



(Academies and Schools - Cork Cutters)

The figures in the preceding INDEX refer to those attached in parenthesis to the various HEADS OF TRADES AND PROFESSIONS, and shew under which the Address of any Person or Firm may be found

From White's Devonshire Directory of 1850


Marked * take Boarders.

* Ashworth Mary, 12 Baring crescent
Babbage Ellen, 7 South street
* Ball Caroline, 14 Dix's field
Barton Mary, Bartholomew street
Batten Jane, 22 Bartholomew Street
Beadon Thos. 115 St Sidwell street
Bedford Chapel School, Mrs Holmes
Bennett Matthew, Okehampton St
* Bennett Rachel, 3 Homefield place
Blackmore Louisa, St Sidwell street
Blue Boys' School, St John's Hospital, High st; Geo. Masters Gould
Blue Maids' School, Mary Arches street; Eliza Mitchell
* Bonter Annie, 2 Hampton place
* Bremridge Mrs Frs., Salutary mnt
British School, Coombe st; Isaac Cousins, Mary Akrill, and Caroline Harris
Brock George, Cowick street
Campbell Mrs. Park place, Heavitree
Canterbury Eliza, 48 Holloway st
* Charlton Cath., Ann and Elizabeth, 21 Magdalen street
* Clarence Emma, Bicton place
Clifford Misses, 1 North terrace
Cobley Wm. 127 St Sidwell street
* College School, Mt. Radford House, Rev C. R. Roper, M.A., and Rev J. Ingle, B.A.
Collins Ann M., Cowick street
Davies Mrs. 8 Silver terrace
Devon and Exeter Central National Schools, Magdalen st; Geo. Robinson and Mary Wilkins
Diocesan Training Schools, Cathedral yard; Rev G. Martin, B.D. principal; and Chas. Long & Miss Wilkins, teachers
Downs Anna Maria, Barnfield
* Episcopal Charity Schools, Paul st; Thos. Pinder and Charlotte Please
Fewins Wm. 7 Windsor terrace
* Free Grammar School, High street; Rev Wm. Mills, D.D., head master; Rev Chas. Worthy, A.B., second master; H. Cann, mathl. mr; and F. Duval, French master
Frost Mary Ann, 66 Magdalen street
Gattey Miss, 43 St Sidwell street
* Goodridge Geo. Hy., Victoria terrace
* Hake Misses, 38 Southernhay
* Halloran Chas. F., Regent Park, H
Harvey Mary, Longbrook street
Hele's Boys' School, New North road
Helmore Miss, Larkbeare
Hill Abm. S., Hampton place
Infant Schools, Wm. and My. Ann Moxey, Bartw. st; & Eliz. Hawke, Cowick street
* Johns Sar. M. 20 Holloway street
Johns Jemima, 77 Paris street
* Knox Mary Ann, 3 Crescent row
Ladies' Charity, Castle st; My. Harris
* Lethbridge Mary, Bradninch place
Marker James H., Maddock's row
* Martin Rev Edw. W., M.A., 112 Sidwell street
* Morrish Sophia and Ophelia, East Southernhay
National Schools, John Fryer and Cath. Taylor, Bartholomew st; Jno. and Chtte. Tootel, St Thomas's School, Cowick st; and Saml. and Eliz. Stockman, Heavitree
Nosworthy Ellen, 10 St Sidwell st
Orchard Charlotte, 46 Russell street
Patey Margaret, Radnor place
Pearse Eliz. 18 Northernhay street
Pentecost Mary, St Sidwell street
Protestant Dissenters' Charity, Paris st; James and Jane McKeag
* Quicke Thos. & T. R., King's Lodge
* Quicke Elizabeth, King's Lodge
Refuge for Discharged Prisoners, Lawn lodge; Mrs Jones, matron
* Rickard Emma, Cowick street
Ridgway James, New buildings
* Ridgway Simon Radford, Magdalen House
Rowe Robert, Cheeke street
Sampson Samuel, West street
Saunders Sarah, 2 Verney place
Sharland Mary, 5 Bradninch place
* Smith Mrs S. 3 Pennsylvania ter
* Smale Harriet, 18 Northernhay st
Sparkes Henry, 4 Mont-le-Grand, H
Stephens Fdk. Y., Bartholomew yd
Stocker Elizabeth, 4 Verney place
Stone John, Pancras lane
Tanner Mary, 173 St Sidwell street
* Templeton Jas., M.A., St David's hill
Thorne Miss, Paris street
Townsend Mary, Friar's walk
* Turner Eliz. 2 Lansdowne terrace
* Vinnicombe Ann, Bradninch place
West of Engd. Instn. for the Blind, David's hill, Mrs Friend, supintdt
West of England Deaf and Dumb Instn., Topsham road, Dr. Wm. Robson and Mrs Scott
Wesleyan School, John Wallis and Miss F. S. Taylor, Mint
* Williams Jane, Louisa and Caroline, Larkbeare
* Worth P. E. 5 Grosvenor place
Wotton Mary, 7 Bradninch place
* Wrentmore Mrs., Bartholomew ter
Youlden Walter, North street


Cox Henry, Harris place
Hill Charles, Bedford circus
Hill Wm. Hy. Brown, Cathedral yard
Hodgson Saml. Butler, 12 Gandy st
Martin George, 3 St John's terrace
Orchard Wm., Bedford street
Rawling Wm. 15 Northernhay street
Sellers H. W., Woodbine villa
Steel Richard, 4 Paris street
Syms Philip, Bartholomew street
Tilbury John Southey, Albion place
Tapper Wm., Colleton crescent


