


Surname Index


From Earliest Times (p. 1) to bishop John Gauden, (p. 151)


Lives of the Bishops of Exeter and a History of the Cathedral, with an illustrative appendix


George Oliver

Exeter: William Roberts, Broadgate (1861), illus. xiv, 529 pp.

Index prepared by Michael Steer

From the first bishop until the sixteenth century, the Bishops of Exeter were in full communion with the Roman Catholic Church. However, during the Reformation the church in England broke away from the authority of the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church, at first temporarily and later more permanently. Since the Reformation, the Bishop and Diocese of Exeter has been part of the Church of England and of the Anglican Communion. The book's author, Reverend George Oliver, D.D., the famous priest-historian had been in charge of the Catholics of Devonshire for nearly 50 years, during which time he combined zealous pastoral care with an intense study of the history of the diocese of Exeter in the Middle Ages, and other kindred subjects. The book's illustrative appendix, pp. 269-503, is a treasury of early charters, certificates and muniments, many in the original Latin, as well as a lengthy subscribers list.

The appendix is not included in this name index.

For convenience, the term 'filius de' (son of) has been rendered as 'Fitz' throughout the index

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Abbot, archbishop144
Acland, Sir Thomas Dyke, Btiii
Adeliza, queen (Adelicia)12, 42
Adelredus, bishop2
Adelwold, saint4
Adrian IV, pope18
Ægeluuardus, abbot10
Ælfgarus, nobilis10
Ælfgeat, minister10
Ælfricus, archbishop of York9
Ælfricus, minister10
Ælfuuinus, abbot (also minister)10
Ælfwold, bishop (Alfwold)3
Ælfwold (2), bishop (Alewold)4
Æluuinus, bishop9
Æthelgar, bishop (Algar)2-3
Æthelmærus, minister10
Æthelricus, minister10
Æthelstanus, abbot10
Æthelwerdus, minister10
Æthelwinus, minister10
Ælthred, bishop2
Albemarle, Reginald de31
Albemarle, William de31
Aldhelm, abbot1, 3
Alexander III, pope22, 25
Alexander VI, pope115
Alfred, king2, 66
Alfricus, abbot (Aluricus)4
Algaro, deacon18, 29
Alley, bishop William STPx, 62, 138-9, 141
Alleye arms140
Alleye, Austin138
Alleye, Roger138
Alleye, Sybil138
Alphonsus, king26, 43
Aluredi, archdeacon17-8
Anselm, saint13, 15-6
Apulia arms34
Apulia, bishop Simon deix, xiv, 32
Aquinas, St Thomas de86
Aquitain, Duke of60
Arfastus, chancellor7, 11
Aribertus, presbiter20
Aragon, queen Katherine of122
Arundell arms117
Arundell, H132
Arundell, Jane116
Arundell, bishop Johnx, 116, 118, 120
Arundell, Sir Rainford116
Ascatillo27, 29
Athelstan, bishop2-3
Athelstan, king2
Atsorus, minister10
Atwill, John112
Auc, Roberto de18, 29
Austria, Leopold Duke of29
Ayscough, Robert109
Babington arms143
Babington, bishop Gervasex, 142-3
Bacon, Lord111
Badelesmere, Bartholomeo de69
