


DEVON-GEN - the Devon Genealogy Google Group

Last updated 9 Sept. 2023

DEVON-GEN is a successor to the now-discontinued Devon Rootsweb mailing list. The Group is co-sponsored by the Devon Family History Society and GENUKI/Devon, and setup by the late Terry Leaman. DEVON-GEN is now administered by the Devon Family History Society.

DEVON-GEN can be found at <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/devongenealogy>. Basic facts about the Group are given here. (General advice about Google Groups can be found here.)

Anyone with an interest in Devon genealogy is welcome to become a Member of the Group, and so able to read messages sent to it, and to post to it. To apply for Membership, send an email to <devon-gen[at]devonfhs.org[dot]uk>, indicating whether you wish to receive posts as individual email messages, or combined together into a Digest.

To unsubscribe from the group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to <devon-gen[at]devonfhs.org[dot]uk>.

The Archives of the now discontinued Rootsweb Mailing lists are here.

Past emailed messages to the DEVON-GEN web page are retained in the page, which therefore serves as a message archive, as well as a current discussion forum.

The basic rules for the Group are as for the predecessor Rootsweb mailing list, namely:

  • Messages should relate to Devon genealogy and history.
  • When you post a query, provide a brief indication of what is already known to you, and what sources you have already searched (including those at the Devon Family History Society and in GENUKI).
  • Make sure that you have prior explicit permission from the copyright owner before posting any text or photographs that are subject to copyright.
  • Humour is acceptable, but rudeness is not.
  • Commercial postings, e.g. advertising genealogical services, are not acceptable.
  • General queries, e.g. about problems with genealogy software, are not acceptable - these should be addressed to a more suitable discussion forum. 
  • Group members who persistently flout these latter rules will be unsubscribed.

Note that the Devon Family History Society operates two other discussion forums: the Devon FHS WWWBoard, and a Public Facebook Group, while GENUKI has a  Facebook page. (This latter is used mainly for occasional announcements.)