Ashworth Edward, 263 High street
Best Robt. Brown, Queen street road
Dudley Henry, 45 Holloway street
Hayward John, Cathedral yard
Hedgeland Chas., Mt. Radford terrace
Julian Geo. Hanson, city surveyor, 9 Friars' walk
Mackintosh David, 11 Verney place
Southwood Samuel Rd., Castle street
Whitehead Arthur, 136 Fore street


(See also Professors.)
Beer Robt. (on glass,) 42 Barthmw. st
Bristow Robert, Clifton road
Garland Robert T., Heavitree
Gendall John, Cathedral yard
Hake Wm. 115 St Sidwell street
Leakey James, 9 East Southernhay
Mardon Samuel, Mint
Purkis John, Summerland street
Photographic Portrait Rooms, 3 Castle terrace, Mr J. Jury
Traies Wm., East Southernhay
Tremlett James, 6 Paris street
Tucker Edwin, 73 St Sidwell street
Tucker Frederick W., Mint lane
Williams Chas. Fredk. 2 Palace st


Davey Wm. 144 Fore street hill
Thomas G. P. P. & Co. 168 Fore st


Marked * are Comssrs. for taking ackngmts. of married women; and # are notaries public.
(See also Conveyancers & Proctors.)
Abraham Rd. Thos. 3 Castle street; house Stafford terrace
Adney Rd. L., Hill's court
Atkins Lionel Daniel, Clifton place
*# Barnes Ralph, (chapter clerk, bishop's sec. & dep. regr.) Palace gate; house Bellair House
Barton Henry Downe, (clerk to city magistrates,) 28 Southernhay pl
Benison Wm. Marks, 3 New Bridge
Bishop & Pitts, 19 Bedford circus
Bremridge Thos. Julius, Cathedral yd; h Penrose Villa, Heavitree
Brutton Chas. (mr. ex. in Chancery) 1 Northernhay place
Bussell John, Bedford street
* Campion Rd. Crudge, 1 Bedford cres
Carter Fdk. Roger, Black Boy road
Copleston Edw. Arthur, 10 Queen st; house Newhays, St Thomas's
Cox Samuel Molland, 22 Lower Northenhay
Crabbe Wm. Richd., Deanery place
Daw John, (clerk to county court,) 13 Bedford circus; h Upper Mtd
Drake Geo. Henry, Upr. Paul street
* Drake Thos. Edw. (clerk to magistrates of Wonford Div.) New bldgs
Eales Richard, (clerk of the peace,) Castle
Eales Rd. jun. Upper Paul street
* Ellicombe Hugh M. and John B. 4 Southernhay street
Every Rd. & Son, Bampfylde street
Floud Thomas, 5 Bedford circus
# Force Edwin, (clerk to comssrs of income tax,) Deanery place
Friend James Walter, 5 North street
Fryer Merlin, Cowick street
Fulford Robert, 87 South street
Furlong and Tucker, Northernhay
* Geare, Mountford and Geare, 2 Bedford street
* Gidley John, (town clerk, &c.) 15 Bedford street
Gray Thos. Wm. 4 North Bridge
Grove Geo. Wilson, Post office st
Hartnoll Thos. Wm., Close
Head & Venn, Bartholomew square
Hooper Hy. Wilcocks, (under sheriff for city,) 12 Bedford circus; h Manston terrace
Jones Winslow, Deanery place
Julian John, Mount Radford
# Kemp Edw. Louis, (dep. regr. of Archdecnry., &c.,) Cathedral yard
* Kennaway and Buckingham, 1 Southernhay place
Laidman John, Bedford circus
Lambert Wm., Close
Lester and Radford, Bampfylde st
Luke Geo. Ponsford, Musgrave's aly
Mitchell and Ford, 25 Southernhay p
Moore Wm. Denis, 59 High street; h Portland villa
Paul and James, Close
Paul Edm. Wm. (county treasurer,) Close
Petherick Jno. Wm. 3 Bedford st
Pope John Woodford, Deanery place
Pope John, 7 North terrace
Rawling Charles, 14 Hart's row
Richards Charles, 8 Bedford circus
Roberts Edw. Hunt, (dep. sup. regr.) 171 Fore street; h Exe Villa
Sanders and Kitson, Palace gate
Sanders Saml. Harford, Deanery pl
Stogdon John, Gandy street
Strong Wm., Exe Island House
Tanner Wm. Hy., 17 Bedford circus
* Terrell John Hull, Martin street
Terrell Jas. (supt. regr.) Bartw. st
Toby John, jun. Castle street; house 10 York buildings
*# Turner Chas. Hy., Cathedral yard
Turner Geo. Wm. (mr. ex. in Chancery, &c.) 14 Castle street
Walkey and Truscott, 37 Upper Southernhay
* Warren John and Son, 2 Bradninch buildings
Watts Geo. Angus, Everit, Bedfd. st
Willesford Fras. Eugenio Scoble, 11 Castle street
Wreford Robt., Close; h Alphington


Back Wm., Paris street
Barrett Samuel, Cathedral yard
Burch John, 97 St Sidwell street
Chapple John, 19 High street
Coffin Geo. 1 Square, & Castle st
Cook Fredk., Southernhay street
Force Chas. 106 St Sidwell street
Force Henry, 93 North street
Hussey Thomas and Son, Waybrook
Jackson Edw. Wm., Upr. Southnhay
Moore Geo. Augustus, 71 Paris st
Pridham Chas. 27 Magdalen street
Reed and Warren, Wonford Cottage
Rowe Joseph Coplestone, Smythen st
Taylor Robert, 17 Verney place
Ware John, 11 Paris street
Wills Wm. 5 North Bridge


