


Index to


The Last Farewell

Devon Convicts Transported to Australia 1782 - 1821


Jack Walton

Australian Scholarly Publishing Pty Ltd, 2003

Index transcribed, with the author's permission, by Alan Elliott

This specialist work details the economic conditions in rural Devon at that time and connects the impact of unemployment with crime in that county, with descriptions of the courts and their processes, the prison system and the details of several voyages. The book also describes the life of some of these convicts in New South Wales and Tasmania.
There are 574 Devon convicts listed in Appendix A to this book and to quote "have been abstracted from ships indents and their trial details taken from Quarter Sessions, Assises and the Exeter Flying Post".
The complete appendix lists the 574 convicts by name, alias, crime, date, sentence and the ship of transport to Australia.
There are the names of many more people in this book, including other convicts, officials, farmers, wives & husbands of the convicts and the victims of the crimes the convicts committed etc.
There are more than 20 tables, which detail the various movements, crimes, punishments, land grants, etc of many of the convicts.
Appendix B lists the full details of the transports conveying all convicts to NSW & Van Diemen's Land in this period.
Appendix C contains the Criminal Records of Sarah Plummer, Richard Blackstone and Matthew Cornelius with facsimiles of those records for the two men.

Names included below without a page reference are at least listed in Appendix A



Abeton, Richard
Addicott, Pascol
Aitken, Captain Robert 38
Akers/Acres, Thomas 16, 18, 59
Alleyn, Richard 38, 39, 40
Amory, Susan 102
Anderson, Fanny 60
Anderson, John 91, 95, 102, 103
Appleby, Edward 16
Appledore, Thomas 67
Ardnell, Thomas 63
Armstrong, John 46
Arscott, John 64
Ashton, William 118, 119
Auton, James
Ayre, William
Baker, Ann 27, 72
Baker, Edward
Baker, James 28
Baker, John 71
Baker, Thomas 34
Bale, Gabriel 133, 135
Ball, John 34
Banfield, Elizabeth 72, 118, 119, 129, 130
Barnes, Edward 118, 119, 137
Barnes, Mr. 86
Barnes, Thomas
Barnett, Thomas 119
Barrett, T. 130
Barry, James 65
Barry, William 84
Barsby, Samuel 60
Basely, John 58, 59
Bayliss, John 63, 64
Bearance, Elizabeth 22
Bearance, Rebecca 22
Beard, Elanor 82
Beard, John
Beckett, Richard 73
Bedford, W. 74
Bennett, Elizabeth 85
Bennett, Mr W. 72
Beresford, Esther 107, 125
Berry, William
Best, Elizabeth
Betland, John
Betty, Joseph 16, 18, 135
Bigge, John Thomas 76, 78
Biggs, John 27, 68
Bird, John 8
Bisgood, William
Bisset, Lieutenant, RN, 43
Blackmore, William
Blackston, Richard George 135, 136
Blake, Andrew
Bligh, William 66
Boatswain, William Thomas
Bond, William
Bosley/Bazley, William 134
Boswell, James 64
Bosworth, James 56
Bouch, William 59
Boulton, Thomas 98
Bowden, Elizabeth 51
Bowden, George 133, 134
Bowden, Jacob 28, 78, 79