Baggat, Rogeri de29
Balduuinus, abbot (Baldewino)11, 18
Baldwin, archbishop23, 29
Barfoth, Robert108
Barnes, Mr Ralphvi
Bartholomew, archdeacon100
Bavaria, duke of75
Bayonne, John bishop of90
Beauchamp, Richard103
Beaufort, Margaret117
Becket, Thomas A, primate & saint15, 23-5, 85
Bede, venerable1, 8, 20
Bedle, Mr129
Bedford, earl of135
Bedford, Francis earl of141
Bedford, J126, 128
Benedict XII, pope76, 85
Bennet, Thomas, verÈ Dusgate, MA122
Berian, saint36
Berkely arms73
Berkley, bishop James STPx. 70-1, 73, 76, 79
Berkley, Joane71
Berkley, Thomas de70
Bethell, bishop Christopherxi
Birchington, Stephen81
Birinus, saint1
Bisiman, Sir Willielmi de50
Bitton family arms & bishop's arms52, 54
Bitton, Matilda de52
Bitton, bishop Thomas de (also Button)ix, xiv, 52-4
Bitton, Sir Walter de52
Blackall, bishop Offspringx
Blackburne, bishop Launcelotx
Blanchelande, de34
Blaxton, magister126-7, 137
Blois, bishop Henry de24
Blondy arms39
Blondy, Hilary37
Blondy, John37
Blondy, bishop Williamix, 37-9
Bodeham, Thomas de50
Bodley, Dr144
Bollet, Henrico de50
Boniface archbishop77
Boniface VIII, pope52, 72
Boniface IX, pope (also Blond)x, 73, 94-5, 98
Boniface, saint3
Bonner, bishop Edmund135
Bosi, Hugh77
Boothe, archbishop William (also Bothe)102, 106
Bothe arms108
Bothe, Dulcia106
Bothe, Joane106
Bothe, John106
Bothe, bishop John LLDx, 106-8, 110
Bothe, archbishop Laurence106
Bothe, Sir Robert Kt106
Bothe, Sir William Kt108
Bottalanda, Willielmo de27
Bourchier, archbishop Thomas105, 107, 110
Bowles, Rev William Lisle147
Bradbridge arms140
Bradbridge, bishop Williamx, 140-1
Brantyngham arms94
Brantyngham, Ralph89
Brantyngham, Robert89
Brantyngham, bishop Thomas dex, xiv, 21, 56, 63, 81, 89, 92
Brantyngham, William89
Braybroke, bishop Robert de94
Braybroke, Nicholas de86
Braybroke, William de86
Braylegh, Richard de64
Breakspear, Nicholas18
Brett family142
Breuerid, Roberto26
Brewward, Dr120
Bridgewater, Dr137
Brient, comes11
Brihtricus, nobilis10
Brihtwinus, minister10
Britton, Mr30
Brituuoldus, bishop9
Britwyune, bishop2
Briwere (Bruere) arms36
Briwere, bishop William (Bruere)ix, 34-5
Brocke, Robert138
Brompton, John14
Bronescombe arms46
Bronescombe, bishop Walterix, 31, 38-40, 42-3, 46, 53
Brown, John93
Browne Willis115, 136
Brownrigg arms148
Brownrigg, bishop Ralph, STDx, 147-8
Bruered, saint43
Brydges, Ann120
Brydges, Henry120
Buffestr, Petrp abbot of70
Buller, bishop Williamxi
Burgundy, Earl Palatine de75
Burkyl, minister10
Burne, Mr Ffrances129
Burne, Mr Gilbert129
Burnebe, John102
Buruhwold, bishop (Burewoldus)2, 5
Calixtus III, pope104
Calvine, John134
Campbell, Lord24, 98, 106
Camville, Maud94
Camville, William Lord94
Canterbyri, John de91
Canterbury, archbishop of69, 126-7
Cantilupo, Juliana de76
Cantore, Roberto18
Cantoris, Johannis28
Canute, king2, 5
Capelani, Pagani28
Capelano, Willielmus26
Carew family141
Carew, Mr Johnvi
