


Name Index


The Shire of Sea Kings (3rd ed.)

London, Great Western Railway Co. (1912) 233 pp.

Prepared by Michael Steer

The Great Western Railway (GWR) linked London with the south-west and west of England and most of Wales. It was founded in 1833, The GWR was called by some "God's Wonderful Railway" and by others the "Great Way Round" but it was famed as the "Holiday Line", taking many people to English and Bristol Channel resorts in the West Country as well as the far south-west of England, for example to Torquay and Minehead in Devon and Newquay and St Ives in Cornwall. It promoted itself from 1908 as "The Holiday Line through a series of posters, postcards, jigsaw puzzles, and books. These latter included Holiday Haunts, describing the attraction of the different parts of the GWR system. The Shire of Sea Kings is one of these cheap, reasonably accessible guide books for holiday-makers. There is an extensive appendix of local amenities. This rare and much sought-after book was produced digitally by Google from a copy in the University of Illinois (Urbana, Champaign) Library collection and can be downloaded from HathiTrust. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.


Acland family141
Acland, Lady Harriet141
Acland, Sir Thomas Dyke152
Adelaide, Queen23
Ahsberg, Emil224
Albert, Prince54, 91
Alexandra, Queen233
Alfcoin, Abbot126
Alfred, King16, 21
Amory family134
Amory, Sir John134, 143
Andrew, H212
Anne, Queen15, 136, 155, 163
Armstrong, A V197
Arragon, Katherine of12, 88
Arthur, Prince31
Ashburton, Lord61, 119
Aslett, Dr197
Athelstan, King10, 16, 164
Audley family172
Austen, Jane37
Baldwin, Prudence125-6
Baldwin the Sheriff10, 16
Bampfylde family170
Banks, M L132
Baragwanarth-King, John77
Baring family33, 73, 120
Baring-Gould, Rev Sabine10, 17-8, 29-31, 41, 53-4, 56, 62-5, 68, 71, 73, 81, 93-4, 96, 101, 109-11, 116, 120, 124, 126, 130, 133-6, 142, 177
Baron, W L199
Bassett family162
Bath, Earl of136, 176
Bearne, A197
Beche, Sir H de la121
Becket, Thomas108, 170
Berlon, Peter23
Besant, Sir Walter42
Bevan, Cecil156
Bidder, George Parker111
Bird (L'Oisseau) family163
Bissett, Mr M F143
Black, Adam130
Black, Charles130
Blackall, Dr124
Blackmore & Sons206
Blackmore, R D25, 93, 110, 112, 129-30, 133, 134, 136, 139, 141, 150-1, 155, 157-8, 168-70, 176
Blake, Robert83, 86
Blampy (Blanchepied) family163
Blouet, Paul44
Blundell, Peter132, 219
Bodley, Thomas24
Bonaparte, Napoleon35, 41, 44, 81
Boringdon, Lord15
Bourchier family136, 164, 172
Bourchier, John136
Bourchier, Sir William176
Bourchier Wrey family172
Bowdler, Miss Harriett91
Bowen, Captain Richard172
Braddell, Mr197
Bray, Mrs91, 98
Brewer, Bill113
Brian, Guy de54
Brockman, Mr & Mrs W S225
Brooke, Rajah104
Browbeare, Arthur136
Browbeare, John136
Brown, William6, 91-4, 98, 100
Buckfast, Abbot of21, 69-70
Bull, Bishop136
Bulmer, Sir Beavis176
Buott, Mr S D229