Bowden, Mary 72
Boynes, John
Bradford, John 63
Bradley, Henry 29
Braund, Mary 27, 56, 63, 64
Brett, Elizabeth
Brewer, William 34
Brice, John
Bridges, Christopher 83
Brimble, Samuel 134
Brisbane, Thomas 86
Brooke, Martha
Brooks, Elizabeth
Brooks, Jane 103
Broom, Mary 130
Brown, Charles
Brown, John
Brown, Joseph
Brown, Mary
Brown, Michael 18
Brown, Thomas 26
Bryant, Daniell 83
Bryant, John 91, 93, 97
Bryant, William 56, 63
Buckhill, Joseph 8
Budd, William 135
Bullock, Richard 130
Bullock, William
Burgess, Martha 130, 131
Burn Patrick 26
Burn, Simon 26, 27, 60
Buroughs, George
Burrows, Richard Cornelius 105, 106, 123
Burt, William
Burton, Hezia 28, 130, 132
Butterworth, George 84
Campbell, Mr. 28
Campbell, William 75
Cann, John 97
Caplion, John 130, 131
Carbury, John 133, 135
Carey, Joseph
Carey, Mary Ann 85
Carkill, Richard
Carney, John 27, 56
Carroll, James 83
Carter, Sarah 71, 72, 98
Chaaf, William
Chadwick, Samuel
Chaff, Robert 38
Chandler, Tony 109
Chanin, Edward
Chapman, Mary 59
Chapman, William 64
Childs, John 28
Chinnery, Samuel, 63
Chudleigh, Elizabeth
Clark, William
Clarke, John 34, 134
Clayton, Elizabeth 27, 74
Clements, Ann 68
Clements, Thomas 80
Clunes, Edward 81
Cobley, John 38
Coffin, John 63, 96, 102, 103
Coffin, Thomas 133, 134
Cole, Elizabeth 105, 106, 109, 123
Cole, Mary 64, 71, 74
Cole, Samuel
Cole, Sarah 9, 17, 22, 130, 132, 140
Coleman, Sarah, 71, 72
Collard, Joseph 135
Collicult, Thomas
Collins, David 110
Collins, Sarah 42
Connell, William 73
Connelly, Cornelius 34
Connor, Dennis 59, 61, 62
Connor, Mary
Cook, John
Cook, Joseph 91
Cooper, Edward 46
Cooper, Mary 103
Cooper, Thomas 72
Copp/Cropp, James 34
Cornelius, Matthew 133, 135, 136
Cosser, Mr. 75
Cothay, John 50
Cott, Benjamin 86
Cott, James 86
Cott, Robert 86
Cotter, Garrett 135
Cottle/Cottsel, Mary 107, 108, 122
Cowen, James
Cox, John 29, 30, 37
Craig, James 69
Crane, Lieutenant Alexander 96
Creamer, John 100
Crowder, Thomas 95
Cruise, John 68
Cullyhorn/Callaghan John 58, 59
Cumberlidge, Thomas
Curry, John 100
Curtis, James 28
Daley, Mr Robert 9
Dannat, Jane 43, 129, 130
Dark, Richard 27
Davey, John 48
Davies, William 24, 135
Davis, Hugh
Davis, James
Davis, Samuel 134
Davis, William
Davison, Mary 129
Davy, Thomas 68
Daw, James 29, 30
Dawn/Down, Henry
Dearin, Thomas
Delbridge, William 30, 37
Delle/Rello, Phillip
Dennis, James
Dennison, Mary 131
Densham, David
Dillon, Edward 83
Doge, John
Doige, William Skinner
Dornett, James
Douglas, David
Down, Mary 83
Drew, James 38
Drew, Mr. 9
Druitt, Major 77
Dymond, Margaret 42
Dymond, Thomas
Eades, Elizabeth 68
Eastbrook, Thomas
Eastcot, George
Easterbrook, May/Mary 85
Eastley, William 37
Eden, William 25
Edgar, Lieutenant Thomas 38, 39, 40
Edwards, Mary 8, 74
Edwards, Thomas 72
Elias/Ellis, Abraham 22, 23
Ellam, Cornelia 60
Elliott, William
Elstone, William
Emery, Susan 100
Endacott, Mary
Endicott, William 134
