Name Index
The Shire of Sea Kings (3rd ed.)
London, Great Western Railway Co. (1912) 233 pp.
Prepared by Michael Steer
The Great Western Railway (GWR) linked London with the south-west and west of England and most of Wales. It was founded in 1833, The GWR was called by some "God's Wonderful Railway" and by others the "Great Way Round" but it was famed as the "Holiday Line", taking many people to English and Bristol Channel resorts in the West Country as well as the far south-west of England, for example to Torquay and Minehead in Devon and Newquay and St Ives in Cornwall. It promoted itself from 1908 as "The Holiday Line through a series of posters, postcards, jigsaw puzzles, and books. These latter included Holiday Haunts, describing the attraction of the different parts of the GWR system. The Shire of Sea Kings is one of these cheap, reasonably accessible guide books for holiday-makers. There is an extensive appendix of local amenities. This rare and much sought-after book was produced digitally by Google from a copy in the University of Illinois (Urbana, Champaign) Library collection and can be downloaded from HathiTrust. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.
Page | |
A | |
Acland family | 141 |
Acland, Lady Harriet | 141 |
Acland, Sir Thomas Dyke | 152 |
Addison | 163 |
Adelaide, Queen | 23 |
Ahsberg, Emil | 224 |
Albert, Prince | 54, 91 |
Alexandra, Queen | 233 |
Alfcoin, Abbot | 126 |
Alfred, King | 16, 21 |
Amory family | 134 |
Amory, Sir John | 134, 143 |
Andrew, H | 212 |
Anne, Queen | 15, 136, 155, 163 |
Armstrong, A V | 197 |
Arragon, Katherine of | 12, 88 |
Arthur, Prince | 31 |
Ashburton, Lord | 61, 119 |
Aslett, Dr | 197 |
Athelstan, King | 10, 16, 164 |
Audley family | 172 |
Austen, Jane | 37 |
B | |
Baldwin, Prudence | 125-6 |
Baldwin the Sheriff | 10, 16 |
Bampfylde family | 170 |
Banks, M L | 132 |
Bannock | 163 |
Baragwanarth-King, John | 77 |
Baring family | 33, 73, 120 |
Baring-Gould, Rev Sabine | 10, 17-8, 29-31, 41, 53-4, 56, 62-5, 68, 71, 73, 81, 93-4, 96, 101, 109-11, 116, 120, 124, 126, 130, 133-6, 142, 177 |
Baron, W L | 199 |
Bassett family | 162 |
Bath, Earl of | 136, 176 |
Bearne, A | 197 |
Beche, Sir H de la | 121 |
Becket, Thomas | 108, 170 |
Berlon, Peter | 23 |
Besant, Sir Walter | 42 |
Bevan, Cecil | 156 |
Bidder, George Parker | 111 |
Bird (L'Oisseau) family | 163 |
Bissett, Mr M F | 143 |
Black, Adam | 130 |
Black, Charles | 130 |
Blackall, Dr | 124 |
Blackmore & Sons | 206 |
Blackmore, R D | 25, 93, 110, 112, 129-30, 133, 134, 136, 139, 141, 150-1, 155, 157-8, 168-70, 176 |
Blake, Robert | 83, 86 |
Blampy (Blanchepied) family | 163 |
Blouet, Paul | 44 |
Blundell, Peter | 132, 219 |
Bodley, Thomas | 24 |
Bolingbroke | 163 |
Bonaparte, Napoleon | 35, 41, 44, 81 |
Boringdon, Lord | 15 |
Bossuet | 13 |
Bourchier family | 136, 164, 172 |
Bourchier, John | 136 |
Bourchier, Sir William | 176 |
Bourchier Wrey family | 172 |
