waybrook; and J. Bowring, High st
Freemasons' and General, E. W. Paul, Close; & Rt. Tripp, Bedford chmbrs
General, J. Rowse, Paris street
General Annuity, G. F. Truscott, Bdfd st
General Reversionary & Investment, C. Brutton, 1 Northernhay place
Globe, Wm. Lambert, jun. Close
Great Britain, J. Toby, Castle st
Gresham Life, T. D. White, Queen st
Guarantee Society, F. Sanford, 6 Musgrave's alley
Guardian, J. Laidman, Bedford cir
Hand in Hand, W. Buckingham, Southernhay place
Imperial Fire, H. S. Ranney, High st
Imperial Life, W. Lambert, Close
Kent Mutual Fire, J. H. Heathcote, 69 St Sidwell street
Law Fire, H. W. Hooper, Bedford cir
Life Association of Scotland, J. T. Tucker, 3 Upper Paul street
London Assurnc. G. Pates, New Bdg. st
London Union, J. Damerel, Sidwell st
Medical & General Life, & Phoenix Fire, J. King, 30 High street
Medical, Legal, and General, E. Bremridge, South street
Medical Invalid, J. B. Ellicombe, 4 Southernhay street
Mercantile, J. Trehane, Fore street
Metropolitan Counties & General Life, May and Bidwill, Bedford circus
Mitre, J. T. Trobridge, Deanery pl
National Life, A. Kemp, Magdalen st
National Loan Fund, W. D. Moore, 59 High street
National Provident, &c. T. Sparkes, 11 Northernhay place
Norwich Equitable, Robert Fulford, 87 South street
Norwich Union, T. Hartnoll, 59 High st
Pelican, J. Stogdon, Gandy street
Phoenix, John Stogdon, Wm. Godfrey, and George Martin
Professional Life, W. R. Crabbe, Dny. pl
Provident Clerks', J. B. Gould, Palace gt
Royal Exchange, H D. Barton, Southernhay place
Royal Naval and Military, and East India, N. W. Tanner, High street
Scottish Equitable, G. Treffry, 169 Fore street
Scottish Union, W. & R. Milton, High st
Solicitors' & Genl. J. W. Friend, North st
Standard, H. W. Hooper, Bedford cir
Star, J. M. Sercombe, Colleton ter
Sun, Bishop & Pitts, Bedford circus
Temperance Life, J. Bale, Silver ter
Tontine Life, T. Sanford, 5 Musgv. alley
Universal, H. J. Wallis, High st
West of England (Fire and Life,) Chas. Lewis, sec. 337 High st
Western Life, T. J. Bremridge, Cthdl. yd
Western Annuity, W. D. Moore, 59 High street
Westminster Life, J. Palk, 84 St Sidwell st; & R. Force, 226 High st
Yorkshire, J. Wippell, High street
Bale Archelaus, (hook mfr.) 105 Fore st
Bowden Henry, 24 North street
Osborn Geo. & Son, 64 High st
Osborn Wm. W. 26 North skeet
Pulman Jas. (& fire wks.) Guinea st
Bartlett Mary, New North rd. & Mkt
Davy Mary, 7 Martin street
Gregory Emanuel, Goldsmith st
Gregory Emanuel, jun. Fish market
Herbert George, 4 York place
Pomery George, Eastern market
Roberts Mary, Fish market
Sharland Thomas, Waterbeer st
Andrews Elizabeth, 4 Catherine st
Ballman Ann & Eliz. 7 Paris st
Biggs Charles, St Sidwell street
Board Thomas, King street
Bodley Robert, Lower North street
Broadmead John, 17 Catherine st
Carlile Thomas, 6 Martin street
Chambers James, Goldsmith street
Dear Thomas, 22 South street
Drake George, Magdalen road
Drake Sarah, 23 Longbrook street
Elston Wm. 3 Paris street
Eveleigh Wm. West street
Eveleigh John, 31 South street
Gough Wm. Sun street
Gandy Jph. (& game dlr.) 250 High st
Knapman Wm. 48 South street
Langworthy Wm. Owen's street
Lee Wm. Melbourne street
Lee Wm. Holloway street
Lotton Joshua, Preston street
Manning James, 138 High street
Marwood Margaret, 145 Fore street
Matthews Henry, Guinea street
Maunder John, Mary Arches street
Maunder Samuel, King street
Maunder John, 26 Paris street
Passmore Wm. 28 New Bridge st
Penberthy Jas. Frog street
Penberthy Isaac, 16 Magdalen street
Potter Geo. 11 St Sidwell street
Rippon Thomas, St Sidwell street
