Name Index
Allhallows Church, Goldsmith Street, Exeter
Trans. Devon. Assoc., vol. 35, (1903), pp. 581-616.
Harbottle Reed
Prepared by Michael Steer
The earliest reference to the church was in a deed of gift in the will of Peter de Palerna in 1222. He left a penny per year to each of Exeter's 28 parish churches, including Allhallows. The church is one of the 16 mentioned by Bishop Blondy in 1247. Its patron was the Courtenay family, although their last recorded connection with All Hallows was in 1547-8. The church cross and chalice were sold in 1551 to help pay for the repair of the church tower. By the 19th-Century the church building was proving to be a problem for access to Goldsmith Street. A request was made in 1871 to the City's Streets Committee requesting that the church be removed. The decision was taken to demolish the church and the last service there was held on December 19, 1905. The paper also presents a list of the Rectors. Google with the Archive Organization has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. The Internet Archive makes available, in its Community Texts Collection (originally known as Open Source Books), books that have been digitised by Google from a number of libraries. These are books on which copyright has expired, and are available free for educational and research use. This rare book was produced from a copy held by the Michigan University Library, and is available from the Internet Archive.
Page | |
A | |
Abraham, Sir John | 592 |
Ackland, Sir John | 605 |
Anne, Queen | 594 |
Arden arms | 610 |
Arden, Christopher | 610, 615 |
Arden family | 610 |
Arden, George | 610-11 |
Arden, Joan | 610-11 |
Arden, William | 615 |
Attehole family | 606 |
Attehole, John | 605 |
Attehole, Mr Nicholas | 605 |
Avery, Michael | 614 |
B | |
Bake, Benjamin | 602 |
Bake, Elizabeth | 602 |
Bake, Robert | 602 |
Bamfylde, Sir Coplestone W | 587 |
Bath, Mr John | 586 |
Bayley, Dr | 614 |
Bellett arms | 601 |
Bellett, Bridget | 601 |
Bellett, Christopher | 601 |
Bellett family | 594, 601 |
Bellett, Loveday | 601 |
Bellett, Renatus | 601 |
Berrill, Mr Ffrancis | 611 |
Bingham, Hannah | 604 |
Bingham, John | 604 |
Bolapythe, Sir Thomas | 592 |
Bolitho, John | 611 |
Bond, Mr | 613 |
Botreaux. Countess Ann | 592 |
Botreaux, Earl John | 592 |
Bradford, Edward MA | 593 |
Bridges, Benedicta | 609 |
Bridges, Dionysia | 609 |
Bridges, Thomas | 609 |
Brooking, Joseph Rowe | 615 |
Brown, Thomas | 605 |
Brushfield, Dr | 597 |
Bryant, Anthonie | 604 |
Bryant, Elizabeth | 604 |
Buckland, Mr Richard | 613 |
Burch, Mr Arthur | 588-9, 593 |
Bunnyface, Mary | 608 |
C | |
Camden | 600 |
Carew, Baronet | 611 |
Carew, Elizabeth | 611 |
Charles I | 600 |
Charles II | 584, 593 |
Colby, Dr F T | 600, 603, 610 |
Coldridge, Charles | 615 |
Coldridge, Rev Theodore BA | 593 |
Coles, Mr William | 613 |
Collins, Jane | 609 |
Collins, William | 609 |
Colman, Mary | 608 |
Cookes, Mr P | 613 |
Cornish, Gilbert | 604 |
Cornish, Phillip | 604 |
Cornish, Robert | 604 |
Cornish, Mr Thomas | 604 |
Cornish, William | 604 |
Coverdale, Bishop Myles | 583 |
Cripps | 591 |
D | |
Davis, Rev John Gerrard MA | 593 |
Daw, Robert | 591 |
Dennis, Gartrude | 604 |
Dennis, Robert gent | 604 |
Devon, Edward Earl of | 592 |
Dorrel, Catherine | 609 |
Dorrel, Mr Adjutant Robert | 609 |
Drake, Sir Francis | 610 |
Drake, Mr George | 593 |
Duck arms | 600 |
Duck, Dr Arthur | 600 |
Duck, Charles | 600 |
Duck family | 602 |
Duck, Grace | 600 |
Duck, Mr Nicholas armig | 584, 599, 600-1, 608 |
Duck, Richard | 600 |
Duck, William | 600 |
