Surname Index
From Earliest Times (p. 1) to bishop John Gauden, (p. 151)
Lives of the Bishops of Exeter and a History of the Cathedral, with an illustrative appendix
George Oliver
Exeter: William Roberts, Broadgate (1861), illus. xiv, 529 pp.
Index prepared by Michael Steer
From the first bishop until the sixteenth century, the Bishops of Exeter were in full communion with the Roman Catholic Church. However, during the Reformation the church in England broke away from the authority of the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church, at first temporarily and later more permanently. Since the Reformation, the Bishop and Diocese of Exeter has been part of the Church of England and of the Anglican Communion. The book's author, Reverend George Oliver, D.D., the famous priest-historian had been in charge of the Catholics of Devonshire for nearly 50 years, during which time he combined zealous pastoral care with an intense study of the history of the diocese of Exeter in the Middle Ages, and other kindred subjects. The book's illustrative appendix, pp. 269-503, is a treasury of early charters, certificates and muniments, many in the original Latin, as well as a lengthy subscribers list.
The appendix is not included in this name index.
For convenience, the term 'filius de' (son of) has been rendered as 'Fitz' throughout the index
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Page | |
A | |
Abbot, archbishop | 144 |
Acland, Sir Thomas Dyke, Bt | iii |
Adeliza, queen (Adelicia) | 12, 42 |
Adelredus, bishop | 2 |
Adelwold, saint | 4 |
Adrian IV, pope | 18 |
Ægelburght | 1 |
Ægeluuardus, abbot | 10 |
Ælfgarus, nobilis | 10 |
Ælfgeat, minister | 10 |
Ælfricus, archbishop of York | 9 |
Ælfricus, minister | 10 |
Ælfuuinus, abbot (also minister) | 10 |
Ælfwold, bishop (Alfwold) | 3 |
Ælfwold (2), bishop (Alewold) | 4 |
Æluuinus, bishop | 9 |
Æthelgar, bishop (Algar) | 2-3 |
Æthelmærus, minister | 10 |
Æthelricus, minister | 10 |
Æthelstanus, abbot | 10 |
Æthelwerdus, minister | 10 |
Æthelwinus, minister | 10 |
Ælthred, bishop | 2 |
Ailuna | 27 |
Albemarle, Reginald de | 31 |
Albemarle, William de | 31 |
Aldhelm, abbot | 1, 3 |
Alexander III, pope | 22, 25 |
Alexander VI, pope | 115 |
Alford | 8 |
Alfred, king | 2, 66 |
Alfricus, abbot (Aluricus) | 4 |
Algaro, deacon | 18, 29 |
Alley, bishop William STP | x, 62, 138-9, 141 |
Alleye arms | 140 |
Alleye, Austin | 138 |
Alleye, Roger | 138 |
Alleye, Sybil | 138 |
Alphonsus, king | 26, 43 |
Aluredi, archdeacon | 17-8 |
Anchetillo | 18 |
Anselm, saint | 13, 15-6 |
Apulia arms | 34 |
Apulia, bishop Simon de | ix, xiv, 32 |
Aquinas, St Thomas de | 86 |
Aquitain, Duke of | 60 |
Arfastus, chancellor | 7, 11 |
Aribertus, presbiter | 20 |
Arnold | 79 |
Aragon, queen Katherine of | 122 |
Arundell arms | 117 |
Arundell, H | 132 |
Arundell, Jane | 116 |
Arundell, bishop John | x, 116, 118, 120 |
Arundell, Sir Rainford | 116 |
Ascatillo | 27, 29 |
Athelstan, bishop | 2-3 |
Athelstan, king | 2 |
Atsorus, minister | 10 |
Atwill, John | 112 |
Aubrey | 151 |
Auc, Roberto de | 18, 29 |
Austria, Leopold Duke of | 29 |
Ayscough, Robert | 109 |
B | |
Babington arms | 143 |
Babington, bishop Gervase | x, 142-3 |
Bacon, Lord | 111 |
Badelesmere, Bartholomeo de | 69 |
Baggat, Rogeri de | 29 |
Balduuinus, abbot (Baldewino) | 11, 18 |
Baldwin, archbishop | 23, 29 |
Bale | 26 |
Barfoth, Robert | 108 |
Barnes, Mr Ralph | vi |
Bartholomew | 18 |
Bartholomew, archdeacon | 100 |
Bavaria, duke of | 75 |
Bayonne, John bishop of | 90 |