Carew, Sir Peter133
Carew, Richard122
Carey, bishop Williamxi
Cary arms145
Cary, James (also John)100
Cary, bishop Valentinex, 144-5
Casbeard, John148
Catterick arms100
Catterick, bishop Johnx, 99-101
Caynock the chamberlain38
Chamber, Thomas93
Chantor arms29
Chantor, bishop John theix, xiv, 29
Charles I145, 147, 150
Charles II142, 149-51
Charletone, Rogero de70
Chester, Richard102
Cheveral, Isabella135
Cheyne, T128
Chicheley, bishop Henry95-6, 101
Chichester, Peter17
Chichester, Philip17-8
Chichester, bishop Robertix, xiv, 17, 19
Chirleton, Thomas de55, 76
Christow, Henry of38
Chrodegang, saint7
Cirencester, Gervase de24
Claggett, Bishop Nicholasx
Clement V, pope55
Clement VI, pope82
Clifford, Thomas lord142
Clynton, earl126-7
Cobham, G128
Cobthorne, John96
Coleshull, Jane116
Coleshull, Sir John116
Coleton, Richard de64
Collumpton, bishop William125
Comoere, bishop (Comanus)2
Conradus, bishop20
Constantinople, Emperor of75
Cornwall, Edmund, Prince & Earl43
Cornwall, Richard earl of37, 48
Coryton, John112
Cosenza, Adenulphus bishop of53
Cotton arms144
Cotton, Mary144
Cotton, bishop Williamx, 143
Courtenay, lady Agnes79
Courtenay arms112
Courtenay, Elizabeth109
Courtenay family92
Courtenay, bishop Henry Reginaldxi
Courtenay, lord Hugh de56, 79-80
Courtenay, Isabella79
Courtenay, Margaret95
Courtenay, bishop Peterx, 109-11, 113
Courtenay, Philip95, 109
Courtenay, Richard95, 138
Courtenay, Sir Walter112
Courtenay, William109
Courtenay, archbishop William94
Coverdale arms135
Coverdale, Elizabeth132-3
Coverdale, bishop Myles, STPx, 132
Cranmer, archbishop Thomas122-3, 132
Crediton, Gervase de38
Creditona, Baldwino de18
Cromwell, Lord Thomas122, 132
Curwen, Hugh135
Cyncheard, prince3
Daccumba, Nicholao de27
Daccumba, Willielmo de27
Damascus, Geoffry, archbishop of90
Darcy, Sir Thomas123, 126, 128
Davenant, bishop147
Day, John139
Dene, William le71
Denmark, king of133
Dennis, Sir Thomas (Denys)122, 130-1, 133
Derby, Thomas earl of117
Despenser, Eleanor le79
Despenser, Hugone le, snr69
Devon, Mr Frederick89
Diceto, Ralph de2
Dispensar family61
Doda, nobilis10
Dodds, Dr Gregory138
Dodico, bishop10
Dore, abbot of79
Dowsyn, William102
Drake, Mr Thomas Evi
Dugdale41, 125
Dunstan, saint3-4
Durham, Simeon of17
Eadsinus, archbishop9
Eadwulf, bishop (also Ædulphus; Adulphus)2-3
Ealdredus, bishop10
Ealred, bishop2
Ecglafus, minister10
Ecgulfus, minister10
Edgar, king3
Editha, queen7
Ednod, bishop (also: Eadnoth; Edwynus;Eadwine; Ethelnoth)4-5
Edred, king3
Eduuinus, comes11
Edward the Black Prince58, 60, 83
Edward the Confessorix, 2, 5-6, 8-9, 12, 94
Edward, the Martyr4
Edward I24, 42, 46, 52-3, 70, 72, 75-6
Edward II55-7, 61, 63, 65, 68-9, 71, 75, 89
Edward III67, 75, 77, 83, 89-91, 94
Edward IV105-7, 109-10, 114
Edward VI103, 122, 124
Eleanora, queen42
Elizabeth, queen60
Elizabeth I, queen62, 94, 104, 109, 134, 136-8, 140, 142-3