Dymond, Robert | 588 |
E | |
Eastcott, Miss | 600 |
Edward II | 591 |
Edward VI | 582-3, 590 |
Edwards, Henry | 608 |
Edwards, Robert | 608 |
Elizabeth I | 583, 608 |
Ellacombe | 587 |
Essewauter, Philip | 592 |
Essewauter, Sir Walter de | 592 |
Evellegh, Mr | 584 |
F | |
Ffender, Rev William George | 593-4, 614 |
Ffoxe, John | 592 |
Fraike, John | 582, 592 |
G | |
Gandy, Abraham | 602 |
Gandy, Alice | 602 |
Gandy, Ann | 602-3 |
Gandy arms | 603 |
Gandy, Elizabeth | 602-3 |
Gandy, Ffrancis | 603 |
Gandy, James | 603 |
Gandy, John | 602-3 |
Gandy, Simon | 602-3 |
Gandy, Mr Warden | 585 |
Gandy, William | 603 |
Gandye, Henry | 602-3 |
George II | 587 |
George IV | 588, 593 |
Germyn arms | 598 |
Gibbon, Councillor | 594 |
Gibbon, Edmund | 597 |
Gibbon, Gratiæ | 597 |
Gibbon, John | 598, 610 |
Gibbon, Thomas MP, armig | 596-8 |
Goche, Dr | 597 |
Goddard, Bernard | 603 |
Goddard, Elizabeth | 603 |
Goldsmith, James | 582 |
Grant, Frederick William | 615 |
Gundry, Daniell | 602, 610 |
Gundry, Katherin | 602 |
Gundry, Mary | 602 |
H | |
Hall, Margory | 610 |
Hallakin, John | 608 |
Halsey, Pitmann | 615 |
Hamilton, Mr A H A | 599 |
Hamlyn family | 609 |
Hamlyn, John | 609 |
Hamlyn, Marjory | 609 |
Hamlyn, Mr | 609 |
Hamlyn, Robert Pascow | 609 |
Haydon, Richard | 592 |
Hayes, John | 591 |
Heale, Bridget | 601 |
Heale, Edward | 601 |
Heale, Renatus | 601 |
Healle, Richard | 601 |
Heath, Joseph | 585, 611 |
Hele arms | 601 |
Hele, Bridget | 601 |
Hele, David | 601 |
Hele, John | 601 |
Hele, Mary | 601 |
Hele, Sampson | 601 |
Hele, Susanna | 601 |
Henry VIII | 588 |
Hingston-Randolph, Rev Prebendary | 593 |
Hope, Rev William | 589, 593-4, 598, 604 |
Huggins, George | 615 |
Huish, Henry | 599 |
Huish, Jane | 599 |
Humfreys, William | 593 |
Hurst, William | 583 |
Hutching, Mrs | 594 |
Hutchings, Mary | 610 |
Hutton, Ann | 608 |
I | |
Isaacs | 596-7, 599 |
J | |
Jackman, widow | 614 |
Jenkins | 586, 601 |
Jenkins, William | 614 |
Joslin, John Parsons | 615 |
K | |
Kendall, William | 615 |
Kingdon, Mr Kent | 607 |
Knapman, William | 581, 615 |
L | |
Lee, Rev Sackville Usher Bolton MA | 588, 593, 605, 615 |
Lee. Thomas | 593 |
Linscott, Joan | 610 |
Lome, Ffrancis | 594 |
Lome, John MA | 593-4 |
Lowdon, Nan | 608 |
Lugard, Major General Sir Edward | 609 |
Lugard, Mr | 609 |
Luke, William Ponsford | 615 |
M | |
Manchester, Earl of | 610 |
Martin arms | 599 |
Martin, Lady Elizabeth | 599 |
Martin, Jane | 599 |
Martin, Dr Joseph | 610 |
Martin, Mary | 610 |
Martin, Nicholas | 599 |
Martin, Sir Nicholas Knt MP (also Martyn) | 599 |
Martin, Susan | 599 |
Martin, William | 599 |
Martyn family | 584, 599, 602 |
Martyn, Suzan | 599 |
Martyn, William (also Martin) | 599 |
Martyn arms | 584 |
Maverick, Master Radford | 592 |
Maynard, Anne | 609 |
Maynard, Edward | 609 |
Maynard, Elizabeth | 609 |
Mildrum, Mr John | 598 |
Mildrum, Mrs | 598 |
Moore, Dr | 611 |
Mortemore, John | 610 |
Mortemore, Mary | 610 |
Mountstephen, Joan | 609 |
Mountstephen, John | 609 |
Mountstephen, Rebecka | 609 |
Murray, T | 601 |
Mydwynter, John | 583 |
N | |
Norbroke, John | 582 |
O | |
Oland, Robert BA | 593 |
Oliver, Dr | 582, 598, 600 |
P | |
Paige, Richard | 595 |
Palerna, Peter de | 582 |
Parkhouse, Rev William Heathman MA | 593 |
Patterson, William | 615 |
Pendarves, Bridget | 601 |
Pendarves, William Esq | 601 |
Paul, Betty | 605 |
Paul, Jane | 605 |
Paul, Jonas | 605 |
Paul, Mary | 605 |
Paul, Prudence | 605 |
Paul, Robert | 605 |
Paul, Thomas | 605 |
Penny, Alan | 597 |
Phillpotts, Bishop | 615 |
Pickard, John | 615 |
Pinn, Messrs J & Son | 615 |