Espie, Robert 51
Etheridge, John 80
Farthing, John 130, 131
Faulken, George
Faulkner, John Pascoe 114
Ferguson, John 97
Ferrel, Nancy 40
Ferris/Ferry, Patrick
Feuring, John 118
Fisher, Matthew
Flanaghan, Robert 63
Fly, Robert 24
Flynn, John
Foost/Frost, William
Ford, Charles 79
Ford, Daniel
Foster, William
Foveaux, Joseph 96
Fowler, Nathaniel 63, 100, 101
Francis, William 93
Frazer, John
Free, Samuel 117
Free, Sarah 117
French, Ann 22
French, Mary 43
Frost, Frances 38, 98
Frost, John 79, 87
Frost, Mary 101, 107, 108, 121, 127
Frost, Susannah
Frost, William 16
Fry, George 63
Fulford, William 44, 67
Galley, Michael Francis
Galliford, James
Garland, William
Garner, Elizabeth 124
Garth, Susan 26, 90
Gilbraith, Mary Ann 28
Gilbert, Thomas 34, 35
Goddard, Thomas 36
Goff, John 86
Golden, William
Goode/Goodner, John 46
Gordon, Phyllis
Gorrick, Isaac 56, 57, 58
Gosling, Daniel 7
Gosling, James
Gould, John, 27
Granger, Charles 59
Grant, James
Granville, Catherine
Graston, John, 85
Green, James 80
Green, Mary 69
Green, William, 69
Greenslade, Ann
Gregory, John
Griffin, Elizabeth 39, 98
Griffith, William 37
Griffiths/Griffin, Edward 46
Grose, Acting Governor 61, 65
Haley, Thomas
Hall, William 134
Halstrum, John 86
Hamlyn/Hambley, William 22, 54, 122
Hanbury, William 123
Handcock, William
Hanger, Samuel
Hannabus, John 27, 68
Hannimore, William
Hanson, Mr. 86
Harford, Thomas
Harris, G.P. 112
Harris, Henry 135
Harris, Susan 139
Harris, William
Hart, Jonas 100
Hart, Thomas
Hart, William
Harwood, William
Hayball, John
Haycraft, John
Haycraft, Robert 100
Haydon, John 26
Heale, Ann 23, 28
Heard, John
Hearding, William 44
Hegan, Lawrence
Hellings, John 50, 135
Henry, John
Herbert, John, 60, 62
Herring, George
Herring, William
Hicks, Elizabeth 72
Higgins, Arthur
Hill, Elizabeth 27, 74
Hill, John 135, 136
Hill, Mary 59
Hilt, William
Hine/Hayne, Nicholas 37
Hipwood, Michael 135, 136
Hitchcock, John
Hoare, Joanna 64, 71, 74
Hobart, John 27, 130
Hobbs, Thomas
Hockaday, William 118
Hodge, Elizabeth 72
Hodge, James
Hodge, William
Holland, William
Holstrum, John
Homes, Sarah
Homyard, Samuel 24
Honell/Horrell, Mary 74
Honey, Richard 118
Hooper, Ann 27, 42
Hooper, Rebecca 130, 132, 142
Hopkins, Henry 133
Hopsland, Mr. 8, 9
Hore, Joanna 27
Hortopp, James
Horwell, John 46, 98
Hoskins, John
Hounsley, William
House, Susan 51, 107, 130, 131
How, William 75
Howard, John 29, 30
Howarth, William
Howell, John 98
Hoyle, James 133, 135
Huddleston, William
Hughes, Mr. 41
Hulbert, Sam 73
Hulchell, Ann
Humes, John
Humphries, A.W.H. 138
Humphries, Henry 91, 100, 101
Hunt, George
Hunter, John 66
Hunter, Stephen 72
Hurford, Thomas 28
Hurley, Elizabeth 74
Hurley, Jeremiah
Hussey, Samuel 95
Hutchins, Richard
Hutchins, Robert 97
Hutchinson, William 97
Innman, Francis
Irvine, John 63
James, William 100, 101
Jammison, John 116, 117
Jarmon, Samuel
Jarvis, Joseph
Jeffrey, Joseph