Beauchamp, Richard | 103 |
Beaufort, Margaret | 117 |
Becket, Thomas A, primate & saint | 15, 23-5, 85 |
Bede, venerable | 1, 8, 20 |
Bedle, Mr | 129 |
Bedford, earl of | 135 |
Bedford, Francis earl of | 141 |
Bedford, J | 126, 128 |
Benedict XII, pope | 76, 85 |
Bennet, Thomas, verÈ Dusgate, MA | 122 |
Berian, saint | 36 |
Berkely arms | 73 |
Berkley, bishop James STP | x. 70-1, 73, 76, 79 |
Berkley, Joane | 71 |
Berkley, Thomas de | 70 |
Bethell, bishop Christopher | xi |
Birchington, Stephen | 81 |
Birinus, saint | 1 |
Bisiman, Sir Willielmi de | 50 |
Bitton family arms & bishop's arms | 52, 54 |
Bitton, Matilda de | 52 |
Bitton, bishop Thomas de (also Button) | ix, xiv, 52-4 |
Bitton, Sir Walter de | 52 |
Blackall, bishop Offspring | x |
Blackburne, bishop Launcelot | x |
Blanchelande, de | 34 |
Blaxton, magister | 126-7, 137 |
Blois, bishop Henry de | 24 |
Blondy arms | 39 |
Blondy, Hilary | 37 |
Blondy, John | 37 |
Blondy, bishop William | ix, 37-9 |
Bodeham, Thomas de | 50 |
Bodley, Dr | 144 |
Bollet, Henrico de | 50 |
Boniface archbishop | 77 |
Boniface VIII, pope | 52, 72 |
Boniface IX, pope (also Blond) | x, 73, 94-5, 98 |
Boniface, saint | 3 |
Bonner, bishop Edmund | 135 |
Bosi, Hugh | 77 |
Boothe, archbishop William (also Bothe) | 102, 106 |
Bothe arms | 108 |
Bothe, Dulcia | 106 |
Bothe, Joane | 106 |
Bothe, John | 106 |
Bothe, bishop John LLD | x, 106-8, 110 |
Bothe, archbishop Laurence | 106 |
Bothe, Sir Robert Kt | 106 |
Bothe, Sir William Kt | 108 |
Bottalanda, Willielmo de | 27 |
Bourchier, archbishop Thomas | 105, 107, 110 |
Bowles, Rev William Lisle | 147 |
Bradbridge arms | 140 |
Bradbridge, bishop William | x, 140-1 |
Brantyngham arms | 94 |
Brantyngham, Ralph | 89 |
Brantyngham, Robert | 89 |
Brantyngham, bishop Thomas de | x, xiv, 21, 56, 63, 81, 89, 92 |
Brantyngham, William | 89 |
Braybroke, bishop Robert de | 94 |
Braybroke, Nicholas de | 86 |
Braybroke, William de | 86 |
Braylegh, Richard de | 64 |
Breakspear, Nicholas | 18 |
Brett family | 142 |
Breuerid, Roberto | 26 |
Brewward, Dr | 120 |
Bridgewater, Dr | 137 |
Brient, comes | 11 |
Brihtricus, nobilis | 10 |
Brihtwinus, minister | 10 |
Britton, Mr | 30 |
Brituuoldus, bishop | 9 |
Britwyune, bishop | 2 |
Briwere (Bruere) arms | 36 |
Briwere, bishop William (Bruere) | ix, 34-5 |
Brocke, Robert | 138 |
Brompton, John | 14 |
Bronescombe arms | 46 |
Bronescombe, bishop Walter | ix, 31, 38-40, 42-3, 46, 53 |
Brown, John | 93 |
Browne Willis | 115, 136 |
Brownrigg arms | 148 |
Brownrigg, bishop Ralph, STD | x, 147-8 |
Bruered, saint | 43 |
Brydges, Ann | 120 |
Brydges, Henry | 120 |
Buffestr, Petrp abbot of | 70 |
Buller, bishop William | xi |
Burgundy, Earl Palatine de | 75 |
Burkyl, minister | 10 |
Burne, Mr Ffrances | 129 |
Burne, Mr Gilbert | 129 |
Burnebe, John | 102 |
Buruhwold, bishop (Burewoldus) | 2, 5 |
C | |
Calixtus III, pope | 104 |
Calvine, John | 134 |
Campbell, Lord | 24, 98, 106 |
Camville, Maud | 94 |
Camville, William Lord | 94 |
Canterbyri, John de | 91 |
Canterbury, archbishop of | 69, 126-7 |
Cantilupo, Juliana de | 76 |
Cantore, Roberto | 18 |
Cantoris, Johannis | 28 |
Canute, king | 2, 5 |
Capelani, Pagani | 28 |
Capelano, Willielmus | 26 |
Carew family | 141 |
Carew, Mr John | vi |
Carew, Sir Peter | 133 |
Carew, Richard | 122 |
Carey, bishop William | xi |
Carlisle | 119 |
Cary arms | 145 |
Cary, James (also John) | 100 |
Cary, bishop Valentine | x, 144-5 |
Casbeard, John | 148 |
Catterick arms | 100 |
Catterick, bishop John | x, 99-101 |
Caynock the chamberlain | 38 |