Baker John, 16 Catherine street
Barrett Matthew, Frog street
Barrett Samuel, Cathedral Yard
Beckett Wm., Alphington street
Beedle Catherine, 19 Magdalen st
Beedle Thomas, West street
Bell Sarah, 1 Lower North street
Bickford Martha, Okehampton st
Birkett Wm., Alphington road
Blackmore John C. 10 Longbrook St
Bodley Edwin, G. 40 South street
Buckland Geo. 112 Fore street
Butland Henry, Clifton road
Cann John, 90 North street
Carpenter Geo., Stepcote hill
Case Wm., Black Boy road
Chilcott John, Cowick street
Chudley John, Coombe street
Clapp Benjamin, Catherine street
Cole Richard, Heavitree
Collings Rt. 45 Russell street
Coplestone John, St David's hill
Cosway John, Brook green terrace
Cuthbertson Wm. 57 South street
Dann Wm. 20 New Bridge street
Davy John, 8 Magdalen road
Dicker Thomas, Clifton road
Dimond John, Cowick street
Elson Hy. Taylor, Summerland st
Endacott Samuel, 33 Holloway st
England Hy., St David's hill
Force Charles, 106 St Sidwell street
Ford Henry, 37 St Sidwell street
Ford James, 152 Fore street
Gasking John Hannaford, Harts' row
Gay Frederick, 101 St Sidwell street
Goodridge Rd. M. 96 St Sidwell st
Gregory Thos. 5 St David's hill
Gribble Wm., Preston street
Harris Ann, 126 St Sidwell street
Hawker Hy. 56 St Sidwell street
Henley Henry, Melbourne street
Holcombe Wm. Market street
Hooper Wm. 171 St Sidwell street
Herwill Jns. 162 St Sidwell street
Hoskins Wm., Rack street
Jarman John, Heavitree
Jones Thomas, 97 Fore street
Kay Quintin R., Cowick street
Kelland John, 11 Bartholomew st
Kenwood Thomas, 39 South street
Laskey John, 74 Paris street
Lee Elizabeth, Elmfield place
Lee Richard, Alphington road
Madge Benjamin, Preston street
Manley George, 4 Gandy street
Marchant John, Goldsmith street
Marles Wm. 49 St Sidwell street
Maunder Wm. 110 St Sidwell street
Mortimer Wm., Frog street
Middleweek Geo. Magdalen street
Mugford Gilbert, Lime Kilns
Newton Wm., King William terrace
Norton John, Waterbeer street
Palmer Thomas, 6 Cowick street
Palmer Wm. 148 St Sidwell street
Pope John, Exe Island
Pridham Maria, Black Boy road
Prout Wm., Coombe street
Reed John, 34 Holloway street
Reed Thomas, Exwick
Rice John, St Sidwell street
Roberts Henry, West street
Roberts Joseph, Oakfield street, H
Russell Henry, Heavitree
Salter Geo. B., Smythen street
Salter Thomas, 253 High street
Salter Wm., West quarter
Saunders Wm. 172 St Sidwell st
Scott Thomas, Waterbeer street
Snell John Gregory, 17 South st
Stacey John, 10 Northernhay street
Stocker Joseph, 36 Paris street
Taverner Robt. 150 Fore street
Taylor Hy. Elson, 11 Summerland st
Turner Charlotte, l4 Paris street
Voysey Wm., Holloway street
Upright Henry, Cowick street
Warr Robert, 2 New Bridge street
Ward Joseph, 5 Queen street
Widger John, Mary Arches street
Wills John, Cowick street
Wright Wm., Paul street
Young Wm., Heavitree


City Bank, (Milford, Snow, & Co.) Cathedral yard, (draw on Robarts, Curtis, and Co.)
Devon and Cornwall Banking Co. Cathedral yard, (on Hanbury and Co.;) John Dymond, manager
Exeter Bank, (Sanders & Co.) Cathedral yard, (on Barclay & Co.)
National Provincial Bank of England, Cathedral yard; G. C. Holroyd, manager; (on Joint Stock Bank, Princess street, London)
West of England and South Wales District Bank, 83 Fore st; Wm. Tombs, manager; (on Glyn & Co.)
Savings' Bank, (Exeter and Devon,) 21 Bedfd. circus; Wm. Lee, actuary


Bird Charles, 22 Dix's field
Jerwood James, 8 Dix's field
Kekewich Geo. Granville, (dep. judge of Provost Court,) 6 Summerld. pl
Sparkes Perry, Cathedral yard
Tyrrell Jno. (judge of County Court,) 42 Magdalen street


Courti Paul, Market street
Ronchetti Edmund, Waterbeer st
Ronchetti Thos., Black Boy road
Ronchetti Thos., jun. Black Boy rd


Burrows Saml., Holloway street
Blind Institution, Mr Dean and Sus. Nicholls, teachers, St David's hill
Laskey Robert, Alphington road
Norman Abraham, Preston street
Norman Francis, Goldsmith street
Norman John, Cowick street
Norman Wm., St Sidwell street
Somerwill George, 111 Fore street


(See after Inns, &c.)