Roberts John, 10 Magdalen street
Sellick John, Guinea street
Sumpter Henry, Lower North street
Thomas Richard, West street
Taylor Thomas, George street
Tozer John, Alphington street
Tucker John Champ, New Bridge st
Tuck James, St David's hill
Tucker Mary, 73 Sidwell street
Wannell Susan, Upper West street
Webber Wm. 133 Fore street
Webber Wm. 30 St Sidwell street
Western Abm., Mary Arches street
Wish Wm. Goldsmith street
Wyatt George, 104 St Sidwell street
Berry Wm. Preston place
Endacott Wm. Stepcote hill
Flood Nicholas, Stepcote hill
Force Henry, 93 North street
Godolphin Wm. 81 South street
Greenslade Ebenezer, Lwr North st
Grigg Wm. 35 South street
Guest Wm. 5 New Bridge street
Langsford Wm. 128 Fore street
Lucas John, Stepcote hill
Lucas Matthew, Stepcote hill
Marwood James, 147 Fore street
Manning Wm. Smythen street
Nicholls John Plimsaul, 21 New Bdg. st
Strong Wm., Lower North street
Street Henry, 2 Musgrave's alley
Tucker John, 25 South street
Allen and Hill, North street
Edwards Elizabeth, Duke's place
Hake Thomas, 93 Sidwell street
Hill Ann, Martin street
Ley Elizabeth, Cathedral yard
Wootton Ann, Paul street
(58) GARDENERS, &c.
(See also Nurserymen.)
Berry Daniel, Barrack road
Bryant Amos, Heavitree road
Bustard Arthur, Clifton road
Capron James, Heavitree
Dalgleish Henry, 43 South street
Davy Wm. (tea garden,) Exwick
Friend Wm. Whipton
Gibbs Mary, Alphington road
Hayman John A. Homefield pl. H
Haydon Matthew, Cowley Barton
James John, Hill's court Nursery
Jones Wm. Well lane
Kerswell Thomas, Moreton road
Kerswell John, Painter's row
Manley James, Heavitree
Matthews John, Plantation bldgs
Moxley John, New North road
Ponsford Joseph, Northernhay
Pope Henry, Dunsford road
Rudd Wm. 1 St Sidwell street
Sanger John, Lower Duryard
Sclater George, St David's hill
Sercombe John, East Southernhay
Simpson Wm., Black Boy road
Shepherd Wm., Old Tiverton road
Thorn John, Okehampton street
Tinker Wm. W., Colleton terrace
Townsend James, St David's hill
Tree Thomas, Black Boy road
Trout James, Holloway street
Turner George, Barrack road
Vanstone James, Exwick
Weeks J. (florist,) Union road
Wippell Geo. (tea garden,) Cleave
(See China, &c. Dealers.)
Downe and Son, 66 South street
Gray Charlesworth Thos. (& paint,) 2 Market street
James and Rosewall, Exe Island
King, Long, & Co. 40 Bartholomew yd
Parker Wm. 4 High st; h Friars
Thoms G. P. P. & Co. 168 Fore st
(Marked thus * are Wholesale.)
Anning Richard, 176 Fore street
Bailey Richard, Black Boy road
Baker Mary Ann, Lower North street
Batterson Wm., Upper West street
Benyon John Wm. 38 South street
Biggs Charles, 168 St Sidwell st
Blackler Francis, 41 South street
Bovey Robert, Friars
Bremridge Elias, 35 South street
Brown Richard, 41 St Sidwell st
Bucksey John, 33 New Bridge st
Cole Samuel, 29 North street
* Commin Saml. & Thos. 92 North st
Coombes John, Clifton road
Crabb Thomas, 250 High street
Dann Wm. 20 New Bridge street
Davies Samuel & Daniel, 44 High st
* Dewdney Rd. Hatswell, 82 Fore st
Dunn Henry, Mount Radford cres
Dyer Thomas, 3 Cowick street
Ebbles John Lendon, Paul street
* Edelstein S. J. W., Preston street
Endacott Edw. 131 St Sidwell st
Eveleigh John, 31 South street
Foote Samuel Best, 6 Queen street
Fouraker James, 29 Holloway st
French Mary & Eliz. 9 Paris street
* Froom Wm. Jacob, 11 North street h Hill's court
Gardner Henry G. & Co. 183 Fore st
Gitsham Samuel, 126 Fore street
Goldsworthy Francis, Holloway st
Gould Charles Spry, 40 High street
Hall Mary, Paul street
Haycraft James, 3 North Bridge
Hayne Joseph, 40 Sidwell street
Hayman Elizabeth, 4 Market st