Chalmers | 135 |
Chamber, Thomas | 93 |
Chantor arms | 29 |
Chantor, bishop John the | ix, xiv, 29 |
Charles I | 145, 147, 150 |
Charles II | 142, 149-51 |
Charletone, Rogero de | 70 |
Chester, Richard | 102 |
Cheveral, Isabella | 135 |
Cheyne, T | 128 |
Chicheley, bishop Henry | 95-6, 101 |
Chichester, Peter | 17 |
Chichester, Philip | 17-8 |
Chichester, bishop Robert | ix, xiv, 17, 19 |
Chirleton, Thomas de | 55, 76 |
Christow, Henry of | 38 |
Chrodegang, saint | 7 |
Cirencester, Gervase de | 24 |
Claggett, Bishop Nicholas | x |
Clement V, pope | 55 |
Clement VI, pope | 82 |
Clifford, Thomas lord | 142 |
Clynton, earl | 126-7 |
Cobham, G | 128 |
Cobthorne, John | 96 |
Coleshull, Jane | 116 |
Coleshull, Sir John | 116 |
Coleton, Richard de | 64 |
Collumpton, bishop William | 125 |
Comoere, bishop (Comanus) | 2 |
Conradus, bishop | 20 |
Constantinople, Emperor of | 75 |
Cooper | 135 |
Cornwall, Edmund, Prince & Earl | 43 |
Cornwall, Richard earl of | 37, 48 |
Coryton, John | 112 |
Cosenza, Adenulphus bishop of | 53 |
Cotton arms | 144 |
Cotton, Mary | 144 |
Cotton, bishop William | x, 143 |
Courtenay, lady Agnes | 79 |
Courtenay arms | 112 |
Courtenay, Elizabeth | 109 |
Courtenay family | 92 |
Courtenay, bishop Henry Reginald | xi |
Courtenay, lord Hugh de | 56, 79-80 |
Courtenay, Isabella | 79 |
Courtenay, Margaret | 95 |
Courtenay, bishop Peter | x, 109-11, 113 |
Courtenay, Philip | 95, 109 |
Courtenay, Richard | 95, 138 |
Courtenay, Sir Walter | 112 |
Courtenay, William | 109 |
Courtenay, archbishop William | 94 |
Coverdale arms | 135 |
Coverdale, Elizabeth | 132-3 |
Coverdale, bishop Myles, STP | x, 132 |
Cranmer, archbishop Thomas | 122-3, 132 |
Crediton, Gervase de | 38 |
Creditona, Baldwino de | 18 |
Cromwell, Lord Thomas | 122, 132 |
Curwen, Hugh | 135 |
Cyncheard, prince | 3 |
D | |
Daccumba, Nicholao de | 27 |
Daccumba, Willielmo de | 27 |
Damascus, Geoffry, archbishop of | 90 |
Darcy, Sir Thomas | 123, 126, 128 |
Davenant, bishop | 147 |
Day, John | 139 |
Dene, William le | 71 |
Denmark, king of | 133 |
Dennis, Sir Thomas (Denys) | 122, 130-1, 133 |
Derby, Thomas earl of | 117 |
Despenser, Eleanor le | 79 |
Despenser, Hugone le, snr | 69 |
Devon, Mr Frederick | 89 |
Diceto, Ralph de | 2 |
Dispensar family | 61 |
Doda, nobilis | 10 |
Dodds, Dr Gregory | 138 |
Dodico, bishop | 10 |
Dore, abbot of | 79 |
Dowsyn, William | 102 |
Drake, Mr Thomas E | vi |
Dugdale | 41, 125 |
Dunstan, saint | 3-4 |
Durham, Simeon of | 17 |
E | |
Eadsinus, archbishop | 9 |
Eadwulf, bishop (also Ædulphus; Adulphus) | 2-3 |
Ealdredus, bishop | 10 |
Ealred, bishop | 2 |
Ecglafus, minister | 10 |
Ecgulfus, minister | 10 |
Edgar, king | 3 |
Editha, queen | 7 |
Ednod, bishop (also: Eadnoth; Edwynus;Eadwine; Ethelnoth) | 4-5 |
Edred, king | 3 |
Eduuinus, comes | 11 |
Edward the Black Prince | 58, 60, 83 |
Edward the Confessor | ix, 2, 5-6, 8-9, 12, 94 |
Edward, the Martyr | 4 |
Edward I | 24, 42, 46, 52-3, 70, 72, 75-6 |
Edward II | 55-7, 61, 63, 65, 68-9, 71, 75, 89 |
Edward III | 67, 75, 77, 83, 89-91, 94 |
Edward IV | 105-7, 109-10, 114 |
Edward VI | 103, 122, 124 |
Eleanora, queen | 42 |
Elizabeth, queen | 60 |
Elizabeth I, queen | 62, 94, 104, 109, 134, 136-8, 140, 142-3 |
Ellacombe, Henry Thomas | 52 |
Ellis, Sir Henry | 65 |
Elphege, primate | 7 |
Ely, T | 126 |
Elys, William | 93 |
England, Isabella of | 35, 83 |
Erindeham, Stephani de, magister | 50 |
Esse, Johannes de. magistri | 49-50 |
Ethelred, king | 4 |
Eugenius, bishop | 20, 32 |
Eugenius III, pope | ix, 18, 20 |