Burney, Fanny15, 37, 90-1
Burritt, Elihu84
Bussel arms107
Bute, Marchioness of151
Buzacott (de Boursaquotte) family163
Canning, George86-7
Canute, King126
Carew, Bampfylde Moore134, 136
Carey, Captain172
Carnarvon, Dowager Countess of141
Carnarvon, Earl of139, 141, 148
Caroline, Queen15
Carrington, Noel Thomas94, 100-1
Carter Bros212
Carter, Miss224
Castlereagh, Lord80
Chadder, N206
Champernowne family64
Chanter, Miss Gratiana158
Chanter, Rev J F139
Chapman, Mr A197
Charles I14, 30, 54, 80, 106, 140, 172
Charles II30, 78, 88, 108, 126, 147, 162
Charles, Mrs97
Charlotte, Queen15, 80, 91, 171
Chesney family136
Chatto & Windus139
Chudleigh, Miss80, 112
Clarence, Duchess of23
Clarence, William Henry, Duke of87
Clarke, E F C219
Clay, Miss223
Clayden, A W93
Clymo, Mr & Mrs226
Cobleigh, Tom113
Colby, Thomas136
Coleridge, Lord29, 94, 100
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor109, 150-2
Collings, Miss212
Colwil, Mrs F H208
Commin, Mr James G77, 93, 100, 103, 132, 139
Condy, Henry Bollman40-1, 77
Cook, Samuel77-8
Coombes, Mrs224
Copp, Mr196
Cosway, Richard135-6
Courtenay arms107
Courtenay, Bishop20
Courtenay family34, 117, 133
Coutts, Baroness Burdett104
Coutts, Mr Thomas151
Coverdale, Miles24, 122
Cox & Son224
Crawford, R & Sons54
Cresswell, Mr B F94
Crossing, William93-4, 103
Dalby, Dr H E197
Dalkeith, Lady14
D'Arblay, Mr Alexander171
d'Arblay, Madame Fanny15, 170-1, 173
Dartmouth, Earl of54
Davenant, Sir William87-8
Davis, John5-6, 54, 61, 84
Davey, John136
Davy, Bartholomew136
Davy, Peter113
Dawes, A S197
De Luc, Mrs91
Denis, Dom Stephen128
Dennis family128
Dibden, Charles27
Doddington, Sir Philip172
Doone family139, 158
Doone, Lorna94, 129-30, 133, 139, 145, 150, 152, 155, 159, 162
Doran, Dr10, 12, 15
Drake family34
Drake, Sir Francisportrait, p. 4, 5-6, 34, 54, 83, 86-7, 98, 169
Drayton, Michael7, 86
Dredge, J H W214
Dunford, Martin136
Dunning, John61, 116, 119
Eastlake, Charles Locke77-8
Edgcumbe family85
Edinburgh, Duke of91, 213
Edmonds, Rev Chancellor17-9
Edward the Confessor18, 127
Edward I98, 117
Edward III52
Edward IV12, 16, 57
Edward VI98
Edward VII15, 45, 51, 60, 91, 170
Egremont, Earl of78
Elford family103
Elizabeth I5, 12, 24, 60, 84, 98, 143, 176
Englescheville, de arms107
Erridge, F B197
Evans, Mrs Rachael97
Evered, Mr Philip139
Exeter, Dukes of64
Fairfax, Sir Thomas71
Falcon, T A, MA93
Farr Ltd205
Ferrers arms107
Fisher, Arthur132
Foote, Maria23
Foote, Samuel23
Ford, John116, 120
Fortescue, Sir Edmund71
Fortescue family70
Fortescue, Lord143, 145
Fortibus, Countess Isabella20, 33
Foster, W R208
Fowell family117
Fox, George22
Fox-Strangways, Lady Christian Harriet Caroline141
Freeman, Dr Edward A9-11, 16-8
Frobisher, Sir Martin6, 83
Frost, Robert & Son214
Froude family64
Froude, James Anthony71, 116, 128
Froude, Venerable R H128
Fulford, Francis136
Fuller, Thomas7, 14
Garrick, David85-6
Gaunt, John of164
