


Name Index


Allhallows Church, Goldsmith Street, Exeter

Trans. Devon. Assoc., vol. 35, (1903), pp. 581-616.


Harbottle Reed

Prepared by Michael Steer

The earliest reference to the church was in a deed of gift in the will of Peter de Palerna in 1222. He left a penny per year to each of Exeter's 28 parish churches, including Allhallows. The church is one of the 16 mentioned by Bishop Blondy in 1247. Its patron was the Courtenay family, although their last recorded connection with All Hallows was in 1547-8. The church cross and chalice were sold in 1551 to help pay for the repair of the church tower. By the 19th-Century the church building was proving to be a problem for access to Goldsmith Street. A request was made in 1871 to the City's Streets Committee requesting that the church be removed. The decision was taken to demolish the church and the last service there was held on December 19, 1905. The paper also presents a list of the Rectors. Google with the Archive Organization has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. The Internet Archive makes available, in its Community Texts Collection (originally known as Open Source Books), books that have been digitised by Google from a number of libraries. These are books on which copyright has expired, and are available free for educational and research use. This rare book was produced from a copy held by the Michigan University Library, and is available from the Internet Archive.


Abraham, Sir John592
Ackland, Sir John605
Anne, Queen594
Arden arms610
Arden, Christopher610, 615
Arden family610
Arden, George610-11
Arden, Joan610-11
Arden, William615
Attehole family606
Attehole, John605
Attehole, Mr Nicholas605
Avery, Michael614
Bake, Benjamin602
Bake, Elizabeth602
Bake, Robert602
Bamfylde, Sir Coplestone W587
Bath, Mr John586
Bayley, Dr614
Bellett arms601
Bellett, Bridget601
Bellett, Christopher601
Bellett family594, 601
Bellett, Loveday601
Bellett, Renatus601
Berrill, Mr Ffrancis611
Bingham, Hannah604
Bingham, John604
Bolapythe, Sir Thomas592
Bolitho, John611
Bond, Mr613
Botreaux. Countess Ann592
Botreaux, Earl John592
Bradford, Edward MA593
Bridges, Benedicta609
Bridges, Dionysia609
Bridges, Thomas609
Brooking, Joseph Rowe615
Brown, Thomas605
Brushfield, Dr597
Bryant, Anthonie604
Bryant, Elizabeth604
Buckland, Mr Richard613
Burch, Mr Arthur588-9, 593
Bunnyface, Mary608
Carew, Baronet611
Carew, Elizabeth611
Charles I600
Charles II584, 593
Colby, Dr F T600, 603, 610
Coldridge, Charles615
Coldridge, Rev Theodore BA593
Coles, Mr William613
Collins, Jane609
Collins, William609
Colman, Mary608
Cookes, Mr P613
Cornish, Gilbert604
Cornish, Phillip604
Cornish, Robert604
Cornish, Mr Thomas604
Cornish, William604
Coverdale, Bishop Myles583
Davis, Rev John Gerrard MA593
Daw, Robert591
Dennis, Gartrude604
Dennis, Robert gent604
Devon, Edward Earl of592
Dorrel, Catherine609
Dorrel, Mr Adjutant Robert609
Drake, Sir Francis610
Drake, Mr George593
Duck arms600
Duck, Dr Arthur600
Duck, Charles600
Duck family602
Duck, Grace600
Duck, Mr Nicholas armig584, 599, 600-1, 608
Duck, Richard600
Duck, William600
Dymond, Robert588
Eastcott, Miss600
Edward II591
Edward VI582-3, 590
Edwards, Henry608
Edwards, Robert608
Elizabeth I583, 608
Essewauter, Philip592
Essewauter, Sir Walter de592
Evellegh, Mr584
Ffender, Rev William George593-4, 614
Ffoxe, John592
Fraike, John582, 592
Gandy, Abraham602
Gandy, Alice602
Gandy, Ann602-3
Gandy arms603
Gandy, Elizabeth602-3
Gandy, Ffrancis603
Gandy, James603
Gandy, John602-3
Gandy, Simon602-3
Gandy, Mr Warden585
Gandy, William603
Gandye, Henry602-3
George II587
George IV588, 593
Germyn arms598
Gibbon, Councillor594
Gibbon, Edmund597
Gibbon, Gratiæ597
Gibbon, John598, 610
Gibbon, Thomas MP, armig596-8
Goche, Dr597
Goddard, Bernard603
Goddard, Elizabeth603
Goldsmith, James582
Grant, Frederick William615
Gundry, Daniell602, 610
Gundry, Katherin602
Gundry, Mary602
Hall, Margory610
Hallakin, John608
Halsey, Pitmann615
Hamilton, Mr A H A599
Hamlyn family609
Hamlyn, John609
Hamlyn, Marjory609
Hamlyn, Mr609
Hamlyn, Robert Pascow609
Haydon, Richard592
Hayes, John591
Heale, Bridget601
Heale, Edward601
Heale, Renatus601
Healle, Richard601
Heath, Joseph585, 611
Hele arms601
Hele, Bridget601
Hele, David601
Hele, John601
Hele, Mary601
Hele, Sampson601
Hele, Susanna601
Henry VIII588
