


Surname Index


The history and antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Exeter


Britton, J. (Ed.). (1831). Cathedral Antiquities; Hereford 1831, Exeter, 1826.


John Britton

London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green

Index prepared by Michael Steer

John Britton (1771-1857), Antiquary and Topographer was born on the 7th of July 1771 at Kington-St-Michael, near Chippenham. In 1805 Britton published the first part of his Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain (9 vols., 1805 to 1814); and this was followed by Cathedral Antiquities of England (14 vols., 1814 to 1835). In 1845 a Britton Club was formed, and a sum of £1000 was subscribed and given to Britton, who was subsequently granted a civil list pension by Disraeli, then chancellor of the exchequer. Britton was an earnest advocate of the preservation of national monuments, proposing in 1837 the formation of a society such as the modern Society for the Preservation of Ancient Monuments. The index excludes the book's extensive appendix. This rare book was produced from a digital copy held by the Harvard University Library that can be downloaded from Google Books. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. Those on which copyright has expired are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.

Adams, Mr Richman138
Aedelgar, Bishop10
Aelfwold (also Alwolfus)10
Aidulf, Bishop (Adulphus)9
Aldhelm, Abbot8
Aldred, Bishop11
Alexander III, Pope22-3
Alfred, King9, 111
Alfricus, Bishop10
Algar, Bishop (also Athelgar, Edelgar)9
Alley, Bishop William STP (also Allein)57-8
Anne, Queen77, 80
Anselm, Archbishop20
Apulia, Bishop Simon de24, 26, 126, 132
Arundell family48
Arundell, Bishop John48, 50
Arviragus, King7
Ashby Rev George81
Athelstan, King8-9, 13-4, 84, 111
Atteford, John de37
Augustin, Saint7
Babington, Bishop Gervase STP59
Bacon, Roger129
Baldwin, Archbishop23-4
Bale23, 36
Banham, Abbot Richard49-50
Barret, Archdeacon99
Bartholomew, Bishop126, 131-2
Becket, St Thomas22-3, 29, 39
Bedford, Francis Earl of58
Bedford, Jasper Duke of118
Bedford, John Duke of111
Bellringer, John91
Benedict XII, Pope39
Berham, Michael90
Berkeley family35
Berkeley, Bishop James STP35
Bevyn, Hugh42
Blackall, Bishop Offspring STP77
Blackburne, Bishop Launcelot DD78
Blakeburn, Henry de95
Blois, Stephen Count of111
Blondy, Hillary27
Blondy, Archbishop John27
Blondy, Bishop Richard27, 97, 131
Bodley, Dr65
Bohun, Elizabeth136
Bohun, Humphry de135-6
Bohun, Margaret de136
Bold, Rev Henry102
Boniface, Archbishop28
Boniface, Saint111
Booth, Archbishop John (Bothe)44-5, 48, 97, 128
Borscough, Archdeacon129
Bouchier, Archbishop44
Bouillon, Godfrey de111
Bradbridge, Bishop William STP58
Brantyngham, Bishop Thomas de40-1, 94-6, 136
Braylegh, Dean Richard de37-8
Brayley, Mr E Wiii, 4
Brayley & Neale122
Brewer, Bishop William (also Bruere)15, 26-7, 86, 97
Brewer, Sir William, Knt26
Bridall, Mr John119
Bridges, Thomas Esq52
Bridgewater, Earl of112
Brigg, John98
Britton, John112, iv
Brompton10, 23
Bronescombe, Bishop Walter15, 26, 28-9, 38, 86, 133, 136