Jenkins, William 59
Jewell, Matthias 118
Jewell, Simon
John, Samuel 75
Johns, John
Johnson, George 86
Johnson, Mary
Johnson, Rev Richard 56, 105
Jones, Catherine 100, 101
Jones, Morgan 85
Jones, Thomas 63, 100
Jones, William 38
Jordan, John
Jordon, William
Keating, Mary 75
Keefer, George
Keen, George 28
Kelly, Mary
Kelly, Rebecca 42
Kemp, Mrs Eliza 96
Kenley, Thomas Henry
Kennard, William 70
Kepwood/Hipwood, Michael
Kerton, Thomas
Keswell/Keetchen, John 30, 37
Kevill, Michael
Kidwell, John 81
King, Governor 44, 66, 89
Kingdom, Mrs. 9
Kingdom, Thomas
Kingston, Robert. 107, 108, 125
Kitson, John. 36
Kitto, Richard. 70, 133, 135
Knight/Night, Nicholas
Knight, William. 83
Knolls, James
La Rue, James. 96, 107, 108, 109, 125
Lake, Miles. 73
Lake, Sarah
Lamprey, Phillip
Lane, Samuel. 134
Lane, Thomas. 30, 37
Langworthy, Phillip
Lavers, John
Lavis, Francis
Lawrence, Robert.130, 131
Lear, Simon. 23, 81
Leatherby, Elizabeth Stratton. 16, 37, 63, 65
Lee, Richard. 134
Leonard, Elizabeth. 59
Letheridge, John. 36
Lett, Peter. 121
Lewis, Phillip
Ley, John
Lightfoot, Samuel. 58, 60, 119
Long, Ambrose
Long, Francis. 68
Long, Samuel
Long, William. 73
Loosemore, William
Lowe, Robert. 129
Lucas, Nathaniel. 93, 95
Luxton, Thomas. 16, 27, 30, 37
Lynch, Lawrence. 83
Macarthur, John. 69. 79
Macgennis, Sarah
Macgennis, Susan. 64
Macquarie, Lachlan. 76
Maddoks, Hannah. 27, 74
Malters, Richard
Mansbury, Joe. 109
Mansell, Grace. 72
Marc, John
Margarot, Maurice. 82
Marsh/Mash, Ann.26, 27, 39, 40, 63, 64
Marsh, William
Martin/Martyn, James
Martin, John
Mary Broom. 131
Mason, Edward
Mason, William
Maunder, John
Mayne, Mary Ann
McCloud, John. 105, 120
McClure, John. 106
McConnell, George
McDonald, Francis
McGrath, Thomas
McGrutte, Thomas. 46
McKenna, Thomas. 64
Meadows, May/Mary. 73
Medland, Mr. 9
Meech/Meach, Jane. 105, 106, 108, 122
Meech/Meek, Joseph. 23
Mellander, George
Meredith, Jane
Merryfield, Ann. 37
Miles, Eleanor. 79
Moore, William. 100
Morgan, Alexander. 79
Morgan, Gregory
Morris, Patrick. 134
Morrison, John
Mortimer, Elizabeth. 108
Mortimer, John.5, 9, 17, 22, 90, 94, 96, 106, 108, 122
Mortimer, Noah.5, 9, 17, 22, 91, 93, 94, 95, 96, 107, 108, 109
Mortimore, Susan. 17, 105, 108
Mortimore, Susannah. 39, 40, 106, 123
Moulton/Molton, William. 105, 106, 122
Mugford, Sarah. 74
Mullins, Richard. 134
Mullis/Mullot, Stephen. 63
Munday, George. 116, 117, 118
Murphy, James. 26, 98
Murphy, John
Murray, Thomas
Mushford/Mugford, Sarah. 74
Mutters, Richard
Narberg, John
Neels/Neils, William
Nevins, Robert. 86
Newberry, John. 81
Newman, Jane. 64
Nicol, John. 38, 39, 40
Noble, Ann. 23, 80
Noble, Robert. 23, 80
Norman, Ann. 42
North, Lord. 25
O'Brien, Mary. 27, 64
O'Brien, Thomas. 105, 106, 123
O'Craft, John. 58, 60
Ogden, Joshua
Okey, Tryce
Oldrey, Richard. 134
Oxland, John. 50, 135
Oxley, John. 113, 120
Paget, Joseph. 56, 102, 103
Paine, Abraham. 64
Palmer, John. 85
Palmer, Mr. 64