Pitt, Elizabeth | 604 |
Pitt, Thomas | 604 |
Polson, Mrs Alice | 604, 608 |
Polson, Hugh | 604 |
Pope, Joan | 610 |
Pope, Richard | 610 |
Portugal, King of | 581 |
Predioux, John | 609 |
Predioux, Margrett | 609 |
Prestwoede, Thomas (also Prestwood) | 583, 599 |
Prestwood, Susan | 599 |
Prince, Rev John | 600 |
Pruet, John (also Prewet) | 592 |
Prussia, King of | 587 |
Purchase, Mr Jacob | 613 |
Pym, Mr Clement | 603 |
Pym, Elizabeth | 603 |
Pym, Mr John | 603-4, 611 |
Pym, John the younger | 604 |
Pym, Susannah | 603 |
R | |
Radford | 611 |
Reede, Mary | 604 |
Reede, William | 604 |
Renwick, Alice | 602 |
Reynolds, H R | 596 |
Rich, Major James Esq | 602 |
Rich, Mary | 602 |
Richards, Mr A E | 609 |
Richardson, Thomas | 583 |
Robins, Walter | 612 |
Rogers, James | 604 |
Rogers, Mary | 604 |
Ross, Mr James Croad | 581, 615 |
Row | 594 |
Rundle, John | 594 |
Rundle, Mr Thomas | 593-4, 602, 608, 611 |
Ryschforde, Walter de | 592 |
S | |
Salter, Ann | 597 |
Salter, Anthonie | 597 |
Salter, Anthony MD | 597 |
Salter, Benjamin | 615 |
Salter, William | 597 |
Sanders, Robert Rogers | 615 |
Saunders, Robert | 613 |
Scharf, George | 601 |
Seymore, Margory | 610 |
Seymore, Thomas | 610 |
Shears, William MA | 592-3 |
Sheppard, Joseph | 615 |
Shilston, Gillian alias Stapelhill | 608 |
Smyth, William | 582 |
Spark, Robert | 593 |
Smith, Thomas | 608 |
Snell, John | 587 |
Snow, Simon MP | 595-6 |
Snow, Thomas | 595 |
Sobey, Mr W R | 591 |
Somaster | 584 |
Somaster arms | 603, 610 |
Somaster Ffrancis | 610 |
Somaster, Captain Henry | 610 |
Somaster, Henry Esq | 610 |
Somaster, Mary | 610 |
Somaster, Samuel | 610 |
Somaster, Sir Samuel Knt | 610 |
Somaster, Captain William | 610 |
Spenser | 591 |
Spenser, Sir Thomas | 592 |
Spry, Benjamin | 609 |
Spry, Elizabeth | 609 |
Spry, Jaquetta | 609 |
Spry, Nathaniel | 609 |
Spry, Penelope Belfield | 609 |
Stannaway, Mr | 585 |
Stribling, Mr | 606 |
Stroude, Ffrancis | 610 |
Stroude, Sir William | 610 |
Sweetland | 611 |
Sweetland, Mr Thomas | 611 |
T | |
Tothill family | 611-2 |
Tothill, Henry | 611 |
Tothill, Jeremy | 611 |
Tothill, Mary | 611 |
Townsend family | 611 |
Tozer, Thomas Enchmarch | 604 |
Tregithrow, John | 592 |
Trewman family | 611 |
Trewman, Mary | 609 |
Trewman, Robert | 609, 615 |
Trippett, Goody | 614 |
V | |
Vandyke | 603 |
Vaughan, Counsellor | 612 |
Veale, Captain | 589 |
Vellet, Loveday | 611 |
Vernon, Admiral | 587 |
Vicars, Rev Matthew | 588, 593-4, 615 |
Vigor, Mr Joseph | 602 |
Vigor, Rebekah | 602 |
Vilvain, Ann | 595 |
Vilvain, Peter | 595 |
Vilvaine, Grace | 595 |
Vilvaine, Mr Robert | 595-6 |
Vilvayne, Elinor | 596 |
Vilvayne family | 584, 595 |
Vilvayne, Julia | 595 |
Vilvayne, Richoard | 595 |
Vilvayne, Dr Robert | 584, 595-7 |
Vilvayne, Stephen | 595 |
Vilven, Thomas | 595 |
Vivian | 599-601, 610 |
W | |
Walker, Thomas | 600 |
Warren, Joseph Kirkland | 605, 607, 615 |
Warren, John | 593 |
Warren, Dr John | 611 |
Warren, Sarah | 611 |
Webb, Rev William John Wesley MA | 593 |
West, Jonathan Wills | 605, 615 |
Westaway, Mr | 611 |
Westlake arms | 598 |
Westlake, Dorothy | 599 |
Westlake, George | 593 |
Westlake, Mary | 598 |
Westlake, Sarah | 598 |
Westlake, Rev Thomas gent | 598-9, 613 |
Westone, John de Knt | 592 |
Whore, John | 609 |
Widthorpe, Richard | 592 |
Wilcocks, John Madgwick | 615 |
William, Hugo | 592 |
Williams, Will | 609 |
Wills, Mr Edward | 586 |
Wippell, Joseph | 615 |
Wood, Alderman | 589 |
Woodthorpe, Ricardus | 588 |
Woollcot family | 611 |
Worthy, Rev Charles | 588, 593, 609 |
Wylle, Robert | 592 |
Y | |
Yeo, Mr John | 605-6 |