Eugenius IV, pope | 102 |
Evaunce, William | 138 |
Evesham, Roberto de, magister | 50 |
Exeter, Anne duchess of | 111 |
Exeter, bishop Bartholomew arms | 26 |
Exeter, bishop Bartholomew of | ix, xiv, 22, 25-8 |
Eyre, John | 91 |
F | |
Farewell, Sherrington | 148 |
Ferrers, Joane de | 71 |
Ferrers, William de | 71 |
Fisher, bishop John | xi |
FitzAilmari, Durando | 18 |
FitzBrihtuini, Radulpho, cleric | 18 |
FitzEulalie, Roberto | 18 |
FitzGalfridi, Willielmus | 26 |
FitzGille, Roberto | 27, 29 |
FitzHugonis, Baldwini | 29 |
FitzJocelin, Walter | 18 |
FitzMartini, Alwardo | 27 |
FitzOsbern, Adeliza | 12 |
FitzJacobi, Walteri | 29 |
FitzOsbern, William | 11-2 |
FitzRalph, Richard | 82 |
FitzReinfridi, Ricardo | 18, 27-8 |
FitzReimundi, Jvone | 18 |
FitzRobert, John | 38 |
FitzWalteri, Gilliberti | 29 |
FitzWiching, Petro | 18 |
FitzWyseman, Alfico | 27 |
Flanmando, Ricardo | 27 |
Florentius | 3 |
Folco, Minister | 11 |
Ford, Mrs Alice | 151 |
Ford, Thomas | 151 |
Fournier, professor James | 76 |
Fox arms | 114 |
Fox, Helen | 112 |
Fox, bishop Richard | x, 112, 114-5, 119 |
Fox, Thomas | 112 |
France, Margaret of | 57 |
Frederick II Emperor | 35 |
Fuleford, William de | 38 |
Fuller | 137 |
Furn, Roberto de | 29 |
Furnelli, Philippo de | 18, 28-9 |
G | |
Gale, John | 128 |
Galfridus, bishop | 14 |
Garrett, J Esq | 136 |
Gascoigne, Thomas | 102 |
Gauden arms | 151 |
Gauden, Sir Dennis | 151 |
Gauden, bishop John | x, 148-50 |
Gerardus, presbyter | 20 |
Germyn, Rodulpho | 50 |
Gibbons, Amelia | 120 |
Gibbons, John | 120 |
Gibbons, William | 120 |
Gidley, Mr John | vi |
Gifford, bishop Godfrey | 42, 52 |
Gilbert, prior | 22 |
Gildo, archdeacon | 22 |
Giraldus Cambrensis | 24 |
Girardus, deacon | 20 |
Giso, bishop | 11 |
Glastonbury, Michael abbot of | 36 |
Glynn, William | 135 |
Godelegh, John de | 55 |
Godricus, minister | 10 |
Goduuinus, abbot | 10 |
Goduuinus, dux | 10 |
Goduuinus, minister | 10 |
Godwin, bishop | 2, 17, 21, 30-1, 37, 41, 49, 54, 71, 100, 103, 105, 122, 137, 140, 142 |
Golson, Ann | 120 |
Golson, Humphry | 120 |
Gosfredus, bishop | 11 |
Gould, Mr John B | vi |
Gower, bishop Henry | 62 |
Grandisson, Agnes de | 75 |
Grandisson arms | 87 |
Grandisson, Beatrix de | 75 |
Grandisson, Blanche de | 75 |
Grandisson, Elizabeth de | 75 |
Grandisson, bishop Gerard | 75 |
Grandisson, bishop John de | x, xiv, 3, 21, 25, 30, 40, 62-4, 66, 71, 73, 75-6, 82, 84-7, 89 |
Grandisson, Katherine | 75 |
Grandisson, Mabilla | 75 |
Grandisson, Matilda | 75 |
Grandisson, Otho de | 75, 79 |
Grandisson, lord Peter de | 75, 80 |
Grandisson, Sibilla de | 75 |
Grandisson, Thomas de | 75 |
Grandisson, William de | 75-6 |
Gregorius, presbiter | 20 |
Gregory, Dr | 132 |
Gregory VII, pope | 14 |
Grendon, Simon | 65 |
Grindal, archbishop Dr Edmund | 134, 141 |
Grosse, John | 133 |
Guido, deacon | 20 |
Guldeford, Walter de | 45 |
H | |
Hache, Thomas | 129 |
Hachevil | 27 |
Hall arms | 146-7 |
Hall, Edward | 147 |
Hall, Elizabeth | 146-7 |
Hall, bishop George | 147 |
Hall, John LLB | 145, 147 |
Hall, bishop Joseph | x, 145-7 |
Hall, Mary | 147 |
Hall, Robert | 147 |
Hall, Samuel | 147 |
Halse, John | 104 |
Hanonie, Countess Philippa of (Hainault) | 89 |
Harding, colonel | vi |
Hardy, Mr T Duffus | 138 |
Harman, Ann | 120 |
Harman, William Esq | 120 |
Harold, king | 5 |
Haroldus, nobilis | 10 |
Harpsfield, John | 114, 138 |
Harvey, George | 138 |
Hassarde, Rev Joseph | 144 |
Hedda, bishop & saint | 1 |
Heli | 29 |
Henaud, John of (Hainault) | 60 |
Hennely, John alias Columpton | 92 |