Henley Henry, Melbourne street
Hodgkinson George, 236 High st
Holloway Wm., Lower North street
Hooker and Son, 7 Magdalen road
Hooker Seraphin, 139 St Sidwell st
Hooper Wm. 171 St Sidwell street
Huckvale Wm. 48 High street
Hutchinson Frank, Heavitree road
Jones Henry, 32 St Sidwell street
Jury John, 69 St Sidwell street
Lawrence Wm. 17 St Sidwell street
Lemon John, 18 South street
Lockyer John, Cowick street
Luckes Thomas, 199 High street
Madden Mary, Magdalen street
Manley Wm. 71 St Sidwell street
Manning Jane, 47 St Sidwell street
Matthews Wm. 24 Magdalen street
Mitchell Thomas, 29 North street
Moon John, 70 High street
Moore Wm. 139 Fore street
Neck Wm. 10 Paris street
Parr John, 51 St Sidwell street
Pates George, Fore street hill
Peters Edward, 32 South street
Phillips Susan, 235 High street
Piller Robert, Heavitree
Pitt George & Thomas, 204 High st
Pope Ephraim, 122 St Sidwell st
* Porter and Hinckes, 91 North st
Ramson John Luce, 28 North st
Reed John and Edw. Alphington st
Rich Elizabeth, 69 High street
* Ridgewey, Halls, & Co. 1 High st
Sanford Joseph, Catherine street
Smeath John, 25 Magdalen street
Snow Richard, Goldsmith street
Snow Wm. 39 St Sidwell street
Squire John, 5 Cowick street
Strowbridge Wm. 24 Holloway st
Toms Joseph, 119 St Sidwell st
Treffry Geo. & Thos. T. 169 Fore st
Trobridge John, St David's hill
Trowt Robert Pearse, 11 South st
Tucker Charlotte, 35 High street
Vanstone John, Commercial road
Webster Edward, 60 St Sidwell st
White Henry, 16 Alphington street
Westlake Rt. Jackman, 36 New Bdg. st
Widgery Wm. 10 Magdalen street
* Wilcocks & Dinham, 104 Fore st
Harvey John & Son, (Wm. James,) 68 South street
Hewson George, Cowick street
Osborn James, (dealer,) High st
Osborn Wm. (dealer,) 26 North st
Woodhouse Robert, Market street
Barber Joseph, 10 Russell street
Bond Wm. 51 High street
Bowcher Eliz & Ferris Ann, 20 High st
Chapman Joseph, 10 Russell street
Dunn Anna, Sophia, & Eliz 8 North st
Hamlyn Wm. Mann, 86½ Fore st
Mallett John, 159 St Sidwell street
Maunder Robert, St Sidwell street
Moss Thomas J. 45 St Sidwell st
Newman Caroline, 230 High street
Nightingale Robert, 28 High street
Pippett Charles, 88 St Sidwell st
Raddon John, 52 High street
Raddon Thomas, 78 South street
Ross James & George, 227 High st
Spalding John, 32 High street
Clark Samuel, 228 High street
Courti Paul, Market street
Davis, Morris, & Hyman, 178 Fore st
Levi Joseph, 179 Fore street
(Marked * are Manufacturers.)
Bale Henry, 213 High street
* Bisney Charles, 61 High street
Braund Henry, 67 High street
Brice Joseph, 88 North street
Burrington George, 81 Fore street
* Champion Henry Mattw. 36 South st
* Cunningham Chas. N. Goldsmith st
George Wm. 37 High street
* Isaac George Christian, 87 Fore st
* Pillman Wm. 17 North street
Pinder Richard & Co. 191 High st
Pope John, Bonhay
Titherley Charles, 5 High street
Veysey Wm. 49 High street
Bastard W. S. and S. St James st
Dawson Richd. Hy. & Co. 8 North st
Downey John, Palace street
Kennaway George, 21 South street
Lutley & Brunt, (& seed,) 20 South st
Matthews & Opie, 27 Dix's field
Morrish Thomas, Martin street
Salter Thomas, Gandy street
Sercombe John C. & George, Quay
Smith Thomas, Waterbeer street
Traer Wm. 6 York buildings
Wilkinson Rt. Carne, 89 North st
(See also Livery Stables.)
Pearse George, 2 Bedford street
Rogers J. and Son, 68 South street
Rooks Catherine, Heavitree road
Back Henry, Upper Paul street
Moore Geo. Augustus, 71 Paris st
Taylor Robert, Sun street
Underhill Wm. Exe street
Woolcott Benjamin, George street
(See also Linen Drapers, &c.)