Chapman Joseph, 212 High street
Stabback Caroline, Palace street


Atkins Wm. 33½ South street
Truscott James, 89 North street
Tucker Wm. 10 New Bridge street


Bartlett Noah, St Sidwell street
Borne John, Bear street
Capron Richard, North ln. Heavitree
Carnell Wm., Crediton road
Carpenter John, Magdalen street
Chorley John, Heavitree
Coneybeer Samuel, Exwick
Davey Wm. (& coach,) Coffin's pl
Drake Edwin, Paul street
Downing Wm., Paris street
Ford Joseph, Cowley bridqe
Godbeer John, 75 St Sidwell st
Halfyard Mary A., Whipton
Hill Samuel, Cowick sheet
Hill James, Paris street
Johns Samuel, Westgate
Loram Henry, Commercial road
Mortimer J., Spiller's lane
Mortimer Roger, Bedford street
Norman John, Cowick street
Pulman John, Stepcote hill
Richards George, Commercial road
Sargent John, Stepcote hill
Seldon John, Cowley bridge
Tozer Saml. (and farrier,) Alphington street
Underhill Wm., Frog street
Woodbury John, South Wonford


Marked * are Machine Rulers.
Besley Henry, 76 South street
Brayley Wm., Little Queen street
Cross George, 14 High street
Davies Wm., Gandy street and New North road
Featherstone Wm. C. 246 High st
* Foweraker Jno. (account books,) 3 Castle street
* Gibbs Wm. 91 North street
* Hodge Henry, 5 High street
Spark Wm., Cathedral yard
Spreat John, 3 Summerland street
Stabback George, South street
Thomson David, 43 High street
Tremlett H.P., Chapple's court
White Thos. Danl., Bampfylde st; house 3 Crescent row
* Worth Edwin, James street


(See also Printers and Stationers.)
Balle Wm. 247 High street
Besley Hy. (& publisher,) 76 South st
Clifford Wm. 23 High sheet
Curson and Son, (Mrs and George,) 17 High street
Drayton Sar. & Sons, (Wm. & Jno.) 201 High street
Fitze James, 39 and 226 High st
Glanville Andrew, (tract depot,) 9 Bedford street
Holden Adam, 60 High street
Howe Thomas, 207 High street
Hunt Henry Frns. 111 Fore street
Jessep James, 31 St Sidwell street
Lambert Wm. 6 Salem place
Mack Margt. (sub post,) 92 Fore st
Roberts Wm. Robt. 197 High street
Roberts Wm. Thos. 265 High st
Shanly Wm. (Catholic,) Mint st
Spencer Robt. 91 St Sidwell street
Spreat Jane, 263 High street
Stone Robt. 10 New Bridge street
Thomson David, 43 High street
Vaughan Dennis L. (old,) 63 South st
Vinnicombe J. P. (music,) Northernhay place
Wallis Henry John, 245 High st
Welsford Harriet H., Paul street
Wheaton Alfred, 29 High street
Wheaton My. and Anne, 185 Fore st
Whitmarsh Thos. Webb, 7 High st


Allen Henry, Lower North street
Arthur George, Bartholomew st
Avent Samuel, 123 Fore street
Babbage Edw. John, 7 South st
Babbage George, Heavitree
Bailey Joseph, Cowick street
Balkwill John, 34½ New Bridge st
Ballman James, 7 Paris street
Bartlett Samuel, Melbourne street
Bartlett Samuel, 23 Magdalen st
Beer Joel, Goldsmith street
Bennett Matthew, Okehampton st
Bickell John, Goldsmith street
Board Marie, 125 Fore street
Bolt Thomas, Pancras lane
Bowden John, Exwick
Brodie Thos. John, 91 South st
Brown Thos. 9 New Bridge street
Browning Rd. 11 Northernhay st
Burdon John, 134 Fore street
Burdon Wm. 42 Holloway street
Burge Wm. 16 Holloway street
Burnett John, Preston street
Burridge George, Bartholomew st
Burrington Samuel, 3 High street
Byne Samuel, Quay
Callaway Thos. 14 Alphington st
Camble Wm. 12 Market street
Cambridge Charles, Sidwell street
Cann James, Whipton
Carter John, Sun street
Caryl Wm., Lower North street
Champ Wm. 39 Magdalen street
Clarke Wm. 228 High street
Coleman Chas. Fredk., Mint street
Collins Joseph, Friernhay street
Colmer Wm., St David's hill
Crabb Elizabeth, Upper West street
Crabb Wm., Upper West street
Croft Wm., Cowick street
Crouch John, Paul street
Cummings John, St Sidwell street
Davey John, (and India rubber golash manufacturer,) Martin st
Davey Aaron, Heavitree
Davidge Thomas, Longbrook st
Dean John, Okehampton street
Doble Eliz. 40 Holloway street
Druller Caroline, 4 North street
Dunley John S. 4 Bartholomew st
East Samuel, 103 Fore street
Edwards Francis, Mint
Edwards Richard, Stepcote hill
Evans Samuel, Preston street
Evans Wm., Guinea street
Fitzpatrick Thos. 13 Paris street
Flewellin Samuel, 40 Russell st
Flood John, Summerland street
Fry John, 44 Paris street
Furse Thomas, 5 High street
Furse Wm., New bridge
Ganniclifft Geo. (and blacking, &c. manufacturer,) 41 South street
Glenn Samuel, 255 High street
Gilbert John Henry, Stepcote hill
Goldsworthy Saml., Oakfield st. H
Grant Charles, Cowick street
Grafton Wm., Black Boy road
Gribble Sus. 28 Holloway street
Hallam Wm., St David's hill
Handford John, 8 St David's hill
Hanssen John, 154 Fore street
Heath Edward, Silver place
Herbert and Son, (Thos. and Geo.) 79 South street
Hill James, Cowick street
Hill John, 24 Sidwell street
Hill John, 127 Fore street
Hitt John C. 2 London Inn sqr
Holland John, Black Boy road
Hooper Edw. 140 St Sidwell st
Hore John, Paris street
Howe Wm., James street
Hutchins John, Summerland st
Huxham Richd. 155 St Sidwell st
Isaacs Wm., Bear street
Johns (Wm.) and Kendall (Saml.) 3 King's alley
Joslin Wm., Exe street
Kenshole Robert, 10 Paris street
Kenshole Samuel, Cowick street
Knight Charles, Smythen street
Land James, Alphington road
Landray Joseph, Exe island
Lake Charles, Commercial road
Langdon Robert, Paul street
Last Edward, East Wonford
Leat Joseph, 78 St Sidwell street
Lemon John, 18 South st
Lewis Thomas, 1 Paris street
Lovering Henry, West street
Manning James, 138 St Sidwell st
Manning Wm., Paul street
Martin John, Barrack road
Matthews Wm., New North street
Maunders John, 26 Paris street
Maunders Robert, St David's hill
May Mary, 37 South street
Middleweek Wm., 9 St David's hill
Miller Robert, Sunderland street
Mitchell Henry, Black Boy street
Moody Charles, 2 St Sidwell street
Moxey John, 20 New Bridge street
Mugford James, 8 Magdalen street
Nethercott Henry, Heavitree
Nicholls John, Upper West street
Northcott Henry, Mary Arches st
Partridge John, Black Boy road
Partridge Wm., John street
Pembroke Henry, 229 High street
Pinn John, Black Boy road
Ponsford James, Northernhay st
Pope John, Painter's row
Portbury John, 53 Bartholomew st
Prickman Tamazin, 5 North street
Radcliffe Wm. 2 Cowick street
Richards Chas., 75 South street
Richards Thos., Oakfield street, H
Roberts John, Clifton road
Rowe Henry, Coombe street
Salomon Samuel, 36 High street
Sellick Henry, Guinea street
Shepherd Wm., Nothernhay street
Snow John, Cowick street
Spingall John, Paris street
Sprague Samuel, 2 Paris street
Stanlake Jno. Edw. C. 5 Summerld. st
Stocker Ann, Upper West street
Tapscott Alex., Goldsmith street
Tapscott Richard, Palace street
Taylor Thomas, Well lane
Tothill Thomas, Heavitree
Towill Edward, 32 Russell street
Tree Philip, 6 St John's terrace
Trickey Robert, Sun street
Tucker John, Exwick
Turner Wm., St Sidwell street
Underhill Thomas, Upper West st
Vickery Wm., Edmund street
Vowler Benj. 47 Russell street
Ward John, 5 Cowick street
Ward Wm. 48 Russell street
Webber Robt. ct 160 St Sidwell st
Webber Wm., Cowick street
Weeks John, Magdalen street
Welch Wm. 50 St Sidwell street
West Wm. 11 Magdalen street
Westbear James, 5 Paris street
Westcott Thomas, 43 St Sidwell st
Wilcocks Henry, 18 Magdalen st
Willey James, 61 St Sidwell street
Willey Elias, Friar's walk
Wood Thomas, Okehampton st
Woodbury Wm., Heavitree
Woosley John Walker, 2 Summrld. st
Wreford Richard, Coombe street
Wyser Thomas, Upper West st
Yendall John, Exe island
Yeomans Wm. 9 Northernhay st