Bowdler, Miss Harriett | 91 |
Bowen, Captain Richard | 172 |
Braddell, Mr | 197 |
Bray, Mrs | 91, 98 |
Brewer, Bill | 113 |
Brian, Guy de | 54 |
Britric | 117 |
Brittan | 77 |
Brockendon | 77 |
Brockman, Mr & Mrs W S | 225 |
Brooke, Rajah | 104 |
Browbeare, Arthur | 136 |
Browbeare, John | 136 |
Brown, William | 6, 91-4, 98, 100 |
Brute | 65 |
Buckfast, Abbot of | 21, 69-70 |
Bull, Bishop | 136 |
Bulmer, Sir Beavis | 176 |
Buott, Mr S D | 229 |
Burney, Fanny | 15, 37, 90-1 |
Burritt, Elihu | 84 |
Bussel arms | 107 |
Bute, Marchioness of | 151 |
Buzacott (de Boursaquotte) family | 163 |
C | |
Canning, George | 86-7 |
Canute, King | 126 |
Carew | 162 |
Carew, Bampfylde Moore | 134, 136 |
Carey, Captain | 172 |
Carlyle | 128 |
Carnarvon, Dowager Countess of | 141 |
Carnarvon, Earl of | 139, 141, 148 |
Caroline, Queen | 15 |
Carrington, Noel Thomas | 94, 100-1 |
Carter Bros | 212 |
Carter, Miss | 224 |
Castlereagh, Lord | 80 |
Chadder, N | 206 |
Champernowne family | 64 |
Chanter, Miss Gratiana | 158 |
Chanter, Rev J F | 139 |
Chantrey | 86 |
Chapman, Mr A | 197 |
Charles I | 14, 30, 54, 80, 106, 140, 172 |
Charles II | 30, 78, 88, 108, 126, 147, 162 |
Charles, Mrs | 97 |
Charlotte, Queen | 15, 80, 91, 171 |
Chesney family | 136 |
Chatto & Windus | 139 |
Chudleigh, Miss | 80, 112 |
Clarence, Duchess of | 23 |
Clarence, William Henry, Duke of | 87 |
Clarke, E F C | 219 |
Clay, Miss | 223 |
Clayden, A W | 93 |
Clymo, Mr & Mrs | 226 |
Cobleigh, Tom | 113 |
Colby, Thomas | 136 |
Coleridge, Lord | 29, 94, 100 |
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor | 109, 150-2 |
Collings, Miss | 212 |
Colwil, Mrs F H | 208 |
Commin, Mr James G | 77, 93, 100, 103, 132, 139 |
Condy, Henry Bollman | 40-1, 77 |
Cook, Samuel | 77-8 |
Coombes, Mrs | 224 |
Cooper | 155 |
Copp, Mr | 196 |
Correggio | 79 |
Cosway, Richard | 135-6 |
Courtenay arms | 107 |
Courtenay, Bishop | 20 |
Courtenay family | 34, 117, 133 |
Coutts, Baroness Burdett | 104 |
Coutts, Mr Thomas | 151 |
Coverdale, Miles | 24, 122 |
Cox & Son | 224 |
Crawford, R & Sons | 54 |
Cresswell, Mr B F | 94 |
Crossing, William | 93-4, 103 |
D | |
Dalby, Dr H E | 197 |
Dalkeith, Lady | 14 |
D'Arblay, Mr Alexander | 171 |
d'Arblay, Madame Fanny | 15, 170-1, 173 |
Dartmouth, Earl of | 54 |
Davenant, Sir William | 87-8 |
Davis, John | 5-6, 54, 61, 84 |
Davey, John | 136 |
Davy, Bartholomew | 136 |
Davy, Peter | 113 |
Dawes, A S | 197 |
De Luc, Mrs | 91 |
Denis, Dom Stephen | 128 |
Dennis family | 128 |
Dibden, Charles | 27 |
Doddington, Sir Philip | 172 |
Doone family | 139, 158 |
Doone, Lorna | 94, 129-30, 133, 139, 145, 150, 152, 155, 159, 162 |
Doran, Dr | 10, 12, 15 |
Drake family | 34 |
Drake, Sir Francis | portrait, p. 4, 5-6, 34, 54, 83, 86-7, 98, 169 |
Drayton, Michael | 7, 86 |
Dredge, J H W | 214 |
Dunford, Martin | 136 |
Dunning, John | 61, 116, 119 |
E | |
Eastlake, Charles Locke | 77-8 |
Edgcumbe family | 85 |