Ellacombe, Henry Thomas52
Ellis, Sir Henry65
Elphege, primate7
Ely, T126
Elys, William93
England, Isabella of35, 83
Erindeham, Stephani de, magister50
Esse, Johannes de. magistri49-50
Ethelred, king4
Eugenius, bishop20, 32
Eugenius III, popeix, 18, 20
Eugenius IV, pope102
Evaunce, William138
Evesham, Roberto de, magister50
Exeter, Anne duchess of111
Exeter, bishop Bartholomew arms26
Exeter, bishop Bartholomew ofix, xiv, 22, 25-8
Eyre, John91
Farewell, Sherrington148
Ferrers, Joane de71
Ferrers, William de71
Fisher, bishop Johnxi
FitzAilmari, Durando18
FitzBrihtuini, Radulpho, cleric18
FitzEulalie, Roberto18
FitzGalfridi, Willielmus26
FitzGille, Roberto27, 29
FitzHugonis, Baldwini29
FitzJocelin, Walter18
FitzMartini, Alwardo27
FitzOsbern, Adeliza12
FitzJacobi, Walteri29
FitzOsbern, William11-2
FitzRalph, Richard82
FitzReinfridi, Ricardo18, 27-8
FitzReimundi, Jvone18
FitzRobert, John38
FitzWalteri, Gilliberti29
FitzWiching, Petro18
FitzWyseman, Alfico27
Flanmando, Ricardo27
Folco, Minister11
Ford, Mrs Alice151
Ford, Thomas151
Fournier, professor James76
Fox arms114
Fox, Helen112
Fox, bishop Richardx, 112, 114-5, 119
Fox, Thomas112
France, Margaret of57
Frederick II Emperor35
Fuleford, William de38
Furn, Roberto de29
Furnelli, Philippo de18, 28-9
Gale, John128
Galfridus, bishop14
Garrett, J Esq136
Gascoigne, Thomas102
Gauden arms151
Gauden, Sir Dennis151
Gauden, bishop Johnx, 148-50
Gerardus, presbyter20
Germyn, Rodulpho50
Gibbons, Amelia120
Gibbons, John120
Gibbons, William120
Gidley, Mr Johnvi
Gifford, bishop Godfrey42, 52
Gilbert, prior22
Gildo, archdeacon22
Giraldus Cambrensis24
Girardus, deacon20
Giso, bishop11
Glastonbury, Michael abbot of36
Glynn, William135
Godelegh, John de55
Godricus, minister10
Goduuinus, abbot10
Goduuinus, dux10
Goduuinus, minister10
Godwin, bishop2, 17, 21, 30-1, 37, 41, 49, 54, 71, 100, 103, 105, 122, 137, 140, 142
Golson, Ann120
Golson, Humphry120
Gosfredus, bishop11
Gould, Mr John Bvi
Gower, bishop Henry62
Grandisson, Agnes de75
Grandisson arms87
Grandisson, Beatrix de75
Grandisson, Blanche de75
Grandisson, Elizabeth de75
Grandisson, bishop Gerard75
Grandisson, bishop John dex, xiv, 3, 21, 25, 30, 40, 62-4, 66, 71, 73, 75-6, 82, 84-7, 89
Grandisson, Katherine75
Grandisson, Mabilla75
Grandisson, Matilda75
Grandisson, Otho de75, 79
Grandisson, lord Peter de75, 80
Grandisson, Sibilla de75
Grandisson, Thomas de75
Grandisson, William de75-6
Gregorius, presbiter20
Gregory, Dr132
Gregory VII, pope14
Grendon, Simon65
Grindal, archbishop Dr Edmund134, 141
Grosse, John133
Guido, deacon20
Guldeford, Walter de45
Hache, Thomas129
Hall arms146-7
Hall, Edward147
Hall, Elizabeth146-7
Hall, bishop George147
Hall, John LLB145, 147
Hall, bishop Josephx, 145-7
Hall, Mary147
Hall, Robert147
Hall, Samuel147
Halse, John104
Hanonie, Countess Philippa of (Hainault)89
Harding, colonelvi