(See also Ironmongers.)
Bright John, Lower North street
Broadmead John, 17 Catherine st
Broadmead Hy. 102 St Sidwell st
Davis John, Alphington road
Fouracres Eliza, Cowick street
Garton and Jarvis, 190 High st
Gaul Robert, 42 South street
Hayne Joseph, 40 St Sidwell st
Huxtable Thomas, Ewing street
Jones James, West street
Landray Richard, Stepcote street
Lethbridge Thomas, Paul street
Martin John, West street
Martin Saml. Wm., Holloway st
Spratt John Pike, 125 St Sidwell st
Troake Benjamin, Smythen street
Vicary Joseph, 88 South street
Vicary John, (gas meter manufacturer,) 123 Fore street
Woolcott George, Bartholomew st


Baker Elizabeth, Heavitree
Hyett Mary & Sons, New North rd
Norman & Co. City Brewery, Exe bdg
Reed John & Edw, Alphington st


Corporation of the Poor, Black Boy road; Robt. Sparke, manager
Hooper W. H. and W. W., 14 Paris st
Hopping John, Cullompton road
Horrell Thomas, Black Boy road
Knowling George, 65 Magdalen st
Pengilley Robert, Park pl. Heavitree
Phillips John, Black Boy road


(See also Builders, Slaters, &c.)
Bickell Wm., Heavitree
Burch Wm., Cowick street
Channing Wm. and Geo., Heavitree
Chapple Edred, St David's hill
Chapple James, 38 South street
Clark James, 18 Paris street
Collings Wm. 35 Russell street
Dawe Wm. 26 Holloway street
Friend Wm., Heavitree
Grant John, 36 St Sidwell street
Harvey Robert, Waterbeer street
Larcombe George, Well lane
Moss Saml. (and paver,) James st
Reddaway Richard, Exe island
Sanders Wm., Heavitree
Turner John, Preston street
Western Thomas, 40 Paris street


Marked * are Patten Makers.
* Bradbeer Jph. & Son, Exe bridge
Gubb Saml., St David's hill
* Marks John, 131 Fore street
* Morgan Thomas, 7 Paris street
Mortimer John, Paul street
Mortimer Wm. 80 Fore street
Parish John, Quay lane
* Pyne Sarah, 146 Fore street
Reddaway Nicholas, Exe island
Roleston George, 45 South street
* Tarbett Thomas, Edmund street
Welch John, King's alley