Brown Wm. C. 6 North street
Chapman Joseph, 212 High street
Cole Jane, 100 Fore street
Gay George, 106 Fore street
Gay Wm. 251 High street
George Wm. 37 High street
Green John, (lace, &c.) 243 High st
Hamlyn Wm. M. 80½ Fore street
Mallett John, 159 St Sidwell street
Moore Geo. Augustus, 71 Paris st
Newman Caroline, 230 High street
Pippett Charles, 88 St Sidwell st
Raddon Philip, 91 North street
Richards John, 31 Magdalen street
Ross Jas. & Geo. (lace, &c.) 227 High st
Spalding John, (lace, &c.) 32 High st
Turnbull Jas. Wm. (glover,) Paris st
Veysey Wm. 49 High street
Acland Arms, Peter Lisson, Bidwell st
Acorn, Geo. Medland, 15 Magdalen st
Albion Hotel, Thomas Neale, 24 Southernhay
Anchor, Saml. Lovering, Castle square
Anchor, Elizabeth Page, Exe Island
Anchor, Wm. Gill, Paul street
Anchor, Wm. Russell, Alphington st
Antelope, Hy. Sheehan, 109 Sidwell st
Artillery Arms, Jas. Gill, Holloway st
Axminster Inn, Wm. Born, Paris st
Barley Mow, Ths. Mortimore, Cowick st
Barnstaple Inn, Joseph Ireland, Lower North street
Bear, Stephen Compton, 9 South st
Bishop Blaize, Jas. Clarke, West qr
Boat Royal, Geo. Webber, Leonard's qy
Black-a-moor's Head, Wm. Yeo, Upper West street
Black Dog, Edw. Turner, Lr. North st
Black Horse, Peter Bond, 62 South st
Black Horse, Paul Collings, Longbrk st
Black Lion Inn, John Stuckes, 67 Sth. st
Blue Ball, Wm. Symons, Sandy gt. H
Blue Boar, Thos. Bromell, 10 Magdln. st
Blue Boy, Wm. Spicer, West street
Bristol Inn, Anna Maria Spreat, 95 St Sidwell street
Britannia, Ths. Southwood, 4 South st
Bude Haven & Coml. Hotel, Saml. Southcott, (posting,) St Sidwell st
Bull Inn, Saml. Roach, Goldsmith st
Buller's Arms, Sml. Coneybeer, Exwick
Buller's Arms, Wm. Hele, 75 St Sdwll. st
Buller's Arms, Geo. Scott, Alphngtn. rd
Butcher's Arms, Eliz. Dale, Market st
Canteen, Wm. Connett, Barracks
Cattle Market Inn, Sar. Rudall, Bonhay
Clarence Royal Family Hotel, Sarah Street, Cathedral yard
Coach and Horses, Wm. Bickell, 135 St Sidwell street
Coach Makers' Arms, John Strong, Smythen street
Corn Exchange Tavern, Thomas Bury, Market street
Country House, Ann Elworthy, 14 Catherine street
Cowley Bridge Inn, Wm. Davey, Cowley Bridge
Crediton Inn, John Greenslade, Paul st
Crown & Sceptre, Wm. Tucker, North st
Custom House, Jno. Saunders, Quay st
Devonport Inn, Grace Ware, 121 Fore st
Devonshire Arms, W. Love, Stephen st
Dolphin, John Born, Market street
Dove, Joseph Moxon, 37 South st
Duke of York, John Crook, 147 St Sidwell street
Eagle, John Martin, Barrack road
Eagle, Wm. Batten, 42 St Sidwell st
Elephant Inn, Philip Rattenbury, 93 North street
Falcon, Thos. Dare, Lower North st
Falmouth Inn, Chs. Chapple, Cowick st
Firemen's Arms, John Sandsbury, Preston street
Fountain, James Venn, Quay steps
George and Dragon, George Ash, Black Boy road
Globe Inn, Thos. Dare Jun. Clifton rd
Globe Hotel, James Parnell Moxon, Cathedral yard
Golden Ball, Ann Moore, My Arches st
Golden Eagle, Thos. Tucker, 51 Bthw. st
Golden Fleece, Wm. Raymond, Smythen street
Golden Lion, Stphn. Hooper, Clifton rd
Greyhound, Edward Howe, Paris st
Half Moon Inn, Ann Stephens, 22 High street
Half Moon, James Wayborn, Whipton
Half-way House, John Connett, Tiverton road
Haven Bank Tavern, Robert Powlesland, Haven bank
Honiton Inn, John Hawkins, 13 Paris st
Horse and Groom, James Clarke, Salutary mount, Heavitree
Hour Glass, John Henry Parsons, Melbourne street
Jolly Sailor, Geo. Bissett, Quay
King Alfred, Jcb. Labdon, 151 Fore st
King Wm., John Thomas, Paul st
King Wm. IV., Geo. Townsend, West quarter
King's Arms, Chas. Holmes, Cowick st
King's Arms, Wm. Routley, 105 St Sidwell street
King's Arms, Peter Palmer, West st
King's Arms, Wm. Samuel Labdon, Coombe street
