


Will of Richard Reynell Esq of East Ogwell

Proved 18 September 1585

© Crown Copyright

PROB 11/68/527, Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury

Transcribed by Kathleen Noye

[Catalogued by TNA as Will of Richard Reynell of North Bovey]

In the name of god amen The last will of mee Richard Reynell of Eastoogwill Esquier, written the Twelveth daye of December in the fower and twentith yeare of the raigne of o[u]r Soueraigne Ladye Queene Elizabeth . ffirst my soule I giue to Jesus Christe my Saviour and Redeemer whoe with his precious bloude hathe redeamed me, my bodye to the graue allready prepared if convenientlye it maye. Item I giue to Annes [Agnes] my wief for terme of her lief All those closes of grounds and meadowes called Larkaborowes , Boughton Haies , Boughton Haies meadowe, brode Close and the twoe meadowes lyinge in the southe side of the brode close p[ar]cell of the same Landes . Item I giue and bequeathe to George Reynell & Carew Reynell my sonnes for tearme of their twoe liues and the longest liuer of them all my Tennementes called Sandehulk and Clycombe lying in the p[ar]ishe of Northe Bovye and nowe in th'occupacion of Annes ffrinde widowe and her assignes and sometyme was the wife of John Reynell gentlemann my vncle, the foresaide George and Carewe to take the proffit[es] of the same ymmediatlye after the deathe of the sayde Annes payinge yearlie to my heires Twenty sixe shillinges eightpence , And if it be vnpaied by the space of one moneth, then my heires shall distreyne [distrain] and the distresse soe takenn shall keepe vntill the saide rente of twentie sixe shillinges Eightpence be paide w[i]th the arrerages [arrearages] yf any bee, this I doe minde [?] faithfully th[at?] my aforesaid twoe sonnes shall haue w[i]thout lett or deniall of my heires , But if they or anny of them doe clerely sell awaie the Interest and right whiche they haue by this my guifte , then my heires shall enter as if anny such fuifte had been made . Item I giue to everie of my s[er]uaunt[es] being in my service at the tyme of my deathe Tenne shillinges (sauinge to tystrouge) to whome I give twentye shillinges . Item I giue and bequeathe to Annes my wief all the rest of my good[es] whome I doe ordeyne & make my full and whole executrix to dispose at her pleasure . By me Richarde Reynell . / .

Probatum fuit suprascriptum testamentum apud London : coram venerabili viro mag[iste]ro Will[i]mo Drury legum Doctore curie prerogatiue cantuarien[sis] commissario etc decimo Octavo die mens[is] Septembris Anno Domini mill[esi]mo quingentesimo octogesimo quinto . Juramento Thome Redman notarij publici procuratoris Agnitis relicte et executricis etc Cui commissa fuit administran[d]o bona[rum] etc De bene etc Jurat . / .

Translation: The above-written will was proved in London before the venerable Sir William Drury Doctor of Law, commissary etc. [Master or Keeper, lawfully constituted] of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on the eighteenth day of the month of September in the year of our Lord one thousand five hundred eighty-five, on oath before Thomas Redman, notary public, by Agnes the relict and executrix, etc. [of the said deceased, named in the same will], to whom administration [was granted of all and singular the goods, rights and credits of the deceased], well etc. [and faithfully to administer the same].