Marked * are also Undertakers.
See also Carpenters, &c.
* Back Wm., Paris street
Bickell John, 133 St Sidwell st
* Blackmore Wm. (and house agent,) Larkbeare
Bond Thomas, Cowick street
Bradbeer Thomas, Weirfields
Canes Wm., Okehampton street
Clark James, 18 Paris street
Cornish and Whitehead, 136 Fore st
Crabb James, Commercial road
Cuthbertson Joseph, jun. 16 Paris st
Darby James, Upper Paul street
Dawe Wm. 26 Holloway street
Endacott George, 71 South street
Eveleigh Wm., Upper Paul street
Facey Hugh, York cottage
Fisher Robert, St David's hill
Force Charles, 106 St Sidwell st
Gattey Joseph, St Sidwell street
* Helmore Robert, Stepcote hill
* Hill John and Son, (Geo.) Bartholomew street; h Little Silver ter
Hitt Henry, Heavitree
Hodge Chas. Jas., Alphington st
Hooper Wm. Hy. and Wm. Wills, 14 Paris street
* Huxtable Wm. 15 Magdalen st
Johns Henry, Lion's holt
Kenshole John, Heavitree
Kinsman Thomas, Palace street
* Knowling George, 65 Magdalen st
Langdon Walter, Albert street
Mason John, Holloway street
Moore John, Exwick
Morton Wm., Frog street
Pannell Wm. 18 Holloway street
Parratt J. and W. 9 Magdalen st
Pepperell Wm., Palace street
Pinn John, Melbourne place
Pridham Charles, Magdalen street
* Rich Wm., Alphington street
* Rowe Jph. Coplestone, Smythen st
Rowse John, 21 Paris street
Sanders Joseph, 153 St Sidwell st
Savill Henry, North ln. Heavitree
Scanes Thomas, Fore street hill
Scott John Ward, St David's hill
Southcott John, Cowick street
Southwood John, Cowick street
Stafford John, 24 Bartholomew st
* Stamp Wm. 20 Magdalen street
Stear John, 14 Holloway street
Stocker James, Cowick street
Stuckes John, St David's hill
Tozer Wm., John, and Rowland, 13 North street
Trimble John, Regent Park, H
Twitchen John, Cowick street
Ware John, 12 Paris street
Warren John, 8 South street
White John James, Bartholomew st
Wills John, 9 Bartholomew street
Wills Wm. 5 North bridge
Wright Francis, 14 Eaton place


Marked * are Pork Butchers.
Allen Eliz., Goldsmith street
Arundel Jas. 8 Summerland street
Bartrum Susan, Milk skeet
Batten Robert, 76 St Sidwell st
Batten Wm. 42 St Sidwell street
Beavis John, Smythen street
Beedell Thomas, Lower North st
Bidwell Thomas, Magdalen street
Bowden Robert, Sivell place, H
Bradford Ann, 145 St Sidwell st
* Brooks Wm. 141 St Sidwell st
Burnett Mary, Smythen street
Cann Wm. 89 South street
Chamberlain Thomas, 249 High st
Cockren John, Goldsmith street
Cox Robert, 108 Fore street
Darke Edward, Smythen street
Darke Jas. & Geo. 89 St Sidwell st
* Davis John, 60 South street
England James, 85 St Sidwell st
England Wm., Smythen street
* Fry Wm., Preston street
Gargatt John, Smythen street
Glass Elizabeth, Smythen street
Hallett John, Goldsmith street
Hallett Wm., Topsham road
Harvey Wm., Market street
Havill George Goldsmith st; house South Wonford
* Hawkins John, Okehampton st
Hill George, 102 St Sidwell street
Hore John, Market street
Horn John, Summerland street
Howard John Charles, Heavitree
* Hucker Elizabeth, Paul street
Hucklebridge Thos., Alphington st
Kerswell James, West quarter
Knapman Edw. 20 St Sidwell st
Knapman Wm., Smythen street
Knowling Wm. 123 Sidwell street
Lake John, 10 South street
Lane John, 29 Paris street
Lane Wm. 34½ Holloway street
Lendon Frederick, 31 North st
* Lutley Thomasin, George street
Manley Charles, 97 St Sidwell st
Manley Thomas, Broad street
Masters George, Coombe street
Matthews John, 56 South street
Mayo Caroline, 6 New Bridge st
Mayo Isabella, 23 South street
Melhuish John, 3 New Bridge st
* Moody Charles, St Sidwell st
Moss Samuel, James street
Nott Wm., Exwick
Oliver John, Market street
Orchard John, Milk skeet
Paine Jane, 166 St Sidwell street
Palmer Wm., Alphington road
Pannell John, Cowick street
* Perkins Grace, Paul street
Perry Wm., Smythen street
Ponsford Jeremiah, 3 Paris street
Priston Wm., Cowick street
Salter Wm. 250 High street
Sellick Samuel, West quarter
Seward Robert, 8 New Bridge st
Slocombe Thomas, Market street
Slocombe Wm. 12 Paris street
Smale Grace, 8 South street
Smith Isaac, Sun street
Smith Wm. 90 North street
Spark Elizabeth, Milk street
Symes W. S., Paul street
Trace John, Catherine street
Trace Thomas, 128 St Sidwell st
* Ware Ann, 49 South street
Warren John, 35 St Sidwell st
* Warren Wm., George street
Warren Wm., Goldsmith street
Waymouth Thomas, 36 Paris st
Wills John, 24 New Bridge st
Wills Wm., Edmund street
Youlden Wm. 46 South street