Park, Richard
Parker, Ann
Parker, Mary. 59
Parker, Richard. 86
Parker, Sophia. 59
Parris, Peter
Parsons, Ann. 43, 85
Parsons/Parish, William. 30
Partland, Patrick. 64
Partridge, James
Passmore, James
Passmore, Richard
Patch, Mr Robert. 7
Pate, Samuel
Patrick, Sheene
Pattamore, Jessie
Pattamore, Joseph. 134
Patterson, Acting Govenor. 65
Pavey, James. 68
Pawley, Richard
Payne, Abraham. 80
Pearse, Nicholas. 135
Peck, Joshua.58, 60, 93, 95, 101, 107, 108, 121, 127
Peck, Thomas. 121
Peck, William. 121
Pendry, William. 82
Penlarrick, Phoebe. 64
Penwarden, John
Perkins, Edward. 59
Petherick, John. 60
Petty, Joseph. 136
Phelp, Alexander. 82
Phillip, Captain Arthur. 34, 53, 65
Pickett, Mary. 73, 101
Pigott/Pickett, Samuel. 91, 93, 100
Pinchin, William
Pinhole, Abraham. 30
Piper, Captain John. 96
Pitcher, Captain. 43
Pitt, Joseph
Plimshale, Abram. 37
Plummer, Sarah. 130, 132
Plunkett, Patrick. 116
Plunkett, Richard. 44
Pope, William
Porch, Thomas
Potter, Mary, 105, 106, 120
Prattern, Joseph
Price, William
Prior, Catherine. 64
Pulling, Samuel
Radford, Ann. 8, 9, 23
Radford, John. 50, 134
Raper, George. 93
Reading, Ann. 117
Redfern, William.43, 46, 47, 48, 50
Redman, John. 68
Reed, Captain. 132
Renowden, Jenny. 83
Retallick, Mr. 18
Rice, John. 30, 37, 91, 93, 95, 100, 101
Richards, George. 72
Richards, John
Richards, Joseph. 71
Richards, William. 27, 100
Richardson, James
Richardson, John
Richardson, Joseph. 85
Richardson, William. 133, 135
Riggs, John. 68
Riley, Ann. 27, 73
Riley, Elizabeth. 133
Riley, Thomas
Roach, Patrick.135
Roberts, Jane. 27, 64, 65
Roberts, John
Roberts, William. 74, 85
Robins, John. 97
Rogers, William
Rollings, Thomas. 81
Rollinson, Thomas
Ross, James. 85
Roster, Elizabeth.103
Rowden, Frances
Rowe, John. 30
Rowland, Betty
Rowley, Thomas. 96
Rugg, Mary. 72
Russell, Mary. 130
Ruth, Robert. 103
Ryall, John
Ryan, Patrick. 75
Salmon, Thomas. 72
Salter, George. 6, 7, 9, 58, 60, 119
Salter, Peter. 7
Salter, William. 7
Samuel, David
Sandoe, Francis
Sanford, Susan. 52, 130, 132, 142
Sarell, Mr. 4
Saunders, James
Saunders, John. 135
Saunders, Joseph
Saunders, William
Sayer, John. 27, 75
Sclater, Robert
Seal/Searl, Rebecca. 73
Seally, Thomas. 44
Sellock, Thomas.107, 125, 126
Servant, John. 135
Seward, Ann Jemima. 85
Sex/Lex, James. 28, 47
Shaddock, Susannah. 74
Shanning, Edward. 34
Sharla, 4, 5
Sharland, James
Shaw, Jane
Shay, John. 19, 27
Sheedy, Patrick
Sheen, Patrick. 19, 107, 108, 125, 126
Shepheard, John
Shepherd, John
Shepherd, Mary. 98, 109, 110
Shipley, Mary. 71
Shippey, Henry. 129
Short, Roger
Shrouder, William
Shute, William
Sidebotham, Elizabeth, 81
Sidmouth, Lord. 17
Simerson/Simenon, Hans. 118
Simmons, Charles
Simpkins, Ann. 23
Sizemore, Richard
Skinner, Thomas
Slack, George. 134
Slade, John
Slater, William. 105, 106, 124
Sloman, Mr. 18
Small, John. 19, 58, 59, 61, 62, 87
Small, William. 67
Smith, Ann. 106, 121