Hingston-Randolph, Rev Prebendary593
Hope, Rev William589, 593-4, 598, 604
Huggins, George615
Huish, Henry599
Huish, Jane599
Humfreys, William593
Hurst, William583
Hutching, Mrs594
Hutchings, Mary610
Hutton, Ann608
Isaacs596-7, 599
Jackman, widow614
Jenkins586, 601
Jenkins, William614
Joslin, John Parsons615
Kendall, William615
Kingdon, Mr Kent607
Knapman, William581, 615
Lee, Rev Sackville Usher Bolton MA588, 593, 605, 615
Lee. Thomas593
Linscott, Joan610
Lome, Ffrancis594
Lome, John MA593-4
Lowdon, Nan608
Lugard, Major General Sir Edward609
Lugard, Mr609
Luke, William Ponsford615
Manchester, Earl of610
Martin arms599
Martin, Lady Elizabeth599
Martin, Jane599
Martin, Dr Joseph610
Martin, Mary610
Martin, Nicholas599
Martin, Sir Nicholas Knt MP (also Martyn)599
Martin, Susan599
Martin, William599
Martyn family584, 599, 602
Martyn, Suzan599
Martyn, William (also Martin)599
Martyn arms584
Maverick, Master Radford592
Maynard, Anne609
Maynard, Edward609
Maynard, Elizabeth609
Mildrum, Mr John598
Mildrum, Mrs598
Moore, Dr611
Mortemore, John610
Mortemore, Mary610
Mountstephen, Joan609
Mountstephen, John609
Mountstephen, Rebecka609
Murray, T601
Mydwynter, John583
Norbroke, John582
Oland, Robert BA593
Oliver, Dr582, 598, 600
Paige, Richard595
Palerna, Peter de582
Parkhouse, Rev William Heathman MA593
Patterson, William615
Pendarves, Bridget601
Pendarves, William Esq601
Paul, Betty605
Paul, Jane605
Paul, Jonas605
Paul, Mary605
Paul, Prudence605
Paul, Robert605
Paul, Thomas605
Penny, Alan597
Phillpotts, Bishop615
Pickard, John615
Pinn, Messrs J & Son615
Pitt, Elizabeth604
Pitt, Thomas604
Polson, Mrs Alice604, 608
Polson, Hugh604
Pope, Joan610
Pope, Richard610
Portugal, King of581
Predioux, John609
Predioux, Margrett609
Prestwoede, Thomas (also Prestwood)583, 599
Prestwood, Susan599
Prince, Rev John600
Pruet, John (also Prewet)592
Prussia, King of587
Purchase, Mr Jacob613
Pym, Mr Clement603
Pym, Elizabeth603
Pym, Mr John603-4, 611
Pym, John the younger604
Pym, Susannah603
Reede, Mary604
Reede, William604
Renwick, Alice602
Reynolds, H R596
Rich, Major James Esq602
Rich, Mary602
Richards, Mr A E609
Richardson, Thomas583
Robins, Walter612
Rogers, James604
Rogers, Mary604
Ross, Mr James Croad581, 615
Rundle, John594
Rundle, Mr Thomas593-4, 602, 608, 611
Ryschforde, Walter de592
Salter, Ann597
Salter, Anthonie597
Salter, Anthony MD597
Salter, Benjamin615
Salter, William597
Sanders, Robert Rogers615
Saunders, Robert613
Scharf, George601
Seymore, Margory610
Seymore, Thomas610
Shears, William MA592-3
Sheppard, Joseph615
Shilston, Gillian alias Stapelhill608
Smyth, William582
Spark, Robert593
Smith, Thomas608
Snell, John587
Snow, Simon MP595-6
Snow, Thomas595
Sobey, Mr W R591
Somaster arms603, 610
Somaster Ffrancis610
Somaster, Captain Henry610
Somaster, Henry Esq610
Somaster, Mary610
Somaster, Samuel610
Somaster, Sir Samuel Knt610
Somaster, Captain William610
Spenser, Sir Thomas592
Spry, Benjamin609
Spry, Elizabeth609
Spry, Jaquetta609
Spry, Nathaniel609
Spry, Penelope Belfield609
Stannaway, Mr585
Stribling, Mr606
Stroude, Ffrancis610
Stroude, Sir William610
Sweetland, Mr Thomas611
Tothill family611-2
Tothill, Henry611
Tothill, Jeremy611
Tothill, Mary611
Townsend family611
Tozer, Thomas Enchmarch604
Tregithrow, John592
Trewman family611
Trewman, Mary609
Trewman, Robert609, 615
Trippett, Goody614
Vaughan, Counsellor612
Veale, Captain589
Vellet, Loveday611
Vernon, Admiral587
Vicars, Rev Matthew588, 593-4, 615
Vigor, Mr Joseph602
Vigor, Rebekah602
Vilvain, Ann595
Vilvain, Peter595
Vilvaine, Grace595
Vilvaine, Mr Robert595-6
Vilvayne, Elinor596
Vilvayne family584, 595
Vilvayne, Julia595
Vilvayne, Richoard595
Vilvayne, Dr Robert584, 595-7
Vilvayne, Stephen595
Vilven, Thomas595
Vivian599-601, 610
Walker, Thomas600
Warren, Joseph Kirkland605, 607, 615
Warren, John593
Warren, Dr John611
Warren, Sarah611
Webb, Rev William John Wesley MA593
West, Jonathan Wills605, 615
Westaway, Mr611
Westlake arms598
Westlake, Dorothy599
Westlake, George593
Westlake, Mary598
Westlake, Sarah598
Westlake, Rev Thomas gent598-9, 613
Westone, John de Knt592
Whore, John609
Widthorpe, Richard592
Wilcocks, John Madgwick615
William, Hugo592
Williams, Will609
Wills, Mr Edward586
Wippell, Joseph615
Wood, Alderman589
Woodthorpe, Ricardus588
Woollcot family611
Worthy, Rev Charles588, 593, 609
Wylle, Robert592
Yeo, Mr John605-6