Badcock John, 5 Queen street
Bryett Wm. 2 Gandy street
Clode Wm. 167 St Sidwell street
Connett Wm., Magdalen street
Cook Frederick, Southernhay st
Dingle Daniel, 17 New Bridge street
Foster John, Duke's place
Gibbs Wm., College
Gordon Thomas, 15½ Holloway st
Gove John, 6 Milk street
Green Wm. ct 137 St Sidwell st
Guest Wm. 5 New Bridge street
Harding Charles, Trinity street
Isaac John, James street
James Theodore, 6 Queen street
Kerridge John, 13 Northernhay st
Kingdon Jane and Son (and paper stainers,) 180 Fore street
Langsford Wm. 128 Fore street
Letherby John, Cowick street
Marshall James, Exe island
Nicholls J. P. 21 New Bridge st
Nicholls John, 141 Fore street
Osment Edward, 75 Paris street
Porter Wm., Bear street
Reynolds Robert, 3 Paris street
Roberts Wm. 63 Magdalen street
Sellick Wm., Mary Arches street
Stamp Wm. 20 Magdalen street
Street Edward Henry, 8 Paris st
Tozer Wm., Jno. & Rowld. 11 North st
Tucker John, Mary Arches street
Turner John, 15 Alphington st
Twiggs Edward, 134 Fore street
Voyser Wm., King street
Ward Thomas, Castle green
Welsman George, 12 Gandy street
Wilcocks and Brock, 177 Fore st
Wilson John, Cathedral yard


(See also Builders.)
Ashe John, West street
Babb Wm. 1 Park pl., St Sidwells
Beavis John, 138 Sidwell street
Beedle Thomas, Albert street
Beer George, Topsham road
Bickell John, 133 St Sidwell st
Bond Peter, 62 South street
Bond Thomas, Cowick street
Borne Robt., Church st., St Sidwell's
Bradford Robert, James street
Brinsmead Hugh, St David's hill
Chapman John, 160 St Sidwell st
Chapple John, 64 St Sidwell street
Chown John, Cowick street
Cossins Richard, New buildings
Crabb John, Commercial road
Crang John and Son, 137 Fore st
Cross Francis, 161 St Sidwell st
Dolbear Giles, St Sidwell street
Ellis John, Preston street
Ford Ambrose, Lower North st
Gattey Joseph, 43 St Sidwell st
Gibbings John, 11 Longbrook st
Harris Thomas, Butcher's row
Helmore Robert, Stepcote hill
Hodge Charles Jas., Alphington st
Hutchings John, Exe street
Isaac George, Catherine street
Jellard John, Weirfield place
Jerman James, Exe street
Kenshole John, Heavitree
Kinsman T. 8 St Leonard's ter
Lamerton Thomas, Guinea street
Lucas John, Stepcote hill
Lucas Matthew, Stepcote hill
Moore John, Exwick
Pannell Wm. 18 Holloway street
Pinn Thomas, Black Boy road
Priston John, Friar's green
Priston Wm., Cowick street
Rich Wm., Alphington street
Richards John, Paris street
Ridge Thomas, 9 Pavilion place
Sanders Joseph, 153 St Sidwell st
Southwood John, Cowick street
Stuckes John, St David's hill
Thomas John, Friernhay street
Todd Charles, Musgrave's alley
Ward Thomas, Castle street
Webber George (boat builder,) Leonard's quay
White John James, Bartholomew st


Edwards John H. 31 Holloway st
Ferguson Wm. S. 26 St Sidwell st
Fey John, 20 Magdalen street
Gendall John, Cathedral yard
Gordon Edwin James, Friar's gate
Hall Wm., Castle street
Roper Edwin, Coombe street
Rowden John & Robert, 18 High st
Stamp Joseph, Bear street
Trist Anthony, Rack street
Tucker Edward, Little Queen st
Tucker Wm. B. 10 New Bridge st
West Benj. (frame mkr.) 22 Sidw. st


Brooking Joseph, 29 South street
Brooking Wm. 33 North street
Brown Richard, St Sidwell street
Bryant Samuel, 28 New Bridge st
Carter Wm. (bacon,) Cowick st
Dale George, 4 New Bridge street
Davidge John, 86 Fore street
Fisher John, Paul street
Lendon Samuel, 114 Fore street
Luckes Thomas, 85 Fore street
Myers James, Black Boy road
Perry Edward, 42 South street
Pollard Wm. 3 Paris street
Potter Robert, Clifton road
Richards Wm., Guinea street
Southcott John, Smythen street
Toby Stephen, 5 and 6 South st
Ware Ann, 49 South street


Edbrook Wm., Black Boy road
Franks John, Water lane
Howe John, Water lane
Luget James, 25 Paris street
Parson George, Water lane
Smith Henry, West street
Tomlinson James, 23 Paris street
Wright Charles, 165 St Sidwell st

(30) CHINA, GLASS, &c. DLRS.

Attwood Wm., Market place
Cockerom Sarah, 159 Fore street
Emery Frances, 90 Fore street
Ford John, 73 South street
French Richard, 2 Paris street
Hammott James, Pancras lane
Hunt Henry Francis, 111 Fore st
King George, 205 High street
Newcombe Sar. & Co., East market
Osborn John Dinham (and lamp,) 198 High street
Presswell Wm. 248 High street
Price Charles, 9 South street
Shooter Edwin, West street
Taylor Mary, Exe bridge
Willey Susan, 130 St Sidwell st


(See also Druggists, Wholesale.)
Brailey Charles, Heavitree
Bremridge Elias, 35 South street
Burge Samuel, 79 Fore street
Collins Joseph, 124 Fore street
Croome John, 47 High street
Dyer Thomas, 3 Cowick street
Froom Wm. J. (whols.) 11 North st
Gould Robert, Lower North street
Holman and Ham, 187 High st
Hooker Seraphin, 139 St Sidwell st
Huggins George, 210 High street
Husband & Co. (wholsl.) Waterbeer st
Knott Thomas (and soda water mfr.) 41 High street
Lang Isaac (and oilman,) 96 Fore st
Milton Wm. & Reuben, 66 High st
Owen Geo. (pharmactcl.) 2 Queen st
Palk John (Medical Hall,) 84 St Sidwell street, and Southernhay
Pates George, Upper West street
Pearse Edward, 169 Fore street
Ranney Henry Sargent, 259 High st
Stone John, 167 Fore street
Tanner Nicholas Wms. 246 High st
Tozer Richard John, 15 South st
Trehane James, 33 St Sidwell st
Trix John, 26 High street
Visick Robt. Goodyear, 224 High st
Wrighton Wm., Cowick street
Yerbury Richard, 1 Alphington st