Smith, Edward
Smith, John. 134
Smith, Maria
Smith, Mary. 71, 105, 106, 123, 124
Smith, Rebecca
Smith, Samuel. 64, 74
Smith, W. 73
Soper, Thomas
Sorell, Colonel William. 114
Southcote, William
Sparkes, Thomas.107, 108, 110, 125, 126
Spiller, John
Spinks, J. 73
Splatt, Thomas
St Ledger, Sarah. 85
Stanbury, Ann. 73
Sterridge, Mary. 42
Stewart, Margaret. 20, 22, 58, 98
Sticke, James
Stockham, Mary.130, 132, 142
Stoodley, John
Stout, John
Stuart, John
Stuart, Margaret. 140
Studley, John. 79
Sullivan, Owen. 132
Sweet, Daniel. 28
Symons, Elizabeth. 72
Tamlyn, Samuel
Tarrett, Thomas. 130
Tate, Johanna
Tawton, John
Tench, Watkin. 35, 40, 53, 55, 94
Thomas, Elizabeth. 64
Thomas, John
Thompson, Andrew. 66
Thompson, Charles. 72
Thompson, George. 63
Thompson, James. 68
Thompson, Mary. 100, 101
Thomson, Francis. 75
Thorne, John
Tiddy, Hannah. 80
Tiddy, John. 80
Tolcher, Robert
Toll, Jack
Town, John. 73
Townson, Captain John. 96
Tozer, Agnes. 16
Trace, John. 60
Tracey, Samuel
Travers, Margaret. 109
Treliving, Elizabeth
Trice/Price, Okey. 118
Trim, William. 116, 117
Tucker, Benjamin
Tucker, Giles
Tucker, James.106
Tucker, Moses. 102, 103
Tucker, Thomas. 105
Tucker, William
Tull, James. 16, 134
Turner, John
Turner, Surgeon. 44
Underhay, Reuben
Underwood, Mr. 69
Upton, Henry
Vaux, James Hardy. 29
Veale, Susannah
Ven, John. 133, 134
Vicary, Thomas
Vickers, Mary. 51, 130, 132
Vickery, Thomas. 82
Vickery, William.107, 123, 124
Vogler, Richard
Voisey, Richard
Vosper, William. 116
Walker, R. 73
Wall, Richard. 116, 118
Wallace, William
Walsh, Thomas
Ward, Joseph
Ware/ Hare, John/Peter. 27, 70
Ware, Patrick. 64
Warren, John
Warren, William
Warwick, James. 106, 121
Watson, Thomas. 91, 103, 109
Watt, James William
Watts, John. 58, 98
Waugh, John. 27, 46
Way, William. 27, 80
Wayne, Mary
Webber, Elizabeth. 73, 85
Webber, Thomas
Weeks, Robert. 68
Welch, John. 46
Welford, James
West, Thomas. 72
Westbrook, Mr. 131
Westcott, James
Westcott, Jane. 75
Westcott, Richard. 27, 75, 124
Westlake, Edward, 5, 9, 17, 91, 95, 107, 108, 123, 124
White, John. 34, 35
White, William
Whitfield, Johanna. 64, 65
Wicker, William. 27
Widdecombe, Richard. 91, 93, 102, 103
Wilcocks, Captain James. 41
Wilde, Elizabeth. 79
Wilde, Hannah. 79
Wilde, Margaret. 79
Wilde, Mary. 79
Wilkes, James. 27
Willcocks, Richard. 34
Williams, Charles
Williams, Francis.134, 137
Williams, George
Williams, James
Williams, John. 91
Williams, Richard. 83
Williams, Susannah. 107
Willis, William. 108, 126
Wills, William. 107
Willshawke, Thomas
Wilson, James. 136
Wilson, John
Wilson, Joseph
Wilson, Mr. 132
Wingfield, James. 8, 9, 23, 28
Winter, William. 134
Winwood, Thomas
Wood, Charles. 97
Wood, Elizabeth.107, 108, 123
Wood, George. 102, 103
Woodford, George. 75
Woodley, James. 19
Woodley, Robert. 82
Woolcott, John
Wooley, Private. 117
Woolley, Thomas
Worthy, Mary. 51, 130, 132
Worthy, Mr James. 8
Wright, James