King's Head, Dd. Hele, 34 Sidwell st
Lamb Inn, Jno. Moore, Exwick
London Ale House, Samuel Moore, Mary Arches street
Market House, George Lee Tancock, Guinea street
Mermaid, John Clynick, Preston st
Moreton Inn, Jno. Southcott, Cowick st
New Golden Lion, R. Graddon, Mrkt. st
New Inn, Wm. Holmes, St David's hill
New Inn, Wm. Roberts, Catherine st
New London Inn, Jph. Pratt, (posting,) Northernhay place
New Mrkt. Inn, Ed. Perry, Waterbeer st
New Mount Radford Inn, Humphry Ley, Magdalen road
North Bridge, Sml. Gubb, St David's hl
North Devon Inn, Eliz. Taylor, Paul st
Oat Sheaf, Sar. Locke, 164 Fore st
Okehampton Inn, Fredk. Elworthy, Okehampton road
Old Bell, John Born, Edmund st
Old Golden Lion, Geo. Eddy, Guinea st
Pack Horse, W. Brownston, David's hl
Paper Makers' Arms, Philip Cridge, Exe street
Phoenix, Thos. Jones, Goldsmith st
Plume of Feathers, Wm. Edwards, North street
Plymouth Inn, P. Mugford, Alpngtn. st
Poltimore Inn, Wm. Mitchell, 65 St Sidwell street
Port Royal, Geo. Webber, St Leond.'s
Prince Albert, Eliz. Wood, Rack st
Prince Albert, T. Smith, Cowick st
Queen Adelaide, J. Hele, Haven bk
Queen Victoria, Isc. Parkin, Exe Ild
Queen Victoria, Geo. Endacott, 71 South street
Queen's Head, Wm. Crocombe, West st
Race Horse Inn, Jno. Clement, 36 Paris street
Railway Inn, J. Hutchings, Crediton rd
Red Cow, John Gayler, Elmfield pl
Red Lion, Wm. Lovell, 18 Sidwell st
Ring of Bells, Hy. Esworthy, West st
Rising Sun, Ts. Esworthy, 37 Russell st
Round Tree, Mary Morton, Frog st
Royal Artillery Arms, James Gill, Holloway street
Royal George, Wm. Pike, Quay gate
Roval Oak, Wm. Tothill, Heavitree
Sawyers' Arms, Ts. Tucker, Preston st
Sawyers' Arms, John Gibbs, Cowick st
Seven Stars' Inn, Mrs. Bragg, Okehampton road
Ship, Rt. Nobbs, Goldsmith street
Ship, Sar. Goodwin, 5 Martin street
Ship, Jas. Ash, Alphington road
Ship, Geo. Biggs, Heavitree
Smiths' Arms, Jph. Stocker, Waterbr. st
Star Hotel, My. Taylor, 109 Fore st
Sun, John Howard, Sun street
Swan, Nancy Melhuish, 11 Cowick st
Tailors' Arms, Hy. Harris, Preston st
Teignmouth Arms, W. Dilling, West st
Three Cranes, Rd. Pain, 74 South st
Three Crowns, Rd. Channing, King st
Three Tuns Inn, W. Keeth, 8 High st
Topsham Inn, William Johnson, 42 South street
Turk's Head, J. Sampson, 202 High st
Turk's Head, Wm. Ellett, Cowick st
Union, Geo. Sticklin, Okehampton st
Union, Thos. Collihole, Waterbeer st
Valiant Soldier, Ed. Leach Herbert, 34 Magdalen street
Victory Inn, Rt. Balkwill, 75 St Sdwl. st
Wheat Sheaf, John Ashe, Fore st
White Ball, Wm. Lee, My. Arches st
White Hart, Ts. Hex, 12 Alphington st
White Hart Inn, Mary Ann Summers, 54 South street
White Horse, Hy. Davis, 90 Sidwell st
White Lion, Jno. Moxon, 99 Sidwl. st
Windsor Castle, Wm. Smallridge, 11 Summerland street
Wind Mill, W. Southcott, 50 Hollwy. st
Bambury John, East Wonford
Bickell John, 138 St Sidwell street
Bickell John, South Wonford
Bowden Thos., Cowick street
Boon William, Clifton road
Burrows James, King street
Cornelius John, 22 New Bridge st
Court Rebecca, Exe street
Fergusoll William, Preston street
Hayman John, Rack street
Hill James, Black Boy road
Holton Wm., Well lane
Honeywill Wm., South Wonford
Hooke George, Mary Arches street
Hooper Mary, South Wonford
Ireland James, High Hoopern
Jarman Francis, 21 Longbrook st
Jarman John, Cowley Bridge
Lee Susanna, Frog street
Ronchetti Thos., Black Boy street
Rudall Elizabeth, Stepcote hill
Satterley Chpr., 156 St Sidwell st
Sherman Richard, West street
Skinner John, Heavitree
Wreford Richard, Coombe street
Whyburn Geo., Colleton buildings
Thomas John, Paul street
Trethewey Richd., Elmfield place
Weeks John, Union road
(Marked * are Engineers, &c.)