(See also Tailors.)
Avent Wm. 119 Fore street
Bidgood Thomas, Edmund street
Clapp Samuel, Cowick street
Coleman Wm., Upper West street
Darby Joseph, Upper West street
Davy Charles, Upper West street
Easterling Thos., Upper West st
Guy Thomas, Upper West street
Hyam David, 193 High street
Marks Joseph, 113 Fore street
Pinder Richard & Co. 191 High st
Pinn James, Palace street
Sanders John, Upper West street
Sanders Robert, Upper West st
Silverston Israel, 107 Fore street
Stone Samuel, West street
* Strong George, 118 Fore street
Tucket Thomas, Lower North st
Westlake John, Upper West street


(And Harness Makers.)
Foster Charles, 50 Magdalen st
Franklin Frederick and George, 271 High st. and 98 St Sidwell st
Fulford Thomas, Bampfylde st
Godbeer Robert, 10 Queen street
Gould Wm. and Son, Post Office st
Hayman Geo. & Co. 100 St Sidwell st
Jackson Edw. Wm., New North rd
Parsons John King, Alphington st
Parsons John Henry, Holloway st
Powlesland Robert, Frog street
Ridge James, jun. 11 Hill's court
Sellers John Alexander, Bedford st
Ward Joseph & Son, 41 Paris st
Woodman (Samuel) and Down (Rd.) 8 Catherine


Brewster Hy. Lewis, 3 Catherine st
Goodridge Ths. Trist, 31 New Bridge st
Kingdon Francis, 21 High street


Arthur John (dealer,) Coombe st
Ash Henry B. & Co., Quay, & Star Cross
Barratt Sarah, Preston street
Bastick Wm. Henry, Railway Station, Cowick street
Burrows James, King street
Caseley Wm., Black Boy road
Davis Robert. Heavitree
Dawson and Co., Railway Station
Densham Wm., Rack street
Deacon and Co., Railway Station
Foster Jane, Baker's ct., Sidwell st
Greenslade George, Rack street
Groves Wm., Waterbeer street
Hawkins Edward, Commercial rd
Hawkins Richard, 30 Russell st
Hellyer Philip, Coombe street
Holmes Wm., Commercial road
Hussey John, 152 St Sidwell st
Jackman John, Russell street
Jenkins John, Lower North street
Jones Benj. 3 Bartholomew street
Jones Abraham, Black Boy road
Kingdon John Eyre, Waterbeer st
Mear Wm., Quay
Napper James, Paul street
Norman George, 3 Summerland st
Norrish John, 38 Bartholomew st
Northern Coal Mining Co., Quay; Wm. Holmes, manager
Passmore John, 23 Paris street
Richards Rd., Quay; h 1 Lansdowne ter
Roberts Richard, Cowick street
Sanders John, 127 St Sidwell street
Scott Wm. 143 St Sidwell street
Snape James, Paul street
Squires George, Mary Arches st
Taylor Henry, Commercial road
Tucker James, Exe bridge
Ward Robert (and guano, bone-dust, &c. dealer,) Railway Station
Western James, Commercial road
West of England Coal Co., Railway Station
White John, 30 Magdalen street
Wright Robert, Commercial road


Anley Charlotte, 21 High street
Blackmore Mattw. Hy. 15 North st
Bodley Edwin G. 40 South street
Bnrge Ann, 30 South street
Burnell Wm. (cook,) 33 Paris st
Coombe John, Cowick street
Cuthbertson Wm. 57 South street
Davy John, 8 Magdalen road
Ford James, 152 Fore street
Frost Wm. 47 South street
Goodridge Richd. 96 St Sidwell st
Haycraft James, 3 North bridge
Helmore Mark, James street
Incledon James, 112 St Sidwell st
Jones Thomas, 97 Fore street
Kenwood Thomas, 39 South street
Mackay Hy. (and medicated lozenge manufacturer,) 11 Gandy street
Middleweek Geo. 29 Magdalen st
Murch Sarah (cook,) Broad street
Palmer Wm. 148 St Sidwell street
Salter Thomas, 253 High street
Sherry Wm., Alphington street
Snow John, Paul street
Snow Wm. 39 St Sidwell street
Walker Richard, Preston street
Ward Joseph, 5 Queen street


Portugal, F. D. L. Hirtzel, James st
Prussia & Spain, J. C. Sercombe, Quay
Sweden & Norway, Jno. Follett, Shilhay
United States of America, J. H. Terrell, Martin street


(See also Attorneys.)
Commin James, Cathedral yard
Rawling Wm., Lower Northernhay
Sparkes Perry, Cathedral yard


Bond John, Cowick street
Bowden Joseph, 14 Bartholomew st
Ellett Wm., Cowick street
Ford & Foster, 30 Holloway street
Gard Wm., Sandygate, Heavitree
Labdon Jacob, 151 Fore street hill
Labdon Wm. S., Coombe street
Lewis John, Cowick street
Newcombe John, Castle square
Osborn John (wine,) Exe island
Richards Francis, Adelaide place
Saunders Wm., Preston street
Selley Robert, Sun street
Twiggs John, 44 St Sidwell street


Allen Thomas, Sun street
Mortimer Wm. 80 Fore street
Stockham John, Paul street
Tothill John, Cowick street
Ware Shadrach, Cowick street

Brian Randell, 26 Aug 1999