Henri IV, king of France | 14 |
Henry the chaplain | 38-9 |
Henry I | 15-7, 21, 42, 108 |
Henry II | 18, 20, 22-4, 27, 61 |
Henry III | 33, 35-6, 39, 42, 48, 77 |
Henry IV | 95, 97-9 |
Henry V | 96, 99, 101 |
Henry VI | 101, 104-5 |
Henry VI, Emperor of Germany | 29 |
Henry VII | 110-2, 117-8 |
Henry VIII | 24, 72, 84, 111, 113, 121-2 |
Henry, archdeacon Walter | 79 |
Hereford, Earl of | 11 |
Hereford, St Thomas bishop of | 76 |
Herimannus, bishop | 11 |
Heylyn | 121-2, 132, 136-7, 143 |
Heynes, Simon | 103 |
Heyworth, abbot William | 99 |
Hildebrand | 14-5 |
Hlother | 1 |
Hoare, Sir Richard Colt | 4 |
Hoker, Richard | 2, 37, 41, 49, 53, 62, 84, 92, 94, 97, 100, 103, 107, 113, 119, 122, 133, 135, 137, 139-41, 143, 151 |
Hollingworth | 119 |
Honorius III, pope | 34 |
Hopworthy, Nicholas | 92 |
Howell, Thomas | 148 |
Hubert, papal legate | 12 |
Hubert, primate | 30 |
Huntingdon, Henry de | 18, 128 |
Hugo, bishop | 20 |
Hugo, minister | 11, 18 |
Hugonis, archdeacon | 28 |
Hungary, king of | 75 |
Hungerford, Elizabeth | 109 |
Hungerford, Lord Walter | 109 |
Hurst, William | 133 |
I | |
Ilbertus | 26 |
Imarus, bishop | 20 |
Ina, king | 1 |
Ingelricus, presbiter | 11 |
Innocent II, pope | 33 |
Innocent III, pope | 32 |
Innocent VIII, pope | 111 |
Isabella, queen | 57-8, 61-2 |
Islip, archbishop Simon | 86 |
Izacke | 17, 26, 31, 34, 41, 73, 84, 100, 115, 117, 125, 137, 140, 147 |
J | |
Jacintus, deacon | 20 |
James I | 144-5 |
James V, king of Scots | 113 |
Jerusalem, Basil archbishop of | 53 |
Johannes, presbiter | 20 |
John, king | 30, 32-3, 72 |
John XXII, pope | x, 64, 71, 73, 76, 78, 80-1 |
John XXIII, pope | 99 |
Jones, Mr John | v-vi |
Jones, Mr Pitman | v |
Jordan, abbot | 31 |
Jordano | 17-8, 27 |
Julius II, pope | 118 |
Justinian | 24 |
Juxon, archbishop | 149 |
K | |
Karl, minister | 10 |
Kaynes, Joan | 55 |
Kaynes, Thomas | 55 |
Kemble, Mr | 3 |
Kempe, archbishop | 111 |
Kempe, bishop Thomas | 110 |
Kenall, John | 138 |
Kennaway, Mr Mark | vi |
Keppel, bishop Frederick | x |
Kesyl, William | 93 |
Killigrew, William Esq | 143 |
King arms | 115 |
King, bishop Oliver, MA | x, 114. 118 |
L | |
Lacy arms | 104 |
Lacy, bishop Edmund, STP | x, xiv, 35, 96, 100-4 |
Lacy, Isabella | 104 |
Lacy, John | 100 |
Lacy, Philip Esq | 104 |
Lacy, Sibilla | 100 |
Lacy, Stephen | 100 |
Lambrict, Baldwini | 29 |
Lamplugh, bishop Thomas | x |
Lancaster, Blanche Duchess of | 83 |
Lancaster, Edmund Earl of | 76 |
Lancaster, John Duke of | 83 |
Landbert | 6 |
Lanfranc, primate | 12 |
Langeton, canon William | 97 |
Langley, bishop Thomas | 101 |
Langton, archbishop Stephen (also Cardinal) | 32-4, 85 |
Lassells | 100 |
Laud, archbishop | 147 |
Lausanne, bishop of | 79 |
Lavington, bishop George | x |
Lechelade, dean | 55 |
Leha, Osbert cleric of | 27 |
Leland | 7, 16, 22, 24, 54, 60, 63, 73, 75, 97, 100, 103, 108 |
Le Neve | 71 |
Leo IX, pope | 6 |
Leo X, pope | 121 |
Leofric arms | 8 |
Leofric, bishop (Leuricus) | ix, 5-12 |
Leofricus, abbot | 4 |
Leofricus, dux | 10 |
Leofuuinus, nobilis | 10 |
Leopnofus, minister | 11 |
Leowine, priest | 14 |
Leveson, Amicia | 120 |
Leveson, John | 120 |
Leveson, William | 120 |
Lira, Nicholas de | 95 |
L'Isle, Isabella de | 79 |
L'Isle, lord de | 79 |
Limerick, Patrick bishop of | 17 |
Limesey, Ralph de | 65 |
Lingard, Dr | 3, 58 |
Linham, Ricardo cleric of | 27 |
Livingus, bishop (Lifingus) | 4-5, 9 |
Loddeswell, Walter de | 38-9 |
Longespée, Roger de | 40 |
Longi, Galfridi | 29 |
Lower, Humphry | 149 |
Lynwode | 82 |