* Bodley Alfred, Commercial road
* Bodley Wm. Canute & Co. (stove grate, &c.) Bonhay
Bowden John, (brass,) Bartlmw. st
Downe & Son, (plumbers' brass, &c.) 66 South street
Garton & Jarvis, (hot water apparatus mfs. to her Majesty,) 190 High st
Hooper Samuel, Maddocks row
* Huxhams & Brown, Commercial rd
Kerslake Thomas, 102 Fore street
* Martin John & Co., Engine bridge
* Northam Jas., Commercial road
Trickey Jas. (brass,) Pancras lane
Broadmead John, Heavitree
Cole George, 244 High street
Damerel John, (& appraiser,) 62 St Sidwell street
Fouracres Eliza, 21 Paris street, and Cowick street
Gard Jno. Somers, 53 High street
Garton & Jarvis, 190 High street
Hayne Jph. 40 St Sidwell street
Hughes & Carter, 158 Fore street
Kerslake Thomas, 102 Fore street
Marshall Thos. 34 New Bridge st
Munk Wm. (whols.) 135 Fore street
Northam James, Commercial road
Pearse Brothers, 93 Fore street
Scott John, 42 St Sidwell street
Webber John, Pancras lane
Wippell George, 231 High street
Wreford Wm. 1 North Bridge
(Honiton Point Lace Workers, &c.)
Bradbeer Eliz. 4 Northernhay row
Davis Hannah, Cathedral yard
Dobbs Charlotte E., Cathedral yard
Jessep Chtte. F. 31 St Sidwell street
Stewart My. & Sar., Magdalen hill
(See Architects and Surveyors.)
Hussey John. 152 St Sidwell street
Peters Edw. 14 Little Eaton place
Peters James, Waterbeer street
Peters Richard, Goldsmith street
Bannehr James, Bedford street
Paddon Theodore Jas. 48 Sidwell st
Ripley Edwin, 2 Castle st. & Gandy st
Sparkes Thos. 11 Northernhay place
Besley Thomas, 247 High street
Curson & Son, 17 High street
Medical Lib., Devon & Exeter Hospl
Devon. and Exeter Instn., Cathedral yard; John Squance, librarian
Exeter General Library, at David Thomson's, 43 High street
Exeter Law Library, Bedford circus; Robert Fulford, secretary
Featherstone Wm. C. 246 High st
Fitze James, 39 High street
Horwill James, 162 St Sidwell street
Pomeroy Hannah, 46 Paris street
Public Select, 247 High street; Wm. Balle, librarian
Roberts Wm. Robt. 265, High street
Stone Robt. 10 New Bridge street
Davy and Son, Countess Weir
Hooper W. H. & W. W., Leonrd.'s qy
Bastard Wm. S. & S. (whols.) St Jas. st
Braund G. & J. (whols.) High street
Braund Henry, 67 High street
Brunt Eliz. & Cath. 19 New Bridge st
Burne Hy. & Co., 130 Fore street
Cleeve Abm. 71 High street
Colson & Spark, 34 High street
Copp & Poynter, 206 High street
Dingle Wm. 164 Fore street
Edger and Harris, 62 High street
Fitzgerald John Butler, (linen whs.) 25 High street
Fryer and Way, 155 Fore street
Gard E. & Co. (whols.) Castle street
Green and Bennett, 25 High street
Hall Mary, 12 South street
Hamlyn Wm. Mann, 86½ Fore street
Hearn James, 233 High street
Helmore & Carter, 157 Fore street
Hemley Geo. Wm., Heavitree
Hooker Robt. 134 St Sidwell street
Luxmore Wm. 7 Queen street
Mallett John, 159 St Sidwell street
Martin Geo. 107 St Sidwell street
May Wm. 4 Queen street
Nightingale Robert, 28 High street
Pasmore & Savery, (whols.) 73 High st
Pearse Wm. & Co. 196 High street
Pearse and Sons, 171 Fore street
Raddon Philip, 91 North street
Raddon Thomas, 78 South street
Ridge Jph. Daniel, 70 South street
Risdon John, 194 High street
Rowe Cphr. & Son, 184 Fore street
Taylor Saml. 269 High street
Tonar John, (linen & carpet whs.) 266 High street
Tuckwell Hy. 15 New Bridge street
Turner John, 152 Fore street
Wilcocks & Brock, 178 Fore street
Wreford Saml. 181 Fore street
Angel Owen, 94 Fore street
Bannehr James, Bedford street
Featherstone Wm. C. 246 High st
Frise & Marker, 3 Palace gate
Lewis & Eveleigh, 19 Magdalen st
Ripley Edwin, 2 Castle street
Risdon Charles, 5 Paris street
Smith Richard, Waterbeer street
Southard Matthew, Bear street
Spreat Wm. 229 High street
Townsend George, Deanery place
Worton James P., St James street
And Chaise, Fly, Hack Horse, &c. Owners.