Browne Willis118
Brownrig, Bishop Ralph STP64, 72, 99
Buckingham, Duke of46
Budde, John116
Buddle, John98
Buller family81
Buller, Judge81
Buller, Bishop William DD81
Burgess, Dr, PRSL83
Burnell, Dr65
Burnet, Dr51, 75, 77
Burney, Dr122
Bytton, Bishop Thomas (also de Button; Bitton)30-2, 57, 89
Calamy, Edward63
Calixtus III, Pope20, 44
Cambrensis, Giraldus23
Canon, William (senior & junior)93
Canute, King11, 14, 111
Carew family139
Carew, Sir Gawen, Knt139
Carew, Sir Peter Knt139
Carleton, Dr62
Carter, Mr111
Cary family60-1
Cary, Bishop James42
Cary, Bishop Valentine, STP60, 140
Carey, Bishop William DD83
Catherine, Queen118
Ceadwallo, King111
Chanter, Bishop John the24, 86, 131
Charles I61, 67, 74, 99
Charles II67, 71
Charleton, Thomas de35
Charlotte, Princess83
Charlotte, Queen81
Chichester, Sir Arthur130
Chichester family130
Chichester, Bishop Robert21-2, 86, 130
Chrodegang, Bishop15
Churton, Rev Ralph83
Clagget, Bishop Nicholas DD78-9
Clarendon, Lord Chancellor68-71
Clarke, Dr76
Clement V, Pope32
Clockmaker, Roger116
Collins, Dr63
Corboyl, Archbishop20
Cornwall, Edmund Earl of31
Cotton, Archdeacon101
Cotton, Dr Edward129
Cotton, Bishop John140
Cotton, Bishop William STP60
Courtenay, Archbishop41, 83
Courtenay, Elizabeth45
Courtenay family45, 136
Courtenay, Bishop Henry Reginald DD82
Courtenay, Sir Hugh32, 136
Courtenay, Margaret136
Courtenay, Bishop Peter45-8, 116-20
Courtenay, Sir Philip45, 136
Courtenay, Viscount82
Coverdale, Elizabeth54
Coverdale, Bishop Miles, STP54-6
Cranmer, Archbishop54-5
Cromwell, Lord Thomas55
Cumin, Robert17
Darcy, Sir Thomas52
Davenant, Dr62
Davey, Mr111
Dawes, Archbishop Sir William77-8
Deane, Mr119
Dene, William de35
Denys, Sir Robert Knt51
Diceto, Ralph de9, 23
Doderidge, Dorothy140
Doderidge, Judge126, 133, 140
Dudley, Sir Andrew, Knt51
Dunstan, Saint10
Durantt, John41
Durham, Bishop Simeon of11
Eaditha, Queen13
Edgar, King14, 111
Editha, Queen130
Ednod (also Eadnothus)10
Edward, Black Prince34, 111
Edward the Confessor11-3, 15, 18-9, 67, 84, 111, 130
Edward the Elder, King8, 111
Edward I111, 136
Edward II32-3, 35-6, 92, 111, 116-7, 123, 135
Edward III35-6, 38, 96, 111, 115-6, 121, 128, 133
Edward IV14, 45, 48
Edward VI13, 49, 51-2, 54, 66, 74
Eleanor, Queen29
Elfwold, Bishop (also Aelfwoldus)10
Elizabeth I32, 38, 57-8, 61, 66, 99, 112, 139
Embrey, Mr101
Emma, Queen10
Englefield, Sir H C87
Essex, Earl of112
Ethelbert, King111
Etheldreda, Saint39
Ethelred, King10, 111
Ethelwold, King111
Eugenius III, Pope22
Exeter, William of40
Fairfax, General Sir Thomas65
Ferrar, Bishop56
Fisher, Bishop John DDiii, 82, 102
Fisher, Rev John82
Fisher, Dr J P82
FitzJames, Bishop50
FitzWalter, Robert35, 123
Fomyson, Richard30
Ford, Thomas99
Foundyng, William96
Fox, Bishop Richard47
Fuller51, 53, 56, 59, 61-2, 64-5
Fursman, Rev John134
Gauden, Bishop John STP67-73
Gauden, Mrs71
Gaudy, Henry100
George III80-1
Gervys, William96
Gilbert, Sir John, Knt134
Gilmore, Roberto de36
Glaston, John de90
Godele, John de35
Godolphin, Lord Treasurer77
Godwin9-10, 16, 20-2, 24, 26-8, 30-1, 35-7, 39-40, 42-3, 45,