Lysons, Messrs | 123, 151 |
M | |
Machabeus, Dr John | 133 |
Macheson, Elizabeth | 133 |
Mahtilda, queen | 11-2 |
Maleto, Willielmo | 18 |
Malherbe, Richard | 112 |
Malmaynes, Beatrix de | 75 |
Malmaynes, Nicholas de, Kt | 75 |
Malmesbury, William of | 2-5, 12-3 |
Manni, minister | 10 |
Mareschal, John | 61 |
Marfar, Mr | 129 |
Margaret, queen of Scots | 113 |
Marshal arms | 31 |
Marshal, bishop Henry | ix, 29, 31, 35, 37 |
Martin IV, pope | 49 |
Martin V, pope | 99, 101 |
Martino | 27 |
Martyn, W | 148 |
Mary, queen | 121, 124, 134-5 |
Mascley | 34 |
Mason, George | 138 |
Mayow, Dr Richard | 110 |
Melton, archbishop William de | 78 |
Mepham, Simon | 81 |
Midwynter, Robert | 139 |
Milton | 150 |
Molland, Thomas of | 38 |
Montacute, Alice de | 104 |
Montacute, Catherine de | 75 |
Montacute, Sir John, Kt | 86 |
Montacute, earl Thomas | 104 |
Montacute, William de | 75 |
Morgan, magister Henry | 131 |
Morkrrinus, comes | 11 |
Mortain, John earl of | 30 |
Mortimer, Blanche de | 75 |
Mortimer, Roger de | 58, 75 |
Morton, archbishop | 111-2, 115 |
Mountfort, Henry | 46 |
Murimoth, Adam de | 58 |
Mydwynter, John | 133 |
N | |
Neufchatel, Agnes de | 75 |
Neufchatel, Ulrick count of | 75 |
Nevyll, lady Alice | 104 |
Nevyll arms | 106 |
Nevyll, bishop George | x, 104, 107-8 |
Nevyll, earl Richard | 104 |
Nicholao, sacristan | 27 |
Nicolas, Sir Nicholas Harris | 104 |
Nichol | 150 |
Nicholas IV, pope | 33 |
Norfolk, Thomas earl of | 69 |
North, W | 126 |
Northumberland, Earl of | 93 |
Northwode, Lady Agnes | 75 |
Northwode, Sir John, Kt | 75 |
Norwich, bishop of | 69 |
Norwich, See of, arms | 146 |
Nowell, Dr | 140 |
Nutcome, Thomas | 138 |
O | |
Oby, John | 118 |
Odda, nobilis | 10 |
Odo, bishop | 11 |
Oldham, Amelia | 120 |
Oldham, Amicia | 120 |
Oldham arms | 120 |
Oldham, Bernard | 120 |
Oldham family | 117 |
Oldham, bishop Hugh (also Oldam) | x, 115, 117, 119 |
Oliver, Dr George | iii, vii |
Ordericus Vitalis | 3, 12, 16, 34 |
Ordgarus, nobilis | 10 |
Ordulfus, nobilis | 10 |
Orgar, duke | 3 |
Orleans, Hugh bishop of | 76 |
Osbern arms | 14 |
Osbern, bishop (also Osbert) | ix, xiv, 11-2 |
Osbert, clerk | 26 |
Osbert, presbiter | 26 |
Osgodus, minister | 10 |
Osmarus, minister | 10 |
Oto, deacon | 20 |
Ottobonus, cardinal | 43 |
P | |
Padyngton, John | 59, 61 |
Paget, William | 132 |
Pakyngton, William de | 60 |
Palgrave, Sir Francis | 14 |
Panatarius, Reginald the | 38 |
Panatarius, Thomas the | 38 |
Paris, Matthew | 25, 35 |
Parker, archbishop | 138, 140 |
Partyngton, bishop Stephen | 101 |
Paschal II, pope | 13, 15 |
Paskewe, John | 115, 118 |
Pateshull, Sir John de, Kt | 75 |
Pateshull, Lady Mabilla | 75 |
Pateshull, Thomas de | 63 |
Paz, Johanne, magister | 18, 27-8 |
Peccatoris, Ricardo | 29 |
Peckham, archbishop | 47 |
Pelham, bishop George | xi |
Pembroke, Henry earl of | 142 |
Pembroke, William earl of | 4, 30, 69 |
Penghelly, Warin | 93 |
Percy, Henry | 93 |
Peterson, Dr | 146 |
Peterson, Elizabeth | 146 |
Petre, John Esq | 136 |
Petre, Richard | 138 |
Petre, William | 132 |
Petri, archdeacon | 28 |
Petro, Johanne | 18 |
Philip & Mary | 135 |
Philippa, queen | 89-90 |
Phillpotts, bishop Henry | xi |
Plegmund, archbishop | 2 |
Plokenet, lord Alan | 79 |
Plympstock, Richard de | 55 |
Plympton, Mathew prior of | 70 |
Pole, cardinal | 135 |
Pole, Sir William | 100 |
Pomeroy, Sir Henry de la | 42 |
Poverel, bishop Thomas | 101 |
Præneste, Peter cardinal bishop of | 76 |
Prescote, Simon | 93 |
Prest, Agnes | 136 |
Prouz, William MP | 145 |
Provence, Sanchia de | 48 |
