


Will of Philip Richards, Engineer of East Stonehouse, Devon

Proved 14 February 1837

© Crown Copyright

PROB 11/1873, Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Norwich Quire Numbers: 101 - 150

Transcribed by Jenny Duce

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In the name of God Amen
East Stonehouse the twentieth day of March one thousand eight hundred and thirty six I Philip Richards of Stonehouse aforesaid Engineer being very sick and weak of body but of sound & perfect mind and memory thanks be to Almighty God for it therefore calling to mind the mortality of my body knowing that it is apointed once all men to die do make publish and ordain this my last Will and Testament that is to say first of all I recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it and my body to the earth to be buried in decent Christian Burial nothing doubting but I shall receive it again at the general resurection by the Almighty power of God and as touching my Worldly Estate and Effects wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this life I give devise and bequeath in manner following that is to say I give devise and bequeath unto John Dadley husband of my daughter Agnes Dadley who I do hereby nominate and appoint my whole and sole Executor In trust for the purpose of carrying this my last Will and Testament into effect as follows All the singular Freehold Leasehold Copyhold Lands and Tenements & Premises together with all Ground Rents and other securities goods chattels and effects of what kindsoever to be divided as follows that is to say I give devise & bequeath unto Philip Stephen Dadd my Grandson the sum of twenty pounds sterling pr annum for & during his natural life and after his demise the sum to be divided between the other Children of my daughter Agnes Dadley the said twenty pounds pr annum to be chargeable upon and payable out of my freehold property in the City of Bristol I give devise and bequeath all the residue of my Freehold Leasehold and Copyhold Lands tenements and Premises together with all ground rents and other securities & all goods & chattels and effects whatsoever one third part thereof to my daughter Agnes Dadley for her own use and benefit separate and apart from her present or any future husband so long as she shall live and after her demise to be equally divided between her children share and share alike as tenants in common the said property shall not be under the coverture or liable or subject to his her said present or any future husband's debts or engagements and her receipt to my said Executor shall be considered a sufficient discharge I give to my son Henry Harris Richards one third part of the rents and profits arising from my freehold Leasehold and Copyhold Lands Tenements & Effects to be paid to him yearly or at any other periods at the discretion of my Executors so long as he shall live and after his demise the same to be equally divided between his children as tenants in common share & share alike I give and bequeath to the children of my late son John Richards now deceased being four in number and by name as follows Philip Richards Mary Sarah Richards Isabenda Richards and John Richards the remaining one third of my property as tenants in common share & share alike the rents and profits thereof to be applied at the discretion of my aforesaid Executor who do hereby appoint and nominate as sole Guardian of all the Children of Agnes Dadley Henry Harris Richards and John Richards deceased in any manner he may in his judgement think most beneficial for all the said Children and may advance from time to time any and what sums he may think proper either for their education or placing them out trades and I further direct my said Executor when the youngest Child of my son John Richards shall attain the age of twenty one years he my said Executor shall have power to take at fair Valuation the said one third part or share of my said property hereby devised to Philip Richards Mary Sarah Richards Isabenda Richards and John Richards and paying them for the same share and share alike together with any portion of the Rent and profits that may have accumulated in his hands belonging to them and I further direct my said Executor to keep the said Tenements in repair and to pay for the same from the rents and profits at all times before a division is made to the respective parties and to reimburse himself with all travelling expenses and I further direct that in case either of my son John's Children shall die before they each respectively shall attain the age of twenty one years then his or her share shall devolve and be divided between the Children of Agnes Dadley and the Children of Henry Harris Richards share & share alike and I do hereby utterly disallow, revoke and disannull all and every other former Wills Testaments Legacies bequests and Executors by me in anywise before named willed and bequeathed confirming and ratifying this and
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no other be my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have this day hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written Philip Richards (seal)
Signed published pronounced and declared by me the said Philip Richards as my last Will and Testament in the presence of us the subscribing Witnesses
Jas. Easton of Devonport Atty.     Nicholas Cudlipp            Rebecca Easton

Proved at London 14 February 1837 before the Judge by the Oath of John Dadley the sole Executor to whom Admon was granted having been first sworn by Commission duly to administer