48-9, 52, 54, 59, 84, 86, 88, 118 
Grandisson family35
Grandisson, Bishop John24, 35-40, 88, 90, 92-4, 96, 110-1, 120, 137
Grandisson, Otho de36
Grandisson, William de (or Gilbert)35-6,
Greaves, John72
Gregory, Pope7
Grey, Lord52
Griffin, King13
Grindal, Archbishop, DD55-6, 58
Gyfford, John116
Hadley, Thomas102
Hall, Bishop Joseph, STP61-4
Hals, John44
Harden, Willelmo de36
Harington, Sir John60
Harman, William, alias Veysey53
Harold, King11, 17
Harry, John97
Hayford, William128
Heines, Dean of Exeter137
Henrietta Maria, Queen65
Henry I19-21
Henry II14, 22, 111
Henry III27-8, 97, 111, 127-8
Henry IV41, 137
Henry V118, 130
Henry VI14, 43-4, 53, 86, 127
Henry VII46, 48
Henry VIII17, 25, 50-2, 55, 66, 119
Hoadly, Bishop Benjamin77
Hoker, Agnes13
Hoker alia Vowell, John9, 13-4, 16, 22, 24, 30, 32, 36-9, 45, 48, 53, 57-8, 84,
88, 99, 129, 135 
Hoker, Robert13-4
Honorius, Pope26
Hore, Robert38
Hore, William98
Horige, Richard129
Hoveden, Roger de11
Howel, King9
Hubert, Archbishop24
Hungerford, Elizabeth45
Hungerford, William Lord45
Hurd, Bishop79, 82
Ina, King111
Isabella, Queen33
Iscanus, Bishop Bartholomew22-4, 26, 86
James I61-2, 64, 121, 134, 140
James II75-6,
Jefferies, Judge75
John the goldsmith90
John, King24-5, 111
John XXII, Pope35-7, 39, 92
Johnson, Mr B W131
Jones, John Esq59, 131-2, 134
Jones, Rev J63
Jones, Mr Pitman2, 140
Julius II, Pope49
Kendall, Mr Johniii, 90, 125, 128
Kenegils, King111
Kennet, Bishop21
Kent, Edward Duke of82
Kentwald, King111
Kenwalsh, King111
Keppell, Admiral80
Keppell Arnold-Joost80
Keppell, Bishop the Hon Frederick79-80
Keppell family80
Keppell, William Anne80
Ketterich, Bishop John42
Kilkenny, Andrew89
Killigrew, Sir William60
King, Bishop Oliver LLD47
Lacy, Bishop Edmund STP42-4, 97-8, 128, 137
Laing, Mr71
Lamplugh, Bishop Thomas STP74-6
Lancaster, Henry Earl of36
Langton, Archbishop Stephen26
Langton, Canon William137
Laud, Archbishop20, 63
Laurentius, Abbot131
Lavington, Bishop George, DD79-80
Leland15, 34, 84, 90-1, 93, 128, 134, 137
Le Neve9-10, 20, 22, 40, 55, 76
Leo IX, Pope14
Leo X, Pope50
Leopold, Duke24
Leofric, Bishop10-5, 17-8, 84-5, 129-30
Lincoln, H C122
Lingard. Dr33
Livingus, Bishop10-2
Long, Sir Charles112
Loosemore of Exeter122
Loosemore, John122
Loosmore, Henry122
Loosmore, Johannes122
Lusignan, Guy de111
Lygon, Miss135
Lysons38-9, 104, 119
Lyttelton, Dean (and Bishop)84, 87, 90-2, 94-96, 117-8, 128
Malmesbury, Richard de88
Malmesbury, William of8-9, 11, 15, 17-8, 85
March, Edward Earl of44
Markland, Jeremiah80
Marshall, Bishop Henry24-5, 86, 132
Marshall, Samuel63
Marshall, Earl William24
Martin, Dr70
Martin V, Pope42
Martyr, Peter (also Vermigli)13
Mary, Queen52, 55-8, 99
Matilda, Empress86
Maurice, Prince65
Mead, Dr80
Mepham, Archbishop Simon36-7
Middleton, Dr80
Milton, Mr70-1
Monmouth, James Duke of75
Moreton, Earl of19
Nevyll, Bishop George (Neville)44-5, 97, 128
Newcomen, Matthew63
Nicholas, Sir E68
Normandy, Robert Duke of111
Nowell, Alexander58
Oldham, Bishop Hugh, STP47, 49-50, 138-9
Oliver, Rev George2, 10, 15, 19, 23, 26-31, 34-5, 37-40, 42-3, 45-6,