Prynne | 32, 52 |
Putta, bishop | 2 |
Q | |
Quivil arms | 49 |
Quivil, Helewisa | 46 |
Quivil, Peter snr | 46 |
Quivil, bishop Peter | ix, 39, 46, 49, 51, 81 |
R | |
Radegundes, Saint | 83 |
Ralegh, abbot Roger de | 67 |
Ralph | 25 |
Ralph, abbot | 42 |
Rannulfo, cleric | 18 |
Raulpus, comes | 11 |
Raulpus, minister | 11 |
Rdwyno | 27 |
Redmayne arms | 116 |
Redmayne, bishop Richard | x, xiv, 115 |
Reynolds, Dr | 132 |
Reynolds, Walter, primate | 71, 77 |
Ricardus, minister | 11 |
Rich, Mr | 148 |
Richard I | 29-30, 33 |
Richard II | 72, 91, 94-5, 98 |
Richard III | 111 |
Richards, Thomas | 133 |
Richardson, Dr | 37, 103 |
Riche, Henry | 93 |
Richmond, Henry earl of | 110 |
Ridley | 123 |
Robert, brother of William de Willa | 27 |
Roberto | 27 |
Rochester, Walter bishop of | 22 |
Rodberius, comes | 11 |
Rodbertus, vicecomes | 11 |
Rodd, James gent | 147 |
Rodd, Mary | 147 |
Roegerius, vicecomes | 11 |
Roger | 18, 21, 27 |
Ross, bishop John | xi |
Rostourek, William de | 53 |
Rous, Roger de | 47 |
Rupibus, bishop Peter de | 35 |
Russell, John, de Penard | 92-3 |
Russell, John Lord | x, 128-32 |
Ruydok, bishop | 2 |
Rwyno, Willielmo | 27 |
Ryche, R | 126 |
Rymer | 18, 26, 58, 71, 95, 99, 101, 103, 105, 107, 145 |
S | |
Salisbury, Richard earl of | 104 |
Sanctius, king | 26 |
Sancto Laurentio, Bartholomeus de | 50 |
Sanders, Dr Nicholas | 137 |
Sanford | 113 |
Sarum, Ricardi de | 29 |
Schipton Bellicampi, Henrico de | 50 |
Scrope, John Lord | 112 |
Sever, Henry | 102 |
Seymour, F | 132 |
Shrewesbury, T | 128 |
Sidebiria, Rogero de | 18, 28 |
Sideman, bishop | 3 |
Sidney, countess Mary | 142 |
Sidon, Richard bishop of | 111 |
Sigebert | 21 |
Sigeuuardus, dux | 10 |
Simonis | 29 |
Sixtinus, John LLD | 116 |
Sixtus IV, pope | 110 |
Smirke, Mr Edward | vi, 87 |
Somerset, earl of | 126-8, 132 |
Somner | 24 |
Sparrow, bishop Anthony | x |
Spelman, Sir Henry | 12, 48 |
Spofford, bishop Thomas | 102 |
Squier, George | 138 |
Squier, Joan | 120 |
Squier, Henry | 120 |
Stafford arms | 98 |
Stafford, bishop Edmund de, LLD | x, xiv, 72, 94-9 |
Stafford, Henry, archdeacon of | 30, 32 |
Stafford, Humphrey de | 96 |
Stafford, Isabella de | 94 |
Stafford, Earl Ralph de, KG | 94 |
Stafford, Sir Richard de, Kt | 94 |
Stanley, Humphry | 138 |
Stapledon arms | 67 |
Stapledon, Joan | 55 |
Stapledon, Mabilla de | 54 |
Stapledon, Sir Richard de, Kt | 55, 63, 68 |
Stapledon, Robert de | 63 |
Stapledon, canon Thomas de | 63-4, 67 |
Stapeldon, bishop Walter | ix-x, xiv, 4, 21, 32-3, 40, 45, 52, 54, 56-63, 67-70, 73, 78-80, 89, 138 |
Stapledon, William de | 54 |
Stephen, king | 16, 18 |
Stidio, bishop | 2 |
Stigandus, archbishop | 11 |
Stratford, John primate | 82 |
Strickland, Miss | 121 |
Strype | 132, 134 |
Stubbes, John | 108 |
Sudbury, Simon, primate | 90 |
Suetsham, John | 102 |
Suffolk, Duchess of | 135 |
Suuegan, dux | 10 |
Swete, Lewis | 138 |
Sylke, William LLD | 113 |
Synefeld, bishop Richard de | 47 |
T | |
Talleyrand | 15 |
Taranto, Ralph, archbishop of | 40 |
Tauton, Robert de | 62, 64, 67 |
Tavistoch, Robert abbot of | 70 |
Teignton, Wero cleric of | 27 |
Telyng, Stephen | 92 |
Theobald, primate | 17, 20, 22 |
Theodore, archbishop | 1 |
Thomas | 93 |
Thurloe | 149 |
Thurstanus, minister | 10 |
Thwaytis, Robert | 102 |
Tofti, nobilis | 10 |
Totnes, Baldevino archdeacon | 27 |
Totton, Richard de | 38-9 |
Tottoni, Jocelino, prior de | 70 |
Toui, minister | 10 |
Traci, Willielmus de | 25 |
Trafford, Henry | 106 |
Trafford, Joane | 106 |
Travers, Willielmo | 18 |
Travesse, Bernard | 120 |