Hardy, Mr T Duffus138
Harman, Ann120
Harman, William Esq120
Harold, king5
Haroldus, nobilis10
Harpsfield, John114, 138
Harvey, George138
Hassarde, Rev Joseph144
Hedda, bishop & saint1
Henaud, John of (Hainault)60
Hennely, John alias Columpton92
Henri IV, king of France14
Henry the chaplain38-9
Henry I15-7, 21, 42, 108
Henry II18, 20, 22-4, 27, 61
Henry III33, 35-6, 39, 42, 48, 77
Henry IV95, 97-9
Henry V96, 99, 101
Henry VI101, 104-5
Henry VI, Emperor of Germany29
Henry VII110-2, 117-8
Henry VIII24, 72, 84, 111, 113, 121-2
Henry, archdeacon Walter79
Hereford, Earl of11
Hereford, St Thomas bishop of76
Herimannus, bishop11
Heylyn121-2, 132, 136-7, 143
Heynes, Simon103
Heyworth, abbot William99
Hoare, Sir Richard Colt4
Hoker, Richard2, 37, 41, 49, 53, 62, 84, 92, 94, 97, 100, 103, 107, 113, 119, 122, 133, 135, 137, 139-41, 143, 151
Honorius III, pope34
Hopworthy, Nicholas92
Howell, Thomas148
Hubert, papal legate12
Hubert, primate30
Huntingdon, Henry de18, 128
Hugo, bishop20
Hugo, minister11, 18
Hugonis, archdeacon28
Hungary, king of75
Hungerford, Elizabeth109
Hungerford, Lord Walter109
Hurst, William133
Imarus, bishop20
Ina, king1
Ingelricus, presbiter11
Innocent II, pope33
Innocent III, pope32
Innocent VIII, pope111
Isabella, queen57-8, 61-2
Islip, archbishop Simon86
Izacke17, 26, 31, 34, 41, 73, 84, 100, 115, 117, 125, 137, 140, 147
Jacintus, deacon20
James I144-5
James V, king of Scots113
Jerusalem, Basil archbishop of53
Johannes, presbiter20
John, king30, 32-3, 72
John XXII, popex, 64, 71, 73, 76, 78, 80-1
John XXIII, pope99
Jones, Mr Johnv-vi
Jones, Mr Pitmanv
Jordan, abbot31
Jordano17-8, 27
Julius II, pope118
Juxon, archbishop149
Karl, minister10
Kaynes, Joan55
Kaynes, Thomas55
Kemble, Mr3
Kempe, archbishop111
Kempe, bishop Thomas110
Kenall, John138
Kennaway, Mr Markvi
Keppel, bishop Frederickx
Kesyl, William93
Killigrew, William Esq143
King arms115
King, bishop Oliver, MAx, 114. 118
Lacy arms104
Lacy, bishop Edmund, STPx, xiv, 35, 96, 100-4
Lacy, Isabella104
Lacy, John100
Lacy, Philip Esq104
Lacy, Sibilla100
Lacy, Stephen100
Lambrict, Baldwini29
Lamplugh, bishop Thomasx
Lancaster, Blanche Duchess of83
Lancaster, Edmund Earl of76
Lancaster, John Duke of83
Lanfranc, primate12
Langeton, canon William97
Langley, bishop Thomas101
Langton, archbishop Stephen (also Cardinal)32-4, 85
Laud, archbishop147
Lausanne, bishop of79
Lavington, bishop Georgex
Lechelade, dean55
Leha, Osbert cleric of27
Leland7, 16, 22, 24, 54, 60, 63, 73, 75, 97, 100, 103, 108
Le Neve71
Leo IX, pope6
Leo X, pope121
Leofric arms8
Leofric, bishop (Leuricus)ix, 5-12
Leofricus, abbot4
Leofricus, dux10
Leofuuinus, nobilis10
Leopnofus, minister11
Leowine, priest14
Leveson, Amicia120
Leveson, John120
Leveson, William120
Lira, Nicholas de95
L'Isle, Isabella de79
L'Isle, lord de79
Limerick, Patrick bishop of17
Limesey, Ralph de65
Lingard, Dr3, 58