Edinburgh, Duke of | 91, 213 |
Edmonds, Rev Chancellor | 17-9 |
Edward the Confessor | 18, 127 |
Edward I | 98, 117 |
Edward III | 52 |
Edward IV | 12, 16, 57 |
Edward VI | 98 |
Edward VII | 15, 45, 51, 60, 91, 170 |
Egremont, Earl of | 78 |
Elford family | 103 |
Elfreda | 97 |
Elizabeth I | 5, 12, 24, 60, 84, 98, 143, 176 |
Englescheville, de arms | 107 |
Erridge, F B | 197 |
Evans, Mrs Rachael | 97 |
Evered, Mr Philip | 139 |
Exeter, Dukes of | 64 |
F | |
Fairfax, Sir Thomas | 71 |
Falcon, T A, MA | 93 |
Farr Ltd | 205 |
Ferrers arms | 107 |
Fisher, Arthur | 132 |
Foote, Maria | 23 |
Foote, Samuel | 23 |
Ford, John | 116, 120 |
Fortescue, Sir Edmund | 71 |
Fortescue family | 70 |
Fortescue, Lord | 143, 145 |
Fortibus, Countess Isabella | 20, 33 |
Foster, W R | 208 |
Fowell family | 117 |
Fox, George | 22 |
Fox-Strangways, Lady Christian Harriet Caroline | 141 |
Freeman, Dr Edward A | 9-11, 16-8 |
Frobisher, Sir Martin | 6, 83 |
Frost, Robert & Son | 214 |
Froude family | 64 |
Froude, James Anthony | 71, 116, 128 |
Froude, Venerable R H | 128 |
Fulford | 30 |
Fulford, Francis | 136 |
Fuller, Thomas | 7, 14 |
G | |
Gainsborough | 150 |
Gandy | 77 |
Garrick, David | 85-6 |
Gaunt, John of | 164 |
Gay (Le Gay) family | 163 |
Gay, John | 163 |
Gaylard | 213 |
George II | 15 |
George III | 15, 21, 23, 26, 54, 80, 110, 136 |
George V | 232 |
Germany, Empress Frederick of | 45, 91 |
Gibbons, Grinling | 34 |
Giffard, William | 116, 119 |
Gilbert, Sir Humphrey | 5-6, 54, 60, 84 |
Gill, Mr | 172 |
Glanville family | 98 |
Glanville, Sir John | 98 |
Godwin, Earl | 18 |
Goldsmith, Oliver | 79 |
Gould, Sir F Carruthers | 163 |
Grantham, Mr Justice | 123 |
Gray, Mrs | 97 |
Greenway, Joan | 132 |
Greenway, John | 131-3 |
Greig, Mr Morland | 143 |
Grenville, Sir Richard | 5, 84, 166, 168 |
Groves, Hugh | 162 |
Gurney, Peter | 113 |
H | |
Hallam, Henry | 120 |
Hamilton, Dom Adam OSB | 128 |
Harold, King | 18 |
Harper & Bros | 15 |
Harrington, Countess of | 23 |
Hart, Solomon | 77-8 |
Harvey, Sir Robert | 65 |
Hawk, Harry | 113 |
Hawkins family | 84 |
Hawkins, Sir John | 5-6, 54, 86 |
Hawley, Alice | 55-6 |
Hawley, Joan | 55-6 |
Hawley, John | 55 |
Haydon, Benjamin Robert | 6, 38, 77-8, 87 |
Hayward, Abraham | 136 |
Hayward, H W | 206 |
Heathcoat, John | 134 |
Hele, Elize | 78 |
Hellier, Mrs L | 199 |
Hellier & Lee | 199 |
Hemans, Mrs | 114 |
Henleys | 211 |
Henrietta Maria, Queen (Mary) | 12, 14-5 |
Henry I | 12, 97 |
Henry II | 12 |
Henry VII | 12, 17, 21, 57 |
Henry VIII | 72, 85, 128, 136, 163 |
Herrick, Robert | 5, 7, 92-4, 115-6, 125-6 |
Hewling, Captain | 172 |
Hex, Frederick S | 220 |
Hilliard, Nicholas | 24, 77 |
Hobbs, Miss | 225 |
Hody | 54 |
Holland family | 64 |
Holland, Robert | 57 |
Hook, Dean | 136 |
Hooker, Richard | 24 |
Howe, Lord | 27, 54 |
Huckaback, Reuben | 141, 151 |
Hudson. Thomas | 77-8 |
Hunt, Thomas | 14 |
I | |
Ilchester, Stephen Earl of | 141 |
Irwin, Miss Annie | 177 |