Ashford Edward, Cowick street
Avery Samuel, Southernhay
Back Wm. 72 St Sidwell street
Bradford Richard, Southernhay
Carpenter Wm. H. 69 Paris street
Collings Paul, Longbrook street
Delany Matt. (riding mr.) Paris st
Harrap Saml. 9 Catherine street
Hurley John, Okehampton road
Knowles Job, Castle street
Lucas Geo. (fly owner,) St Sidwell st
May Richard, Bartholomew street
Pearse George, Bedford street
Pedrick Wm. Post Office street
Poole Thomas, Southernhay
Radford Richd. 2, Bedford mews
Skinner Mary, St Sidwell street
Smallridge Wm. 11 Summerland st
Smale G. Holmes, 18 Northernhay et
Smith Wm., Magdalen street
Southcott Wm., Magdalen road
Trace John, Catherine street
Wager and Smale, Queen street
Western Jno., Baker's ct. Sidwell st.
White Thomas, Southernhay street
Yelland P., Friar's gate
(See also Iron Founders.)
Down Rd. (thrashing) Mint street
Garton & Jarvis, (lathe,) 190 High st
Tucker Chas. (agrl.) Commercial rd
Barker Elizabeth, Heavitree
Brown Edward, Alphington road
Chapman John, Cowick street
Endacott Geo. 71 South street
Goodridge Wm., Heavitree
Harding Joseph, St David's hill
Luscombe Wm., Longbrook street
Mallett Ann, West quarter
Norman & Co., Commercial road
Reed Jno. & Edw. Alphington street
Richards Wm., St David's hill
Salter Thomas, Gandy street
Scott John, Black Boy road
Southcott George, Holloway street
(Rags, Old Ropes, &c.)
Avery Jesse, Upper West street
Avery Samuel, Commercial road
Coombe George, Coombe street
Dunn Hannah, Upper West street
Gibson John, Bartholomew street
Godbeer Wm., Cowick street
Hales James, Coombe street
Harris Wm., Paul street
Hayes John, 59 South street
Hearn Saml. 21 Magdalen street
Jewell Maurice, Sun street
Kerswell Thomas, Black Boy road
Milne James, Coombe street
Norman Geo., Summerland street
Potter John, King street
Tothill Robert, Cowick street
Vigers Joseph, Frog street
Whyburn Geo., Colleton buildings
Cresswell J. & Co., Magdalen street
Davy Fras. (iron, &c.) Palace st. & Topsham
Dyer Saml. (corn,) 241 High street
Follett & Co., Shilhay wharf
Francis Jas. (hide,) Painter's row
Higgins Thos. (corn, &c.) Coombe st
Langdon Jas. Hy. 2 Palace street
Porter & Hinckes, 91 North street
Norris & Redway, (corn, flour, &c.) Qy
Richards Richd. 7 Friar's walk
Sanders Wm. (hide, &c.) Exe island
Sercombe Jno. C. & George, Quay
Tuckett Nicholas, (manure, &c.) 161 Fore street
(85) MILLINERS, &c.
(Marked * Baby Linen, &c., Dlrs.)