Gay (Le Gay) family163
Gay, John163
George II15
George III15, 21, 23, 26, 54, 80, 110, 136
George V232
Germany, Empress Frederick of45, 91
Gibbons, Grinling34
Giffard, William116, 119
Gilbert, Sir Humphrey5-6, 54, 60, 84
Gill, Mr172
Glanville family98
Glanville, Sir John98
Godwin, Earl18
Goldsmith, Oliver79
Gould, Sir F Carruthers163
Grantham, Mr Justice123
Gray, Mrs97
Greenway, Joan132
Greenway, John131-3
Greig, Mr Morland143
Grenville, Sir Richard5, 84, 166, 168
Groves, Hugh162
Gurney, Peter113
Hallam, Henry120
Hamilton, Dom Adam OSB128
Harold, King18
Harper & Bros15
Harrington, Countess of23
Hart, Solomon77-8
Harvey, Sir Robert65
Hawk, Harry113
Hawkins family84
Hawkins, Sir John5-6, 54, 86
Hawley, Alice55-6
Hawley, Joan55-6
Hawley, John55
Haydon, Benjamin Robert6, 38, 77-8, 87
Hayward, Abraham136
Hayward, H W206
Heathcoat, John134
Hele, Elize78
Hellier, Mrs L199
Hellier & Lee199
Hemans, Mrs114
Henrietta Maria, Queen (Mary)12, 14-5
Henry I12, 97
Henry II12
Henry VII12, 17, 21, 57
Henry VIII72, 85, 128, 136, 163
Herrick, Robert5, 7, 92-4, 115-6, 125-6
Hewling, Captain172
Hex, Frederick S220
Hilliard, Nicholas24, 77
Hobbs, Miss225
Holland family64
Holland, Robert57
Hook, Dean136
Hooker, Richard24
Howe, Lord27, 54
Huckaback, Reuben141, 151
Hudson. Thomas77-8
Hunt, Thomas14
Ilchester, Stephen Earl of141
Irwin, Miss Annie177
Jackson, William24
James I17, 150
Jeffreys, Judge22, 99
Jeffreys, Mrs40
Jenkins, H T222
Jervis, Sir John100
Jewell, Bishop163
Jewitt, Llewellyn86
Johns, A B77-8
Johnson, Dr Samuel79, 86
Jones, Captain A H197
Kean, Edmund24
Keary, Miss197
Keats, John6-7, 37-9
King, K197
King, Major Newton197
Kingsley, Charles93, 115-6, 122-3, 161, 165-6
Kingston, Duchess of80, 112
Kinsale, Lord71
Knight, H197
Lacy, Bishop, arms107
Lamb, Charles120
Langton, Stephen24
Laud, Archbishop108
Le Fevre, Mr John171
Leofric10, 18
Lewis & Rowdon214
Little, Mrs J F Willes197
Litson, Mr T151-2
Lloyd, James118
Louis XVI50
Louise, Princess47
Loveless, Henry206
Lowe, Sir Hudson22
Luny, Thomas40-1, 77
Lyde, Rev G113
Macaulay, Lord21, 128
Macclesfield, Lord107
Marlborough, Duke of77
Marsh, W197
Marshall, J A201
Martin family172
Martin, Sir William176
Matilda, Queen117
Matthews, Charles83
Matthews, H & Sons213
Matthews, J W197
Mayer, M Godefroy4
Meldrum, Mother158-9
Methuen, Messrs94
Mettersh, G E197
Mildmay family73
Mitchell, Admiral20
Monmouth, Geoffrey of9, 86
Morocco, Emperor of170
Morton, Lady13
Morton, Peter13
Mount Edgcumbe, Lord78, 85, 91
Moyle, J201
Muard, Pere127
Mudge, Dr Zachariah86
Mylrea, A197
Natter, Abbot Dom Boniface128
Nelder, C W202
Nelson, Horatio Lord23, 44, 70, 81, 86-7, 90, 93
Newcomen, Thomas52, 58
Newman, Sir Robert34
Newnes, Sir George154
Normandy, Duke Robert I120
Norris, Mr T G15
Northcote family117
Northcote, James77-8
Norway, Mr A H159
Ogar, Earl97
Oliver, Benjamin14
O'Rell, Max44
Orleans, Duke of13-4