Linham, Ricardo cleric of27
Livingus, bishop (Lifingus)4-5, 9
Loddeswell, Walter de38-9
Longespée, Roger de40
Longi, Galfridi29
Lower, Humphry149
Lysons, Messrs123, 151
Machabeus, Dr John133
Macheson, Elizabeth133
Mahtilda, queen11-2
Maleto, Willielmo18
Malherbe, Richard112
Malmaynes, Beatrix de75
Malmaynes, Nicholas de, Kt75
Malmesbury, William of2-5, 12-3
Manni, minister10
Mareschal, John61
Marfar, Mr129
Margaret, queen of Scots113
Marshal arms31
Marshal, bishop Henryix, 29, 31, 35, 37
Martin IV, pope49
Martin V, pope99, 101
Martyn, W148
Mary, queen121, 124, 134-5
Mason, George138
Mayow, Dr Richard110
Melton, archbishop William de78
Mepham, Simon81
Midwynter, Robert139
Molland, Thomas of38
Montacute, Alice de104
Montacute, Catherine de75
Montacute, Sir John, Kt86
Montacute, earl Thomas104
Montacute, William de75
Morgan, magister Henry131
Morkrrinus, comes11
Mortain, John earl of30
Mortimer, Blanche de75
Mortimer, Roger de58, 75
Morton, archbishop111-2, 115
Mountfort, Henry46
Murimoth, Adam de58
Mydwynter, John133
Neufchatel, Agnes de75
Neufchatel, Ulrick count of75
Nevyll, lady Alice104
Nevyll arms106
Nevyll, bishop Georgex, 104, 107-8
Nevyll, earl Richard104
Nicholao, sacristan27
Nicolas, Sir Nicholas Harris104
Nicholas IV, pope33
Norfolk, Thomas earl of69
North, W126
Northumberland, Earl of93
Northwode, Lady Agnes75
Northwode, Sir John, Kt75
Norwich, bishop of69
Norwich, See of, arms146
Nowell, Dr140
Nutcome, Thomas138
Oby, John118
Odda, nobilis10
Odo, bishop11
Oldham, Amelia120
Oldham, Amicia120
Oldham arms120
Oldham, Bernard120
Oldham family117
Oldham, bishop Hugh (also Oldam)x, 115, 117, 119
Oliver, Dr Georgeiii, vii
Ordericus Vitalis3, 12, 16, 34
Ordgarus, nobilis10
Ordulfus, nobilis10
Orgar, duke3
Orleans, Hugh bishop of76
Osbern arms14
Osbern, bishop (also Osbert)ix, xiv, 11-2
Osbert, clerk26
Osbert, presbiter26
Osgodus, minister10
Osmarus, minister10
Oto, deacon20
Ottobonus, cardinal43
Padyngton, John59, 61
Paget, William132
Pakyngton, William de60
Palgrave, Sir Francis14
Panatarius, Reginald the38
Panatarius, Thomas the38
Paris, Matthew25, 35
Parker, archbishop138, 140
Partyngton, bishop Stephen101
Paschal II, pope13, 15
Paskewe, John115, 118
Pateshull, Sir John de, Kt75
Pateshull, Lady Mabilla75
Pateshull, Thomas de63
Paz, Johanne, magister18, 27-8
Peccatoris, Ricardo29
Peckham, archbishop47
Pelham, bishop Georgexi
Pembroke, Henry earl of142
Pembroke, William earl of4, 30, 69
Penghelly, Warin93
Percy, Henry93
Peterson, Dr146
Peterson, Elizabeth146
Petre, John Esq136
Petre, Richard138
Petre, William132
Petri, archdeacon28
Petro, Johanne18
Philip & Mary135
Philippa, queen89-90
Phillpotts, bishop Henryxi
Plegmund, archbishop2
Plokenet, lord Alan79
Plympstock, Richard de55
Plympton, Mathew prior of70
Pole, cardinal135
Pole, Sir William100
Pomeroy, Sir Henry de la42
Poverel, bishop Thomas101