49-52, 57, 59, 77, 87, 93, 96, 100, 105, 112, 117, 129, 140 
Osbern, Bishop (also Osbertus)18-9, 85, 131
Osmund, Saint31
Ottobone, Cardinal29
Padington, John de33
Pakington, William de34
Paris, Matthew21-3, 27
Parker, Archbishop37, 56, 58
Parkhouse, William139
Parr, Queen Catherine55
Paschal II, Pope20
Peckham, Archbishop30-1
Peckitt, W112
Pelham, Bishop Hon George, DD83, 132
Pelham, Thomas, Lord83
Pembroke, Henry Earl of59
Petyt, Thomas25
Philippa, Queen115
Plantagenet, Alfonsus29
Plantagenet, Lady Elizabeth136
Plantagenet, Lady Isabel27
Pollard, Sir Lewis52
Pope, Dr72
Praeneste, Peter Cardinal of36
Pratt, Rev Josias, BD64
Prideaux, Richard21
Putta, Bishop9
Pylton, William137
Quichelm, King111
Quivil, Bishop Peter30-1, 84-9, 98, 108, 131, 134
Redman, Thomas42
Redmayn, Bishop Richard, STP48
Redvers, Baldwin de (Riperiis)86
Reynolds, John, MA101
Richard I Lionheart24, 26, 111
Richard II40-1, 111
Richard III14, 46-7
Richmond, Margaret Countess of49
Rochester, Walter Bishop of22
Romane, Archbishop John31
Ros family80
Ross, Bishop John DD80-1
Rupibus, Bishop Peter de27
Russell, Lord John51-2, 54
Rymer32, 43-4, 48-9, 52, 54, 57-8
Ryse, John13
Ryves, Bruno66
Sancroft, Archbishop75
Selye, Peter100
Serlo, Archdeacon26
Seymour, Edward75
Sherlock, Bishop78
Sideman, Abbot10
Simcoe, Lieutenant General J G134
Sixtus IV, Pope46
Smith, Dr76
Smith, Dr Humphry129
Sparrow, Bishop Anthony STP74, 101
Sparrow, William63
Speke, Sir John, Knt138
Stafford, Bishop Edmund41-2, 96-7, 133, 136
Stafford family137
Stafford, Ralph, Earl of41
Stapledon, Sir Richard, Knt135-6
Stapledon, Bishop Walter (also Stapeldon)10, 30, 32-5, 42, 90-2, 102, 123, 133-5, 137
Stephen, King21, 86, 111
Stoke, John de37
Strype55-6, 58
Stuart family77
Stucley family99
Stukely, Lewis99
Sudbury, Bishop Simon40
Sumpter, Robert41
Sweyn, King10
Sydney, Lady Mary59
Sylke, William137
Tanner, Bishop14-5, 23
Theobald, Archbishop22
Thurstan, Bishop21
Tinley, John97
Tregose, Lord John36
Tregose, Sybil36
Trelawny, Bishop Sir Jonathan, Bt, STP76-7
Tudor, Owen118
Turberville, Bishop James STP56
Uffa, Earl9
Umfray, John116
Urban VI, Pope40
Verona, Earl William de26
Vespasian7, 59
Veysey, Bishop John, alias Harman, LLD49-54, 56
Vilvaine, Dr Robert129
Vitalis, Ordericus18
Walker, Dr69, 71
Walpole, Sir Robert78
Walsingham, Thomas33-4, 37
Walter the glazier89
Warbeck, Perkin48
Ward, Dean100
Ward, Bishop Seth, STP62, 72-4, 99
Warelwast, Bishop Robert22, 86
Warelwast, Bishop William20-2, 85-7
Warham, Archbishop50
Warwick, Robert Earl of68
Waulle, William34
Webber, Henry45
Werstan, Bishop9
Wesley, John79
Westminster, Matthew of25
Weston, Dr Robert55
Weston, Bishop Stephen DD78, 140
Whitaker7, 12
Wharton, Henry51
Wilkins, Dr John72
William I17-8, 20, 111
William II (Rufus)20, 111
William III74-6, 80
Winchelsy, Archbishop32
Winchester, Peter Bishop of27
Wine, Bishop10
Wolston, John97
Wolton, Bishop John STP (also Woolton)58-9, 139
Woolston, John116
Worcester, Florence of11, 13, 21
Worcester, William of97
Wordsworth, Rev Dr68, 71
Wotton, Sir Henry63
Young, Thomas63