J | |
Jackson, William | 24 |
James I | 17, 150 |
Jeffreys, Judge | 22, 99 |
Jeffreys, Mrs | 40 |
Jenkins, H T | 222 |
Jervis, Sir John | 100 |
Jewell, Bishop | 163 |
Jewitt, Llewellyn | 86 |
Johns, A B | 77-8 |
Johnson, Dr Samuel | 79, 86 |
Jones, Captain A H | 197 |
K | |
Kean, Edmund | 24 |
Keary, Miss | 197 |
Keats, John | 6-7, 37-9 |
Kellett | 12 |
Kemble | 24 |
King, K | 197 |
King, Major Newton | 197 |
Kingsley, Charles | 93, 115-6, 122-3, 161, 165-6 |
Kingston, Duchess of | 80, 112 |
Kinsale, Lord | 71 |
Knight, H | 197 |
Kynewulf | 126 |
L | |
Lacy, Bishop, arms | 107 |
Lamb, Charles | 120 |
Langton, Stephen | 24 |
Laud, Archbishop | 108 |
Lee | 77 |
Le Fevre, Mr John | 171 |
Leland | 162 |
Leofric | 10, 18 |
Lewis & Rowdon | 214 |
Little, Mrs J F Willes | 197 |
Litson, Mr T | 151-2 |
Lloyd, James | 118 |
Louis XVI | 50 |
Louise, Princess | 47 |
Loveless, Henry | 206 |
Lowe, Sir Hudson | 22 |
Luny, Thomas | 40-1, 77 |
Lyde, Rev G | 113 |
M | |
Macaulay, Lord | 21, 128 |
Macclesfield, Lord | 107 |
Marlborough, Duke of | 77 |
Marsh, W | 197 |
Marshall, J A | 201 |
Martin family | 172 |
Martin, Sir William | 176 |
Matilda, Queen | 117 |
Matthews, Charles | 83 |
Matthews, H & Sons | 213 |
Matthews, J W | 197 |
Mayer, M Godefroy | 4 |
Meldrum, Mother | 158-9 |
Methuen, Messrs | 94 |
Mettersh, G E | 197 |
Mildmay family | 73 |
Mitchell, Admiral | 20 |
Monmouth, Geoffrey of | 9, 86 |
Morocco, Emperor of | 170 |
Morton, Lady | 13 |
Morton, Peter | 13 |
Mount Edgcumbe, Lord | 78, 85, 91 |
Moyle, J | 201 |
Muard, Pere | 127 |
Mudge, Dr Zachariah | 86 |
Mylrea, A | 197 |
N | |
Natter, Abbot Dom Boniface | 128 |
Nelder, C W | 202 |
Nelson, Horatio Lord | 23, 44, 70, 81, 86-7, 90, 93 |
Newcomen, Thomas | 52, 58 |
Newman, Sir Robert | 34 |
Newnes, Sir George | 154 |
Normandy, Duke Robert I | 120 |
Norris, Mr T G | 15 |
Northcote family | 117 |
Northcote, James | 77-8 |
Norway, Mr A H | 159 |
O | |
Ogar, Earl | 97 |
Oliver, Benjamin | 14 |
O'Rell, Max | 44 |
Orleans, Duke of | 13-4 |
Orleans, Henrietta Anne, Duchess of | 13-4 |
Osborne, Mr H J | 190 |
Ossory, Bishop of | 158 |
P | |
Page, John L W | 94, 176 |
Paish & Co | 223 |
Palk family | 117 |
Palk, Walter, Esq MP | 118, 123 |
Palmerston, Lord | 131 |
Parnell | 163 |
Parsons, J B | 209 |
Patch, Claus | 134 |
Pattison, Major Dunn | 197 |
Paynter | 88 |
Pearse, Tom | 113 |
Pembroke, Countess of | 92 |
Pengelly, William | 48 |
Penruddock, John | 162 |
Pepys, Mrs | 163 |
Petherick, J | 197 |
Philpotts, Eden | 93-4, 101 |
Poltimore family | 21 |
Pomeroy family | 120 |
Pope, Alexander | 163 |
Pope, Johannes | 117 |
Pope, Mr Sydney J | 200 |
Potter, Frank | 1 |
Praed, Winthrop Mackworth | 38 |
Prince, Rev John | 61 |
Prout, Samuel | 77-8 |
Q | |
Quivil, Bishop Peter | 19 |
R | |
Raleigh, Sir Walter | 5, 57, 59, 84, 86, 166 |
Reynell family | 117 |
Reynell, Rev John | 107 |
Reynell, Sir Richard | 106 |
Reynolds, Sir Joshua | 27, 76-80, 85-6 |