Præneste, Peter cardinal bishop of76
Prescote, Simon93
Prest, Agnes136
Prouz, William MP145
Provence, Sanchia de48
Prynne32, 52
Putta, bishop2
Quivil arms49
Quivil, Helewisa46
Quivil, Peter snr46
Quivil, bishop Peterix, 39, 46, 49, 51, 81
Radegundes, Saint83
Ralegh, abbot Roger de67
Ralph, abbot42
Rannulfo, cleric18
Raulpus, comes11
Raulpus, minister11
Redmayne arms116
Redmayne, bishop Richardx, xiv, 115
Reynolds, Dr132
Reynolds, Walter, primate71, 77
Ricardus, minister11
Rich, Mr148
Richard I29-30, 33
Richard II72, 91, 94-5, 98
Richard III111
Richards, Thomas133
Richardson, Dr37, 103
Riche, Henry93
Richmond, Henry earl of110
Robert, brother of William de Willa27
Rochester, Walter bishop of22
Rodberius, comes11
Rodbertus, vicecomes11
Rodd, James gent147
Rodd, Mary147
Roegerius, vicecomes11
Roger18, 21, 27
Ross, bishop Johnxi
Rostourek, William de53
Rous, Roger de47
Rupibus, bishop Peter de35
Russell, John, de Penard92-3
Russell, John Lordx, 128-32
Ruydok, bishop2
Rwyno, Willielmo27
Ryche, R126
Rymer18, 26, 58, 71, 95, 99, 101, 103, 105, 107, 145
Salisbury, Richard earl of104
Sanctius, king26
Sancto Laurentio, Bartholomeus de50
Sanders, Dr Nicholas137
Sarum, Ricardi de29
Schipton Bellicampi, Henrico de50
Scrope, John Lord112
Sever, Henry102
Seymour, F132
Shrewesbury, T128
Sidebiria, Rogero de18, 28
Sideman, bishop3
Sidney, countess Mary142
Sidon, Richard bishop of111
Sigeuuardus, dux10
Sixtinus, John LLD116
Sixtus IV, pope110
Smirke, Mr Edwardvi, 87
Somerset, earl of126-8, 132
Sparrow, bishop Anthonyx
Spelman, Sir Henry12, 48
Spofford, bishop Thomas102
Squier, George138
Squier, Joan120
Squier, Henry120
Stafford arms98
Stafford, bishop Edmund de, LLDx, xiv, 72, 94-9
Stafford, Henry, archdeacon of30, 32
Stafford, Humphrey de96
Stafford, Isabella de94
Stafford, Earl Ralph de, KG94
Stafford, Sir Richard de, Kt94
Stanley, Humphry138
Stapledon arms67
Stapledon, Joan55
Stapledon, Mabilla de54
Stapledon, Sir Richard de, Kt55, 63, 68
Stapledon, Robert de63
Stapledon, canon Thomas de63-4, 67
Stapeldon, bishop Walterix-x, xiv, 4, 21, 32-3, 40, 45, 52, 54, 56-63, 67-70, 73, 78-80, 89, 138
Stapledon, William de54
Stephen, king16, 18
Stidio, bishop2
Stigandus, archbishop11
Stratford, John primate82
Strickland, Miss121
Strype132, 134
Stubbes, John108
Sudbury, Simon, primate90
Suetsham, John102
Suffolk, Duchess of135
Suuegan, dux10
Swete, Lewis138
Sylke, William LLD113
Synefeld, bishop Richard de47
Taranto, Ralph, archbishop of40
Tauton, Robert de62, 64, 67
Tavistoch, Robert abbot of70
Teignton, Wero cleric of27
Telyng, Stephen92
Theobald, primate17, 20, 22
Theodore, archbishop1
Thurstanus, minister10
Thwaytis, Robert102
Tofti, nobilis10
Totnes, Baldevino archdeacon27
Totton, Richard de38-9
Tottoni, Jocelino, prior de70
Toui, minister10
Traci, Willielmus de25
Trafford, Henry106
Trafford, Joane106
Travers, Willielmo18
