


Surname Index


Ferny Combs: A ramble after ferns in the glens and valleys of Devonshire


Charlotte Chanter

London: Lovell Reeve (1856). illus, pp. ii, 147.

Prepared by Michael Steer

Charlotte Chanter (1828-1882) was the sister of Charles Kingsley and wife of John Mills Chanter, a well-known Victorian pteridologist (fern specialist) and incumbent of Holy Trinity Church, Ilfracombe. Such was the vogue for ferns that this book, published in 1856, reached its third edition the following year. Also a novelist, she wrote a best seller with the splendid title Over the Cliffs in 1860. This rare and much sought-after book was produced digitally from a copy in the Bodleian Library collection and can be downloaded from Google Books. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.


Adams, Arthur FLS142
Archer, Thomas C Esq122
Badham, Dr126
Belcher, Captain Sir Edward, CB, FRGS141-2
Bell, Thomas141
Boutell, Rev C, MA144
Cathcart, J F Esq125
Catlow, Agnes123, 144
Catlow, Miss Maria E133, 137, 143
Cruikshank, George141
Curtis, John, FLS133
Daubeny, Dr, FRS121
Downes, J Esq94
Edwards, H, LLD143
Elizabeth I57
Fitch, Mr W119, 123, 125, 127, 129-30
Forbes, Prof Edward, FRS126, 134, 142
Gardner, George MD, FLS138
Gosse, Mr P H2, 136
Gray, John Edward, FRS142
Halliday, Mr9
Hanley, Mr134
Harvey, William Henry, MD, MRIA120, 127-8
Hawkins, B Waterhouse FLS132
Herries, Sir William11
Hooker, Joseph Dalton MD, FRS129, 144
Hooker, Sir William J, FRS119, 124-6, 130-1
Hoskyns, Chandos Wren141
Hussey, Mrs131
Jeffreys, Judge44
Jones, Miss10
Jukes, J Beete, FGS140
Kellett, Captain, RN, CB128, 139, 142
Knight, Mr13
Landsborough, Rev Dr David, ALS120, 127, 137
Latham, R G, MD, FRS139
Lindsay, W Lauder, MD119, 121
Longmuir, Rev J144
Lovelace, Lord17
Lyons, John Charles131
Mann, Robert James143
Mole, Farmer12
Mole, Robert94
Moore, Mr Thomas, FLS70, 72, 76, 81, 85, 94, 97, 100-1, 119, 123
Newman, Mr94
Newton, Sir Isaac143
Owen, Professor141
Reeve, Mr Lovell, FLS119, 121, 134-5, 141-2
Richardson, Sir John, FRS141-2
Roberts, Miss Mary120, 130, 136
Ross, Captain Sir J C, FRS129
Rowe, Mrs51
Salter, J W141
Sanders, J128
Seemann, Dr Berthold, FLS121, 128, 139
Smith, Charles H G140
Sowerby, G B, FLS120, 134, 144
Sowerby, Henry132
Stainton, H T132
Stark, R M119, 130, 144
Thomson, Thomas, MD, FLS138
Thomson, Professor Wyville144
Walker, Francis, FLS132
Wallace, Alfred R Esq139
Ward, Mr102
White, Adam, FLS132, 136, 142, 144
Wing, W120
Wollaston, Mr76, 81
Woods, Joseph, FLS130