Reynolds, Rev Samuel | 78 |
Richard I (Coeur de Lion) | 52 |
Richard II | 65 |
Richard III | 17 |
Richards, Dr | 132 |
Ridd, John | 136, 141, 151-2, 154, 158-9 |
Ripperda, Duke of | 170 |
Risdon, Tristram | 170 |
Roach (Roches) family | 163 |
Rodgers, Miss | 225 |
Roope, William | 57 |
Rosebery, Lord | 106 |
Ross, J & G | 203 |
Rowe, Mr J Brooking | 77 |
Rowe, Nicholas | 97 |
Rowe, Samuel MA | 93, 100 |
Rowlands | 209 |
Russell family | 97 |
Russell, Parson Jack | 136, 139, 176 |
Russell, Lord William | 98 |
Russia, Grand Duke Nicholas of (Emperor) | 23 |
S | |
Salmon, Mr Arthur L | 38, 79, 99, 124 |
Saunders, F W | 197 |
Schonberg-Cotta family | 97 |
Seldon & Shobbrook | 199 |
Serafini, Dom Maurus | 128 |
Shakespeare, William | 17, 88 |
Sherborne, Bishops of | 36 |
Shiers, G | 197 |
Shillingford | 10 |
Siddons | 24 |
Sidney, Sir Philip | 172 |
Slanning, Sir Nicholas | 80 |
Smith, F W | 201 |
Smith, Miss | 197 |
Smith & Son | 224 |
Snell, Mr F J | 130, 133, 139, 147, 155, 157-8, 161-2, 170, 176-7 |
Southey, Robert | 11-2, 20, 22, 27, 150-1, 159 |
Spratt, J | 205 |
Squire | 162 |
Stanley, Mr E A | 143, 173 |
Stapleton, Bishop Walter | 117, 122 |
Stawell family | 117 |
Stewer, Jan | 113 |
Stickles, Jeremy | 151, 154 |
Stidston, E S | 197 |
Stigand | 18 |
St Michel family | 163 |
St Michel, Elizabeth | 163 |
Stow | 169 |
Strode, William | 80 |
St Vincent, Lord | 45 |
Swears, Mr C J | 197 |
Swift | 163 |
Sydenham family | 140 |
Sydenham, Major Sir George | 140 |
Sylvius | 65 |
Symons, John & Co | 226 |
T | |
Temple, Archbishop Frederick | 19, 133, 135 |
Tennyson, Lord | 44, 140-1, 144 |
Thackeray | 80 |
Thomas, Mr Burnard | 197 |
Thorne Bros | 218 |
Titela, Williemus | 117 |
Tostig | 18 |
Totenays, Judael de | 62 |
Tours, Martin of | 176 |
Townsend, James & Sons | 202 |
Tracy family | 176 |
Tracy, Sir William de | 108, 170, 173 |
Treadwell, Gaffer | 163 |
Trelawny | 26 |
Trew, John | 20 |
V | |
Valletort, Lord | 91 |
Vernon, R Warren | 174 |
Victoria, Queen | 15, 22, 45, 51, 57, 85, 91, 136, 170 |
Vonier, Abbot Dom Anscar | 128 |
W | |
Wade, Colonel | 172 |
Wales, Prince of | 54, 170 |
Walton, Isaak | 68 |
Warbeck, Perkin | 17, 21 |
Watcombe, Will | 151, 154 |
Webb, Mr Aston | 54 |
Welch, W A | 218 |
Wesley, Samuel S | 24, 135 |
Westaway, W | 221 |
Westcote, Thomas | 150, 170, 176 |
Whiddon, Daniel | 113 |
Whitfield, H F | 86 |
Wichehalse, De, family | 151, 155 |
Wichehalse, Hugh | 155 |
Widgery | 77 |
William I | 10, 16, 63, 176 |
William III (of Orange) | 10, 21, 26, 38, 50, 107, 163 |
William IV | 50 |
Williams-Bassett, Mr C H | 143 |
Wills, Sir Frederick | 144 |
Wills, Messrs | 231 |
Winwaloe, Saint | 71 |
Wolcot, Dr (Peter Pindar) | 27, 68, 70 |
Wood, J B | 197 |
Woodward | 27 |
Wordsworth, William | 150 |
Worth, Mr R N | 86 |
Wren, Sir Christopher | 80 |
Wright, W H K | 86 |
Wyott, Philip | 168 |
Y | |
Young, George & Sons | 217 |
Z | |
Zucchiro | 34 |