Orleans, Henrietta Anne, Duchess of13-4
Osborne, Mr H J190
Ossory, Bishop of158
Page, John L W94, 176
Paish & Co223
Palk family117
Palk, Walter, Esq MP118, 123
Palmerston, Lord131
Parsons, J B209
Patch, Claus134
Pattison, Major Dunn197
Pearse, Tom113
Pembroke, Countess of92
Pengelly, William48
Penruddock, John162
Pepys, Mrs163
Petherick, J197
Philpotts, Eden93-4, 101
Poltimore family21
Pomeroy family120
Pope, Alexander163
Pope, Johannes117
Pope, Mr Sydney J200
Potter, Frank1
Praed, Winthrop Mackworth38
Prince, Rev John61
Prout, Samuel77-8
Quivil, Bishop Peter19
Raleigh, Sir Walter5, 57, 59, 84, 86, 166
Reynell family117
Reynell, Rev John107
Reynell, Sir Richard106
Reynolds, Sir Joshua27, 76-80, 85-6
Reynolds, Rev Samuel78
Richard I (Coeur de Lion)52
Richard II65
Richard III17
Richards, Dr132
Ridd, John136, 141, 151-2, 154, 158-9
Ripperda, Duke of170
Risdon, Tristram170
Roach (Roches) family163
Rodgers, Miss225
Roope, William57
Rosebery, Lord106
Ross, J & G203
Rowe, Mr J Brooking77
Rowe, Nicholas97
Rowe, Samuel MA93, 100
Russell family97
Russell, Parson Jack136, 139, 176
Russell, Lord William98
Russia, Grand Duke Nicholas of (Emperor)23
Salmon, Mr Arthur L38, 79, 99, 124
Saunders, F W197
Schonberg-Cotta family97
Seldon & Shobbrook199
Serafini, Dom Maurus128
Shakespeare, William17, 88
Sherborne, Bishops of36
Shiers, G197
Sidney, Sir Philip172
Slanning, Sir Nicholas80
Smith, F W201
Smith, Miss197
Smith & Son224
Snell, Mr F J130, 133, 139, 147, 155, 157-8, 161-2, 170, 176-7
Southey, Robert11-2, 20, 22, 27, 150-1, 159
Spratt, J205
Stanley, Mr E A143, 173
Stapleton, Bishop Walter117, 122
Stawell family117
Stewer, Jan113
Stickles, Jeremy151, 154
Stidston, E S197
St Michel family163
St Michel, Elizabeth163
Strode, William80
St Vincent, Lord45
Swears, Mr C J197
Sydenham family140
Sydenham, Major Sir George140
Symons, John & Co226
Temple, Archbishop Frederick19, 133, 135
Tennyson, Lord44, 140-1, 144
Thomas, Mr Burnard197
Thorne Bros218
Titela, Williemus117
Totenays, Judael de62
Tours, Martin of176
Townsend, James & Sons202
Tracy family176
Tracy, Sir William de108, 170, 173
Treadwell, Gaffer163
Trew, John20
Valletort, Lord91
Vernon, R Warren174
Victoria, Queen15, 22, 45, 51, 57, 85, 91, 136, 170
Vonier, Abbot Dom Anscar128
Wade, Colonel172
Wales, Prince of54, 170
Walton, Isaak68
Warbeck, Perkin17, 21
Watcombe, Will151, 154
Webb, Mr Aston54
Welch, W A218
Wesley, Samuel S24, 135
Westaway, W221
Westcote, Thomas150, 170, 176
Whiddon, Daniel113
Whitfield, H F86
Wichehalse, De, family151, 155
Wichehalse, Hugh155
William I10, 16, 63, 176
William III (of Orange)10, 21, 26, 38, 50, 107, 163
William IV50
Williams-Bassett, Mr C H143
Wills, Sir Frederick144
Wills, Messrs231
Winwaloe, Saint71
Wolcot, Dr (Peter Pindar)27, 68, 70
Wood, J B197
Wordsworth, William150
Worth, Mr R N86
Wren, Sir Christopher80
Wright, W H K86
Wyott, Philip168
Young, George & Sons217