Tregoz, John de | 76 |
Tregoz, Sibilla de | 76 |
Trelawny, bishop Jonathan | x |
Tuckfield, Mrs Joan | 136 |
Tudor, Margaret | 112 |
Tudor, Princess Mary | 121 |
Turberville arms | 138 |
Turberville, Dorothy | 135 |
Turberville, Isabella | 135 |
Turberville, bishop James DD | x, 135, 137-8 |
Turberville, John Esq | 135 |
Turberville, Robert Esq | 135 |
U | |
Uffa, earl | 2 |
Ulfcytel, minister | 10 |
Urban II, pope | 14 |
Urban V, pope | 83, 90 |
Urbano, magister | 18 |
Uulfarus, minister | 10 |
Uulfsige, minister | 10 |
Uulfueardus, abbot | 10 |
Uvelus, saint | 52-3 |
V | |
Valencia, Adomaro de | 69 |
Venables, Dulcia | 106 |
Venables, Sir Richard Kt | 106 |
Venice, Manfred bishop of St Mark's | 53 |
Vere, earl John de | 113 |
Vernon, Isabella de | 94 |
Vernon, Lady Maud de | 94 |
Vernon, Sir Richard de, Kt | 94 |
Veysy, Agnes | 120 |
Veysy, Ann | 120 |
Veysy arms | 125 |
Veysey, Dorothy | 120 |
Veysy, Eleanor | 120 |
Veysy, Elizabeth | 120 |
Veysy, Hugh | 120 |
Veysy, Jane | 120 |
Veysy, Joan | 120 |
Veysy, Jocasa | 120 |
Veysey, John | 120 |
Veysy, bishop John, alias Harman, DCL | x, 120-1, 124-5, 128, 130-2 |
Veysy, Margaret | 120 |
Veysy, William alias Harman, Esq | 120 |
Victor III, pope | 14 |
Vienna, William archbishop of | 76 |
Virgil, Polydore | 106, 112 |
Von Parris | 133 |
Vulspie, bishop (also Wulsie) | 2 |
W | |
Wake, Margaret | 95 |
Wales, Prince of | 106 |
Walker, Dr | 147 |
Walle, William | 59 |
Walsingham, Thomas of | 59 |
Walter, canon | 17 |
Waltham, bishop John | 94 |
Walton, Simon de | 40 |
Warbeck, Perkin | 112 |
Ward, bishop Seth | x, 140 |
Wareham, primate | 121 |
Warelwast arms | 17 |
Warelwast, bishop Robert (Warwest) | ix, 20-1 |
Warelwast, bishop William | ix, xi, xiv, 14-5, 20, 30 |
Warenn, John de | 69 |
Warwyke, J | 126-7 |
Waulle, Wylliam | 61 |
Way, Mr Albert | 65 |
Waynflete, bishop William | 110-1 |
Webber, Henry | 107 |
Weever | 108, 135 |
Weld, Ann | 147 |
Weld, Gascoign | 147 |
Wentworth, E | 126 |
Wereplesdon, Willielmo de | 50 |
Wero, cleric | 27 |
Werri, Roberto | 18 |
Werstanus, bishop | 2 |
Westcote (Westcott) | 17, 26, 31, 34, 55, 73, 84, 92, 100, 112, 115, 117, 122, 125, 138, 140, 143, 145 |
Westminster, Matthew of | 3, 42 |
Weston, bishop Stephen | x |
Westowe, Thomas | 92 |
Wiger, Sir John de Kt | 47 |
Whitaker | 2, 24 |
Whitgift, archbishop | 142 |
Whyte, Simon | 92 |
Wickham, William | 93 |
Wiffin, Ann | 147 |
Wiffin, Elizabeth | 147 |
Wilhelmus, bishop | 11 |
Wilhelmus, comes | 11 |
Wilhelmus, vicecomes | 11 |
Wilkins | 12-3, 15, 24, 48, 55, 82 |
Willa, Willielmo lord of | 27 |
William I (Conqueror) | ix, 7, 10-3, 15, 94 |
Willielmo, archdeacon | 18 |
Wilte, W | 126 |
Winchelsey, Robert | 55 |
Winchester, Baldwin de | 28 |
Windsor, Lord | 123 |
Wini, bishop | 1, 20 |
Winnoc, saint | 36 |
Wodestock, Edmund of | 60 |
Wolocus, bishop | 2 |
Wolsi, bishop | 2 |
Wood | 57, 89, 105 |
Woolton arms | 142 |
Woolton, bishop John | x, 140, 142 |
Woolton, John MD | 142 |
Worcester, Florence of | 4-5 |
Worcester, Roger bishop of | 25 |
Worcester, William of | 15, 41, 107 |
Wormulerus, Otho | 135 |
Woronus, bishop | 2 |
Wotton, Nicholas | 138 |
Woulton, Mr | 141 |
Woulton, Sara | 141 |
Wryght, Walter | 138 |
Wulfhard, abbot | 3 |
Wulfwerdus, minister | 10 |
Wulsige, bishop | 2 |
Wulfstan, bishop | 63 |
Wykford, Robert de | 86 |
Wyltshire, W | 126, 128 |
Wyngfeld, J | 126 |
Y | |
Yaldeford, John de | 65 |
York, archbishop of | 129 |
York, Duke of | 150 |
York, Thomas archbishop of | 12 |
Yunderbrok, John | 93 |