


Will of Agnes Reynell, Widow of East Ogwell (1601)

In private hands

Transcribed by Chris Lewin

Anno Dni 1601 Anno regni Regine 43 et quinto die Julij

In nomine dei Amen. I Agnes Reynell of Eastogwell in the Countye of Devon Gentellwoman widow at this tyme I hartely thanke God of perfect memory of mynd and in safe healthe of bodie, but yet through his greate goodnes moved to consider the uncertaintie of this life, and how those thinges over wch God hath made me stewarde in this world, be not lent onely to my selfe, but also to the benefit of my familie freindes and others my Christian brethren, of whom his holy word requires my care, I doe therefore by thies prsentes under permission of Jesus Christe myne onely Saviour and redeemer and in his holy name make and ordayne this my laste will and Testament in manner and forme following ffirst committing my selfe to the almightie God most humblye beseecheing him of his infinit mercie to accept me among the number of his chosen and elect through the merites and graces of or deare Saviour his onely sonne, and my bodie when pleaseth his goodnes to arrest it to the discretion of suche my good friendes as may have meanes and cause to regarde it, to bee buried in the Church of Eastogwell by the Tombe of my husband Mr Richard Reynell Esquire late deceased And all my worldly goodes wherewth God (I thanke him) hath enriched me I geeve and bequeath as followeth, ffirst I geeve and bequeathe unto the poore of the parishe of Eastogwell aforesaid fourtie shillinges to be distributed unto suche as have neede and according to their need by the discretion of the overseers or cheefe men of the said parishe, or by them to bee converted to their best profit and commoditye Also I geeve and bequeathe unto the poore of the parishe of Denburye xxs to be distributed by the cheefe of the parishe according to their best discretion, Item to the parishe of Wolborough I geeve xxs to bee distributed among the poore their by the discretion of the cheefe of the parishe Item I geeve xxs to the poore of the parishe of Hieweeke to be disbursted at the discretion of the heddes of the parishe Item to the poore of the parishe of Bovie Tracie I geeve xxs to be disbursted by the iudgementes of the cheefe of the parishe. To my Children I geeve as followeth ffirst I geeve and bequeath to myne eldest sonne Mr Thomas Reynell one silver Bason and Ewer parcell gilted wth armes on it, and three bowles of silver gilted two bigge ones and one litle one And two saltes of silver the one gilted the other parcell gilted, And a dosen of silver spoones wth armes on them, and three stonen[?] cuppes two gilted and one wth silver And one gould ring wth a deathes head on it for a remembrance. Item to my daughter ffrauncis his wife I geeve a suger boxe of silver and a gould ring wth a deathes head on it for a remembrance Item I geeve and bequeathe to my sonne Josias Reynell one Goblett gilted and a silver Salte gilted wth a cover, and halfe a dosen of silver spoones, And a gould ring wth a dethes head on it for a remembrance Item I geeve and bequeath unto my sonne Richard Reynell a silver Goblet gilted wth a cover and armes on it And a gould ring wth a deathes head on it for a remembrance Item I give and bequeath unto my son George Reynell one Standing silver cuppe gilted with a cover and armes on it And a gould ring wth a deathes head on it for a remembrance Item I geeve and bequeathe to my sonne Carew Reynell one silver Goblet gilted and fyve silver plates parcell gilted iiij greate and one litle one And a gould ring wth a deathes head on it Item I geeve and bequeath to my daughter Marye Nowell a standing silver cuppe gilted with a cover And a gould ring wth a deathes head on it for a remembrance And to my sonne Mr Arthur Nowell, and my sonne Mr Edward Harris & Mris Elizabeth Harris his wife unto eache of them I geeve a gould ring wth a deathes head on it. Also having cause to regarde some persons as well my kinne as freindes either wth good turnes or wth remembrances of good will my mynd and will is that by the discretion of myne executor who doth best know whom in suche sorte I affect ther be gyven a gould ring to a peece for a token of the good affection I have borne them. I geeve and bequeath to every one of my childrens children that shalbe lyving at the daye of my bodily dissolucon one gould ring to a peece of them for a remembrance Item to so many of my godchildren as shalbee at my buriall I geeve xiid to a peece. Item I geeve and bequeathe unto my waiting gentlewoman that shall serve me at the tyme of my dyeing fower pound good Inglishe mony Also to all my men servantes wch shall then serve me I geeve to eache of them xxs And to all my woman servantes wch shall then serve wth me I geeve to eache of them xs The residue of all my worldly goodes as well moveable as unmoveable not geeven and bequeathed in my life tyme nor heeretofore in this prsent will nor heereafter at any tyme before my death I geeve and bequeath to myne eldest sonne Mr Thomas Reynell Esquire whom I appoynt and make myne whole executor by thies prsentes Dated the daye and yeare before writen in prsence and wittnes of thies heere under named.

Testa me Isaaco Gosswell
Signum Johannis Gortly senioris
Teste me Andreo Stere[?]

This is the verye originall & the will made by Mris Agnes Reynell widdow wch she sent for twoe dayes before her death, & published the same to stand for her last will & testament, revokinge all other
         Testi Josia Reynell

[Enorsed on back:   "Testamentum Mris A: Reynells"]