Ashelford Ann, 17 Paragon place
Barber Mary, 10 Russell street
Baple Caroline, Coomb street
Bartrum & Howard, 13 Castle street
Beer Sally & Mary, 3 High street
Best Eliz. 19 St Sidwell street
Bickford C. & A. 84 South street
* Bidlake & Nicholls, Cathedral yard
Bignell Ann, Mary Arches street
Blake and Beavis, 45 Paris street
Blamey Grace & Eliz. 20 Paris street
Bond Wm. 51 High street
Bowcher Eliz. and Ferris Ann, 20 High street
Boyle Jane, 9 Summerland street
Bradford Eliz., C., L., & J., 22 Paris st
Brewer Frances, Commercial road
Brook Sarah, Castle street
Brunt Maria, 128 St Sidwell street
Bryett Frances, 2 Gandy street
Cambridge Mary Ann, St Sidwell st
Canes Mary, 123 Fore street
Carter Margaret, 19 Holloway street
Clark & Timewell, 18 Paris street
Clatworthy Louisa, 16 Holloway st
Dancaster T. 20 Holloway street
Davis Chtte. 52 St Sidwell street
Dipstale Mrs Jane, 11 High street
Doeg E. L. 20 Magdalen street
Down Mary, 18 Catherine street
Downman My. St James street
Drake Mary, 4 Melbourne place
Eales Har. 2 Summerland street
Elworthy Eliza, 16 Castle street
Evans S. E. & L. 228 High street
Eveleigh Eliz. Upper Paul street
Ford Mary, 5 Milk street
Foster Caroline, 2 Paris street
Lake Eliz. 148 Fore street
Lakeman Eliz., Upper Paul street
Lambert Misses, Cathedral yard
Leverton Ann, 17 Paris street
* Luxton My. Ann, 225 High street
Maddever Mary, 133 Fore street
Mayne Eliza, 45 High street
Maunder Mary, 3 Magdalen street
Meggs M. & F., Deanery place
Mitchell Mary, St Olave square
Mountstephens Jane, Alphington rd
Nicholls Eliz., Melbourne street
Pike Harriet, 71 St Sidwell street
Presswell Frances, Cathedral yard
Prinn Jane, James street
Raddon Harriet, 75 South street
Richards Mary, Sun street
Roberts Sarah, Cowick street
Sanders Eliz. 129 St Sidwell street
Sanders Mary, Heavitree
Scanes Eliz. 48 St Sidwell street
Searle Jane, Cathedral yard
Shepherd Elizabeth, Southernhay
Shute Eliz. 4 College row
Snell Mary Cook, 229 High street
* Spalding John, 32 High street
Southcott Ellen, Okehampton street
Stephens & Carter, 19 Holloway st
Sutton Eliz. & Eleanor, Cathedral yd
Taylor Walter Hy. 10 Northernhay pl
Tole Louisa, 17 Magdalen street
Townsend Ann, 30 South street
Tozer Sar. & Jane, Cathedral yard
Tucker Henrietta, 84½ Fore street
Tuck Sarah, 35 South street
Warren Mary, Gandy street
Waters Ann H., Upper Paul street
Woodman Frances, 8 Catherine st
Woodward Fanny, Catherine street
Wreford Eliz., Bartholomew street
Western Susan, St James street
Westlake Mary, Bedford street
Wright Jane, Holloway street
Huxhams & Brown, Commercial rd
Northam James, Commercial road
Rogers Nicholas, Exe lane
Tuckett Charles, Commercial road
Ashe Wm. John, 245 High street; h Radnor place
Skinner Wm. 189 High street
Smith Doherty & Fdk. 257 High st
Vinnicombe John Pewtner, 14 Northernhay place
(See Professors and Teachers.)
Devonshire Chronicle, (Tuesday,) Ts. Besley, 89 North street
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette, (Sat) Woolmer & Thacker, 236 High st
Exeter Flying Post, (Thursday,) R. J. Trewman & Co. 226 High st
Western Luminary, (Tuesday,) J. S. Dewdney, 6 Bedford circus
Western Times, (Saturday,) Thomas Latimer, 143 Fore street
Gibbs Wm. 91 North street
Havill James Webber, (& medicine vender,) 91 Fore street
Pike Geo. 39½ South street
Pring Wm. 67 St Sidwell street
Spreat Jane, 163 High street
Addiscott Wm. & Son, Alphington rd
James John, Hill's court
Lucombe, Pince, & Co., Alphington rd
Mogridge Wm. Kerswell, 14 New Bridge street
Nott Wm. Alphington road
Pope Henry, Cowick street
Sclater & Son, (Chas. & Jas.) Summerland hill and Heavitree
Southwood Richard, Okehampton rd
Thorn John, Okehampton road
Veitch Jas. & Son, 54 High street and Topsham road
Davy Wm. 144 Fore street hill
Gray C. T. 2 Market street
James & Rosewall, Exe island
Tanner Jas. Jones, Westgate
Thomas J. L. & R. F. (oil,) 163 Fore street
Thoms G. P. P. & Co. 108 Fore st
Brian Randell, 26 Aug 1999