Travesse, Bernard120
Tregoz, John de76
Tregoz, Sibilla de76
Trelawny, bishop Jonathanx
Tuckfield, Mrs Joan136
Tudor, Margaret112
Tudor, Princess Mary121
Turberville arms138
Turberville, Dorothy135
Turberville, Isabella135
Turberville, bishop James DDx, 135, 137-8
Turberville, John Esq135
Turberville, Robert Esq135
Uffa, earl2
Ulfcytel, minister10
Urban II, pope14
Urban V, pope83, 90
Urbano, magister18
Uulfarus, minister10
Uulfsige, minister10
Uulfueardus, abbot10
Uvelus, saint52-3
Valencia, Adomaro de69
Venables, Dulcia106
Venables, Sir Richard Kt106
Venice, Manfred bishop of St Mark's53
Vere, earl John de113
Vernon, Isabella de94
Vernon, Lady Maud de94
Vernon, Sir Richard de, Kt94
Veysy, Agnes120
Veysy, Ann120
Veysy arms125
Veysey, Dorothy120
Veysy, Eleanor120
Veysy, Elizabeth120
Veysy, Hugh120
Veysy, Jane120
Veysy, Joan120
Veysy, Jocasa120
Veysey, John120
Veysy, bishop John, alias Harman, DCLx, 120-1, 124-5, 128, 130-2
Veysy, Margaret120
Veysy, William alias Harman, Esq120
Victor III, pope14
Vienna, William archbishop of76
Virgil, Polydore106, 112
Von Parris133
Vulspie, bishop (also Wulsie)2
Wake, Margaret95
Wales, Prince of106
Walker, Dr147
Walle, William59
Walsingham, Thomas of59
Walter, canon17
Waltham, bishop John94
Walton, Simon de40
Warbeck, Perkin112
Ward, bishop Sethx, 140
Wareham, primate121
Warelwast arms17
Warelwast, bishop Robert (Warwest)ix, 20-1
Warelwast, bishop Williamix, xi, xiv, 14-5, 20, 30
Warenn, John de69
Warwyke, J126-7
Waulle, Wylliam61
Way, Mr Albert65
Waynflete, bishop William110-1
Webber, Henry107
Weever108, 135
Weld, Ann147
Weld, Gascoign147
Wentworth, E126
Wereplesdon, Willielmo de50
Wero, cleric27
Werri, Roberto18
Werstanus, bishop2
Westcote (Westcott)17, 26, 31, 34, 55, 73, 84, 92, 100, 112, 115, 117, 122, 125, 138, 140, 143, 145
Westminster, Matthew of3, 42
Weston, bishop Stephenx
Westowe, Thomas92
Wiger, Sir John de Kt47
Whitaker2, 24
Whitgift, archbishop142
Whyte, Simon92
Wickham, William93
Wiffin, Ann147
Wiffin, Elizabeth147
Wilhelmus, bishop11
Wilhelmus, comes11
Wilhelmus, vicecomes11
Wilkins12-3, 15, 24, 48, 55, 82
Willa, Willielmo lord of27
William I (Conqueror)ix, 7, 10-3, 15, 94
Willielmo, archdeacon18
Wilte, W126
Winchelsey, Robert55
Winchester, Baldwin de28
Windsor, Lord123
Wini, bishop1, 20
Winnoc, saint36
Wodestock, Edmund of60
Wolocus, bishop2
Wolsi, bishop2
Wood57, 89, 105
Woolton arms142
Woolton, bishop Johnx, 140, 142
Woolton, John MD142
Worcester, Florence of4-5
Worcester, Roger bishop of25
Worcester, William of15, 41, 107
Wormulerus, Otho135
Woronus, bishop2
Wotton, Nicholas138
Woulton, Mr141
Woulton, Sara141
Wryght, Walter138
Wulfhard, abbot3
Wulfwerdus, minister10
Wulsige, bishop2
Wulfstan, bishop63
Wykford, Robert de86
Wyltshire, W126, 128
Wyngfeld, J126
Yaldeford, John de65
York, archbishop of129
York, Duke of150
York, Thomas archbishop of12
Yunderbrok, John93