Name Index to Sections
No 13 Exeter and the South East Coast of Devonshire pp. 64-83, (+ 192-3) & No 14 Plymouth and its environs, pp. 76-97
Knight's Excursion Companion: Excursions from London
Charles Knight
London: Charles Knight, Fleet Street, Reed & Pardon, Printers (1851), maps, illus. xi, 241 pp.
NB: Each of these sections is separately paginated, so the page numbers used here are those given by Google Books.
Transcribed by Michael Steer
Charles Knight (1791-1873), prolific author and publisher is perhaps best remembered for his association with Charles Dickens, whom he praised publicly as 'a writer whose original and brilliant genius is always under the direction of kindly feeling towards his fellow-creatures'. The two became close friends in the early 1850s, and Knight participated enthusiastically in Dickens's amateur theatricals, as well as contributing 19 articles to Household Words. Much of the information in Dickens's A Child's History of England (1851-53) was derived from Charles Knight's Pictorial History Of England. Knight's several popular 'excursion books are packed with information and a rich source of pleasure for the inquisitive Victorian holiday-maker'. This rare book was produced from a digital copy held by the New York Public Library that can be downloaded from Google Books. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. Those on which copyright has expired are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.
Page | |
Albrina | 65 |
Alfred, King | 64 |
Athelstan, King | 64 |
Barry, Mr | 83 |
Bedford, Duke of | 87 |
Bohun family | 75 |
Bothe, Bishop | 68 |
Brantyngham, Bishop | 67 |
Bray, Mrs | 93 |
Brionne, Baldwin de | 65 |
Brownscombe, Bishop | 68 |
Buckland, Dr | 81 |
Camden | 78 |
Camden, Lord | 69 |
Carrington, Mr H E | 92 |
Chantrey | 68, 76 |
Charles I | 65 |
Charles II | 65 |
Clarence, Duke of | 192 |
Clarke, Sir J (also Dr) | 82 |
Courtenay family | 74 |
Courtenay, Hugh | 75 |
Courtenay, Archbishop William | 75 |
Cuyp | 75 |
Damerel family | 89 |
Devon, Earl of | 75, 91 |
Drake, Sir Francis | 78 |
Duckworth, Colonel | 76 |
Duckworth, Admiral Sir J T | 76 |
Edward the Confessor | 64 |
Edward I | 78 |
Edward III | 73, 78 |
Elizabeth I | iv, 78 |
Exeter, Marquis of | 75 |
Fairfax, Sir Thomas | 65 |
Flaxman | 68, 77 |
Fuller, Thomas | 64 |
George II | 69, 78 |
George III | 82 |
Grant, Mr | 85 |
Henrietta, Queen (and Princess) | 65, 69 |
Henry II | 78 |
Henry III | 65 |
Henry VIII | 65, 78, 83 |
Hooker | 70 |
John, King | 73 |
Johnson, Dr | 64 |
Lackland, John | 72 |
Leland | 65, 73, 75, 78, 81 |
Lely, Sir Peter | 69 |
Londonderry, Earl of | 81 |
Lysons | 79 |
Matilda, Empress | 65 |
Maurice, Prince | 65 |
Medina Sidonia, Duke of | 92 |
Milton | 92 |
Mogridge, Dr | 71 |
Monk, General | 69 |
Morice, Sir William | 89 |
Morley, Earl of | 91 |
Nasmyth | 81 |
Norman, Mr Alfred | 89 |
Northcote | 68 |
Oliver, Dr | 83 |
Orleans, Duchess of | 65 |
Polwhele | 77 |
Quivil, Bishop Peter | 66 |
Raleigh, Sir Walter | 73 |
Redding, Mr | 96 |
Rendel, Mr | 91 |
Reynolds, Sir Joshua | 92 |
Richard I | 83 |
Richard III | 65 |
Rolle family | 73 |
Rolle, Lord | 73 |
Rowe, Rev Samuel | 93 |
Rudyerd, Mr | 88 |
Russell, Lord | 65 |
Shakespeare | 65 |
Shapter, Dr | 77 |
Simcoe, General | 68 |
Smeaton, Mr | 88 |
Stafford, Bishop | 68 |
Stamford, Earl of | 65 |
Stapledon, Bishop | 68 |
Stapledon, Sir Richard | 68 |
St Aubyn family | 89 |
Stephen, King | 65-6 |
Stonehouse, Joel de | 78 |
Valletort family | 78 |
Warbeck, Perkin | 65 |
Warlewast, William | 66-7 |
Webber, Mr R | 74 |
Wightwick, Mr | 89 |
William I | 65-6 |
William III | 65, 192 |
William IV | 84, 192 |
William & Mary | 78 |
Winstanley, Mr | 88 |
Wise family | 89 |
Wise, Sir Thomas | 89 |
Woodly, Mr | 81 |